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nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [00:43]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [01:37]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Broken Images - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=61440
New Forum Posts: https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki16 is just a white screen - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61429
New Forum Posts: JS Minify [was [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[59865] trunk/lib/codemirror_tiki/tiki_codemirror.php] - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61426
New Forum Posts: Broken Images - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=61440
New Forum Posts: https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki16 is just a white screen - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61429
New Forum Posts: JS Minify [was [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[59865] trunk/lib/codemirror_tiki/tiki_codemirror.php] - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61426
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rpgjoined #tikiwiki [03:34]
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panamausjoined #tikiwiki [04:22]
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Tiki-KGB03amnabilal r59913 10trunk/ 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.php 10lib/core/Services/Pivot/Controller.php 10templates/wiki-plugins/pivottable.tpl
[ENH][Fix]Pivottable plugin fixes, get default column and rows if parameters is not passed. Modified plugin shortcode, fixed js files loading in tpl,multiple fixes in controller.php.
....... (idle for 34mn)
NoteOnjoined #tikiwiki [08:08]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [09:59]
olinuxxjoined #tikiwiki [10:05]
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MMaxjoined #tikiwiki
i want to upgrade tiki 12.2 to 15.2
but i have an Error
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'TikiDb_Exception' with message 'Data too long for column 'pageSlug' at row 1' in tiki-15.2/lib/core/TikiDb/Exception.php:15
any idea what i have to do!?
php console.php -n database:update -> [TikiDb_Exception] Data too long for column 'pageSlug' at row 1 [10:31]
luciashhi MMax
can you check what you have in pageSlug in db? iirc it is used for slugs to be filled in SEFURLs like my-fancy-page - the page slug is the "-" character here - should be just one char maybe?
MMax: or "_"
for update, ie. 15.1 to 15.2 = minor update,
luciashNoteOn: hi, yep [10:50]
NoteOninstaller ask setup value not in db, so we must re input setup? [10:50]
luciashNoteOn: not sure I understand what you mean [10:51]
NoteOnI didn't check installer php yet, values are in file.
sorry, again;)...
luciashnp :)
you just run php console.php d:u
and it should do it
or the database upgrade step in tiki installer via browser
NoteOnwhen update, val are in db, such as site name, slogan etc. so we can use old val, but some are in file. setup php file that not in new version'ts zip.
so in normal step, we need re input setup val then installer write to file.
luciashah, yes, you need to copy them over if you had modified files [10:53]
NoteOnis there way to use val that in file, [10:53]
luciashthere is tiki.ini possible
but that is for new sites migrations i think
not necessary for minor site upgrades
MMaxhi luciash - thx for your answer
i cant find a table with the name paheSlug
luciashMMax: it is not db table name
it is column
MMaxand in which table? [10:56]
luciashmaybe in tiki_preferences table? [10:56]
NoteOnluciash: huum, i will check, doing test update,
in doc says, after update, do copy extra files... but its good to keep old val that in file while update process
MMaxnope - there is no column pageSlug
NoteOnMMax: //CREATE TABLE `tiki_pages` ( [11:02]
MMaxthere are many values [11:02]
NoteOnits in `pageSlug` varchar(160) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
ah u mean there is no data?
MMaxthe column pageSlug is in use [11:03]
luciashno, I mean it is trying to put there more than 160 characters for some reason [11:03]
NoteOnic [11:03]
luciashwhen MMax doing site upgrade from 12.x [11:03]
NoteOnah 12x to 15.3? huum [11:04]
MMaxthe column has 160 chars, charset utf8, collation utf8_unicode_ci
should i try 180 chars?
luciashactually it might be putting more than the slug character
MMax: you can try to increase it but it would be better if we find out why it does not fit in there while doing the upgrade - it should not happen
can you see what values it contains in 12.x ?
MMax: do you have very long page names?
there are long
luciashpageName is also limited to 160 chars?
