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Hi, I'm looking to set up "something" to log (technical) data in about customers for a new startup. I would like to have a system where my internal users can edit data in freely (and somethimes structured). I would like a treeview "customers" with below that, customer1/customer2 etc.
I need to be able to give rights to those catagories and the groups/users those rights come from are inside an ldap. Can I do all this with tiki-wiki?
I was just looking at mediawiki, but that really is not build to do what I need.
stirus: joined #tikiwiki
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie with Tiki. Looking to use spreadsheet import function. Doesn't seem to work. Should it work?
as an alternative to spreadsheet import, could i setup a spreadsheet layout and then add data via the related mysql table?
RadoS: finalbeta, I'd say "yes".
finalbeta: Ok, good, I'm trying to find the API, but I think none exists?
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RadoS: API for what?
finalbeta: For outr ticketing system, monitoring system, I wrote tasks that set up a new customer, groups, contacts etc. I would like to do the same for Tikiwiki, I have a new customer, thus, I need a new customer section in the wiki, that section needs to be in the menu, a specific user group needs rights on that section.
I don't like manual setups, they encourage mistakes.
RadoS: Oh, fully automated content feeding, don't know about that.
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Jyhem: polom
finalbeta: sounds like data channels. It's for automating stuff using templates written in YAML.
I understand another approach would be through workspace templates, but I never looked at that. Might be easier/better documented than data-channels;, though
RadoS: Jyhem, but fully automated?
-: RadoS is using workspaces, but only manually.
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Jyhem: RadoS: well, you'd start with a form with fields about the customer, then it runs the YAML using previous entered values. You still need to enter the entries and clik OK :)
and no rollback, I seem to remember
xavi: mentioned using workspaces for automating stuff.
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xavi: polom
stirus: spreadsheet import only works with csv data
the excel import was never finished, afaik, but csv works (I?ve used it many times in the past, with earlier tiki versions, at least)
finalbeta: yes, you can. Data freely: wiki pages. Structured: data in tracker tables, with custom forms to input data by humans in wiki pages, and show output also in wiki pages with plugins and templates (many options).
nelsonko: left #tikiwiki
xavi: For automated input/edition to trackers, you can do that with "Tabular Trackers" and "php console.php" command to import data in the tracker (and you can fire that based on a cron job)
workspaces UI: Simple interface: they allow just a few options. Going into the advanced mode allows you to input yaml code, like in data channels
finalbeta: for hierarchical info, you can either use wiki structures (only for wiki pages), or content "categories", which are hierarchical, etc.
good luck
-: xavi back to work
finalbeta: Verry important is setting up the customer, adding an ldap group to a new category (and adding a few pages).
I'll have a look at everything you just said :)
xavi: yes, ldap worked as expected in tiki for a customer
so you can use those features on your own, or hire some consultants if your setup is complex and you require paid professional help at some point. See https://tiki.org/Consultants
Jyhem: Hi xavi :) I got the data-channels to work but that required getting hold of lph when he could not evade from the appartment in Barcelona :-) I'm glad there is a more human-friendly way now !
xavi: he he, workspaces work since that time when LPH could not escape from us in Barcelona appartment years ago ;-)
Jyhem: He got much better at evasion since :-(
xavi: finalbeta: automatic linking of user groups (from ldap) with content categories, I hven't tried that, sorry (unknown from my end whether it's already available in the code, or some development is needed)
Jyhem: oh well, kids make you smarter at evasion....
Jyhem: ^^
xavi: Jyhem btw, I saw some presentation of you doing a demo of d3 custom interface for some client...
any chance that something of that work you did gets upstreamed?
Jyhem: yup, and you know the client, btw :)
xavi: do I? Strasbourg based?
Jyhem: d3 is a lot like R: once the library is there, the hard work is about coding in d3
formerly Strasbourg based
xavi: mmmm, oh well, that's what I mean, sharing some plugin and some recipe for some use cases would help other keep improving it
Jyhem: so I can't see what could be upstreamed
well, that was meant to be the purpose of the presentation
xavi: Oh well, I wish there was some profile (or similar) plus whatever plugin or php files neeeded within Tiki codebase to reproduce your work locally and let others extend it, fork it, etc.
there is lots of interest in exploiting d3 power, and we could all benefit, I reckon, if we all share the code, improvements, tips, etc.
aother approach is to integrate some libraries that exploit d3 themeselves (like plotly.js MIT lib), to facilitate end-user life, etc
re: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/
Jyhem: yes, there is definitely room for libraries which build upon d3.js
xavi: re: https://plot.ly/javascript/
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tracker Field Type - Page Selector Can it create page on imports? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=60720
stirus: xavi: thanks. But I don't think csv spreadsheet import works now. I exported a sheet to csv and that worked. then i tried to import that same file and it did not....unless there's some specific way to do it.
lincolna: so: I've got a tracker with a "userlist" field
I'm showing info from that tracker on a wiki page using a trackerplugin and a prettytracker template
how do I make the displayed user data link to that user's page?
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xavi: Back. stirus, ok, can you add a bug report about it, please? See https://dev.tiki.org/Make+a+wish
enough for the day, probably. c u
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Tiki-KGB: 03nkoth r59388 10trunk/lib/tikilib.php * [FIX] User that has voted shows up as not voted a poll after re-login
03nkoth r59389 10branches/15.x/lib/tikilib.php * [bp/r59388][FIX] User that has voted shows up as not voted a poll after re-login
03nkoth r59390 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_poll.php
[FIX] Usability: do not show poll options at all if poll is closed, otherwise if I try and vote it tells me it is closed, which is pointless.
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