Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: improvement to profiles wizard with some search box/es (tablesorter) in new installs? - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60986
New Forum Posts: page header information rel="alternate" - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60980
New Forum Posts: File Gallery files getting lost over time - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60995
New Forum Posts: Plugin webdocviewer cannot be executed.on doc.t.o - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60988
New Forum Posts: improvement to profiles wizard with some search box/es (tablesorter) in new installs? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60986
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
luciash: joined #tikiwiki
ewong: joined #tikiwiki
hi.. with tiki wiki 15.2, I have the CSRF checked, and now everytime I change something in look& feel, I get this "Possible cross-site request forgery..." message. Clicking on "click here to confirm your action" just brings me to the same error.
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
ewong: so apparently I just reload the home page and the changes stick.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
New Forum Posts: File Gallery files getting lost over time - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60995
New Forum Posts: Plugin webdocviewer cannot be executed.on doc.t.o - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60988
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
New Forum Posts: File Gallery files getting lost over time - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60995
New Forum Posts: Plugin webdocviewer cannot be executed.on doc.t.o - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60988
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
NoteOn: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
New Forum Posts: File Gallery files getting lost over time - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60995
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
New Forum Posts: File Gallery files getting lost over time - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60995
Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
xavi: joined #tikiwiki
j0n3_: joined #tikiwiki
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
ewong: installing a new instance (15.2) in my own user directory.. I have my admin password.. I log in.. click on control panel.. click on add users.. enter the new user info. click on add.
then it goes to this "Are you sure you want to add this new user?" [click here to confirm your action] [go back] [Return to home page] I click on "Click here.."
then it 1) shows an error "You do not have permission to use this feature: tiki_p_admin_users and I noticed that I'm logged out as in the top right corner.. it says "Log in"
RadoS: ewong, cookie issue~
ewong: RadoS: I'm inclined to think that it could be that..
RadoS: You have no delays between your actions? (-> timeout)
ewong: no delays..
I've cleared my cookies.. cleared my cache.. logged in as admin.. did the aforementioned steps in adding a new user.. click on Add.. still get the confirmation dialog.. and then once confirmed, I'm getting that same error
I've deleted my whole installation.. deleted the database..
isn't there some session folder ?
Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki
RadoS: ewong, you can "clear all caches"
ewong: did that.. gonna try it
s/did/just did/
nope.. that didn't work
-: ewong headdesks.
ewong: I've cleared the cache.. cleared my browser's cache.. cleared the cookies.. what else am I missing?...
RadoS: luciash, amette, seems the tiki code has some "... =& new ..." occurances, but with php7 "=& new" isn't allowed anymore, the "&" must go.
But even after correction I couldn't import a mediawiki article, because: "MediaWiki XML file version 0.1 is not supported." D'oh! :-/
-: RadoS has some stone-age mediawiki to convert from.
ewong: been working on this for too long... RadoS thanks for the help.. will try tomorrow...
RadoS: ewong, cookie-blocker?
Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r59519 10trunk/templates/ 10wizard/admin_wiki.tpl 10admin/include_list_sections.tpl 10admin/admin_navbar.tpl
[DOC]Add link to doc page about Preference filters in most places where they were cited.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
New Forum Posts: File Gallery files getting lost over time - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60995
New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
New Forum Posts: File Gallery files getting lost over time - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60995
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: polom chibaguy
and all!
chibaguy: hi jonnyb
chibaguy_: joined #tikiwiki
back - "wifi adapter needed to be reset"
jonnyb: also bbl, shopping needs to be reset :)
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
amette: polom
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
New Forum Posts: File Gallery files getting lost over time - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=60995
luciash: polom!
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: [TikiFestHu2016] Meetup at tiki.org/live - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61005
New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki
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Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: Hi everybody - we're all in bbb at https://tiki.org/live
amette: RadoS: thanks for the info!
jonnyb: https://doc.tiki.org/Plugin+Alias#Composed_Arguments_Example
Hi all, we've moved to https://meet.jit.si/TikiFestHU
correction - https://meet.jit.si/tikifest :)
or maybe not...
Jyhem_laptop: no, we joined you in https://meet.jit.si/TikiFestHU :)
jonnyb: we were there for a while but it was just me and Gary...
Jyhem_laptop: we are with Gary
jonnyb: ok, now back to https://meet.jit.si/TikiFestHU
Jyhem_laptop: it took us time to realise you had created another one
Jyhem_laptop_: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: sorry for the confusion
-: Jyhem_laptop is lost
Jyhem_laptop: we kind of hear you two with variable understandability
joined #tikiwiki
Geza talks about: https://tiki.org/Branding+and+Marketing+Creative+Brief+2016#Logo_Word_Mark
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: [TikiFestHu2016] Meetup at tiki.org/live - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61005
New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
rpg: joined #tikiwiki
xavi: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: polom xavi
we're in https://meet.jit.si/TikiFestHU
but onmy chibaguy_ and me seem to be working ;)
xavi: he he, hi jonnyb, I?ll pass by , even if I'm busy in my last hours of teh last offical labour day of this week
rpg: Quick question (I hope!) any way to identify a theme that will underline links? My current theme makes them too hard to find. But I'm not finding a good "browse themes" tool.
