torsten1: joined #tikiwiki olinuxx: mmm
is something changed with the commit process from 2 weeks before 15.X ?
I did :
svn checkout .
pluma lang/fr/language.php lang/fr/language.js
svn diff
svn commit -m "[TRA] french translations" lang/fr/custom.php

but nothing happens
ie : my commit isn't commited to sourceforge : Jyhem: olinuxx: no, this should work olinuxx: so what's wrong ? Jyhem: no idea :-(
svn info ? olinuxx: n$ svn info
Chemin : .
Chemin racine de la copie de travail : /home/capturixeur/Bureau/tikisvn
Relative URL: ^/branches/15.x
Racine du dépôt :
UUID du dépôt : b456876b-0849-0410-b77d-98878d47e9d5
Révision : 58718
Type de nœud : répertoire
Tâche programmée : normale
Auteur de la dernière modification : xavidp
Révision de la dernière modification : 58715
Date de la dernière modification: 2016-05-27 10:56:50 +0200 (ven. 27 mai 2016)

whoops, sorry, didn't see it what that long Jyhem: I see nothing wrong... :-( olinuxx: ok Jyhem: Try again with the commit? olinuxx: already tried, nothing more :/ Jyhem: try in reverse order:
svn commit lang/fr/custom.php -m "[TRA] french translations" olinuxx: nothing more :/
I'll do a fresh checkout
I'll let you know in 5 or 10 mins
Jyhem, ok, it did work this time Jyhem: OK, stange but good :) olinuxx: I changed 'svn commit -m "[TRA] french translations" lang/fr/custom.php' to 'svn commit -m "[TRA] french translations" lang/fr/language.php'
is there a check of the file name maybe ?
the one before was wrong
(my bad) Tiki-KGB: 03olinuxx r58719 10branches/15.x/lang/fr/language.php * [TRA] french translations olinuxx: :) Tiki-KGB: 03olinuxx r58720 10branches/14.x/lang/fr/language.php * [bp/r58719] [TRA] french translations
03olinuxx r58721 10branches/12.x/lang/fr/language.php * [bp/r58719] [TRA] french translations olinuxx: ok, job done
have a good night all
thanks for your help/support Jyhem fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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hello Tiki-KGB: 03eromneg r58722 10branches/14.x/templates/mail/ 10(8 files)
[FIX] and [ENH] [bp58601] add missing Id keyword tag and also add reference to the new mail text customisation pref as started in 57402
03eromneg r58723 10branches/14.x/templates/mail/ 10(7 files)
[FIX] and [ENH] [bp58602] add missing Id keyword tag and also add reference to the new mail text customisation pref as started in 57402 Emenems: joined #tikiwiki TexMacs: joined #tikiwiki
Hi - quick question - just installed Tiki-15.0 and the only browser currently supporting the page history side by side compare is Firefox
why is this not working for IE or Safari? Telesight: joined #tikiwiki olinuxx: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03eromneg r58724 10branches/14.x/templates/mail/ 10(6 files)
[FIX] and [ENH] [bp58603] add missing Id keyword tag and also add reference to the new mail text customisation pref as started in 57402 amette_: joined #tikiwiki
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[FIX] and [ENH] [bp58604] add missing Id keyword tag and also add reference to the new mail text customisation pref as started in 57402
03eromneg r58726 10branches/14.x/templates/mail/ 10(6 files)
[FIX] and [ENH] [bp58605] add missing Id keyword tag and also add reference to the new mail text customisation pref as started in 57402
03eromneg r58727 10branches/14.x/templates/mail/ 10(7 files)
[FIX] and [ENH] [bp58606] add missing Id keyword tag and also add reference to the new mail text customisation pref as started in 57402
03eromneg r58728 10branches/14.x/templates/mail/ 10(8 files)
[FIX] and [ENH] [bp58607] add missing Id keyword tag and also add reference to the new mail text customisation pref as started in 57402 nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
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left #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58729 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php 1015.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemLink.php
[ENH] trackers: Add a new option to specify the format string for ItemList fields when using the displayFieldsList option
03jonnybradley r58730 10branches/15.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemsList.php
[ENH] trackers: Add a new option to specify the format string for ItemsList fields when using the displayFieldIdThere option
03eromneg r58731 10branches/14.x/templates/mail/ 10(9 files)
[FIX] and [ENH] [bp58608] add missing Id keyword tag and also add reference to the new mail text customisation pref as started in 57402 amette_: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
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