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Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r59967 10branches/16.x/ 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_quote.php 10templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_quote.tpl * [FIX] Plugin Quote fix url parameter and tpl
03rjsmelo r59968 10(5 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 59962 to 59967
03rjsmelo r59969 10trunk/templates/admin_modules_form.tpl * [ENH] Do not display module on dropdown if its not enable (UX improve)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Is there something like a microtime() wiki-plugin or function in the wiki ? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61486
Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r59970 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10base_files/less/tiki-bootstrap-chosen.less 10base_files/css/tiki_base.css
[bp/59827][EHN] When choosing one item from the bottom of the chosen box, the selection area start to scroll by itself
03rjsmelo r59971 10branches/15.x/lib/ 10core/Tiki/Command/BackupDBCommand.php 10core/Tiki/Command/BackupFilesCommand.php
[bp/59943][ENH] Remove the usage of colons in the default name of the backup file, in all platforms. Expose the dateFormat as Argument also in the BackupFiles.
03rjsmelo r59972 10branches/ 1015.x/route.php 1015.x/tiki-check.php
[bp/59806][EHN] Add check for error_log in tiki-check
[bp/59811][NEW] Add check for SefURL: "SefURL Test" entry in the Apache properties section
[bp/59966][FIX] Avoid generating warnings as undefined index (breaks Nagios scripts)
03drsassafras r59973 10trunk/ 10(28 files in 8 dirs)
[SEC][NEW] Password blacklist feature. TODO: implement auto option, refine user experience
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Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r59974 10trunk/lib/prefs/pass.php
[FIX] Cosmetic changes: corrected typo and made capitalization consistent with other form labels.
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
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dcpc007: hi, i'm trying tikiwiki. new install. i have only the admin account, was logged, playing with wizards. i logoff, and try to create a new user (via form, submitted), i try to login as admin again and error, and even not a real error page or back to login page but only a basic page with "unable to connect", server should be busy or down,.... (tiki-login.php url)
i use the forget password ... got a mail, change password --> ok and i'm logged. next i logoff, try to login, and again emtpy page with "unable to connect" !
start to be very very boring for a "simple" CMS
i think i will not recommand it for normal users... they'll never be able to install and manage it if i miss configurations after 3 hours of work .. or if there is subtil task or config .. or if it's a bug :-(
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r59975 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * [FIX] satis include older zendframework packages for 15.x composer.lock file
03kroky6 r59976 10branches/15.x/composer.lock * [FIX] composer.lock file updates to get packages from composer.tiki.org
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xavi: polom-again
irc channel recovered it seems (also for EU users)
dcpc007: sorry to hear what you reported previously (I did read in the irc.t.o chat log). I had never experienced that. Which version are you using, and in which hosting?
dcpc007: ideally, if you could reproduce in http://demo.tiki.org or in a show.tiki.org instance, that would be the best way for others to be able to see what's going on and fix it (if anything needs fixing in our end, aside of eventual potential problems in your hosting, if that is the case)
RadoS: dcpc007, try "clear all caches" and empty the tmpdirs in filesys if the former doesn't help.
lhtseng: joined #tikiwiki
NoteOn: hi
can I file upload image from copy buffer?
in web, seems html5 jquery fileupload can do,
if not, whee I try to check code, file upload lib?
one more, Q;)
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
NoteOn: demo.tk its map sample, is it just demo by someone? or I need care of map sample?
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6133
xavi: NoteOn: sorry, I don't understand your questions. Can you expand, or write full sentences, please, or clarify acronyms if not used yet in this channel: (demo.tk = demo.tiki.org = demo.t.o?)
tk is a domain ending in itself, so maybe you talk about somewhere else
NoteOn: yes demo.tikiwik.org and I do some test with open id admin/12345
and from yesterday, its setup few of map example.
not like just testing;)
so I need care means no damage.. etc;
as for file upload, I like one step less. image copy to copy buffer then file upload to tikisite using fileuploader.
