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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [02:21]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Deprecated Tracker Image Field - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61267
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New Forum Posts: Deprecated Tracker Image Field - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61267
New Forum Posts: Tiki trunk warning - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61256
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rpgjoined #tikiwiki [03:17]
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Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r59746 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemLink.php * [FIX] itemlink duplicate handling fix for table display [08:20]
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luciashpolompompom [10:59]
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jonnybpompom luciash and all [11:42]
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luciashhi jonnyb [12:03]
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jonnybmoloq chibaguy [12:15]
chibaguyhi jonnyb [12:16]
luciashhi chibaguy [12:16]
chibaguyhi luciash
It's nice to see people registering at Transifex to translate Tiki (just noticed luciash approved one).
(good to see signs of people being involved and using)
luciashyep, I hope they were not waiting too long [12:22]
panamausjoined #tikiwiki [12:22]
luciashI am just a bit puzzled we have Spanish and Spanish (Spain) languages there [12:22]
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chibaguyYeah, I'd expect those to be the same, and if there are variants, then it'd be like Portuguese and Portuguese (Brazil). [12:39]
Tiki-KGB03luciash r59747 10trunk/themes/base_files/less/tiki-miscellaneous_global.less * [ENH] nicer fullscreen button appearance (todo: lessc)
03kroky6 r59748 10trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php * [FIX] clear tracker item field cache upon item modification
03kroky6 r59749 10trunk/lib/ 10core/Math/Formula/Function/Add.php 10core/Math/Formula/Function/SplitList.php 10core/Math/Formula/Function/Mul.php 10test/core/Math/Formula/RunnerTest.php
[ENH] math calculation: add/mul support of list parameters; split-list working on a single key splitting strings like A,B,C,...
03kroky6 r59750 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 5 dirs)
[ENH] tracker enhancements:
1) remove ItemLink options for totals/calculation of third tracker field
2) add option to DynamicList to remove blank option and thus preselecting first option (useful if there is only one relevant option in the other tracker)
3) add next parameter to tracker services allowing user to return to a tracker if "Adding" ItemLink options to another tracker while adding/editing an item in original tracker
03luciash r59751 10trunk/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css * [ENH] nicer fullscreen button appearance (lessc compiled) [13:06]
03kroky6 r59752 10trunk/lib/core/Math/Formula/Function/ 10Add.php 10Mul.php * [FIX] indentation fix, sorry! [13:12]
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jonnybradleyjoined #tikiwiki [13:39]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [14:40]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6111 [14:52]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [15:09]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: persepective issues on t.o (community & news) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61273 [15:15]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [15:18]
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ricks99joined #tikiwiki
polom y'all
jonnybhi ricks99, nice to see you :) [15:42]
ricks99ricks99 would LOVE to send a Tiki newsletter... but can't get the SEND NEWSLETTER page on t.o to cooperate. :(
hiya jonnyb
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6112 [15:42]
ricks99have tried FF, chrome and IE, but the SEND screen simply locks up and nothing happens. :(
i've saved the newsletter as a draft, if any other tiki admins want to try (and then tell me what I've done wrong)
jonnybew, Xavi managed to send one a little while ago, not sure what magic he did though [15:44]
ricks99maybe he'll pop in (or i'll send him an email)
another issue... any idea why my Tiki show instance stuck on "missing third party software files"? Been nearly 30 minutes
jonnybpossibly an email, he's usually here by now if he's around [15:45]
ricks99thx jonnyb for fixing my perspective issue on t.o news. :) [15:48]
ricks99: which Tiki show instance?
ricks99hi jyhem...
jonnybyes, there was another sho instance stuck yesterday, looks like something borked :( [16:00]
JyhemI feel it's all about composer.tiki.org being broken :-(
See: http://ricks-6399-6111.show.tikiwiki.org/install_log.txt
Jyhem is fed up with "fixing" composer.tiki.org and still no news about another server i could move it on :-(
ricks99:( [16:03]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: composer.json and satis.json version strings [was [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[59741] trunk] - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61277 [16:05]
jonnybJyhem: So we need a new server set up with up to date php etc on right? Can you email the admins to expalin that because i don't think we should branch 16.x when we can't make show instances (plus i'm also updating the dependncies gradually so it'll be the weekend earliest i think) [16:06]
ricks99fwiw, i was trying to make a show instance for 15.2 [16:09]
JyhemI did, and I re-sent the mail to nelson during last roundtable, and he said he'd prefer a new dedicated server. I snt him info on which offerings we have.