Jyhem_laptop: our internet seems to be acting up again
Hi Xavi
xavi: hi Jyhem_
hi Jyhem_laptop
Jyhem_laptop: ping chibaguy_ (thee question)
xavi: rpg: change theme in your tiki Look and Feel control panel?
Jyhem_laptop: hi xavi, I heard you guys before, but not anymore
xavi: or have a lood at https://themes.tiki.org ?
rpg: xavi: At least for me, that panel gives me just a list of very short CSS filenames.
xavi: Jyhem_laptop: I muted, but jonnyb and chibaguy_ are still talking. Maybe audio issues in the house/fest (in you are there)?
rpg: xavi: and themes.tiki.org was a huge pile of themes, with long descriptive names that don't line up with the short "foobie.css" entries in my menu.
Jyhem_laptop: Geza & Luci discuss https://tiki.org/Branding+and+Marketing+Creative+Brief+2016#Logo_Word_Mark
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: [TikiFestHu2016] Meetup at tiki.org/live - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61005
New Forum Posts: Tikipedia theme is finally available again - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=60999
New Forum Posts: Disappearing Logo - Column Mash - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=60996
rpg: xavi: I didn't see any way to preview the themes that are installed in the current TikiWiki instance (but I'm not sure our company has a very up-to-date copy)
Jyhem_laptop: we totally don't hear you again
xavi: rpg: you just need to weak one css rule, probably
rpg: xavi: Yes, I'll have a look at doing that. Just wondered if there was an easier way that didn't require me installing a new theme.
xavi: rpg: you have almost all themes installed already, just change them in your tiki to see their effects in your site
rpg: xavi: I get it but... change, navigate to page with features I care about, check, navigate to menu, change... repeat is not the most streamlined UI.
But that answers my question: there really is no easier way.
xavi: yes, there is an easier way, of course. Just add the module "switch_theme" to your site, in a side column, go to your desired features or pages, and change themes there in context
rpg: xavi: Awesome!
xavi: Thanks a million. Will do.
xavi: np, welcome to the Tiki community! :-)
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r59520 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php
[ENH] scroll to top of customsearch results if window is scrolled down - useful with ajax pagination
03xavidp r59521 10trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl
[FIX]Remove typo (.) and make the sentence and link translatable in other languages where the order of the sentence might be different.
jonnyb: By the way, chibaguy_ (and amette and anyone else interested) i'm switching themes.t.o over to use the same elasticsearch as dev and doc, ok? (it's better)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Fwd: [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[59521] trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61012
jonnyb: and i've also connected the searches together (a bit) so now searching on doc finds things on themes, e.g. https://doc.tiki.org/tiki-searchindex.php?filter~content=custom+less
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59522 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/elfinder/tiki-elfinder.js
[FIX] elFinder: As rememberLastDir doesn't seem to work properly inside elFinder, clear the URL hash before initialising elFinder so it obeys the defaultGalleryId setting (thanks marclaporte)
03jonnybradley r59523 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/lib/jquery_tiki/elfinder/tiki-elfinder.js
[bp/r59522][FIX] elFinder: As rememberLastDir doesn't seem to work properly inside elFinder, clear the URL hash before initialising elFinder so it obeys the defaultGalleryId setting (thanks marclaporte)
03kroky6 r59524 10trunk/lib/ 10tikilib.php 10wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php 10trackers/trackerlib.php * [FIX] allow trackerlist to filter by exact empty or not() empty value
03xavidp r59525 10trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl
[DOC]My 2 cents to improve that last parts of the installer to avoid redundant information, get texts smaller, add some links, and minor tweaks. thanks bernard for earlier work, plus jonnyb and chibaguy for advice on some wording changes (feel free to improve wording or reducing length in texts, etc)
jonnyb: thanks xavi :)
xavi: np, thanks to you also, as usual
bye bye all (tiki festers, enjoy!)
rpg: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59526 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.user_selector.php
[FIX] user_selector: Sort usernames by real name (when using realnames), also move getting the user lists into where it was actually needed, i.e. not in autocomplete mode
03jonnybradley r59527 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.user_selector.php 1015.x
[bp/r59526][FIX] user_selector: Sort usernames by real name (when using realnames), also move getting the user lists into where it was actually needed, i.e. not in autocomplete mode
m21: joined #tikiwiki
hi! I can't find wiki's "discuss page in forum" option in version 15, where is it?! Was it dropped?
sorry, sorry, "advanced" settings were off :D
Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
hello m21
did you remender to activate admin advanced view?
amette: jonnyb: Good work with the elasticsearch! :)
luciash: fabricius: multitasking does not work ;) te user already said he did that and the user already left irc
fabricius: oh Luci, it is not written in my chat
luciash: ah got it :)
nelsonko: left #tikiwiki
ford_p: joined #tikiwiki
hi, configuring a tiki 15.2, and encountered a problem. my replacement for the logo module has, when attributed, no options to hide decoration. is there anything i can do about this?