MMaxyes, 160 chars [11:07]
luciashah, so i wonder if it adds some more characters for the pageSlug as opposed to pageName... hmm [11:08]
MMaxpageName is also limited to 160 chars [11:08]
luciashi thought it just replaces some spaces with the slug (underscore) [11:08]
MMaxbut default is "empty string"
pageSlug has default "null"
luciashin 12.x you have "Page Foo Bar" and pageSlug "Page_Foo_Bar" ? or pageSlug values are empty/null there? [11:10]
redflojoined #tikiwiki [11:11]
MMaxPageName "Page Foo"
PageSlug "Page+Foo"
NoteOnhuum, I used old version before, very old,, 1.7x or so, so
and re started 15x
so not for me but let me know, how installer does, dev do good job but we need care big changes?
such as version upgrade 14 to 15 or 14 to 16
luciashMMax: looks good, so the slug character seems to be "+" by default, i see [11:16]
MMaxyes [11:16]
luciashMMax: so I wonder why it yells "data too long" when actually the length is the same as pageName
MMax: do you have any pages with special characters (nonascii)?
in name i mean
MMaxyes - i think we have pages with nonascii characters [11:18]
luciashcan you check what they have in there for pageSlug pls? [11:19]
MMaxgive me a second
like this "Best_l%C3%B6schbar"
luciashaah, i see the issue now! [11:21]
MMaxor "Bios+%E2%80%93+Ein..." [11:22]
luciashthe problem is it uses urlencode function on the strings inserted in pageSlug and that makes them longer than the pageName string [11:22]
MMaxwhat does this mean :-)!? [11:23]
luciashso quick fix for you is to increase the 160 chars to something more, e.g. 3-times more (to be safe) [11:24]
MMax480 chars !? [11:24]
luciashand we need to fix this in Tiki - either increase it too or do not use the urlencode for pageSlug but do something else on it, which does not increase the number of chars
MMaxi try to increase it [11:26]
luciashthanks for the report! if you have time pls add bug report to https://dev.tiki.org/file+a+bug [11:27]
MMaxhmmm "error: 1071 - Specified key was to long, max key length is 767 bytes" [11:27]
luciasheh, ok, double then?
not sure, maybe varchar has limit of 255
try 255
MMax255 chars works
should i try to upgrade again?
luciashyep [11:30]
MMaxit works :D [11:31]
NoteOnhuum utf-8 issue, that good point fo me also.
im japanese, and we japanese need some job for utf-8
not only tiki
MMaxthx for your support [11:32]
NoteOnMMax: in my case, I setup test site and pre-test site if need,
using Adminer is raid, dump and restore = backup,
then check db by Adminer etc.. thats safe way..
in local test and pre-test, then production's test, and last production site,
tiki is smart, just change local.php 's db info then all connect to other db, its simple. good dev
ie. $dbs_tiki='dbname';
MMaxbut one warning is still there: ALTER TABLE `tiki_pages` ADD COLUMN `pageSlug` VARCHAR(160) NULL AFTER `pageName`, ADD UNIQUE `pageSlug` (`pageSlug`) Duplicate column name 'pageSlug' [11:36]
NoteOn? error only in tiki_pages when update all? [11:38]
luciashMMax: that is because you already have it added once by the upgrade script
just ignore that warning
NoteOn: good workflow, I agree it is better to pre-test ;)
NoteOnMMax: if only at tiki_pages, so ....... try only that tables fresh install, [11:40]
luciashNoteOn: where from in japan? we have a developer in Chiba ;) [11:40]
NoteOnmaybe now its ok but if you have same next time,
all dump xxxx.sql and edit by part or just dump tables, maybe all and edit part (pick up part) is better
then import only table data, tiki_pages, by mysql tool,
adminer is rapid only one file php,
problem is tiki is big, so we can't see all part easy, such as update process
luciash: where? in japan
Chiba? ah, not Chiba, but
I never know,, whats nick?
japanese? or not?
luciashchibaguy - he is our main theme guy ;) [11:47]
NoteOnic [11:47]
luciashhe is american, but living in japan for many years [11:48]
NoteOnso we can off line meeting;) even 2 ppls;
ha ha
luciashyeah! little tikifest meetup :)
actually i think we should not do urlencode the pageSlug but convert to ascii instead to keep the same number of characters
(just thinking out loud)
but how do you convert japanese characters to ascii :D
NoteOn? [11:51]
luciashdo you use japanese characters in urls for google friendly urls? [11:52]
NoteOnin utf-8 jp chars are same as all other langs, but problem is tool not tiki, and also some old db such as not utf-8
yes, it works and google indexed so no problem
so in tiki, there is no japanse specifed issue I think.
