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panamausa | joined #tikiwiki | [00:28] | |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Calendar Weirdness - https://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=58389
New Forum Posts: Invalid Database Error Message on 12.4 to 12.6 upgrade - https://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=58385 New Forum Posts: What means "Up to 11"? - https://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58382 | [01:30] | |
New Forum Posts: Calendar Weirdness - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=58389
New Forum Posts: Invalid Database Error Message on 12.4 to 12.6 upgrade - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=58385 New Forum Posts: What means "Up to 11"? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58382 | [01:40] | ||
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Tiki-KGB | 03chibaguy r57536 10branches/15.x/lang/ja/language.php
[FIX] Added some contributed string translations (by Lauren Mariko Cunningham-Lee). | [11:36] | |
jonnyb | polom polom | [11:38] | |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r57537 10(16 files in 8 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 57526 to 57536 | [11:40] | |
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Tiki-KGB | 03gezzzan r57538 10branches/15.x/templates/admin/admin_navbar.tpl * [FIX] list item should be inside the foreach, better for bootstrap
03gezzzan r57539 10branches/15.x/templates/admin/include_i18n.tpl * [FIX] missing permission check, adding upload translation button | [12:24] | |
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polom | [12:25] | |
jonnyb | polom chibaguy | [12:26] | |
chibaguy | hi jonnyb | [12:26] | |
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Jyhem | polom
hi chibaguy | [13:05] | |
chibaguy | hi Jyhem | [13:05] | |
Jyhem | chibaguy: I've been wondering about the new boostrapped themes
Are they a work in progress or done? | [13:08] | |
chibaguy | Still in progress, but some are pretty close. | [13:09] | |
Jyhem | Namely, I wonder if the wiki-syntax titles are going to get smaller/less black
example: https://themes.tiki.org/Layout+Templates | [13:09] | |
chibaguy | Do you mean the headings? | [13:10] | |
Jyhem | They look huger than anything else on the page. i find it a bit jarring. I considered starting with !! or !!! instead of ! but display should not dictate structure
yes, the h1, h2, h3 I get with !, !! or !!! I feel the headings are so much bigger than the actual text, they detract from getting a global feel of the page | [13:11] | |
leagris | joined #tikiwiki | [13:13] | |
chibaguy | Yeah, I've thought the size difference has been pretty big in Tiki, but it also is in Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com/css/#type-headings
I don't recall about the new themes offhand, but will check. | [13:13] | |
Jyhem | It's in fivealive-lite/grape. fivealive-lite is our default, or is it fivealive? | [13:16] | |
chibaguy | Fivealive-lite is used on the project sites, but I believe default Bootstrap is the default theme for new installs. | [13:17] | |
Jyhem | Well, the idea of dogfood is, our sites must look good, so others benefit from it, anyway.
| [13:18] | |
chibaguy | Ok, I'll check into reducing the size difference. | [13:21] | |
Jyhem | https://doc.tiki.org/Bootstrap+Grid+in+Wiki+Syntax?page_ref_id=4949 looks not as bad, but it uses mainly !!, only one !. But headings are still bigger than anything else on the page
bootstrap does have a big page header, but maybe it's all an effect of using color rgb(51,51,51) while we have pitch black? | [13:21] | |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [13:24] | |
Jyhem_laptop_ | joined #tikiwiki | [13:25] | |
mose1 | joined #tikiwiki | [13:25] | |
chibaguy | On https://themes.tiki.org/Layout+Templates, I see more than one h1 in the page. AFAIK the page title should be h1 and all other headings h2 or smaller. | [13:25] | |
janb | joined #tikiwiki | [13:25] | |
Jyhem | I'm really out of my league on the front of helpful suggestions, I'm afraid. I'm just glad you agree there's an issue :-/ | [13:25] | |
chibaguy | I'd suggest not using h1 in the wiki text, unless it's functioning as the page title. | [13:26] | |
redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [13:26] | |
chibaguy | That will help reduce the "big headings" appearance somewhat. | [13:26] | |
jonnyb | repolom | [13:27] | |
Jyhem | Hmm, I thought the h1 was the pagetitle, and the wiki parser would take care of downgrading ! to h2, !! to h3 when we have automatic pagetitle display, and get back to normal when pagetitle is switched off
hi jonnyb | [13:27] | |
jonnyb | isn't that dependent on the show page title pref? (in which case it looks like it's broken) | [13:29] | |
Jyhem | My point exactly. I expected the show page title pref to handle this and I see all my "!"s are h1 on https://themes.tiki.org/Layout+Templates | [13:31] | |
chibaguy | Ah, I didn't realize that was broken. | [13:31] | |
Jyhem | joined #tikiwiki | [13:33] | |
refizul | joined #tikiwiki | [13:33] | |
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polom | [15:11] | |
jonnyb | pompom amette_ | [15:12] | |
amette_ | Just to add to the earlier discussion: yes, I (and basically anyone I have shown a Tiki to) feel our headings are too big - yes, I remember that a long time ago I looked it up in the code that the show page title pref handled the correct rendering of ! to h1 or h2 - and, uhm, yes, I think that's it. :)
heyho jonnyb :) | [15:12] | |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [15:17] | |
amette_ | Is there a possibility to show some tracker fields only when having selected a certain option in another tracker field?