seems CartoGraf demo
xavi: bbl
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r59977 10branches/16.x/lib/core/Table/Code/ 10WidgetOptionsFilter.php 10Other.php * [FIX] dropdown tablesorter fix for html entity characters like ampersand
03kroky6 r59978 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/core/Table/Code/WidgetOptionsFilter.php 1015.x 1015.x/lib/core/Table/Code/Other.php
[bp/59977] [FIX] dropdown tablesorter fix for html entity characters like ampersand
03kroky6 r59979 10trunk/lib/core/Table/Code/Other.php 10trunk 10trunk/lib/core/Table/Code/WidgetOptionsFilter.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 59967 to 59977
dcpc007: xavi: back :)
xavi: debian 8 in a VM with apache 2, mariadb 10.?, php 5.6 (tiki-check.php is ok), and the latest tikiwiki fropm yesterday 15.2 if i remmeber
only thing i'm sure i have not managed is to use https forced (because never install a ssl or secure http website)
i'll try to reboot the VM to make another test. this morngin i only test an apache2 restart, and go to index page (ok) i click connect or login (scuse french version here), i have the popup with loginname/password/forgotpwdlink
i enter admin/mypwd and no tiki error page but the default firefox error page
(sorry if can't answer soon or today, i'm at work too :) )
NoteOn: dcpc007: how firefox's ssl part says
green or yellow or red
if its green ssl is ok. its just httpd.conf setup
dcpc007: localhost : this connection is not secure ?
NoteOn: sorry my english im japanses. anyway
dcpc007: i have no color as you see on the screenshot
NoteOn: your image not show how SSL is..
dcpc007: see the snag.gy link
NoteOn: in browser left side of url ..
or show info of secure ..
it shows how ssl cert is etc.
or simple in f.fox green yellow red..
dcpc007: https://snag.gy/NXBKcI.jpg
no green icon near the (i) (i have the green lock for my gmail tab for example)
NoteOn: not sure is ok maybe its just non trusted SSL.
so seems me, ssl cert is ok.
dcpc007: https://snag.gy/f6XNzI.jpg
NoteOn: so maybe your setup of httpd.conf's ssl part
dcpc007: ha i don't configure anything )
NoteOn: ya that green is ok. full ok.
dcpc007: and i have a warning in the tiki preinstall check about you should use full or forced ssl
NoteOn: u use windows linux?
dcpc007: green is for gmail, not localhost/tiki
NoteOn: wampp something
dcpc007: linux, debian 8 :)
NoteOn: ya i know. gmail is.
ok. so wait.
apache 2?
dcpc007: https://snag.gy/541MOh.jpg
NoteOn: in your conf
SSLEngine on
dcpc007: looking
NoteOn: not sure how you setup conf from.... <VirtualHost xxxx
or simple plain one site,,
maybe you check apache help
dcpc007: no module seems load SSL
only available
NoteOn: SSLCertificateFile
that kind lines are for ssl setup part. in one part of site.
dcpc007: i use the rootdir for install, it's a test virtual server then nothing on it
i don't do manual SSL config
and don't know if default debian install via pakage generate something
NoteOn: ic. huum,
but how did you make ssl cert?
dcpc007: ok
i think there is a secure module, but not activated
and until now it's a local test, (no external user), i don't even look at how to secure the website
but i remember other thing, at tiki install he asked me how use security SSL : enforec https, recommand https, permit https but admit http,...
i think i keep the last default one
NoteOn: now http 'not ssl) works tiki?
dcpc007: i restart the server (update done) and prefer to be sure that all restart well
and i test again
NoteOn: if so, tiki setup is ok. just ssl part of apatch and log seems me, its just part. I can't find issue
dcpc007: still load page problem ...
is there a log i can check for this problem ?
apache2 log or application logs ?
note : i test something : create another user with the form. i get an email link to validate, and this link works !
NoteOn: ya, httpd's log
dcpc007: it show me the validation user account ok with tiki interface
NoteOn: apaches normal log.
dcpc007: but login page always broken
NoteOn: or if your setup is just real local test,
this is free cpanel like one. it does good job for this kind control even only one site.
and then you look after setup and refer it. then into current one... if you can setup same kind other evn you can
only problem of webmin is it needs finght to setup php to newest one.
dcpc007: ha i find maybe another little problem (the php session folder)
NoteOn: ah ah ah;;;
dcpc007: ha ok need to place in other folder ... i use default recommandation /tmp/sessions/ but debian empty the /tmp at each boot
NoteOn: huum good info for me ..; ya
dcpc007: same error after login but nothin in apache error.log
NoteOn: huu, so part of php error (session can't keep etc) then tiki never show last page? this kind?
last means final view
dcpc007: another info : i can hconnect to phpmyadmin local website
NoteOn: only ssl? or both non|ssl
dcpc007: but it's in http by default
NoteOn: ah ic
dcpc007: n ohttps it seems (same message connexion not secure and no green lock)
NoteOn: just you make phpinfo.php then http and https
ie. phpinfo(); only one code
dcpc007: http ok https = unable to load page
NoteOn: ok so its not tiki
and seems not cert(SSL) so php's problem I think
or ... huum maybe more other ppl know..
ok. so plain html you can check.. just simple html then ssl non ssl.