luciash: I re-started to use tiki and some support
wait, my info
luciashhmm, then we should probably not url-encode them but keep them in utf-8 and just add dashes instead of spaces (or underscores) for the pageSlugs
NoteOn: be aware
NoteOn: this is public channel ;)
NoteOn: logged
NoteOnah ic private [11:55]
I didn't check pageSlugs, I will check,
in normal use, no problem,
not tested when update
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [12:07]
luciashhi jonnyb ! [12:09]
jonnybpolom luciash [12:10]
NoteOnfast check in my db, leng 160 is short.
in englsih : FaceBook removed stored images
its just news tile like
in japanse char leng 144
so it needs more
ie. pageSlug
luciashNoteOn: yeah, pageSlug should not be stored urlencoded [12:28]
NoteOnpageName varchar(160) [] is OK. not short.
pageSlug must have 3x cause 1char to 3 chars as 1char to %E5%
if Name is all 2bytes chars, it needs 160x3=480 when pageName is 160
not sure way to not encorded.
luciashyep, but it would need to be changed from varchar to longtext or something else but i still think it is not good idea to store it urlencoded
because we can use utf-8 nowadays easily and the slug (for google) in japanese should be utf-8 anyway - browsers can handle that just fine
in this news, tile leng ave is 50 to 70? so it needs 150 to 210
ah ic I will check.
luciashthe pageSlug should be just dashed or underscored or _optionally_ ascii (but that would not work with japanese characters in page names)
and with any ' or " replaced of course
NoteOnluciash: im not sure pageSlug is for, so starting grep now;) [12:42]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Broken Images - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=61440
New Forum Posts: https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki16 is just a white screen - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61429
New Forum Posts: JS Minify [was [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[59865] trunk/lib/codemirror_tiki/tiki_codemirror.php] - http://translation.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61426
NoteOnfunction get_page_by_slug($slug) is a main part?
other part are maint lib, wikilib.php Controller.php
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Broken Images - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=61440
New Forum Posts: https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki16 is just a white screen - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61429
New Forum Posts: JS Minify [was [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[59865] trunk/lib/codemirror_tiki/tiki_codemirror.php] - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61426
luciashNoteOn: it is meant for URLs mainly so a page name like "Foo Foo Bar" with spaces becomes yoursite/Foo+Foo+Bar
NoteOn: when you have SEFURLs enabled
NoteOn: if you have some extra preferences enabled you can choose if you want the "+" replaced by dashes "-" or other character like "_"
NoteOn: and if you enable even more prefs, you can have special characters in page names replaced too
the problem is by default if you do not enable anything it stores the pageSlug as url-encoded value now and that causes issues with non-latin characters becoming longer string than pageName
so if you have many non-ascii charactres (like japanese) it does not fit in the database table varchar column
NoteOnok so function get_page_by_slug($slug) only used it? [13:02]
luciashjonnyb: what do you think? should be strored pageSlug as urlencoded or no?
NoteOn: nope
NoteOnie other words when tiki needs pageSlug [13:03]
jonnybsorry, in a meeting [13:03]
luciashNoteOn: for better Google SEO, for page URLs in emails, etc. [13:04]
NoteOnah ic [13:05]
luciashNoteOn: or if you just want to paste a page link with spaces anywhere and be sure it is not broken [13:05]
NoteOnyes, only browser does job for text to encorded so other case encorded text needs
and SEFURL is .. I think normal in 2byte use, with rewriteURL.
so just simple extend long,
luciashok, thanks for your opinion
for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_URL#Slug
huum code seems if short then tiki shows slug as key even its shorted, (such like shorted url) so
its not a prpblem now? only happend upate from old version?
anyway I do test max and over input then how it gose
....... (idle for 33mn)
nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [13:52]
luciashhowdy nelsonko [13:54]
NoteOnluciash: found 2byte issue, after register org.. I will post
in simple here, POC is
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [14:00]
rpgjoined #tikiwiki [14:00]
nelsonkohi luciash [14:00]
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki
..... (idle for 23mn)
sorry, long meeting - luciash, what was the question?
