[02:09] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [02:39] nelsonko joined #tikiwiki [03:21] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [03:39] nelsonko left #tikiwiki [05:04] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r57784 10branches/15.x/themes/ 03greenvalley/images/box_header_bg.png 10greenvalley/less/bootstrap-variables.less 10greenvalley/css/greenvalley.css 10greenvalley/less/tiki-selectors.less [05:04] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Fix appearance of module header background when the module is wider; correct background color of wiki preview. [05:22] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r57785 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10(7 files in 7 dirs) * [FIX] Correct wiki edit preview background color. [10:12] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r57786 10branches/ 1015.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-modules.less 1015.x/templates/modules/mod-logo.tpl 1015.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css [10:12] Tiki-KGB [FIX] No white space between site logo and title in fresh install (previous fix didn't seem to be effective). [10:38] Tiki-KGB 03gezzzan r57787 10branches/ 1015.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-modules.less 1015.x/templates/modules/mod-login_box.tpl 1015.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css [10:38] Tiki-KGB [FIX][UX] in popup mode for languages other than english the space might not be enough to display labels before the input fields, so put back labels above the fields [10:48] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r57788 10branches/15.x/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl [10:48] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Style links for navigation appropriately (give user clue that they will leave the page). [11:20] amette_ joined #tikiwiki [11:39] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [11:42] j0n3 joined #tikiwiki [12:05] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [12:13] Tiki|bot joined #tikiwiki [12:14] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Doubts on how to populate the shared address book - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58637 [12:14] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: How to hide the settings button in webmail? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58636 [12:38] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [12:38] chibaguy polom [12:51] amette_ polom chibaguy [12:52] chibaguy hi amette_ [12:54] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r57789 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10(52 files in 51 dirs) * [FIX] Correct color of labels in login dropdown; misc. other color improvements. [12:55] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Doubts on how to populate the shared address book - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58637 [12:55] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: How to hide the settings button in webmail? - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58636 [12:55] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Upgrading of Tiki.org sites to Tiki 15 - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58629 [13:05] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Doubts on how to populate the shared address book - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58637 [13:05] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: How to hide the settings button in webmail? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58636 [13:05] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Upgrading of Tiki.org sites to Tiki 15 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58629 [13:15] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: regression problem in Tiki15 with IMG plugin in the last 48 hours - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58638 [13:18] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [13:24] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r57790 10branches/15.x/templates/tiki-view_forum.tpl [13:24] Tiki-KGB [FIX] New post link actually triggers action with no page navigation so should be a button. [13:25] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Regression problem in Tiki15 with popup 'Action' boxes in the last 48 hours - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58639 [13:52] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57791 10branches/15.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php [13:52] Tiki-KGB [FIX] img plugin: Type needs to be reset now when viewing all images in a file gallery (thanks Geoff) [13:56] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57792 10branches/15.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php [13:56] Tiki-KGB [FIX] img plugin: Type parameter is not mandatory or even set by default (thanks again Geoff) [14:13] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [14:55] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: FW: The tracker item "edit screens underlap the right hand column when the width is increased" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by gezza. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58646 [15:04] chibaguy Hmm, the theme parameter for module visibility doesn't seem to work in branch 15. [15:23] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [15:52] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57793 10branches/15.x/themes/jqui/options/haus/css/haus.css * [FIX] haus: Button link colour [15:55] baalu joined #tikiwiki [15:55] baalu hi [15:56] baalu hello [15:56] baalu are you there? [16:25] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: FW: The tracker item "edit screens underlap the right hand column when the width is increased" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by gezza. - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58646 [16:25] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Regression problem in Tiki15 with popup 'Action' boxes in the last 48 hours - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58639 [16:25] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: regression problem in Tiki15 with IMG plugin in the last 48 hours - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58638 [16:35] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: FW: The tracker item "edit screens underlap the right hand column when the width is increased" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by gezza. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58646 [16:35] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Regression problem in Tiki15 with popup 'Action' boxes in the last 48 hours - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58639 [16:35] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: regression problem in Tiki15 with IMG plugin in the last 48 hours - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58638 [16:44] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57794 10branches/15.x/lib/core/Search/ContentSource/UserSource.php * [FIX] search: User creation_date was in a different place [16:50] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r57795 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10base_files/less/tiki-miscellaneous_global.less 10base_files/css/tiki_base.css [16:50] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Expanded textarea in center column should display above (on top of) right column. (Z-index property added - keep watch for side-effects). [16:50] jonnyb hey chibaguy - are you around? [16:52] chibaguy Hi jonnyb [16:53] jonnyb guess what, i have a LESS thing going on :) [16:53] chibaguy Oh, really? [16:54] jonnyb i have some changes to themes/base_files/less/tiki-selectors.less i need to recompile but when i do it seems to roll back https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/57789 [16:54] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r57796 10branches/15.