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xavi: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r58715 10branches/ 0315.x/installer/schema/20160527_menu_item_payment_tiki.sql 1015.x/db/tiki.sql
[FIX]Usability: add menu option for payments to those users with permission to see or request payments. Thanks marclaporte
amette_: polom
Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r58716 10branches/ 1014.x/db/tiki.sql 1014.x 0314.x/installer/schema/20160527_menu_item_payment_tiki.sql
[bp/r58715][FIX]Usability: add menu option for payments to those users with permission to see or request payments. Thanks marclaporte
03xavidp r58717 10branches/ 1012.x/db/tiki.sql 1012.x 0312.x/installer/schema/20160527_menu_item_payment_tiki.sql
[bp/r58715][FIX]Usability: add menu option for payments to those users with permission to see or request payments. Thanks marclaporte
jonnyb: POETS polom
amette_: hi jonnyb :)
jonnyb: hi amette_
amette_: What's up with POETS?!
jonnyb: did you get antywhere with getting doc onto elasticsearch? (will take a while to index i guess!)
amette_: Oh, sorry, I didn't get around to doing that yet... I am still catching up with all the work that was left undone over the last weeks/months
jonnyb: no probs, know the feeling
amette_: POETS day, got you, nice one, gonna have to remember that! :)
But hey... doc.t.o... isn't it just Tiki configuration?! Now that you discovered the ams-es1?!
Maybe I need to open it up in ams-es1's firewall, but that should be about it, right?
jonnyb: and i think rebuild the index on the command line first, to check for errors etc
amette_: yep, that's true, it might break during the run
Well, let me see, if we can figure that out in half an hour or so...
jonnyb: thanks :)
julen: joined #tikiwiki
xavi: hi amette_ and jonnyb
amette_: ola xavi :)
xavi: I'm wondering what the feature "transitions" is about (group and category)
amette_: It replaces the Workflow system.
And also staging and review.
It's the Tiki way of doing things... give people a basic framework and allow them to build the real tools from it... ;)
xavi: yes, I got that generic marketing idea :-), and played with the group transitions, which is nice UI/diagram generated, etc. But in which way it affect the rest of tiki code?
I?ll have to look inside the code, (If I understand it)
amette_: Hmmm... dunno what you mean about the code..?! In my thinking it more or less affects Tiki objects.
I built a staging and review system with it once and all this system did was affect the categories objects were in...
... and I used modules in the side bar to allow users to interact with the transitions (which is afaik the only way).
(never used group transitions so far, but seems to be exactly the same... so from the abstract concept I could imagine building a voting system for example..)
xavi: mmmm
so how do you trigger the change in transitions?
amette_: Just to be nitpicky and make sure we are talking about the same thing: There is no such thing as a change in transition. Change in Categories/Group == Transition
xavi: I would expect to have some system to indicate: after X days, trigger this transition. Or Whenever this tracker item value equals (or higher/lower) than this other, trigger the transition. etc.
amette_: Ah, nope, I don't think it is connected to cron in any way.
xavi: the concept of "trigger transition" is there: "Upon trigger, preserve the initial state"
amette_: For the staging and review system it is way more straight forward: the transition module shows the possible transitions and users with the right permissions get to "vote" for which transition should be done...
xavi: for a membership renewal system, it would be useful to have it connected with group expiry, for instance
amette_: ... once the "trigger" has been reached (e.g. three votes for moving this from staging to the live site), the transition will fire and move the object to the other category.
xavi: ah, ok. Module thing... Do you know any example of transition module?
maybe in a profile?
doc.t.o seem to be just a "stub"
-: xavi will keep searching
amette_: hmm, no, not in the wild... I think I had to build it from scratch, too - not using a profile - but not sure
xavi: "trigger": is this associated to the "Guards" thing that is shown in the transitions UI?
it seems a bit criptic the whole thing
amette_: Hmm, not so sure about the terminology any more
But yeah, I think I get what you mean with "tie in to the code"...