No news since
jonnybok, thanks Jyhem [16:13]
Tiki-KGB03patrick-proulx r59753 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.userlink.php
[FIX] Fixed issue with redundant popup of a user's name in userlink when community mouseover is not enabled.
JyhemI removed dist/adodb-adodb-5.18.zip, relanched satis : no progress.
i removed ~/.composer/cache
jonnybthat usually fixes this sort of thing, doesn't it
so somehow the checksum in the composer.lock must be wrong them...
JyhemI relaunched the satis script (the original, without all the changes for victor), and rick's site still blow on setup.sh → c
Installing dependencies from lock file
- Installing adodb/adodb (5.18)
Downloading: 100%

The checksum verification of the file failed (downloaded from https://composer.tiki.org/dist/adodb-adodb-5.18.zip)

install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>]...
well, the checksum in matches the file :-(
https://composer.tiki.org/packages.json → https://composer.tiki.org/include/all$06b949ecbd1ce241fbe1d69c3b6502deb6fd2d89.json
I download https://composer.tiki.org/dist/adodb-adodb-5.18.zip and I get the shasum:
5311e4dd79cd3e841ae55be98c3f6f876bc768a4 adodb-adodb-5.18.zip
which is the same as the one in https://composer.tiki.org/include/all$06b949ecbd1ce241fbe1d69c3b6502deb6fd2d89.json
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r59754 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock
[UPD] Replace recent changes and updates to packages using the ^ operator to include the full minimum required version just in case.
Minor update to the lock file due to a git repo psr/log update (in require dev only i hope?)
Jyhemwait composer.lock?
not an issue on composer.tiki.org??
joy, we also have an svn upgrading incompatibility issue :-(
moved composer.lock in satis, started again
No progress on ricks99's show instance: The checksum verification of the file failed (downloaded from https://composer.tiki.org/dist/adodb-adodb-5.18.zip)
Jyhem is out of ideas, back to real work :-(
jonnybJyhem: sorry to re-interrupt, i need to make some changes to satis.json in order to make some updated packages available there for tiki 16, will that mess things up even more do you think?
Maybe it would fix something :)
josemendesjoined #tikiwiki
Hi all
I'm going nuts with my users because I can't find a way to enable a WYSIWYG editor with image pasting capabilities in TikiWiki 15
Can anybody help me?
I googled and can't find anything useful.
jonnybhi josemendes - image pasting capabilities? Not sure that's possible [16:35]
josemendeshi jonnyb. that's what i thought, but it is such a common feature... [16:36]
jonnybreally? like where? [16:36]
josemendeseverybody expects CtrlCmd + V to work. [16:37]
jonnybin applications maybe but i've not seen it on a web editor
we use ckeditor in tiki, the demo is here http://ckeditor.com/demo (and only pastes the image url afaics)
josemendesGoogle Docs, Joomla, Worpress, etc
jonnyb, if you go to the demo and paste an image from the clipboard it works as expected
jonnybdidn't work for me - how does it upload it? and to where? [16:41]
josemendesFrom the page: "Note: This demo uses ​​CKFinder to upload and manage files."
And after pasting a image, the HMTL code of the editor's contents is: "<p><img src="/userfiles/images/Public%20Folder/image(48).png" style="height:484px; width:270px" /></p>"
chibaguyckfinder seems to be a commercial product.
so, no luck, eh?
chibaguyMaybe your users have experience at sites that ckfinder was bought and installed at.
Only open source scripts, etc. can be packaged with Tiki.
josemendesyes, of course [16:46]
chibaguyPossibly ckfinder could be installed separately and integrated by that site's admins. [16:46]
Jyhemjonnyb: I can't see how you could mess things beyond "it does not work" :)
which is the current situation
so go ahead
jonnybthat's what i thought Jyhem - will try not to make it worse :) [16:48]
josemendesok, thanks all! [16:50]
chibaguySure, josemendes. Wish it could have been a better answer for you. [16:50]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r59755 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json
[UPD] Loosen or remove version constraints on various packages in satis.json (font-awesome, minicart, dompdf, bootstrap and various others)
chibaguyjonnyb, I wonder if any of these could enable Tiki to join the CtrlCmd + V image pasting club: http://ckeditor.com/addons/clipboard . I didn't check any details yet.
