Tiki-KGB: [bp/r58401] [ENH] French translation in lang/fr/language.php and lang/fr/language.js
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Tiki-KGB: 03olinuxx r58404 10branches/12.x/ 10lang/fr/language.js 10lang/fr/language.php
[bp/r58401] [ENH] French translation in lang/fr/language.php and lang/fr/language.js
olinuxx: Hope that is fine :)
Jyhem: olinuxx: Anonymous can access tiki-logout.php and that will probably do the usual, such as delete session variables. Of course, Anonymous keeps being Anonymous after that. Same thing when you do SSO using weird windows environment vars in intranets. You can't be logged out, but you can reset your session, which might be useful.
-: Jyhem going to bed now, bb
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jonnyb: hi xavidp, olinuxx and all
olinuxx: o/ jonnyb , how are things ?
jonnyb: fine thanks, quite glad it's friday! ;)
olinuxx: :)
jonnyb: I sent a request to the BBB guys to see if we can get our server updated to the html5 version, so fingers crossed for next month
also there were some comments re translations and i think we should have a special [TRA] tag for translations because they're so different from other code changes
plus the rules on backporting are much more flexible because strings might only be in an old branch and not in newer ones... i'm sure there should be a page on dev about all this
olinuxx: jonnyb, ok, thanks for having asked to question re: translation. I'll start using [TRA] on my next push then.
jonnyb: hmm, just replied that the tiki sites were ok , but then got the no db error on dev :( so something's not quite right today
can you update the dev page, i'll do the same in the changes.txt file (eventually)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58405 10branches/15.x/lib/init/initlib.php
[FIX] container: Add the Tiki version string to the container and check before using the one from the cache to avoid fatal errors on upgrades. Should address wish5915, thanks Geoff
03jonnybradley r58406 10(5 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 58399 to 58405
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58407 10branches/15.x/templates/footer.tpl
[FIX] noscript: Disable the alert to allow js detect to run again when in the installer - could not reproduce now but the installer won't work properly without js now, so this message would be irrelevant anyway
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58408 10branches/15.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl * [FIX] installer: Stray closing div tag
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Tiki-KGB: 03dlucio r58409 10trim/src/env_setup.php * harmless slash
03dlucio r58410 10trim/Makefile * new option into Makefile
03jonnybradley r58411 10branches/15.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl
[FIX] installer: Fix clean install notices and password change redirect (seems to be valled "scratch" for some reason) - thanks Geoff
03jonnybradley r58412 10branches/15.x/templates/tiki-change_password.tpl
[FIX] installer: Fix password matching code on submit (match_pass() doesn't seem to exists any more?)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58413 10branches/15.x/tiki-check.php * [FIX] check: Notices (but only on a clean install - thanks Geoff)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58414 10branches/ 1015.x/tiki-check.php 1015.x/lib/setup/prefs.php 1015.x/templates/tiki-check.tpl
[FIX] check: Don't show file gallery indexing info when the feature is disabled, and make sure it is properly disabled by default - thanks Geoff
03jonnybradley r58415 10(8 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 58405 to 58414
nelsonko: jonnyb: doc.tiki.org saying something like error detecting javascript for me - is that expected from yesterday's commits?
I saw the same thing on the last page of the installer (fresh install) like Geoff too
jonnyb: i think i fixed the installer thing, will have a look at doc (maybe i got it wrong)
seems ok for me - do you have a javascript_enabled=y cookie?
nelsonko ^^
nelsonko: looks ok once I accept it, i.e. click "OK"
hmm it's back
I have in my console: "Documentation:1942 Uncaught ReferenceError: setCookieBrowser is not defined"
jonnyb: another thing for tiki 16 - do a new js detect system, that one's never worked properly (i reckon using ajax to set a session var would be best)
nelsonko: maybe I got old js cached
jonnyb: hmm, it's in footer.tpl so i doubt that...
nelsonko: what does javascript_enabled_detect=2 mean?
jonnyb: that it's failed to set the cookie using js twice
i renamed it a while ago, it used to be called something rather random
it tried three times then decides that js is disabled
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58416 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/prefs/feature.php 1015.x/lib/prefs/search.php
[FIX] search: Maybe feature_search enabled by default (using the mysql engine), and make some of the result checkboxes show on basic prefs view (and add a couple of missing dependencies)
nelsonko: I bet you it will be solved if I clear my cache (it works in an incognito window)
but I'm trying to avoid doing that
ok - seems to have resolved itself now
don't know why it takes so many tries
jonnyb: so is it not setting the javascript_enabled cookie for you?
nelsonko: it's now become javascript_enabled_detect=deleted
I mean the set-cookie header
the cookie I presented javascript_enabled=y
jonnyb: i've been adding more and more exceptions to the test, like if it's tiki-download_file.php or some of the php /js files it won't set the cookie, so before it was a bit random as to how many hits we needed to make sure that js was disabled
good, that sounds right now - odd it wasn't before
the idea of the alert/confirm box appearing is to avoid having to tell people how to delete the cookie manually
for instance when the site was closed it would often get it wrong
nelsonko: when did you fix the installer thing?