jonnyb reads
NoteOns/156/159 [14:26]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: strikes again! Please kill it! - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61447
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6127
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6128 [14:45]
.... (idle for 17mn)
Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r59914 10branches/16.x/ 10lib/core/Services/Tracker/Controller.php 10templates/trackerinput/itemlink.tpl * [FIX] ItemLink table format add new item modal display and update of fancytable [15:02]
Corey_joined #tikiwiki
Can someone inform me how change or modify the layout of tiki? Im trying to make my homepage look like this http://demo.zukathemes.com/Shapely
Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r59915 10trunk/templates 10trunk/templates/trackerinput/itemlink.tpl 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Tracker/Controller.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 59909 to 59914 [15:06]
Corey_Im currently using this theme but cant seem to figure out how to customize
can you elaborate more please?
kostas_joined #tikiwiki
hello, anyone here?
chibaguyHi Corey_ . What customization do you want to do? [15:12]
luciashhi Corey_ kostas_ chibaguy [15:13]
kostas_hi luciash [15:13]
To put it basic, i want it to look very similar to that demo page
kostas_luciash: my question is the same as yesterday, ldap binding error, i also installed the latest tiki wiki from svn (16) [15:14]
Corey_Im wondering if there is other ways to change the theme/layout rather than customise the css/html/js [15:15]
chibaguyCorey_, in general, you need to customize those to change the way things look. [15:16]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6129 [15:16]
chibaguyLet me turn on "view page source" for that page. [15:17]
Corey_there is no way to use pre exsisting code? [15:17]
chibaguyWhat do you mean by pre-existing code? [15:19]
NoteOnho yo [15:20]
chibaguyCorey_, did you download the Shapely theme files, and install them in your Tiki site? [15:20]
Corey_i downloaded it and uploaded to FTP theme dir [15:21]
chibaguyOk, then you selected the theme in your Look and Feel admin page? [15:21]
nothing changes really
the theme file doesnt even have much meat to it
chibaguyUm, something's not right, then. I'll check the theme file again.
I just downloaded Shapely.zip and unpacked it - it seems to be normal, that is, a complete Bootstrap-equivalent style sheet.
Plus sample content, including images, etc.
Shapely.zip is about 815 KB. Unpacked, it's 922 KB. Did everything get uploaded to your site ok?
Corey_yeah [15:27]
luciashCorey_: what layout do you have selected on Look and feel? [15:27]
Corey_just checked again too
i have classic layout
luciashah, maybe change that to... what do you suggest chibaguy ? [15:28]
Corey_ive tired many things, and different themes. Nothing dramtically changes the look to it [15:29]
luciashdifferent themes? should change the look of the site to that theme [15:29]
chibaguyAh, for Shapely a fixed top navbar should be used, to replicate the original Shapely appearance.
Corey_, is your site public?
Corey_hudsonq.club [15:30]
luciashCorey_: you sure the theme on the ftp is readable by the webserver?
Corey_: it says you are using default theme
hold on
Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r59916 10branches/16.x/tiki-tracker_http_request.php * [FIX] DynamicList fix to properly show dropdown type of field
03kroky6 r59917 10trunk/tiki-tracker_http_request.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 59914 to 59916
NoteOnhi [15:34]
Corey_What about now? [15:35]
NoteOnthat theme? wait...
http://demo.zukathemes.com/ this site use that theme. Shapely
luciashCorey_: it says the same
Corey_: in the page source
chibaguyCorey_, the Shapely demo uses the "Fixed top navbar 2" layout template, FYI. I think this is in the theme docs. [15:37]
NoteOnso download and setup theme folder then you can use [15:37]
chibaguyCorey_, the default theme is still being used at your site. [15:37]
luciashCorey_: i suspect the theme folder is not readable so it fallbacks to the default theme [15:37]
NoteOnand if you see not same even that theme its a botstrap part, not tiki's theme.
you need setup responsive part at wiki page and .... well...
