Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r59037 10trunk/lib/core/ 10Services/User/Controller.php 10Services/Utilities.php * [REF] ajax services: new funciton to handle redirects after completing action
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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r59038 10trunk/ 10tiki-view_forum.php 10lib/core/Services/Forum/Controller.php 10tiki-view_forum_thread.php * [REF] feedback: another ajaxfeedback usage replaced by Feedback
03lindonb r59039 10trunk/ 10db/config/controllers.xml 04lib/core/Services/Utilities 04templates/utilities
[KIL] Remove Services_Utilities_Controller no longer needed after revamp of feedback
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Article topic selection - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60101
New Forum Posts: Cannot apply multilingual profile - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=60095
New Forum Posts: Tiki tracker plugin - show entries for the page it is inserted at? - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60090
New Forum Posts: Article topic selection - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60101
New Forum Posts: Cannot apply multilingual profile - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=60095
New Forum Posts: Tiki tracker plugin - show entries for the page it is inserted at? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60090
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Tiki-KGB: 03amnabilal r59040 10trunk/tiki-download_file.php
[Fix]Fixed session variable to be checked for validation before pdf is allowed to access image.
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Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r59041 10mods/trunk/Packages/vendor_custom-mpdf.info.txt
[MOD]Removed examples folder and files from tgz files produced by the mod to keep tiki tidy. Thanks jyhem
03xavidp r59042 04mods/trunk/vendor_custom/mpdf60/examples
[MOD]Removed examples folder and files from tgz files produced by the mod to keep tiki tidy (take 2). Thanks jyhem
03xavidp r59043 10mods/trunk/Packages/00_list.txt * [MOD]update mods list
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Hello all!
I would like to ask if anyone knows the state of Esperanto translations for TikiWiki. WikiMatrix reported that it is available, but at https://i18n.tiki.org/Status I can't find it.
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
Nerifto: I suppose I should rather trust the translation status page?
leagris: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: Nerifto, I don't see an Esperanto language option for Tiki currently.
I'm not exactly sure of the process to add a language to Tiki.
But I imagine it can be added, if there is interest in having it.
... if there would be active translators, etc. We're shifting to using transifex.com, to make things easier for translators.
(It could be that Esperanto was a language option some time ago, but may have been dropped if the translation wasn't maintained.)
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r59044 10trunk/templates/tiki-pagehistory.tpl * [FIX] Add Bootstrap class to pagination input.
Nerifto: Oh, Transifex. That's unfortunate :/
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r59045 10branches/ 1015.x/templates/tiki-pagehistory.tpl 1015.x 1015.x/templates * [MRG] Add Bootstrap class to pagination input. [from revision 59044]
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chibaguy: Nerifto, is that a problem? Transifex doesn't support Esperanto?
Well, Transifex isn't strictly necessary, I think. Especially for a language that's being maintained by one or a small number of people, the "classic" way of editing the language file could still be used.
Nerifto: chibaguy: Not for editing, no. It's just that, as far as I know, Transifex requires its users to run non-free software, which is why I don't like it. But I'm glad there will be another way to contribute.
chibaguy: I wonder what that means, requiring to run non-free software. People in the Tiki project are keen on using open source software, etc., and don't have a problem with Transifex.
Nerifto: I believe that the JavaScript used on the Transifex website is non-free.
chibaguy: Oh, I see.
Well, Esperanto can be added to the language sets in Tiki, and its language file can be edited by hand, if you (and/or others) want to undertake that.
It would mean having commit access to the Tiki project files, and editing locally and committing to the Subversion repository.
(As far as I know. For more information, you could subscribe to the tikiwiki-developers mailing list at sourceforge.net.)
chibaguy_: joined #tikiwiki
Nerifto: chibaguy_: Okay, thank you for help! But if I got that right, TikiWiki is quite huge, so I probably won't start anything in close future. :P
chibaguy_: There are a lot of language strings for sure. But when you're ready, come back here again and we can get things started.
Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r59046 10trunk/lib/soap/nusoap/nusoap.php
[FIX] use __construct instead of same function name as class name to avoid deprecated error in php7
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
poloms for the weekend?
chibaguy_: hi jonnyb
saturday night here, yeah.
jonnyb: hi chibaguy_ how's it going?
chibaguy_: oh, keeping busy with one thing or another.
jonnyb: :)
chibaguy_: I'm guessing you're the same.
jonnyb: oh yes, busy enough, but tired today (had an old work company get together last night ;) )
chibaguy_: that sounds like fun.
jonnyb: was good, but paying for it today somewhat
chibaguy_: ah
jonnyb: still, might be able to get a bit of stuff done...
chibaguy_: that's good. thanks for all your hard work. :-) gotta step out with the dog for a few minutes.
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59047 10trunk/ 10tiki-error_simple.php 10tiki-check.php 10installer/tiki-installer.php * [FIX] Improve input filtering
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59048 10trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php
[FIX] wysiwyg: When there are more than one ckeditors on the page (e.g. blogs with excerpts) then use the right area_id to insert the images in.
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59049 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php 1015.x
[bp/r59048][FIX] wysiwyg: When there are more than one ckeditors on the page (e.g. blogs with excerpts) then use the right area_id to insert the images in.
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