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are others seeing Fivealive's header half-broken in 15.x?
chibaguy: Hi chealer. How is it broken? Is this in the classic layout template, or other layout template?
Hmm, I can't get out of the "Possible cross-site request forgery (CSRF, or "sea surfing") detected. Operation blocked.
" loop"
clicking to confirm my action just brings the error message again.
ok, finally got the theme and layout changed. bbl - got to eat now.
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chibaguy: Fivealive's header seems ok to me (checked with classic tiki layout).
chealer: Hi chibaguy. I'm lucky today :-)
chibaguy: I tried both kiwi and the default
chibaguy: there are several issues. I lost the login module, for one thing. I should provide screenshots.
NoteOn: where u get csrf?
if its admin -> search then do admin work, seems me few are not token there. 15.2
so you get csrf error.
but in same function, from amdin -> function -> part its ok.
I didn't memo for report. but I got sometimes.
if you get csrf at all part of input its theme or tpl issue.
chealer: chibaguy: the website is semi-private. I sent you the URL privately to avoid indexing.
I can provide an admin account if you want.
for a second thing, the 2 icons (including Quick Administration) do not display unless the mouse hovers them.
this is on r60014 (r60030).
NoteOn: huum, its theme teplate issue.
check your extra stuff, such as costom css, costom html etc..
sometimes I get mistalke -> there is broken part at top of site, then all css hteml gose broken,
in all part, so its good to check html source view 1st
ie. final out of html when you get bad.
chealer: here is how Fivealive looked prior to the upgrade: http://www.philippecloutier.com/screenshot%20Tiki%209%20fivealive.png
NoteOn: seems me css issue
left is blank. so you better to cehck dev mode of browser firefox chrome,
chibaguy: chealer, can you change the layout template to "classic tiki" on tiki-admin.php?page=look ?
That should also fix the icon contrast problem.
NoteOn, I think the problem is using the Fivealive theme with the "basic" layout template.
NoteOn: ah ic
chibaguy: The theme isn't designed for that template.
(Although we should improve Fivealive theme on basic template, at least to fix page header color contrast problems.
chealer: chibaguy: which tab is that in?
NoteOn: its in tiki-admin.php?page=look
and "Site layout"
chibaguy: "Theme" (first tab) but be sure you have "advanced features" checked under "Preference filters".
(funnel icon)
chealer: NoteOn: I have cleared all cache and this happens in 2 browsers on 2 tested (Iceweasel and Chromium)
NoteOn: no sure basic layout is, its classic?
chibaguy: NoteOn, no, basic layout is basic Bootstrap. Classic tiki is pre-bootstrap tiki layout (but updated for bootstrap).
NoteOn: if so, BasicBootStrap you set to fix for Fivealive? not tested
? but I setup that combi in 15.2 no problem.. let me check again
chibaguy: Basic has just one container div. Classic has three - one in page header, one in middle, and one in page footer.
NoteOn: Site layout : BasicBootStrap
Theme : all of default setuped 15.2 .. United.. fivealive.. etc
chealer: chibaguy: heh. preference filters do not show :-P
NoteOn: this is my current setup.
u mean some of theme makes broblem? or that issue(chaler's) is at other part?
chibaguy: chealer, no funnel/filter icon at top left of the admin icons?
(on tiki-admin.php?page=look)
chealer, in my branch 15 Fivealive/Kiwi page source, I see this rule: .layout_basic .top_modules {
background: url('../images/siteheadertile.png') 0 0 no-repeat;
But I don't see that in your page source.
chealer: chibaguy: oh. you just learned me the meaning of "funnel", but yes. sorry, thanks
chibaguy: heh
(In trunk, that icon is gone - replaced by a slide toggle.)
chealer: NoteOn: are you aware you can complete IRC nicknames using the tab key?
NoteOn: ? sorry I can't understand.. im bad for english
tab key?
chealer: you mean this?
chealer: NoteOn: if you type "chiba", then press the Tab key of your keyboard, most IRC clients, will complete to "chibaguy".
NoteOn: ya ok, I use it.
chealer: I just didn't. and I know that way
sorry for that.
chealer: NoteOn: no problem
chibaguy: chealer, your page looks good now except to increase padding here: .box-logo > div > .sitelogo + .sitetitles {
padding-left: 15px;
...to push the site title into the darker background color completely.
chealer: chibaguy: changing from "Basic Bootstrap" to "Classic Tiki" helped a lot functionally, though esthetically it might be even worst.
chibaguy: chealer, does clearing the tiki caches help?
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chealer: thank you chibaguy. unfortunately not.
chibaguy: chealer, what is the functional problem(s)?
chealer: chibaguy: this is first time post-12.x, but I do not see any remaining functional problem at first sight.
so you do not get this esthetical problem with Fivealive in 15.x?
chibaguy: which esthetical problem?
The spacing in the header?
chealer: chibaguy: mostly the title's position, yes
good thing we have icons. would be hard to use the demo when it's in simplified chinese otherwise.
chibaguy: Yes, that's hard to provide a good default appearance because the site logo and title span two background colors. But to be honest, probably more time could have been spent to work on it.
chealer: I get the same problem on demo.tiki.org
chibaguy: heh, somebody switched the demo to chinese?
chealer: visibly. and I don't find simplified chinese much simpler than chinese.
chibaguy: very true. :-)
CSS like this would help: .box-logo > div > .sitelogo + .sitetitles {
padding-left: 95px;
padding-top: 20px;
If you add that to custom CSS, the title text will be positioned better.
chealer: chibaguy: I do not understand your explanation, although I have never known anything about Tiki layout.
chibaguy: thank you, but I am not going to customize the code for this. I am not attached to Fivealive. I used it because I thought it was the official/best theme. If there is a less buggy theme, I will report a bug and switch to the least buggy theme. it is just a family website.
chibaguy: I'd say try another theme - many are nicer than Fivealive now, I think. And they are less trouble.
Fivealive is unique in the way the page header has two background colors - that can easily cause a problem as you showed.
chealer: oh, yes, I understand your explanation now.
chibaguy: ok. I have to take my dog out now, so talk to you later.
chealer: would someone suggest a theme with higher quality than Fivealive?
NoteOn: you use logo?
chealer: NoteOn: no
NoteOn: so, some are good but for me, im japaense and japanese site,
no logo and need more mbile use. cause 50% are mobile.
so for me, = my case, important part is top bar. now we can't set easy. now all blank.
and more easy control for responsive inside of contents. and side bar for pc and tablet view.
bootstrap is good but not flex..
wait example.
both are famouse exmplae for css.
and starbucks has some link at top menu when width less 600x
that part current tiki can't do easy.
chealer: NoteOn: OK, thanks
NoteOn: so maybe you find more good theme but mobile user and responsive... there are many part you can ajust.
top blue part is that tiki can't control easy.
side part is easy. when mobile both are off. and in pc, just left of , right off by setup for such homepage only etc.
chealer: it's OK. I do not need to control the look.
NoteOn: ok, I know each site has own target.
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6143
chealer: I reported in the above ticket.