for top page,home, no menu at left and right, then code resonsive inside to home wiki page
luciashCorey_: if you uploaded via FTP, can you check the folder and files have the proper permissions as the other themes? [15:39]
Corey_i did [15:39]
chibaguyBut Corey_ said *no* theme changes made any difference, right? [15:40]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [15:40]
Corey_no theme changes that i have personally downloaded
im changing all file permissions
hold on
luciashCorey_: hmm, http://www.hudsonq.club/themes/fivealive/css/fivealive.css seems readable [15:41]
NoteOnCorey_: windows? its better to test in local using such as xampp [15:41]
luciashCorey_: but http://www.hudsonq.club/themes/Shapely/css/Shapely.css is not found [15:41]
NoteOncause editing theme and keep backup1 back2 .. you need while editing to fit [15:41]
Corey_omg.... got it [15:42]
luciashCorey_: yay! :) [15:42]
Corey_theme dir was not capitaized [15:43]
jonnybrepolom [15:43]
chibaguycool, the theme is changed. [15:43]
Corey_thanks for the help yall [15:43]
jonnybluciash: what's going on with https://dev.tiki.org/item6129 ? ;) [15:43]
luciashjonnyb: nothing special ;) [15:44]
NoteOnadd module "switch theme" [15:44]
chibaguyCorey_ , about the Shapely front page, check the example content and so on, if you want the scrolling backgrounds. [15:44]
Corey_yeah where do i find that? [15:44]
NoteOnand copy folder Shapely-test-1, Shapely-test-2, Shapely-test-3 ...
and direct edit in local env(if you can), with CSS editor etc.
Corey_Noteon, that for possible errors>
chibaguyCorey_ , the Shapely package includes Shapely_home.html, which you can copy and edit; there are example content images, so basically you can replicate http://demo.zukathemes.com/Shapely at your site. [15:46]
Corey_oh nice! [15:47]
NoteOnerrors? [15:47]
chibaguyNoteOn, I think your instructions might be too difficult, at this stage. Simple is best. [15:47]
NoteOnok, [15:47]
chibaguyBut thanks for input. [15:47]
NoteOnbut huum after theme gose, you need lost of time to fight responsive degain..
so its save dev's life;;;
chibaguy:-) [15:48]
NoteOnand you need to know, now mobile user are maybe around 50% and over, [15:48]
chibaguyIt should stay responsive, if the theme isn't modified, and if there is care about page content. [15:49]
NoteOnso 50% user never see your left and right part.
so maybe basic tiki theme is most ok.
chibaguyTrue, but Tiki is bootstrap-based now, so should be responsive by default. [15:49]
NoteOnya, but we need to fight inside of wiki page
using <DIV .. etc.
chibaguyAlthough site editors sometimes hard-code big widths - 1200px wide, etc. [15:50]
NoteOnso hey, smart phone's wide ...is just 10cm.... so.... only small area,
I think we don't need complex respo, 2x 3x 4,
Corey_Where do i put the edited HTML? [15:51]
chibaguyIn a wiki page. [15:52]
NoteOnor maybe someone make or alredy open'd site sample, = not only theme. that include well made home page etc. [15:52]
Corey_kk [15:52]
NoteOnCorey_: in wiki page, allow html and then out html code [15:52]
Corey_k [15:52]
NoteOn/out/put [15:52]
chibaguyhttp://demo.zukathemes.com/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=Shapely&source=0 [15:52]
NoteOnbut wiki syntax is better later [15:53]
chibaguyTrue [15:53]
NoteOnin simple, just copy from html that you like then paste wiki page in html mode, it works most.. and set css [15:53]
this theme has own js lulu-parallax.js this is uniq than normal theme [15:58]
nm079joined #tikiwiki
NoteOnso div class="parallax-container in html area you need to ajust...
huum,, maybe this theme comes from WP..
to tiki
chibaguyNoteOn, that is correct.
