nelsonko: left #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r58746 10trunk/ 10(15 files in 12 dirs)
[REF] Revamp feedback method to centralize and standardize coding. First of three commits at this time - need all three to avoid errors. This commit adds the Feedback class, feedback smarty function (which is added to layout_view and tiki-install_screens templates), default and pref feedback templates, removes the errorreportlib file and service, and removes the error_report smart
tikiwikiy function
03lindonb r58747 10trunk/ 10(65 files in 35 dirs)
[REF] Revamp feedback method to centralize and standardize coding. Second of three commits at this time (continuation of r58746)- need all three to avoid errors. This commit replaces the usages of errorreportlib functions with the new Feedback functions.
03lindonb r58748 10trunk/ 10(30 files in 7 dirs)
[REF] Revamp feedback method to centralize and standardize coding. Third of three commits at this time (continuation of r58746)- need all three to avoid errors. This commit replaces the usages of the $tikifeedback Smarty variable with Feedback functions.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Feedback Refactoring -
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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r58749 10trunk/ 10(28 files in 3 dirs)
[REF] Revamp feedback method to centralize and standardize coding (continuation of r58746). This commit replaces some usages of the $errors Smarty variable with Feedback functions.
fvtorres: joined #tikiwiki
Hey Tikiers! Anybody know if there is an official way on how to open a Iframe in Modal Jquery (like a plugin or something)?
Found it! The PluginDialog. Thought it was other thing, but it might work!
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New Forum Posts: Feedback Refactoring -
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58750 10(7 files in 6 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 58739 to 58745
jonnyb: hi chibaguy - all ok?
chibaguy: did you see Lindon's mail to the dev list about the less complier version? I guess we should check if there's an update for less php...
we're on and is available, i'll see if it works (if i can remember how ;) )
nm079: joined #tikiwiki
Wondering if you can help me - I'm struggling with file uploads. I have a 2.4mb file that originally gave 2 errors when uploading. I resolved the first by increasing upload size in php.ini but the second is evading me. it just says - 403 - Forbidden
I can upload other files absolutely fine, with similar sizes and extensions.
jonnyb: hi nm079 - what is your "max post" size set to?
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58751 10branches/ 1015.x/composer.lock 1015.x/composer.json
[UPD] less.php from to (still compiles using long colour values though, sadly)
jonnyb: actaully called "post_max_size" in php.ini
olinuxx: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB: 03yonixxx r58752 10branches/15.x/lib/prefs/change.php
[FIX] Admin need to know he have to able userPreferences screen so user can change site language.
nm079: Hi Jonnyb - it was set to 8mb (which is well below the file) but I've put it up to 20mb now
jonnyb: so probably not that then nm079
was there any text with the 403 error? (in the javascript console maybe?)
nm079: It's just that 1 PDF file - I have uploaded a 2.3mb PDF perfectly fine
I'll come back to that one jonny - it's a lesser problem than something else I'd like to run by you if you have time?
jonnyb: go for it :)
nm079: My search functionality is annoying as hell
I have an article on SIP
When I search SIP here's what I get
2016-05-05 09:56:31 2016-05-05 09:56:31 SIP SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol 14.00 Last modification: Thursday May 5, 2016 09:56:31 CEST
Death by dates and times
jonnyb: which version are you on? we just tidied up the results snippets on tiki 15.x (will be out for 15.1)
nm079: There's a tick box to turn off Modification date in the search results - which just takes off the "Last Modification: " off the end (well 2nd line)
Version 15.0
jonnyb: yup, will be fixed in the next release
nm079: Ah so there's nothing I can do about it in the meantime?
jonnyb: there are daily builds available at
we're pretty close to releasing 15.1 so you'll probably be ok, but at your own risk obviously (even more than a "real" release! :) )
nm079: When you say pretty close - how close are we talking lol
jonnyb: about a week maybe?
but could be 2 or 3 (everyone's v busy and we have a load of bugs filed on
nm079: Oh I'll wait then - how hard is it to upgrade? I went from 14.2 to 15.0 but I started a fresh because I had hardly done anything - but now i'm much more involved lol
chibaguy: hi jonnyb and all. Sorry, was away.
jonnyb: should be smooth from 15.0 to 15.1
nm079: Good lol - this is all very new to me
jonnyb: nice to hear you're "involved" now :D
repolom chibaguy
chibaguy: The problem with compiling Less is that I'm still using node.js with PhpStorm. I can't get the PHP script to be recognized as a "program", even following some hints.
nm079: jonny - if I am making a menu for each user group - I have to make multiple menus don't I - and set permissions on the modules? I can't set permissions per menu option?
jonnyb: menu items can have perms i thought, no? or does it now work any more?
chibaguy: But even when I compile from the command line, IIRC I get slightly different results than everyone else - I think maybe there's color code shorthand maybe.
I'll check into it again.
nm079: Hmmm I'll look at it again :)
jonnyb: chibaguy: what command are you setting for it?
chibaguy: On the bright(?) side, in Bootstrap 4 we switch to Sass from Less.
I'll have to look again. Seems like whatever was suggested in our discussions.
nm079: Ooo jonny there was one other thing - external RSS feed not working. There's one RSS feed I have working perfectly on a chrome plugin that won't work. Link loads an RSS feed in a web browser. Any ideas?
chibaguy: About the menu option perms - when I last tried that, which was a few years ago, it caused errors. It seems setting the perm on the link target maybe is supposed to be used instead.
I haven't tested recently.
jonnyb: nm079: not sure what you mean, is it a public link?
nm079: It's a public rss feed - I have 2 of them set up in a SPLIT on my home page - the one doesn't work. But when I configure it in my stand alone RSS viewer plugin in chrome using the same link it works perfectly.
