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luciash: polom
hello ya zombies :)
RadoS: .me moans.
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59762 10trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php
[FIX] categories: Allow a category name to change case when editing (should address wish6112, thanks chibaguy)
chibaguy: Oh, thanks to you jonnyb :-)
jonnyb: no probs chibaguy - can you test it in trunk?
if it's ok i'll backport it to at least 15, maybe 12 as well?
chibaguy: Ok, I'll do that.
luciash: hi folks :)
jonnyb: pompom luciash
luciash: any idea where temp file is stored when uploading using file type tracker field to gallery? the error message is not very helpful...
I am pretty sure it is writing perms to some temp dir but not sure which one
ah, got it
jonnyb: good good, not sure what you meant :)
luciash: the tmp/ folder was missing one level below the Tiki root
uploading to filegals gave better error message ;)
"Temporary folder missing"
jonnyb: Anyone got any ideas about the pref category_sort_ascii? Now we can change the case of categories (chibaguy ) i noticed upper case wasn't sorted next to lower case unless this (advanced) pref was enabled, doesn't seem quite right to me...
well done luciash - i think that is a php setting (where the tmp dir should be)
luciash: yep
i just accidentaly deleted it while cleaning up and now the file uploads stopped working there
jonnyb: i would keep it there (the category_sort_ascii) - there certainly was some reason why it was introduced ;)
chibaguy: jonnyb, are you saying upper and lower case should be listed together by default? (case insensitive?)
jonnyb: yes chibaguy
at the moment if that pref is off it uses SORT_LOCALE_STRING which sounds good but i think it should be case insentitive too, surely?
chibaguy: That seems logical to me; I noticed theme names also are listed with all uppercase first A-Z and then lowercase a-z
(in the L&F selector)
jonnyb: At the moment i get: Apple, Cat, Dog, banana
(for instance)
chibaguy: right.
It's visually strange in the themes selector because the names are rendered with uppercase even though the directory name is lower case, so the themes go A-Z A-Z
jonnyb: it works for me (in english) with that pref selected but i don't think this should be an "advanced" option
chibaguy: Yeah, I don't see the reason for that.
jonnyb: so shall i make category_sort_ascii default to y?
it's partially the title and description of that pref that is very offputting i think
chibaguy: The links in the navbar aren't working for me at dev.tiki.org.
jonnyb: you mean like https://dev.tiki.org/Security etc? seems ok for me
chibaguy: (using windows/FF dev edition))
jonnyb: ah, sorry - reloaded and also not working now... luciash ? ;)
chibaguy: (sorry, I meant the dropdowns in particular.)
I'm liking perspectives more and more. I was trying to figure out how to have theme-specific "custom code just before the body tag" and it's easy with a perspective.
gonna eat. bbl.
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59763 10trunk/lib/prefs/category.php
[MOD] categories: Seems the default up to now to sort by case, which would seem to be the not preferred option usually, so make this "ascii" sort the default, remove from advanced and make the description and name easier to understand (hopefully)
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luciash: re
sorry, yes? what was the question?
i think SORT_LOCALE_STRING is better default (if there is a way to force it sort case insensitively by default tooú
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luciash: jonnyb: ?
jonnyb: sorry, visitors
here luciash
yes, that's the trouble, there doesn't seem to be a way of sorting using locale and case insensitive, which seem odd
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jonnyb: go ahead and revert the default bit of you think it's better, but i'd say keep the improved description and i don't think it need to be "advanced"
anyway, food time here, bbl
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59764 10trunk/lib/prefs/category.php
[FIX] categories: Revert to previous behaviour to make locale ignore case the default again to avoid upgrade issues (thanks luciash)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59765 10trunk/composer.lock
[UPD] cleared composer cache and re-ran composer update so build new shasums to reflect changes on composer.t.o (thanks kroky6 and Jyhem, hope it helps)
zetacomponents/webdav failed due to a file perm issue so will need to re-fix that one after the file's fixed.