(and I don't know if these plugins can be added easily)
also I don't know if it would be worth the trouble.
jonnybcertianly don't have time for it at the moment (pre 16.x), maybe one day though, thanks for investigating chibaguy
maybe we already have http://ckeditor.com/addon/uploadimage installed, i think we get the full package with all plugins...
chibaguyMaybe so. It's not big priority for sure.
(I'm sort of curious how many sites have this feature; if it's plenty, then I imagine there's more pressure to stay in step.)
fabriciusHello folks, [17:25]
chibaguyBut I suspect it isn't so many. [17:25]
fabriciuspolom [17:25]
chibaguyhi fabricius [17:26]
fabriciusI need help
I have a question
Tiki|botWelcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you! [17:26]
fabriciushehe [17:26]
jonnybhi fabricius, what's up? [17:26]
Jyhem:) hi fabricius [17:26]
fabriciussorry, NO emergency, just a question towards newsletters
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r59756 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock
[UPD] fortawesome/font-awesome to ^4.6.3 (also a couple of minor dev updates following changes to satis.json)
03jonnybradley r59757 10trunk/themes/base_files/iconsets/default.php * [UPD] iconsets: New icons from fa 4.6
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torsten1joined #tikiwiki [17:47]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r59758 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ 10JsCalendar.php 10DateTime.php
[ENH] trackers: Deploy timeago on tracker date fields if the pref and the new useTimeAgo option is enabled
fabriciusconnection problems, sorry
the sent out newsletter has the text version first and the html version
it seems the received newsletter is different in my own inbox, than in a collegues inbox and I like to have the html first
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r59759 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock
[UPD] Various packages
jquery/jquery-timepicker-addon to 1.6.1
twitter/bootstrap to 3.3.7
zetacomponents/base to 1.9
zetacomponents/webdav to 1.2 (note, both this and the old version 1.1.3 seem to still be from github, not composer.t.o, not sure why)
Jyhemjonnyb: I had disabled the kludges I did for Victor for getting stuff from composer.to instead of github. They are back again [18:11]
jonnybah, ok, sorry about that
so was that change to zetacomponents/webdav in one of my earlier commits?
probably should have left that one alone, the webdav feature is so ancient
JyhemNot sure I understand this
for some reason, satis throws an error and the json file points towards github.
I put local downloads on composer.to and twist things so we get a json which refers to those
But we still get many errors, so I feel our satis is out of sync with the current composer
jonnybhmm, odd - everything else worked ok, even the other zetacomponents/base seems happy and updated correctly, so i wonder what's wrong with that bit?
I did find when i changed the font-awesome version before i had updated satis it switched over to using github, probably getting the info from packagist.org, and even when i have updated satis so the pagacke was on composer.t.o it still insisted on using the github one, until i had reverted the change, cleared the cache file, remade the change and re-updated - was quite sticky :)
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Jyhemhmm, which cache file would that be? [18:45]
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [18:48]
JyhemIs there any way of duplicating trackerfilter's «Items found: 8» in CUSTOMSEARCH? [18:50]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r59760 10trunk/ 10templates/admin/include_intertiki.tpl 10tiki-login.php
[FIX] intertiki: Add an error if the groups on the client are not set properly and add missing host input in the form to add a new master server (seems to work fine on php7)
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [19:36]
joelobrechtjoined #tikiwiki
Hello everybody. A quick question in order to be sure on the solution I will use in production.
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r59761 10trunk/tiki-admin_categories.php
[FIX] categories: Display error messages using the new ['mes' => 'message'] format
joelobrechtI want users to edit the data they entered in a tracker via a plugin I can insert in a custom page. Is there a way to do this in Tracker plugin without an ID ?
What I would like to use is a filter field and a unique value to help pass parameters in the link
Huh nevermiind I found something in the doc : How to go from TRACKERLIST to TRACKER on this item It seems that it might do this exact trick :) {trackerlist trackerId="1" fields="1:2:3:4:5:6" url="Page1?itemId"}
Let's test it :)
Jyhem_joined #tikiwiki [20:02]
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joelobrechtDoesn't appear to work in tiki12 :(
OK I'll use jyhem's plugin trackerfilteredit. Bye all
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: composer.json and satis.json version strings [was [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[59741] trunk] - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61277
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [23:31]
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