What I mean is: I have a tracker for Locations and when creating tracker items and I select "Location type: hotel" from my drop down, I want to unhide the fields for "Rating" and "Amount of double-bed rooms". For every other type of location I don't need those fields. | [15:21] | |
chibaguy | hi amette_ . I think most of Tiki's themes use the same typography as default Bootstrap, so the headings might look big, but apparently that's a popular look. | [15:25] | |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [15:26] | |
amette_ | hi chibaguy :)
Yes, that is kind of a conundrum to me... why does it look "bad" only in Tiki and not anywhere else? I think that's the same feeling that Jyhem also mentioned earlier. | [15:26] | |
chibaguy | This page has some ideas (that I didn't read) but the text size is larger than ours, not so much smaller than the headings: http://typecast.com/blog/a-more-modern-scale-for-web-typography . | [15:27] | |
amette_ | I'm happy that we apparantly don't have the huuge amounts of space below the headings any more, that helps already, I think. | [15:27] | |
chibaguy | I'll do some checking around, for more ideas and examples. | [15:27] | |
amette_ | Cool, cheers! :) | [15:28] | |
chibaguy | http://type-scale.com/ - Wow, people seem to like big headings. | [15:29] | |
amette_ | lol, yep, looks like it :D
Maybe it is that in Tiki there are so many modules around and the page is way more "fragmented"? type-scale.com is more like a classic print page, without stuff around, so the heading can be that dominant without looking too weird. (even though I think it is a tad too big ;) ) | [15:29] | |
chibaguy | But it seems to me on actual sites, like nytimes.com or reuters.com, the big headings aren't so big.
(by 'actual' I mean not design sites but content-centered ones, such as news sites.) | [15:31] | |
amette_ | Yep, indeed, I agree. | [15:32] | |
j0n3 | joined #tikiwiki | [15:43] | |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [15:44] | |
Jyhem | polom back | [15:47] | |
amette_ | remoloq
no, moloqbw it should be... well, never mind *g* | [15:47] | |
Jyhem | Jyhem thinks people who have next to no content favor big headings and the default bootstrap | [15:48] | |
amette_ | amette_ favours the default bootstrap theme, too - it's so beautifully clean, simple, slick, stylish, minimalistic and whatnot
I don't favour the big headings though. :) | [15:49] | |
Jyhem | but nothing else on our sites follows default bootstrap (modules, header, footer, etc), so the headings should not be the single thing which follows default bootstrap sizes
nytimes don't follow default bootstrap either, because they have content :) | [15:49] | |
amette_ | Hmm, that's true... or maybe everything else should follow default bootstrap, too? | [15:50] | |
Jyhem | you can forget about modules if you follow default bootstrap sizes | [15:50] | |
amette_ | hmm, ok, that's the thing I mentioned earlier, got you - I was thinking about the default theme in Tiki (which is also named "default bootstrap") | [15:51] | |
Jyhem | ohh, my "default bootstrap" mentions were not about the themes :-/
Now I wonder why themes are separate from layouts… Shouldn't a theme writer choose one layout? (one of these is also called something boostrap) | [15:53] | |
amette_ | I know this is commercial, but I have to show it again - we can try to learn from it at least - it is like Tiki and it is bootstrap and it is beautiful: https://themes.getbootstrap.com/products/application
And to be honest: it's broken for me right now... I only see a dark background...?! You can go on the main page to see a screenshot at least, if it is broken for you, too. Ah, it tries to load the CSS over HTTP and my chromium blocks that, since it's an HTTPs page. :-/ | [15:57] | |
Jyhem | yup, all dark in FF as well | [16:01] | |
amette_ | And yes, I have been wondering about the correlation of layout and themes, too. It's hard to build themes that look good with all layouts, but at the end of the day I think it should be the site admins choice and not the theme creators which layout to use. | [16:02] | |
Jyhem | yes, the site looks good, but the contents page has no big headings | [16:04] | |
amette_ | yep | [16:04] | |
Jyhem | and the docs page has them, but loses everything else on the saides
s/saides/sides | [16:04] | |
amette_ | yep | [16:05] | |
Right... disabling HTTPS Everywhere for the site and loading it non-encrypted makes it work: http://themes.getbootstrap.com/products/application | [16:10] | ||
chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki | [16:19] | |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r57540 10branches/15.x/lib/core/Search/Elastic/QueryBuilder.php
[FIX] search: Improve exact and quoted text search results for elasticsearch. Not 100% perfect (to retain support for elastic v1.x) but adding the AND operator at least makes most phrases match more accurately. MySQL and Lucene seem to be ok in this respect already (thanks marclaporte) | [16:22] | |
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chibaguy | With our themes, I tried to make them at least useable and hopefully also attractive enough in each layout. But some may be suited more for one layout than another.
