amette_: joined #tikiwiki nelsonko_: joined #tikiwiki
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joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki olinuxx: hi all Telesight: joined #tikiwiki olinuxx: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki amette_: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58489 10branches/15.x/doc/regular.cycle
[UPD] Update the regular.cycle version file to include 15.0 in suggested upgrades, not done the longterm.cycle file yet as i believe we wait until the x.1 release for LTS updates, correct?
Also ignoring stable.version and unstable.version files as they are no longer used and probably should be removed at some point
03jonnybradley r58490 10branches/ 10(12 files in 9 dirs)
[FIX] comments: Fix hash links to comments so they use a more standard #threadId=42 format (but keep compatilibity with previous links without the equals sign).
Also add those hash links to the comments watch notification mail tpl leagris: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58491 10(16 files in 12 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 58478 to 58490 leagris: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
poloms for the weekend chibaguy: hi jonnyb olinuxx: hi jonnyb and chibaguy chibaguy: hi olinuxx olinuxx: jonnyb, chibaguy : is the "Tiki 15 release" freeze time for commiting is finished ? Ie: can I commit some stuff from now on and what is the branch I'm supposed to commit on (15.x, 12.x and 16.x maybe ?) ? chibaguy: Sorry, olinuxx, I think jonnyb better respond to that question.
Maybe it depends on what would be committed, etc. olinuxx: thanks chibaguy
mainly (if not only) : translation jonnyb: hi all
olinuxx: yes, i just updated to show "Minor (and safe) enhancements and fixes " are now ok for 15.x
thanks for asking :) olinuxx: no worries, thanks for the update :)
jonnyb, reading at it now
mmh, not too sure after reading... it does look (first table) that I'd commit to trunk, 15.x, 14.x and 12.x ?
but the second table does look that I'd commit to trunk, 15.x and 12.x -: olinuxx is lost :'( olinuxx: advice needed jonnyb :) jonnyb: yes, no idea what the second part is for apart from confusing people
the summary at the top seems to say what's needed, but some people find repetition, slightly differently, useful for some reason (i don't), please do tidy it up iof you can :) olinuxx: I can change the page with :
s/ :) jonnyb: :P olinuxx: So, OK, I'll go for : trunk, 15.x, 14.x and 12.x
snif, one more repetitve step for me :'(
:D jonnyb: sorry, lost this window - olinuxx, no need to do trunk, that will get merged "automagically" olinuxx: sweat o/
thanks jonnyb jonnyb: :) leagris: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: This kind of nesting seems to break wiki parsing: {DIV(class="col-sm-2")}{DIV()} some text {DIV}{DIV}
Is this a known problem? (Tiki 15)
(The second div also has a class, btw)
I've often used this kind of markup in the past, and am not sure why it isn't working tonight in my branch 15. jonnyb: chibaguy: two levels should be fine, it used to break when you get to 6 or 7
this works fine on my local 15.x: {DIV(class="col-sm-2")}{DIV(class="col-sm-12")} some text {DIV}{DIV} chibaguy: jonnyb: I was too hasty to describe the situation. It looks like it is nested five deep. jonnyb: ok, that's getting close
i think luciash added a pref somewhere so you could nest deeper, at the cost of performance (on all pages) chibaguy: So only simple grids are possible in wiki pages, it seems. I guess use HTML for more complex ones.
My case was a row containing columns, with one column having a couple of rows, each of which has some columns containing thumbnail divs, etc. jonnyb_: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: That is, only simple grids possible with wiki syntax; use HTML for more complex ones. Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58492 03users/cartograf * New folder for cartograf project
03jonnybradley r58493 03users/cartograf/branches * New folder for cartograf project
03jonnybradley r58494 03users/cartograf/branches/12.x * New folder for cartograf project
03jonnybradley r58495 03users/cartograf/branches/15.x * New folder for cartograf project
03jonnybradley r58496 10users/ 10(54 files in 10 dirs) * Initial import of pre-bootstrap project
03jonnybradley r58497 03users/cartograf/branches/12.x/ * [DOC] readme for cartograf 12.x
03jonnybradley r58498 10users/cartograf/branches/12.x/ * [DOC] readme for cartograf 12.x (link) zlinux: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58499 10users/ 10(45 files in 8 dirs)
[MOD] cartograf: Initial import of theme files for bootstrap version, mostly in the right place now but still lots to do on the CSS to get it working. Also started a db update script. leagris: joined #tikiwiki
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