... it really just is the module and yes, I can see how including other "triggers" would be an interesting thing...
... I can also see how adding them will make the whole thing break in unforeseen ways in the future. :P
xavi: :-D
amette_: dev.t.o is configured to have default boolean operator "OR"?! o.O
I set doc.t.o to be "AND", which makes craptons more sense imho (especially when searching text as on doc).
btw - all major Tiki sites were already opened up in amse-es1's firewall... so, if anyone wants to add any site to that elasticsearch - please go ahead!
Ok, that seemed to work... couple of notices, but nothing dangerous, I think?!
jonnyb --^
jonnyb: re
amette_: wb
jonnyb: nice one, thanks
-: jonnyb goes to doc to test...
jonnyb: bit of an odd error message on admin/search: "IndexMissingException[[docto_pref_en] missing] for index /docto_pref_en"
ah right, that's the admin search index, i'll rebuild that from the gui
amette_: Yeah, been wondering that too, just reloaded, but it perseveres even after the rebuild.
oh, k, I see
jonnyb: yup, that did it, happy now
amette_: cool, that makes me happy, too :)
jonnyb: you set it to use "AND" i see? odd, as "best practice" apparently is to use OR
amette_: Why is that?
Feels counterintuitive to me..?!
jonnyb: i've never really been sure, as for me when i add more search terms it means i want fewer results (so AND is better imho)
-: amette_ nods
amette_: But we should probably have it consistent over tiki.org sites at least... so what should we do?
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5952
amette_: Was there any discussion about setting dev.t.o to OR?
jonnyb: consistnecy would be good imho, on this and on the rememberme setting
-: amette_ nods
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
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kotten: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5953
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5954
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5955
Jyhem: polom
wynkoop: joined #tikiwiki
So I can not seem to get the php installer to run correctly on freebsd 10.1 from tikiwiki 15. It always gives me a bunch of debug output and in addition when I input my database credentials it just brings me back to the same page
I have verified the database creds from the command line
php is 5.6 and there are no errors reported and no output if I run the installer from the command line
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wynkoop: also getting this message: As a security precaution, the Tiki Installer has been disabled. To re-enable the installer:
but there is no lock in the db dir
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NoteOn: hi
fabricius: hello wynkoop and NoteOn - whazup?
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amette_: left #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03dlucio r58718 10trim/ 10(7 files in 3 dirs)
[FIX] FTP setup
[FIX] missing CR
amette_: joined #tikiwiki
wynkoop_: joined #tikiwiki
So any ideas on my earlier post?
nelsonko: wynkoop_ no idea sorry. Normally installer disabled means there is a lock file in the db directory. This is a brand new installation though, right?
wynkoop_ can you try tiki-check.php from a browser?
it might also be worth trying https://doc.tiki.org/Manual+Installation
Sorry, I do not have a freebsd convenient
once you've manually created your db/local.php file you can just run php console.php database:install
also, have you run setup.sh to set the file permissions? (but probably you already did)
Another possibility - maybe there is some "echo" or some other output that is left behind from some debugging...
wynkoop ^
wynkoop_: yes I ran setup.sh I had to hand create the db/local.php based on info I found on the web
output of tiki-check.php
Not Found The requested URL /tiki/{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} was not found on this server.
looked at the docs already
BTW both the install page and the check page are dumping tons of php debug output to the browser
just ran php console.php database:install on the command line as www and it returned no output. Will check site with browser now
no joy..../tiki still displays a blank page and the web based installer still just asks for db creds and goes nowhere
web based installer also is telling me to remove a lock file, but there is none in the db dir
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
amette_: left #tikiwiki
wynkoop_: interesting now chrome is showing me the php sources instead of the server parsing it but firefox shows no change.....very odd
something seems to have stomped on my mod_php.....very odd
Well reinstalled mod_php restarted apache and still no joy