About Tiki modules and Bootstrap, the modules use Bootstrap's panel div, so there should be good compatibility with Bootstrap appearance overall. | [16:47] | |
Jyhem | yup, nice job chibaguy. I like the modules, and how they move down and enlarge in small screens | [16:52] | |
chibaguy | They don't have any set width now. For a few Tiki versions, they had a max width, but now the size depends on their containing grid div.
Unless the width is set specifically. | [16:53] | |
Jyhem | yes
Jyhem never was a fan of fixed width anyway :) | [16:53] | |
chibaguy | :-)
talk to you later. Time for sleep here. | [16:55] | |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r57541 10branches/15.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[FIX] trackers: When (for what ever reason) more than one tracker field is set to be the title, use the first one in the order the fields have been saved in (thanks marclaporte) 03jonnybradley r57542 10(6 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 57536 to 57541 03jonnybradley r57543 10branches/ 1014.x 1014.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php [bp/r57541][FIX] trackers: When (for what ever reason) more than one tracker field is set to be the title, use the first one in the order the fields have been saved in (thanks marclaporte) | [16:58] | |
03jonnybradley r57544 10branches/ 1012.x 1012.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[bp/r57543][bp/r57541][FIX] trackers: When (for what ever reason) more than one tracker field is set to be the title, use the first one in the order the fields have been saved in (thanks marclaporte) | [17:08] | ||
amette_ | hmmm, seems I'm late... chibaguy's gone...
... but I have a problem with the module width you guys were talking about... ... I have a non-bootstrap menu in a module and it is wider than the module/column... ... so what is that "containing grid div" that chiba mentioned? | [17:10] | |
jonnyb | hi amette_ | [17:12] | |
amette_ | hi jonnyb :) | [17:12] | |
jonnyb | there's a module param called containing class (or something) where you can set the class for the overall container div for a module
should appear in teh "apperance" tab when you edit it | [17:12] | |
amette_ | yep, got it "Containing Class - Custom CSS class of div around the module."
So I set any class name there and then set a fixed width in custom CSS code or what is the idea here? Hmmm, ok, yes, that works, but then overlaps the middle column. And jonnyb : did you see my question earlier today regarding "dynamic display of tracker fields" or however one would call it? [15:23:17] amette_: What I mean is: I have a tracker for Locations and when creating tracker items and I select "Location type: hotel" from my drop down, I want to unhide the fields for "Rating" and "Amount of double-bed rooms". I meanwhile suppose there is no such thing and that would be a custom JQuery?! | [17:13] | |
jonnyb | 1 min pls... | [17:19] | |
amette_ | np, take your time :) | [17:19] | |
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Hmm, ok, the menu I could work around by shortening one of the menu items - would still be interested in what this containing div is supposed to help with. | [17:34] | ||
There are amazingly weird bugs in Tiki.... when setting "show_go_button=n" on the search module, the search function does not find pages by their title any more. o.O | [17:45] | ||
jonnyb | Re the "dynamic display of tracker fields" Xavi made a good page of how to do exactly that somewhere, let me see if i can find it... | [17:48] | |
amette_ | Ooooh, that would be _awesome_! :) | [17:49] | |
jonnyb | amette_: not suire this was the page i was thinking of but if has qiuite a few examples: https://doc.tiki.org/PluginJq#Conditional_display_of_fields
have to go and do some real world stuff now, maybe back later.... | [18:03] | |
amette_ | Awesomes! That looks exactly like what I was looking for! Many thanks, jonnyb ! :) | [18:04] | |
jonnyb | super, good luck! :) | [18:04] | |
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