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New Forum Posts: How does https://doc.tiki.org/setup.sh show the file? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61158
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New Forum Posts: How does https://doc.tiki.org/setup.sh show the file? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61158
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New Forum Posts: How does https://doc.tiki.org/setup.sh show the file? - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61158
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New Forum Posts: How does https://doc.tiki.org/setup.sh show the file? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61158
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r59649 10branches/15.x/lib/core/Search/MySql/Index.php * [bp/59560] [FIX] show error on missing column in mysql search index
03kroky6 r59650 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php 1015.x/lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php 1015.x
[bp/59614] [FIX] add mail content type and charset header based on user preferences or tiki preferences
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r59651 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php
[bp/59520] [ENH] scroll to top of customsearch results if window is scrolled down - useful with ajax pagination
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: How does https://doc.tiki.org/setup.sh show the file? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61158
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r59652 10branches/ 1012.x 1012.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php
[bp/59520] [ENH] scroll to top of customsearch results if window is scrolled down - useful with ajax pagination
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59653 10trunk/tiki-setup.php * [FIX] maps: Handle zoom level string better
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59654 10trunk/lib/wiki/editlib.php
[FIX] tests: When running tests from the lib/test dir the editlib tests were all failing at this point again (after i removed the dir change workarounds) so specify the full path always
03jonnybradley r59655 10trunk/lib/test/wiki-plugins/TranslationOfTest.php
[FIX] tests: One more translation test fixed to expect the new bootstrap popups html
03drsassafras r59656 10trunk/robots.txt * [ENH] Removal of redundant rules to streamline robots.txt file.
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hi. while playing around with my tiki installation i noticed chromium blocking a flash element on my site. what purpose does it serve and can i disable it?
RadoS: ford_p, disable all "media" plugins in tiki.
Apparently some basic JS-code to support such elements is included in each page when enabled.
ford_p: RadoS: thank you, i think i found the setting.
looks good now
also, mind if i drop some more questions?
RadoS: Of course we mind, only 1 per person per month.
... ;)
ford_p: everything above is for premium only
buy your plan today
RadoS: Oh yeah, money money money!!! :)
ford_p: can i make tiki not include fonts from google?
it wants to load from fonts.googleapis.com a lot, but i think they will just use that for tracking. also, i dont care too much about superspecial fonts, so i'd just turn it off
RadoS: Hmm, didn't notice this yet (new to tiki myself).
ford_p, which version?
ford_p: lts. 15.2 if i'm not mistaken
RadoS: ford_p, I use the same, but here they are not included (as far as noScript cares).
Maybe this is also related to a plugin (I have disabled quite a lot).
ford_p: RequestPolicy finds it loading from there
RadoS: ford_p, can you figure out the source where it's included?
ford_p: and i also found the references in the css files
RadoS: Oh then... which one?
I'd cross-check whether I use them, too.
ford_p: well, grep-ing through the sources i find countless of references
RadoS: On my tiki noScript only blocks fonts from my own server, nothing external AFAICS.
-: RadoS does the same...
ford_p: mostly in themes
RadoS: Ah, then it's a theme issue. No idea whether the core-tiki team feels/ is responsible for the themes or the authors directly.
"grep -rl 'fonts.goggle' ." produces no results over here...
ford_p: well, i use the builtin-themes that are shipped with it, so it might be of some interest to them
RadoS: wonder where you got those from,
or how you found them.
Oops, typo :)
-: RadoS types too often goggle intentionally, missed that now.
ford_p: "grep -R fonts.googleapis.com /my/path " found numerous, in themes and temp folder for minified js/css
well, goggles are not nedded…
RadoS: ford_p, heh, lucky me I use jqui, there is no such thing in it. :)
ford_p: well, glad to hear
i might just comment it out of the one i use
RadoS: Might break some layout/ design intentions.
ford_p: but protects privacy
-: RadoS nods.
ford_p: design relying on violating privacy cant be good
RadoS: You could copy those fonts (if legal) and provide them locally.
ford_p: good idea
RadoS: => if necessary.
ford_p: you dont happen to know about http-flags for cookies in tiki? the cookies lack the http-only flag protecting them from javascript access
RadoS: No.
ford_p: i tried to turn it on in php.ini, but that did not yield the results i expected, so tiki most certainly produces cookies with its own code
chibaguy: Hi guys. Some themes fetch fonts from Google Fonts. You can edit the theme stylesheet to prevent that. If you want to use a webfont but not import it from a remote server, you can store it locally instead.
(But the import statement in the CSS would have to be edited.)
I never heard of a privacy or tracking issue related to using web fonts, though.
RadoS: goggle tracks everything ... by default. ;)
chibaguy: Well, the fix is to turn off your internet connection.
But storing the font files at your server and serving them from there is definitely an option if you want both nice looking (non-default) fonts and more privacy.
dog outdoor time. bbl.
RadoS: Aynway... next topic :)
I've read https://doc.tiki.org/Permissions , yet I stumble quite often about being required to set global permissions to have some options work even though they have been previously assigned to category permissions.
Somebody from this channel once stated "permissions are permissive, i.e. if allowed by any instance, then it's allowed" (unless I misunderstood the statement.
For example: I want a group to see structures to which they are granted access via categories.
But this doesn't work with 15.2, complaining "tiki_p_view" were missing, but it's set in the cat perms.
Only when I set the perm globally, then it works, but then it only shows structures allowed by cat perms, not globally.
I.e. perms seem not to be "one is sufficient", but I need both global + cat perms to make some stuff work.
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RadoS: ... while other stuff works with only cat perms, like editing/ viewing pages works OK without global perms.
Am I missing something or is there something broken functionally?
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