Corey_ , see https://themes.tiki.org/Creating+parallax+scroll+page+sections
NoteOnya uniq means /js/ are unde theme folder not main /js folder [16:02]
Corey_last time i did that it took out my site [16:02]
nm079I've asked this before, and i was given a link to look at - and then my PC failed and I had to replace it and lost my internet history to go back and look at the page - hopefully somebody can help me
When a user searches for something that returns no results, I want to be able to print the search variable on the screen
chibaguyCorey_ , your site will be ok if the directions on the themes.tiki.org page are followed. The code is copy and pasted from the demo site. [16:04]
nm079any ideas? [16:04]
Corey_ok [16:04]
nm079Effectively the same as this: https://tiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?find=asdasf&boolean=on&boolean_last=y [16:05]
NoteOnShapely_home.html at theme, its example of home like, just copy to your home wiki page,
its wiki mode,
--- ~tc~ Use this content as a sample or base for making your own parallax scrolling sections. ~/tc~
its just js part.. ;
Corey_chibaguy, should i put <literal> .....</literal> [16:07]
NoteOnah ...... it says .. at theme.org hahaha .. WordPress port featuring parallax scrolling [16:09]
chibaguyCorey_ , no, just input as it is. [16:10]
Corey_Ok my test page works
i just need it full screen
Corey_ , I made some docs somewhere for that. Just a minute please....
Corey_ok cool [16:17]
chibaguyThis is an oldish page on that: https://themes.tiki.org/Liquid-width+section+in+page
But actually it's easier now with Shapely....
Shapely.css has rules for this type of page, but you need to make a new category named "Full_width_content"....
Corey_ok [16:20]
chibaguyThen on tiki-admin.php?page=category, activate "Categories used in templates (.tpl files)" and select Full_width_content in "Categories to add as CSS classes to <body>"
And categorize your test page (or whatever page needs to have full width content) in the "Full_width_content" category.
NoteOnchibaguy: good way [16:24]
chibaguyNoteon, yeah, I didn't want to add a new rule for every case of full-width content. [16:24]
NoteOnanyway luciash said u in japan. Im also haha [16:24]
chibaguyah, ok, I'm in Chiba. [16:24]
NoteOnim japanese in kanagawa [16:25]
chibaguyI see. [16:25]
NoteOnnot good english ... ha ha ha [16:25]
chibaguygood enough [16:25]
Corey_http://www.hudsonq.club/tiki-index.php?page=Test [16:25]
chibaguywoohoo, great job Corey_ [16:26]
Corey_thats a big thanks to you
NoteOnseems ok. good [16:27]
chibaguyNoteOn, do you have a Tiki site? [16:27]
torstenjoined #tikiwiki [16:27]
laster now im editing complex
chibaguyIn english or japanese? [16:28]
NoteOntomorrow maybe
jp only
chibaguyDid you translate interface text? [16:28]
NoteOnbut tested multi lingal, mode [16:28]
chibaguyNot much of Tiki's gui is in japanese so far. [16:28]
NoteOnnot yet.
I was nukexxx dev and few of tiki.
now comeback;
I have an Xtrato Veil theme coming soon.
Do you know/remember xtrato designs for nuke?
NoteOnphpnuke postnuke, its before WP comes up popular [16:30]
chibaguyyeah, I still like some of those old themes.
NoteOnanyway as test site, image is width 100% is more good
cause smartphone width is 10cm
overwright img css here for all themes
allways max-width 100% is ok now I think
chibaguyto limit image width to the screen width? [16:38]
NoteOnnow Corey's test sites = that them shows some area left right if respo such as 500x = only center 1 colum
so since smartphone is small. its good to 100% always.
= more big and big
I do also youtube view is also 100%. so in pc mode its big.. but no problem
so that them <img class="cast-shadow img-responsive" this part
and maybe all setup 100% all time, and not more wide, = fit to 100% always. and if less than.. then fit to 100% also
thats good way, nor perfect but easy to todays looks for images.
chibaguywell, the img-responsive class already has max-width: 100%, so images with this class are ok. There's an option to make this the default for images in wikitext, IIRC. [16:46]
rpgjoined #tikiwiki [16:47]
NoteOnyes, so it needs width: 100% !important; or so [16:48]
chibaguyI'm not sure about that rule for all images. It could have unwanted effects for some images, maybe.
(depending on the site and its contents)
(unless I'm misunderstanding)
NoteOnya, I did it at my static site, but now gose to tiki site.. so wait... soon I can find;)
anyway all images in width 100% is I will do.
for pc, its wide? no. most pc uses that uses big monitor but always using part view not full 1920x1400 wide.
so no problem
and yes, smartphone is 10cm wide. so small
rpgleft #tikiwiki [16:57]
chibaguyright, but using % and not px, the image size will adjust.