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xavi: brrr, spammers again in t.o
I'll get the banning gun
luciash: hi xavi, get them all!
xavi: :-D
only one, and not very active, it seems (luckily)
-: luciash really wonders how they sneak in when we have so many registration checks
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jonnyb: polom xavi, thanks for protecting us! :)
xavi: my 2 cents! ;-)
Jyhem_laptop: polom
Sorry jonnyb: chown root.www-data ../../www/problematic/zetacomponents-Webdav-1.1.3-0-g2057c28.zip
jonnyb: thanks
super, that's fixed thanks Jyhem_laptop
luciash: yay
Jyhem_laptop: cool, seems only show.tiki.org has issues with composer.tiki.org or are we talking about different topics?
jonnyb: will need to do another fix now the webdav file is readable, but then it should be ok...
Jyhem_laptop: jonnyb: don't you experience issues with sh setup.sh → c on Tiki15?
I still see The checksum verification of the file failed (downloaded from https://composer.tiki.org/dist/adodb-adodb-5.18.zip)
jonnyb: hang on pls, on a call
Jyhem_laptop: sure
Bsfez: howdy
jonnyb: back
Jyhem_laptop: yes, the shasum for that one needs recalculating, i'll try...
Jyhem_laptop: well that's odd, the zetacomponents/webdav now downloads fine but there's no update to the shasum in the lock file, so presumably it's ok (odd)
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6114
Jyhem_laptop: but the one that fails for tiki15 is not zetacomponents/webdav, it's adodb-adodb-5.18.zip :-(
jonnyb: yes, that needs fixing now too (clear cache, delete vendors and bin, delete composer.lock, then composer update)
i can do it later but am battling with trunk at the moment
ipfreely: joined #tikiwiki
morning fellas
Im displaying an item link from another tracker which is a date, i have it set as date only, and when i input it, its fine. When i display the link it shows me the correct date, but with a phantom time 04:00:00
no idea where it comes from or how to get rid of it
When i display the tracker in wiki, its fine, only when using the link it adds the time
jonnyb: hi ipfreely - when you say "using the link" you mean viewing it as item42 or whatever?
ipfreely: yes
when viewing the link in the foreign tracker
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jonnyb: have you changed your date preferences in admin/general?
ipfreely: yes
lemme double check that again
also, that variable is set as DATE ONLY
not DATE and TIME
so the format shouldn't be an issue should it?
jonnyb: indeed
is this a datepicker date, or the old select menus type field?
ipfreely: datepicker
jonnyb: it should be using the date format enterede in the short_date_format preference
most odd
the 4:00 hours presumably is your offset from UTC?
ipfreely: checking
sorry now sure
Its toronto, canada
same tz as new york
jonnyb: odd, that should be -5 hours
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jonnyb: ipfreely: just checked my 15.x locally and it's showing a date as just a date on tracker item view - stumped i'm afraid, i don't remember any fixes on that since 15.2
luciash: isn't it -4 hours in summertime?
ipfreely: johnnyb, can you setup a link to that in another tracker, and then in trackerview click add item and see what it displays?
jonnyb: sorry, not now, drowning (work)
ipfreely: no worries
stranger still, the format it displays the date doesn't match either SHORT DATE OR LONG DATE format in General/Time
and even better
i modified the date picker from date only to date and time
but the time i set, is offset by 4 hours
i think i need to destroy this tracker and rebuild it from scratch
it adds 4 hours to whatever the time set is
I guess workaround is to just do it as text and abandon date picker
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r59766 10trunk/tiki-view_tracker.php
[FIX] tracker filters by exact value when filtering a dropdown field type with distinct values (prevents search for IT find an item like Dynamite)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59767 10trunk/tiki-setup.php * [FIX] PHP minimum version 5.6
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59768 10trunk/lib/perspective/binderlib.php
[FIX] areas: Try a 301 redirect instead of 302, possibly will help facebook (and others) crawling the page. Annoyingly it's not really a redirect as it's just a relaod of the same URL, but using a 200 response code seems to get converted into 302 automatically - maybe this wil be better.
The alternative would be a major reworking of the setup process to this could happen early enough for the perpective to be set before anything else happens (could be messy)
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