of both ok. then problem comes from php, not apache
if ssl is bad, then apatch issue
dcpc007: ok not my part SSL ... never manage it then more lost :)
i'll try to ask a teammate tomorrow if he knows apache config
NoteOn: ic
dcpc007: i have this in phpinfo https://snag.gy/oQShg4.jpg
but the openssl conf file shows path that don't exists like ./demoCA/certs ...
do you know if it's possible and how to modify (without web login) to work in http only, witout https ?
i don't need https to evaluate the product locally
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NoteOn: b
http only for tiki?
or apatch?
dcpc007: apatch ??
for me it's the same
i have no other tools on this server, only tiki and phpmyadmin
NoteOn: its diff part of. so if ssl part is a problem, no effec to non ssl part.
you mean httpd.conf?
dcpc007: i mean, can i configure tiki to not try go https://localhost and only use http://
even for login page
NoteOn: wait.
jonnyb: polom
NoteOn: https://doc.tiki.org/Login+General+Preferences
but few info;) ..wait
dcpc007: yes it was the HTTPS login choices i had
but if possible need to chnge it in the database or in a config file ?
can't via web as no login possible :)
NoteOn: Admin - Where? some Place - Use HTTPS login -> Disable
Where is im finding
you do search admin panel "login" then you get it
dcpc007: lol but that IS the problem, i can't login
i can go http, enter login /pwd, but when click clonnect i think he try to go https and then don't load any page
and i fall back to home page if i do 'back' in firefox...
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NoteOn: tiki-admin.php?page=login
ah ok, need db direct I think
direct edit db that part ssl off.
dcpc007: you have no access, please login :)
NoteOn: paradox
xavi: back
-: xavi reading the backlog
dcpc007: found
table tiki_preferences
field https_login = encouraged
i look for hthe other values
xavi: hahhaha... can you believe me that this morning I had to fight in my own site to fix that issue also? (I recently migrated vm from one server to another, and while https was not setup, I had to disable that through mysql db, and I temporarily screwed up my site when https was forced somewhere else, or due to caching, etc)
so I had to fix in mysql (mariadb) table directly (using ubuntu 16.04 with mariadb in my case)
dcpc007: ha ?
i put disabled, restart apache2 but same problem
connect clic open an https page
xavi: hahaha = hehehe (in Spanish) ;-)
dcpc007: hey xavi for next install have you info on ssl configure for apache2 ?
and for now how to configure http only ?
xavi: oh well, you can see the notes on how I did setup ssl (letscrypt)
dcpc007: (i'm only evaluating the product to see if it could be enough and easy for users to maintain
jonnyb: hi all, thanks xavi for setting up the tiki 17 stuff on dev :)
xavi: letsencrypt I mean
dcpc007: i need to compare with google site, facebook site (???) and spip maybe others
xavi: see https://seeds4c.org/Servidor+seeds4c.org+2014-2+%28Ubuntu+14.04%29
alias link: https://seeds4c.org/seeds4c
jonnyb: is anyone else having trouble logging in to sourceforge today?
dcpc007: ha thx
xavi: np jonnyb, we needed it sooner or later
dcpc007: xavi, do you have you mariadb config for http only ?
xavi: dcpc007: nope.
jonnyb: i mean via svn to commit something
xavi: and @dcpc007: the work in progress documentation for the server I migrated is at: https://seeds4c.org/seeds4c2006
NoteOn: dcpc007: my some of local test is https_login : disabled
xavi: I'm a big fan of ISPConfig3 (if interested to use it in conjunction with Tiki sites for customers/clients, see: https://doc.tiki.org/ISPConfig )
jonnyb: here's an sql command i use to make ssl sites work without it: DELETE FROM `tiki_preferences` WHERE `name` IN ('https_login','session_protected', 'tiki_cachecontrol_session', 'smarty_compilation');
NoteOn: its text "disabled" not flag
dcpc007: grrr
NoteOn: let'sCrypt Im using now.
its good
xavi: oups s/ https://seeds4c.org/seeds4c2006 / https://seeds4c.org/seeds4c2016
(oups, changing perms to the page in short so that it's viewable by anons)
dcpc007: ha never see it :)
NoteOn: after DB modification do i need other thing than apache restart ?