Actually, my thinking is that Bootstrap should handle responsive behaviors for images, etc. We shouldn't have to add rules for that.
(In principle)
(although we have added some overrides or exceptions, etc. for Tiki)
Nice talking with you. I have to take my dog out now.
Corey_: r you there?
Corey_yes [17:14]
NoteOnas for image more wide I found [17:14]
Corey_i am editing so i havent been looking in [17:14]
NoteOnso ignore padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; or 0px
or simple test, you use firefox, chrome,
dev mode, then find .container at css, you can find from view
Corey_ok hold on [17:16]
NoteOnthen just off 2 part above padding-left: padding-right:
then you can see look.
maybe it show width 100% but blank left right part is that css
Corey_<!-- /* css 0 */ @media (min-width: 1200px) { .container { width:1170px; } } .ui-autocomplete-loading { background: white url("img/spinner.gif") right center no-repeat; } .pagetitle {display: none;} .titletop {display: none;} -->
on the other hand how can i add scrolling anchor to button
disable 2 and added width 100%. but not perfect;)
for small view just resize browser or set dev view at dev mode of browser.
firefox and chrome, Ctrl-Shift-C to dev mode.
ah, I think just copy paste Shapely_home.html's. its wiki format started {HTML()}
lhtsengjoined #tikiwiki [17:31]
nelsonko: nice to see you, are you really here? I have an elastic search question...
nelsonkosure jonnyb [17:47]
jonnybwe need a search for not empty text fields and content="NOT " doesn't work for ES, so i've been looking at rewriting the token to use "exist" or "missing" but was wondering if you or your guys had been down the same route? [17:49]
nelsonkophone [17:52]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Where to place a jquery unload function - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=61449 [18:06]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r59918 10branches/16.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Text.php * [FIX] trackers: Escape HTML in text fields (thanks luciash)
03jonnybradley r59919 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Text.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 59916 to 59918
nelsonkojonnyb: pat says from what he could see, "Missing" has been deprecated in ES2.2, and from what he reads "exists" is the way to go, but after trying to use it using it (it's in Tiki already), it still doesn't appear to deal with empty string (vs NULL) [18:18]
jonnyboh? It's in Tiki already? Missed that... [18:19]
rpgjoined #tikiwiki [18:20]
nelsonkohe thought he documented it but maybe not
{filter exists=y field=tracker_field_summary}
{filter exists=n field=tracker_field_summary}
I'm trying to find the commit
jonnyboh right, in the list plugin only, not in lib/core/Search/Elastic/QueryBuilder.php
hmm, doesn't seem to work in 15.x for me
annoyingly i have to go out now, so more on this tomorrow, will have a dig about in the code
thanks! :)
nelsonkoI have a feeling he didn't commit it, but it doesn't work with empty string anyway
(that's probably why he didn't commit it)
I think he was waiting to see if it makes sense to start indexing empty strings as NULL (so that it'll be picked up by exists), but that might have other side effects...
...... (idle for 26mn)
joe___joined #tikiwiki [19:00]
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Tiki-KGB03patrick-proulx r59920 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Tracker/Controller.php
[FIX] Fixed issue with redirect not working on item update in tracker controller.
............... (idle for 1h12mn)
ctartjoined #tikiwiki
i need help!
i went to go add in custom html and made my ite go crazy http://www.hudsonq.club/
i used the code under *Playing with Smarty* https://doc.tiki.org/Bootstrap+Navbar
.... (idle for 18mn)
rpgjoined #tikiwiki [21:15]
jcwikijoined #tikiwiki
need a little help with group permissons, how can allow a new group to see the admin welcome page without giving them full admin rights
.... (idle for 17mn)
admin welcome page?
whats url ie. under root ie. tiki-admin-xxxx.php etc
Control Panel? or genaral setting?
ctart: seems you put code to html. its template code =smarty code. so you need to add .tpl file. not html [21:50]
rpgjoined #tikiwiki [21:52]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [22:45]
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corey_joined #tikiwiki
Hello, can you set up forums so that it tweets our new threads?

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