Caarrie: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: hello ford_p
ford_p: fabricius: hi
fabricius: did you create a custom module?
ford_p: yes
fabricius: custom modules have no preconfigured module option fields
ford_p: an when i attribute it to a place, it gets this shady background color, and a non-filled header
fabricius: you have to enter the module options below in a single box manually
example for you:
ford_p: ok, i understand. options are not global, but every module defines its own
fabricius: yes
ford_p: so where does this shady background come from then?
fabricius: you can have one module with box, but without decorations and another with decoration, but limited to a category or a page etc.
shady background maybe from the theme?
not sure, as I do not know your setup
you have a link to your site or is it locally installed?
ford_p: jep
fabricius: you want a transparent background I guess?
ford_p: yes
fabricius: it seems your logo is a png with transparent background and your theme creates the panel backgrounds ... due to the use of Bootstrap as CSS framework our modules are .panel .panel default
sry - .panel .panel-default
you need to use "nobox=y"
ford_p: ah, ok. i guess its a config that is parsed by tiki. how does that go in?
fabricius: then you get the content of the module without displaying the surrounding panel
ford_p: thats exactly what i want
fabricius: module parameter "nobox=y" does exactly that
ford_p: where do i put this parameter? surely not plain into source code
ah, where i attribute them. i see
whats the parameter to hide the decoration and the top bar as well?
fabricius: as said: custom modules when you edit the applied module (not the content of the custom module) have a box at the end of the edit/apply dialog, which is empty by default - this box instead of the tabs of the legacy (preconfigured) modules
nobox hides everything
ford_p: well, i just put it in, but a frame remains…?
fabricius: you have four options:
ford_p: or does not. just in module view, where modules are outlined…
fabricius: title=alternateTitleName
ford_p: yes, looks as expected now. thank you very much for your explanations. sry for beeing noob.
fabricius: in case you wanted a box with decoration (= panel heading displayed) but no box below (panel background transparent and no border) then you must apply a class to the module and write custom css for that class
because it is an unusual case
ford_p: i see
fabricius: isn't it rather "der Blog" than "das Blog"?
ford_p: well, depends on taste, i think?
fabricius: actually it is "das Wiki" and people are discussing ongoingly wether it is "das" or "der" Blog, so technically you are right
yes taste
psst scho :)
ford_p: konrad duden didnt know yet to tell us…
fabricius: /s/psst/passt
hehe good answer
ford_p: wikipedia: Blog Das oder auch der Blog
fabricius: did you use one of Gary's new themes?
you used dark velvet
ford_p: i scrolled through the pre installed, and here its called superhero
fabricius: are you new to Tiki, or are you using it since longer time?
ford_p: i chose it despite its name…
very bloody new
fabricius: ah it is not "dark velvet"?
ford_p: until now used mediawiki only, and some other cms
well, i guess not, as its called superhero here :)
fabricius: sure ... looks similar due to similar module appearence. yet it is not the same.
ford_p: the killer feature with tiki for me is the permission framework for the wiki. so i can have a partly public partly private wiki
fabricius: I just asked, as we have a new themes shop (for free themes, which are not shiped with the code)
ford_p: ah, i didnt know
from wordpress i know to be careful about themes. they might contain big security vulns, and might never be fixed
so i stick with the pre-installed
fabricius: Our move to Bootstrap had a number of reasons:
* make Tii responsive and more modern
* attract new designers, making modern responsive themeing easier
* creating a themes shop for designers
ford_p: so, how about security issues? are there many? are they published on a special channel (rss, mailinglist, etc…) and fixed or is one up to oneself?
fabricius: with our themes you do not need to be careful, as our themes do not contain code syntax - only grafical stuff and in case a theme would optionally contain JS for a slideshow or for a Masonry, this would still only affect the page or module where you would use this particular element
ford_p: good to know. maybe i look around more then
fabricius: we have a security mailing lst with access only for trusted and well known active community members - one of the rare areas where we are ind of restrictive in respect of public communication
ford_p: yeah, thats a good sign. but how are you informing users about urgend updates?
fabricius: Gary is our template/theme hero, who carried most of the workload of the conversion from classic Tiki themes to Tiki Bootstrap themes and templates