oh it's not merged to trunk yet right?
jonnyb: an hour or two ago
maybe not, trying to get through Geoff's email points
nelsonko: hmm should be, let me retry
I probably just missed it
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nelsonko: ok - confirmed installer works now
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58417 10branches/ 1015.x/tiki-check.php 1015.x/templates/tiki-check.tpl
[FIX] check: Display an error if fgal_enable_auto_indexing is enabled but the shell_exec command isn't as it is required, and if it is not, then don't even try to use it to avoid the many notices (thanks again Geoff)
jonnyb: ok nelsonko and all - everything's merged into trunk now, need a break, hope i didn't mess up too much of it :)
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58418 10(6 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 58414 to 58417
Jyhem: polom
jonnyb: hi Jyhem
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Jyhem: I see "use file galleries for wiki attachments" is experimental in Tiki12
am I wasting my time trying anyway?
jonnyb: should be ok i think, probably just not tested much (so please do :) )
Jyhem: There's a chance dropping attachments altogether in favor of file galleries because file gal contents are actually indexed (even in Tiki basic search) and attachments are not
I just wonder how I should migrate them
I doubt that option is going to do the migration for me :)
jonnyb: it's the same for tracker files and user files - you know me, i'd say remove the old crappy ways of doing these things and let's fix the "good" way :)
you could look at the wiki_up to filegals switch function, that seems to work
Jyhem: The "good" way is good, they use it for all their new stuff.
It's just about historical stuff
jonnyb: yes, it would be the re-attaching them to the wiki pages that would take the time (or a script)
Jyhem: Or maybe just live with a copy. They seem to need only 2 file gals: a public one and a protected one
Old files could be both in attachments and in file gals and nobody would notice a change
But they would show up in searches
otherise there is some wiki-page rewriting :-(
-: Jyhem starts testing
olinuxx: jonnyb, would you think it could be a good idea to put a note about the [TRA] tag in https://dev.tiki.org/Commit%20Code#Step_6:_Commit_Your_Changes ?
I can do so if you do agree
Jyhem, thanks for your answer yesterday
jonnyb: hi olinuxx, maybe discuss with some people that do translating? Like Jyhem, xavidp adn so on?
seems odd that they are a special type of commit but with no tag
Jyhem: oh, the tiki-logout.php thing? No problem. It's some kind of useful trick but rarely needed
olinuxx: jonnyb, good advice, thanks
Jyhem, xavidp , what do you think about adding a tag [TRA] when commiting a translation to the svn ?
yesterday, I've been using a [ENH] tag, but discussing with jonnyb , he suggested using a [TRA] one, which I think could be a good idea
remarks/thought ?
jonnyb: yes, ENH is really for feature enhancements (and so not allowed in 15.x at the moment due to release mode)
Jyhem: I usually use [FIX] but [TRA] is definitely better
jonnyb: +1 for [TRA]
Jyhem: Since translations do not obey rules for [FIX] and [ENH] anyway
+1 for [TRA]
jonnyb: anyway, have to go now, more soon/tomorrow
olinuxx: ok Jyhem
amette_: left #tikiwiki
olinuxx: xavidp, waiting for you to agree to this (hopefully), and then, I'm putting on note on https://dev.tiki.org/Commit%20Code#Step_6:_Commit_Your_Changes
igelkotten: are there any good post-installation how-to article/videos that you guys could recommend?
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+1 for [TRA]. I always missed it
Olinux ^
olinuxx: ok xavidp
torsten1: joined #tikiwiki
xavidp: Thks for your help, olinux
C u all
olinuxx: ok Jyhem , done : https://dev.tiki.org/Commit+Code#Step_6:_Commit_Your_Changes
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Jyhem: thanks olinuxx, can you also add it to changelog.txt ?
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olinuxx: where is that Jyhem ?
Jyhem: in tiki's root directory :)
olinuxx: in the / of trunk ?
Jyhem: yes
olinuxx: ok
so I need to push a commit I guess
Jyhem: yes :)
olinuxx: doing that now
Jyhem, backports needed to 14.x and 12.x as well ?
Tiki-KGB: 03olinuxx r58419 10branches/15.x/changelog.txt
[DOC] include the new [TRA] tag, following https://dev.tiki.org/Commit+Code#Step_6:_Commit_Your_Changes
03olinuxx r58420 10branches/14.x/changelog.txt
[bp/r58419] [DOC] include the new [TRA] tag, following https://dev.tiki.org/Commit+Code#Step_6:_Commit_Your_Changes
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olinuxx: done Jyhem
Tiki-KGB: 03olinuxx r58421 10branches/12.x/changelog.txt
[bp/r58419] [DOC] include the new [TRA] tag, following https://dev.tiki.org/Commit+Code#Step_6:_Commit_Your_Changes
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