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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem_: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
edouard: joined #tikiwiki
Hi everyone, I’m using tikiwiki 15.0 and i have a problem to use « flagged revision » in the wiki. Can you help me ? thanks
Jyhem: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
Jyhem_: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
xavi: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
xavi: polom
RadoS: are you "Roman"?
(aka giograf at
mmmm, anyone else aware that "show status" feature in 15.x and trunk seems to be borked?
=not showing status icons anymore but green question mark
jonnyb: polom xavi
xavi: hi jonnyb
jonnyb: sounds like the icon replacement to font icon has broken, i thought that was done and wokring in 14.x?
or are you using bitmap legacy icons?
xavi: standard 15.x brand new install
and the problem might be somewhere else
"showStatus" shows no column (not even the green question mark)
"showStatusAdminOnly" shows the green question mark in that column
column shown in tiki-view_tracker.php/tpl (the left most column of the table)
and looking at tiki-view_tracker.php, $smarty->assign('status_types', $status_types); get 0 number of status_types
in the count
line 160 onwards, in 15.x
therefore, $tracker_info["showStatus"] = 'n';
so getting lost about the source of the issue
debugger sent me to headers, ...
using php 5.6, mysql5.7 here.
and I couldn'0t reproduce the issue when I updated the show instance of a related wish item:
so getting confused
jonnyb: sorry xavi - can't look into it now, going out shortly...
xavi: np. I'll end up updating the corresponding bug reports
RadoS: xavi, nope.
xavi: ok, thks
jonnyb: FYI, it seems to be php 7 specific (issue with tracker status not shown). In case you hear about this issue by others and they don't know that info (it takes a while to track down those php or mysql version specficic issues).
jonnyb: ok, thanks - i'm switching between both here locally (such fun!)
xavi: yes :-)
for the record (irc log readers), I added a bug report about it (php7 related) here:
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
giograf: joined #tikiwiki
Hello! I would like to request a commit access to the Tiki's repositories. I read and understood the 3 rules of the Tiki.
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
Hi giograf. I saw in the log that you would like commit access for Tiki.
giograf: Yes, there is the Calendar Module I intend to fix. It will take some time to get used to the environment though, currently not ready to use SVN or commit a result.
chibaguy: Ok, sounds good. Do you have a username?
edouard: joined #tikiwiki
giograf: Yes, it is the same as the chat name - giograf
xavi: polom
hi giograf
giograf: hi!
xavi: nice, glaad chibaguy was already here helping you get commit access
chibaguy: Hi xavi.
xavi: and thanks giograf for your help to make tiki better
-: xavi is glad to see chibaguy with the ceremony hat on
chibaguy: Traditionally we have had a little ceremony here on IRC to add a new developer ;-)
giograf: :)
-: chibaguy wonders if he can remember it
xavi suffers from amnesia, unluckily ;-)
chibaguy: So yes, I have put on the ceremony hat...
giograf, I see you have read the 3 rules
xavi: thanks Gary
giograf: Yes, I did.
chibaguy: ok, good....
... I have added you to the group of Tiki developers at
So you now have commit access.
-: chibaguy passes around the induction ceremony wine....
chibaguy: (or beer, you can choose.)
... and tosses away the hat.
giograf: I will write some questions regarding the SVN and the commit as soon the work is more or less done.
And thanks for your work, guys!
chibaguy: So I recommend subscribing to the tikiwiki-devel and tikiwiki-cvs mailing lists if you aren't already.
You're welcome, and thanks to you as well.
( if you need the URL)
xavi: welcome giograf!
question about plugin tracker...
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
xavi: anybody knows how to pass values to plugin tracker through an url so that they are pre-filling the form the user sees at typing time?
I fear fighting with pluginjq, but since I saw param "values" in (aside of of autosavefields & autosavevalues), then I thought that there might be a more straightforard way
edouard: hello! i have problem to use « flagged revision » with tiki 15.0, i don't know how to hide pages for a specific group. Do you have any solution?
xavi: hi edouard. is this a regression (i.e. was it working as you expected in earlier version and stopped working in 15.x)?
otherwise, it might just be a configuration problem (e.g. how to tweak permissions to user groups)?