When I go to the RSS feed's address in a web browser it loads a XML style RSS feed. So the feed address is correct
It just displays blank within the page
jonnyb: a wiki plugin do you mean?
nm079: When I click to view the external feed it says 'Content For The Feed' N/A
jonnyb: try turning on error reporting in admin/general?
nm079: PHP Error reporting is enabled?
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: colspan on wiki table or fancy table -
jonnyb: sorry, you've lost me nm079 - but checking my local tiki rss there seem to be a load of issues...
nm079: Sorry I'll try to be clearer: I have my Tiki installed as 'Company Intranet' and one of the features it has are 'External Feeds' which I can configure to publish other organisations RSS feeds into a page.
On my homepage I am trying to embed the last 5 posts for both Comms Business and Comms Dealer's RSS feeds. Comms Dealer's RSS feed displays perfectly. Comms Business ones does not. But the link in question works in other RSS readers
jonnyb: sorry nm079, need to do other stuff, maybe try another time (or someone else might be able to help)
nm079: Ok no worries thanks or all your help this morning jonny :)
chibaguy: jonnyb, the Less compiling in PhpStorm + node.js seems to preserve whatever formatting style it gets. In my amelia/less/bootstrap-variables.less, I had been using #fff, etc. but changed those to #ffffff, and the CSS file now has those. Same with case, I believe.
jonnyb: hmm, curious - i thought it always either contracted or expanded them... (smaller is better imho)
chibaguy: Yep. But I just checked again, reduced amelia's body color to #fff, and sure enough, it's #fff in amelia.css.
Changed #fff to #FFF in variables.less, and it's #FFF in .css.
If it works the same way for other users of PhpStorm, maybe we can just be sure everyone's variables files use short and lower-case, or whatever is best.
If not (if others get long versions on compile), then I'll be sure to use long versions in the variables files.
to match
So at least that would take care of hex colors.
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jonnyb: seems like a shame - bigger files but i guess constiancy would be good
chibaguy: I'll post a message on the dev list.
jonnyb: i just added a new screenie to which might help on windows...
if you just replace the "Program" param with your path to the php executable it should work i think...
nm079: Does anyone know if it's possible to turn off the 'Semester' button on the Calendar?
jonnyb: good question :)
chibaguy: I'll try that, jonnyb.
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58753 10branches/15.x/lib/diff/difflib.php * [FIX] diff: missing global syntax
chibaguy: Well, I get this error: 'Cannot run program "C:.....php" (in directory "C:....branch15themesamelialess"): CreateProcess error=5, Access is denied
jonnyb: hmm, maybe try it wihtout the c:?
chibaguy: Nope, it needs that.
jonnyb: maybe the working directory needs to be where your php is?
chibaguy: ah, I think it's working with the path to PHP complete ...phpphp.exe
jonnyb: yes, you'll need that i think
it does take ages if you run it on all the themes, i haven't worked out how to get it to only compile the one it needs to :)
chibaguy: and it does seem to convert shorthand color codes to long ones.
zlinux: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: But my amelia.css content got replaced by this: Compiling less files from themes
php vendor/oyejorge/less.php/bin/lessc themes/amelia/less/amelia.less themes/amelia/css/amelia.css
php vendor/oyejorge/less.php/bin/lessc themes/base_files/less/tiki_base.less themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css
IOW, the css got replaced by a report on the compiling process ;-)
Tiki-KGB: 03nkoth r58754 10branches/15.x/templates/managestream/list.tpl * [FIX] Better label to indicate what kind of basic rule it is
chibaguy: after a second edit and compile, amelia.css is back - maybe just an interface glitch in phpstorm.
jonnyb: ouch
so probably not "production ready" then still chibaguy :(
chibaguy: Yeah, it's weird. I noticed the normal amelia.css content appeared after it was compiled (I had the file open) but then got replaced by the "report" at the end of the compiling.
jonnyb: sounds like something's still not quite right in the program settings - isn't there something about where to direct the output?
anyway, food time, bbl...
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: colspan on wiki table or fancy table -
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Quick question- I'm trying to get 2 images to sit in an article side by side. When I put them in they sit on top of each other. Where am I going wrong?
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r58755 10branches/ 10(67 files in 59 dirs)
[FIX] Changed color hex code shorthand version to long versions, in .less files, for consistent compiled output (base_files/less/ so far).
amette_: left #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58756 10branches/15.x/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendors.php * [FIX] composer: Remove some unneeded files
03jonnybradley r58757 10(75 files in 65 dirs)
[MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 58745 to 58756
Conflict on composer.lock fixed "mc" then ran composer update
03jonnybradley r58758 10branches/ 1014.x 1014.x/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendors.php * [bp/r58756][FIX] composer: Remove some unneeded files
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58759 10branches/ 1012.x 1012.x/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendors.php * [bp/r58758][bp/r58756][FIX] composer: Remove some unneeded files
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Filter "admin" from the pluginuserlist -
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r58760 10branches/ 10(5 files in 2 dirs)
[FIX] installer: Attempt to address wish 5944 "missing mysql tables in tiki 12-15+ due to mysql 5.7 issues with dates"
MySQL 5.7 defaults to "STRICT" mode and so "NO_ZERO_DATE" mode is enabled (this can also be seen in previous versions using "TRADITIONAL" mode).
This results in some tables not being created on initial install, and some update scripts failing on upgrades.
This is very hard to test, please help if you can, thanks Xavi
03jonnybradley r58761 10(6 files in 3 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 58756 to 58760
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Tiki-KGB: 03patrick-proulx r58762 10trunk/lib/core/Search/GlobalSource/RelationSource.php
[FIX] Added object id and type to the nested relation objects in elasticsearch indexing.
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