NoteOn: no
xavi: db modif: db engine restart (mariadb/mysql)
NoteOn: you don't need
xavi: if you change mysl users, etc
dcpc007: no i change the https_login value
NoteOn: and im now sure tiki checks that one part. maybe its only one
xavi: ah, np then
NoteOn: sorry typoe now/ not sure..
typo of typo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
sorry typo
need coffee
ah... you don't need aptch restart.. also
so you don't need just edit db one part.
xavi: NoteOn: sorry for the delay to be able to answer back. Yes http://demo.tiki.org/15.x/ seems like a defective Cartograf demo profile has been applied
As far as I know Cartograf might not be properly ported over to Tiki15 (yet, at least)
Tiki-KGB: 03jyhem r59980 10trunk/templates/trackerinput/itemlink.tpl
[ENH] Trigger whatever looks for changes after changing the selection. Useful if an item list depends on this selection
xavi: And you are free to change that demo.t.o/15.x site to something you want to test (moreover, a defective site gives a very bad impression, imho)
NoteOn: so just some test profile... ok, so its ok to edit I think
xavi: I'll apply the "work in progress" profile GeoCMS_Maps, which even if way less fisnished nor customized, it will allow you (or anyone interested in maps) to be able to review current features, etc.
dcpc007: but after i have alwyas a https link after clic on connect :-(
NoteOn: clear cache?
15.2 grep $prefs['https_login'] seems me "disabled" makes all code for all part.
xavi: NoteOn: I had the same sensation this morning on my site (I confirm the issue you report). Can you please add a bug report about it in https://dev.tiki.org ?
fyi, https://demo.tiki.org/15x/ converted to display some map data, etc.
-: xavi back to my urgent stuff for today
Tiki-KGB: 03jyhem r59981 10branches/15.x/templates/trackerinput/itemlink.tpl
[FIX][bp/r59980] Trigger whatever looks for changes after changing the selection. Needed if an item list depends on this selection
NoteOn: xavi: what? bug I will do one of is eocnode issue encorded valu is long
ie. what is same sensation.
xavi: "15.2 grep $prefs['https_login'] seems me "disabled" makes all code for all part."
I didn't do a grep, but I experienced same effect this morning
NoteOn: no no, its just check how effect to all. ie. only one key makes effect all or dcpc needs more part to force http
so its not bug.
xavi: ok, sorry, got confused. it's ok, I can only read in diagonal, so never mind, forget about it then (my issue could have been something temporary and not reproduced by other people).
-: xavi back to work
Tiki-KGB: 03jyhem r59982 10branches/16.x/templates/trackerinput/itemlink.tpl
[FIX][bp/r59980] Trigger whatever looks for changes after changing the selection. Needed if an item list depends on this selection
NoteOn: ok and now since I comeback to tiki. need setup tiki.org account again. and only I can use is 2 of ml.
is dev- mailing list is place that I can report? its sourceforges
dcpc007: arf i inspect the web page ... action on clic button is open a link http://nvlsvnlkv,nzsmlk
https /
then https is a mandatory to tikiwiki ???
NoteOn: ? SEO your you mean
no mandatory
my one of local site works http and no cert
wamp most latest windows
I think there is no linux/ windows diff. so it works at llinux also
if you can't. huum there is other key to edit.
or there is cache like part that need edit to change..
since you can't do ssl now. so admin change reset again i.e SSL on-> SSL off to right setyp by tiki not direct edit db
but you can't do now.
cause paradox
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59983 10branches/16.x/modules/mod-func-groups_emulation.php
[FIX] group emulate: Allow admins to emulate all groups, not just the ones they are a member of
jonnyb: by the way all, i worked out why i couldn't commit to sourceforge any more - i foolishly enabled "multifator authentication" on my account there yesterday and this makes using svn pretty well impossible as far as i can tell, just in case that helps anyone else :)
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59984 10trunk/modules/mod-func-groups_emulation.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 59977 to 59983
dcpc007: YEAHHH at last i'm in https by default with local SSL cert
2 config to add on debian (there already a local autogen cert with openssl) :
a2enmod ssl
a2ensite default-ssl.conf
restart, add local exception on firefox for 1st attempt and OKKKKK
i back to recommand SSL nin secutrity config tiki and now home page is https with green lock
hop go home !!!
xavi: good to know, dcpc007, thanks for sharing
NoteOn: b
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r59985 10branches/16.x/themes/base_files/less/ 10tiki-wikipages_and_plugins.less 10tiki-selectors.less
[FIX] inline editing: Make inline edit inputs appear in the right place again by not using position: absolute (css to come)
Also remove some commented out duplicated rules that seem to have been put in the wrong place
03jonnybradley r59986 10branches/16.x/themes/ 10(40 files in 40 dirs)
[FIX] inline editing: Make inline edit inputs appear in the right place again by not using position: absolute (css changes)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Upgrade Insecure Requests - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61493
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