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: i can't delete the tracker.. (tiki version 16.2) -
New Forum Posts: Tiki toggle view in tracker is still failing in update 16.2 -
New Forum Posts: Upgraded to 12.9LTS -- forums now show blank page -
xavi: for the record, regarding my questions, this syntax in the url did the trick: "url?prefills=1:2&values[]=x&values[]=y"
feature added by sylvieg many years ago, great! (thanks Sylvie, we miss you, btw! :-)
edouard: hi xavi, it's not a regression, it's the first time i try to use it.
xavi: ok, edouard. Do you know how to use permissions in tiki? Re:
edouard: I thought I knew but now i doubt :/
xavi: I suggest you avoid using category permission until your master your tiki (and only if you really need them). For most use cases, with global and local/object permissions you have enough, adn the whole setup is way easier
edouard: I want to allow everyone to make modifications on pages but they have to be invisible until the admin allows publication
is that possible?
i saw that "tiki_p_wiki_view_latest" and "tiki_p_wiki_approve"
xavi: ah, yes, that's the basic behavior of flagged revisions. You can learn the basic usage with a profile that we created for that (available in the "Profiles Wizard": "Revision approval" or something like that)
See this:
and if you understand Spanish, you might be intersted in this short video from a course I tought a few years ago (I recorded some of the sessions):
chibaguy: I'm trying to have a theme used for a particular page, using categories and perspectives (not theme control).
But so far am failing.
I assigned a category to the page, and assigned a theme to a perspective. How can the link be made between the perspective and the category?
I've tried
Areas root category ID,
Category defaults, and Category jail, when editing the perspective.
I don't see that the perspective is being switched to, to activate the theme. I suspect you can't switch to a perspective by simply going to a page that's categorized a particular way. (I hope to be proven wrong.)
edouard: xavi thanks for your help
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
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xavi: no problem edouard
chibaguy: sorry, no idea (I'm newbie in that area)
-: xavi off for food
xavi: bbl
leagris: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: ah, I think I got it. The instructions on work. Make a custom module as shown, put it in pagetop module zone, activate "use categories in templates" and "plugin redirect".
So this switches the perspective, so this new perspective will continue to be used until there's another perspective switch, which may or may not be desired behavior.
For example, my page switched to the Amelia theme. When I next went to make a new page, this new-page-edit page still uses amelia.
So I imagine most everything that users can access needs to be categorized appropriately.
At a site using this method.
edouard: xavi on this link they said that "To be used, Flagged Revisions must be enabled from "Admin > Wiki > Flagged Revision" as Revision Approval. Multiple categories can be specified. Make sure to use the category ID, and not the category name, and separate multiple category IDs with the semicolon ; character. Pages added to those categories will use the approval workflow."
but i can't write anything
do you know how it works
xavi: chibaguy: no idea, I thought there was some sort of "default" perspective (0, no perspective indicated). But no idea about areas (never used them)
edouard: you can't write. where?
I know for sure that the Admin wizard checks for the category feature to be on, and provides the links for you to create the categories, etc.
edouard: ok
xavi: here at tiki-wizard_admin.php?&stepNr=8 "Set up Wiki environment"
"Once you have the feature 'Categories' enabled, you will need to define some content categories, and indicate which ones require revision approval for their wiki pages. You will be able to set the category ids here when you come back with Categories enabled, or at the corresponding Control Panel with the 'Advanced' features shown in the Preference Filters."
edouard: i don't understand how to fill the list in
that is what i don't understand "You will be able to set the category ids here when you come back with Categories enabled, or at the corresponding Control Panel with the 'Advanced' features shown in the Preference Filters"
how can i put ids in the list?
macnific: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: The instructions on worked for me for one perspective/theme/category. But the perspective doesn't switch when I go to a second page categorized differently. >:|
Ah, it's working now. My id numbers in the perspective_autoswitch custom module weren't right.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Easy way to prefill Description during edit page? -
xavi: edouard: I must quit now. Ask in the forum with url to see the issue or a wish + show.t.o instance, please, if you don't get any other answer here on irc. thanks!
c u
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Some links and alias tags not working -
giograf: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Groups, Workspaces, Areas, Perspectives, Categories, Data Channels etc. -
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
giograf: joined #tikiwiki
Hello! I've fixed the bug with the calendar module that appears only when the event description is too large and tiki-calendar page is opened in the list mode.
However, I would like to propose the following: since it seems that the calendar module shows events from the calendar in the list view (mode) only when the calendar page is already opened AND shows the events in the list view, it means that the module just duplicates the content for no good reason, moreover if there are many events the module will grow large vertically.
Oh, nevermind the last message, missed something about that.
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: polom
-: Jyhem going through a server full of tikis
Jyhem: fascinating: « A new version of Tiki, 6.15, is available. You are currently running 6.4. »
Tiki-KGB: 03pom2ter r59224 10trunk/templates/tiki-calendar_edit_item.tpl
[FIX] calendar events: fixed white on white bug in the dropdown when selecting a calendar. bug appears if you use custom colors for calendars and have jquery-ui chosen plugin enabled
03pom2ter r59225 10branches/15.x/templates/tiki-calendar_edit_item.tpl
[bp/r59224] [FIX] calendar events: fixed white on white bug in the dropdown when selecting a calendar. bug appears if you use custom colors for calendars and have jquery-ui chosen plugin enabled
nelsonko: left #tikiwiki
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki