Patrick_: hey whaz up
been trying to get registerd for the last hour the last Code is Killing me can we do something Diferant fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Patrick_: hey whaz up fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: New Plugin FluidGrid -
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New Forum Posts: Integrated Documentation - NoteOn: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: New Plugin FluidGrid -
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New Forum Posts: Integrated Documentation - redflo: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: New Plugin FluidGrid -
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pompom polom chibaguy: hi jonnyb jonnyb: hi chibaguy
just trying to work out who added this smartypants typography thing, someone called michelf - just looks a bit wrong to me (changed in the lang files, not in the tpls, also during auto-merging time...) chibaguy: I saw that too, just quickly in the cvs mail list, and wondered what it was. jonnyb: i'll do a reply...
actually i think it looks fine, the tpls like search/help.tpl are the ones changed, actually very efficient to do all the lang files as well (have to admit i often don't and let get_strings pick them up later ;) ) chibaguy: ok jonnyb: bbl nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: polom nelsonko nelsonko: polom Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: New commit [r60002] by michelf - Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r60006 10branches/15.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-toolbars.js
[FIX] remove jquery ui dialog overflow hidden to allow autocomplete widget in wiki link dialog to display contents outside the dialog (fixed upstream in 1.12.0 which is used in tiki 16.x)
03kroky6 r60007 10branches/ 1012.x 1012.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-toolbars.js
[bp/60006] [FIX] remove jquery ui dialog overflow hidden to allow autocomplete widget in wiki link dialog to display contents outside the dialog (fixed upstream in 1.12.0 which is used in tiki 16.x) jonnyb: so nelsonko - while you're around is there any more we can try to get doc and dev running faster? or should we wait until amette_ is about too? nelsonko: jonnyb: I think it will be better with amette around. The lat time I was looking at it it seemed to be some queries taking too long beyond what was reasonable jonnyb: that's what i thought too nelsonko: but I'm kind of baffled why it should be - was thinking that switching back to myisam might be a worthwhile experiment
that's where my headspace is at now jonnyb: i was also noticing nextd?? were also rather slow, so i think it's something structural in the data, but on both, which seems odd... nelsonko: I'm not sure if that switch can be done while the site is live - do you know? jonnyb: we could experiement on the next sites
btw, thanks for fixing :) NoteOn: b jonnyb: i think the engine switch can be done via a fairly standard ALTER command (i think)
hi NoteOn NoteOn: hi
I need to do many. ha
speed of
I think php part makes it. not db. jonnyb: is usually ok, it's dev and doc that we've been finding slow probably since the swith to innodb database tables
anyway, need to do some real world things, bbl... NoteOn: ic nm079: joined #tikiwiki
Afternoon all
I'm at the end of my tether. I've been working on a concept for a while, and I'm about to give up. I'll explain: I've been asked that if the tiki search returns no pages, to implement 2 buttons- a feature request button that pre-populates a tracker input screen with the search contents, and a 'google' button that searches google for the term.
On one of the Tiki sites you're clearly using legacy search - because it has the found "search term" in 0 "pages" when you search for something
and I've found that in legacy search, the variable the search is stored in is called {$words|escape} - which I can then do something with. However, when disabling legacy search, this is no longer used, and I can't for the life of me work out how to get the search term from the searchresults-plain.tpl nelsonko: not sure - try {$smary.request.words|escape}
{$smarty.request.find|escape} ?
: {$smarty.request.content|escape}?
{$smarty.request.filter.content|escape} probably -> nm079 Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: New commit [r60002] by michelf -
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New Forum Posts: Reminder, vote for Tiki - NoteOn: nm079: -plain.tpl is your own? Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: New commit [r60002] by michelf -
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New Forum Posts: Reminder, vote for Tiki - nm079: nope it's not my own
It's jut in the templates folder - it's where i found the term "No results match the criteria"
and when i edit that string it changes the string on the search page with no results so it's definately right
Thank you nelsonko - it was {$smarty.request.filter.content|escape} NoteOn: I was dev and now restarted so, not good anyway
in tiki-searchresults.php
$smarty->assign('words', '');
so you can use it at tpl. I think.
not checked where is condition for legacy or not OBrien: joined #tikiwiki nelsonko: I think the new search is tiki-searchindex.php vs. tiki-searchresults.php which is legacy
left #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60008 10branches/16.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.wikidiff.php
[FIX] wikidiff: When doing a diff by time the old version needs to be *after* the start time, not the default *before* (thanks marclaporte)
03jonnybradley r60009 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.wikidiff.php
[bp/r60008][FIX] wikidiff: When doing a diff by time the old version needs to be *after* the start time, not the default *before* (thanks marclaporte) Telesight: joined #tikiwiki julen: joined #tikiwiki OBrien: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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