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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Fatal error while trying to rebuild search index -
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New Forum Posts: Fatal error while trying to rebuild search index -
New Forum Posts: Mathematical calculation on tracker column -
New Forum Posts: Relations and attributes definitions should be in code? -
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Fatal error while trying to rebuild search index -
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New Forum Posts: Relations and attributes definitions should be in code? -
New Forum Posts: Fatal error while trying to rebuild search index -
New Forum Posts: Mathematical calculation on tracker column -
New Forum Posts: Relations and attributes definitions should be in code? -
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tracker item link question -
New Forum Posts: Tracker item link question -
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New Forum Posts: Fatal error while trying to rebuild search index -
New Forum Posts: Mathematical calculation on tracker column -
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Hello. Can I ask about languages that go across the page the other way from english?
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Righ to Left (RTL) language Themes -
New Forum Posts: Righ to Left (RTL) language Themes -
JWC: Oh! there is my forum post, there twice because I got an error message saying it had no thread ... hey ho.
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r57852 10branches/15.x/lib/jquery_tiki/autoToc.js
[FIX] sutotoc: Remove nav-tabs class and role from the scrollspy list, not needed and misleading as they're not tabs (thanks chibaguy)
03jonnybradley r57853 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/autoToc.js 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 57848 to 57852
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Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r57854 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10(36 files in 36 dirs) * [FIX] Inline code styling: border added. Also Dark Shine theme details.
03chibaguy r57855 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10base_files/css/tiki_base.css 10base_files/less/tiki-wikipages_and_plugins.less * [FIX] Adjust autotoc CSS following removal of .nav-tabs class.
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fabricius: Hello JWC
JWC: Hello fabricius
fabricius: Bernard, one of our Admins, is from Israel. As far as I am very sure ;-) he has some good experience with rtl language, as Hebrew is rtl aswell
I have seen Gary's answer about the one rtl css file in the greenvalley theme
it should not be hard to copy-paste this file (in case it is a seperate file) to any other theme to the same analog place nd to find out, how (with which lie of code in which file) this file is included in greenvalley
possibly, if this is found, the whole lot can be a 5 minutes copy/paste thingi, but I do not know how long it needs to find it ... so ask Bernard, he might know spot on (hopefully)
in my opinion, rtl should be included in all themes by default and I am surprised that it is not
I hoe that helps you a bit further JWC
JWC: I'm not sure but will have a look. Appologies i switched my attention to another project and haven't followed up on Gary's suggestion yet. Glad to hear you think it worth looking at. Can I ask about tiki 14? Should I be updating to that?
I will indeed contact Bernard. Are his contact details on the tiki community site?
fabricius: you should definitely start any new development not below Tiki 14 ... existing sites can already upgrade to 14, but need to consider new themeing, if they use custom themes - default (legacy) themes are all bootstrapped and work smoothly - new developments might want to start with 15, as it is in beta and soon will be fully released
You can catch him here in the chat on most f the days as Bsfez and you should be able to find him with the same user name on - internal message I would try there
JWC: My project started in 12 but hasn't really taken off enough for it matter about a re-theme at this point. 14 is stable and all that?
fabricius: backup your database and upgrade to 14 ... this is stable release and fully bootstrapped. 15 has still few bugs here and there and you should be well adopted and active in the community if you would want to dare to use a prerelease version on production sites ... upgrade from 14 to 15 later will be a very smooth thing
JWC: Thanks for all that. V Useful. Got to go now (family) - the master project among many competing. I will post what I learn about rtl in the forum and maybe add to the documentation ;-J
fabricius: if you make use of trackers and want to use tablesorter you should definitely upgrade to 15 and then use plugin LIST with tablesorter instead of trackerlist with tablesorter ... for specific things like that you need 15 and I am confident enough to recommend that
you are welcome at any time
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Switchable checkbox in wiki pages? -
New Forum Posts: Tiki 15.x -
New Forum Posts: Switchable checkbox in wiki pages? -
New Forum Posts: Right to Left (RTL) language Themes -
New Forum Posts: Tiki 15.x -
New Forum Posts: Switchable checkbox in wiki pages? -
New Forum Posts: Right to Left (RTL) language Themes -
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tiki 15.x -
New Forum Posts: Switchable checkbox in wiki pages? -
New Forum Posts: Right to Left (RTL) language Themes -
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tiki 15.x -
New Forum Posts: Switchable checkbox in wiki pages? -
New Forum Posts: Right to Left (RTL) language Themes -
nelsonko: amette amette_ ping
amette_: nelsonko : pong
nelsonko: can you add my key to the amse es server
amette_: sure, hang on
nelsonko : go ahead
nelsonko: it
it is still asking me for my pw
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r57856 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * latest tablesorter version 2.25.5
03gezzzan r57857 10branches/15.x/templates/ 10freetag.tpl 04wiki_authors_style.tpl 10tiki-editpage.tpl
[FIX][UX] applying 1/3 label - 2/3 input ratio for wiki page properties tab. I know it might be too late and probably should not have done, but it is such a core thing at is was still looking so messy.. feel free to roll back if you think otherwise