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-selectors.less [16:54] Tiki-KGB [FIX] To correct login dropdown color; also make div.table-responsive border color theme-specific (same as panel-default border color). [16:56] jonnyb quite annoying, i was just thinking i sort of had LESS under control ;) [16:56] chibaguy Hmm. What if you rename your tiki-selectors.less and then svn up to replace it, and make the changes on that version. (Sounds kludgy but what I do sometimes to kind of start fresh.) Does that make sense? [16:58] chibaguy Maybe related, I noticed some compiling changes I think after I updated npm and all its packages here: color codes that were full length were replaced by the shorter version: #ffffff to #fff. I should add that I still haven't been able to use php to compile; still using node.js. [16:58] jonnyb i reverted my changes (they're safe in the local history ;) ) and just added a single blank line and it still does it [16:58] jonnyb aha, i was looking for what had done that - i'm using the tiki one (i tihnk) [16:58] jonnyb did you update your less? [16:59] chibaguy Yes, I believe it was updated also. [16:59] jonnyb actually no, i seem to be using /usr/local/bin/lessc [17:00] chibaguy The program for the file watcher in PhpStorm is ...npm\lessc.cmd . [17:01] chibaguy Which I've been using all along with PhpStorm. [17:01] chibaguy I can do the php compile from a command line but haven't managed to get it to work with PhpStorm. [17:04] Tiki-KGB 03ameoba32 r57797 10branches/14.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php [17:04] Tiki-KGB [bp/r57770][FIX] Plugin img don’t reset properly if image source is changed https://dev.tiki.org/item5838 [17:04] chibaguy Apparently using Less 3.8.1 here. [17:06] jonnyb aha, i seem to have version 2.4.0 only [17:06] jonnyb and i can't remember how i installed it now ;) [17:06] jonnyb brb [17:09] chibaguy Ah, I committed a less file that I think I missed, earlier, if that could be involved (Added it late, in r57796). [17:09] chibaguy So maybe your compile was missing that file's changes. [17:10] chibaguy Or something like that. [17:10] chibaguy Going to shower. Will be back soon. [17:10] jonnyb that's what i was wondering [17:10] jonnyb ok, thanks [18:16] Tiki-KGB 03ameoba32 r57798 10branches/15.x/lib/ 10tiki-js.js 10parser/parserlib.php [18:16] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Formatting of dynamic variables no longer allows them to be inline https://dev.tiki.org/item5831 [18:16] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57799 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10(34 files in 34 dirs) [18:16] Tiki-KGB [FIX] themes: Recompile the CSS files without any changes to the LESS files - mainly an addition in r57794 (other phantom changes went away once i had upgraded my lessc to v2.6.1, thanks chibaguy) [18:20] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57800 10branches/ 10(36 files in 36 dirs) [18:20] Tiki-KGB [FIX] search: Make elasticsearch highlighting look the same as mysql and legacy search [18:36] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: FW: The tracker item "edit screens underlap the right hand column when the width is increased" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by gezza. - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58646 [18:36] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Regression problem in Tiki15 with popup 'Action' boxes in the last 48 hours - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58639 [18:36] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: regression problem in Tiki15 with IMG plugin in the last 48 hours - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58638 [18:46] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: FW: The tracker item "edit screens underlap the right hand column when the width is increased" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by gezza. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58646 [18:46] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Regression problem in Tiki15 with popup 'Action' boxes in the last 48 hours - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58639 [18:46] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: regression problem in Tiki15 with IMG plugin in the last 48 hours - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58638 [19:06] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57801 10branches/15.x/tiki-index.php [19:06] Tiki-KGB [FIX] prefixalias: Allow urls like product-42-name+of+the+product to work with prefix alias, and stop redirecting the page to an ugly url like product?itemId=42 (so we don't need to do this in .htaccess any more) [19:18] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57802 10branches/ 1015.x/templates/canonical.tpl 1015.x/tiki-index.php * [FIX] prefixalias: Make canonical URL right when using prefixalias [19:26] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: The tracker item "formatting of dynamic variables no longer allows them to be inline" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by Constantin B. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58653 [19:56] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r57803 10branches/15.x/tiki-index.php * [FIX] prefixalias: Handle page not found again [20:23] Jyhem_laptop joined #tikiwiki [20:28] Jyhem pom pom pom [20:57] jonnyb pompom Jyhem [21:04] Tiki-KGB 03ameoba32 r57804 10branches/15.x/modules/mod-func-last_youtube_playlist_videos.php [21:04] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Update module last_youtube_playlist_videos to v3 api https://dev.tiki.org/item5824 [21:07] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Upgrade to 14.2 and images will no longer center using tiki formatting? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58654 [21:38] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Upgrade to 14.2 and images will no longer center using tiki formatting? - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58654 [21:38] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: The tracker item "formatting of dynamic variables no longer allows them to be inline" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by Constantin B. - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58653 [21:38] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: FW: The tracker item "edit screens underlap the right hand column when the width is increased" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by gezza. - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58646 [21:43] Jyhem_ joined #tikiwiki [21:48] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Upgrade to 14.2 and images will no longer center using tiki formatting? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=58654 [21:48] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: The tracker item "formatting of dynamic variables no longer allows them to be inline" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by Constantin B. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58653 [21:48] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: FW: The tracker item "edit screens underlap the right hand column when the width is increased" of tracker "Bugs & Wish list" was commented on by gezza. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58646 [22:49] amette_ left #tikiwiki [23:23] Jyhem_laptop joined #tikiwiki