[01:52] janasullinger joined #tikiwiki [02:07] Gwayne joined #tikiwiki [02:08] Tiki-KGB 03rjsmelo r60178 10trunk/lib/ 10wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_listexecute.php 03core/Search/Action/FileGalleryImageOverlay.php 03core/Search/Action/FileGalleryRename.php [02:08] Tiki-KGB [NEW] Extend plugin ListExecute to allow rename files and add text as overlay in images stored on File Gallery. [02:21] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6164 [04:00] janasullinger so, having a tough time upgrading a database from 6.6 version [04:12] janasullinger i am recreating locally to see if I can fix the database, but so far, not much luck [04:22] janasullinger it has to be that i am messing something up in local.php [05:14] janasullinger keeping fingers crossed...some headway. think it was on my local mysql setup [05:28] janasullinger SUCCESS!!! [05:59] janasullinger ok, got that issue resolved, but now, can't seem to login. and resetting password not working [06:09] janasullinger whew...ok. that fixed [10:44] amette polom [10:53] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [11:05] xavi joined #tikiwiki [11:11] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [11:34] Tiki-KGB 03yonixxx r60179 10branches/16.x/ 10tiki-admin.php 04templates/admin/include_user_setting.tpl 10themes/base_files/iconsets/default.php 03templates/admin/include_user.tpl * [FIX] User is better for the admin page, minor improvement. [11:39] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [11:49] jonnyb polom [11:52] Bsfez polom [11:53] jonnyb Hi Bsfez - admin icon tooltip delay on it's way, thanks for the user prefs reorganisation :) [11:57] Bsfez Collaborative work. :) [11:58] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60180 10branches/16.x/ 10templates/admin/include_list_sections.tpl 10templates/admin/include_anchors.tpl 10lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js [11:58] Tiki-KGB [FIX] admin: Add a delay on the admin icon tooltips appearance (added class "slow") and remove the hide delay (needed for other tooltips which have clickable content) and change the placement to bottom so they don't get in the way so much. Thanks all on the dev list. [12:00] Bsfez great [12:01] Bsfez test… lol now it's in the way if you move vertically ! :D [12:01] Bsfez but that's already better [12:02] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60181 10(11 files in 6 dirs) [12:02] Tiki-KGB [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60167 to 60180 [12:02] Tiki-KGB Conflicts on lib/userslib.php resolved manually (not sure if correctly, please check) [12:02] Bsfez "about hidding it, the tooltip keep being displayed while the mouse is not over the admbox anymore but over the popover content itself. [12:02] Bsfez This is wrong and annoying when you move from panel to panel (and in many other places). The tooltip should be displayed when mouse is over the admbox only." [12:03] Bsfez (need food) [12:50] Tiki-KGB 03yonixxx r60182 10branches/16.x/lang/fr/language.php * [TRA] Typo. [12:54] Tiki-KGB 03yonixxx r60183 10branches/15.x/lang/fr/language.php * [bp/60182] [TRA] typo. [13:16] Tiki-KGB 03michelf r60184 10trunk/ 10(8 files in 7 dirs) [13:16] Tiki-KGB [NEW] Typographic settings can be set separatly for each language by adding a typography.php file in the language directory beside the translated strings. (Also consolidated a bit typography handling code.) [13:42] fabricius polom [13:45] fabricius bon appetit Bsfez [14:02] Tiki-KGB 03yonixxx r60185 10branches/16.x/lib/prefs/global.php * [FIX] Typo. [14:08] Tiki-KGB 03yonixxx r60186 10branches/16.x/tiki-admin.php * [FIX] Fluidifying the new user cp title (thanks Jonny). [14:08] Tiki-KGB 03yonixxx r60187 10branches/16.x/tiki-admin.php * [FIX] Fluidifying the new user cp title (thanks Jonny). [14:19] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[60185] branches/16.x/lib/prefs/global.php - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61812 [14:55] Bsfez Hi Torsten [15:20] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [15:29] RadoS Moin... how can I change the "search page" layout? My users tend to miss the input field but hit the category selector. [15:30] RadoS And... how to put a "search" input-field/button top-right on every page (as users are used to from many sites)? [15:30] RadoS (like next to the "log out" link) [15:31] dcpc007 left #tikiwiki [15:32] RadoS i18n: I know I can change the default-language for the whole tiki, but can a user change it just for itself? [15:33] fabricius hi Bsfez and jonnyb [15:33] jonnyb hi fabricius [15:33] fabricius RadoS: consider Tiki15+ and a wiki plugin CustomSearch [15:33] jonnyb yes RadoS, users can set their preferred lang on the user prefs page [15:34] RadoS jonnyb, err, sorry, missed the activation button. [15:34] jonnyb use the search module (with mode=compact i think) in the topbar module zone for that [15:35] jonnyb also (in revese order ;) ) you can remove the category selector from the search page in admin/search/results [15:56] RadoS Now I see why I didn't use that before: I had enabled search-module, but the input-field doesn't align well in the top-bar, but inserts a new line between "top" and "topbar", i.e. breaks the layout. How can I correct this? [15:59] jonnyb sorry, in a meeting now - maybe check the DOM on tiki.org for how it works there? [16:01] RadoS fabricius, using 15.2, but I can't provide: "you will need to have a good understanding of PluginList as well as Unified Index and good knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Smarty in order to make good use of it." [16:02] RadoS jonnyb, I never expect you to respond instantly! [16:02] * RadoS is used for conversations like 1 line / week, after all it's IRC. ;-) [16:02] RadoS for -> to [16:02] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [16:02] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [16:03] RadoS +from [16:03] RadoS Anyhow... [16:03] * RadoS plays around with DOM... [16:13] nelsonko joined #tikiwiki [16:23] RadoS jonnyb, saerch module comes with title by default, which is not affected by module-style, it comes as separate element, and that "breaks" the layout. I've set no-title, not it looks better, fits in top-pane. [16:23] RadoS Hmm, actually, no... it still looks misaligned. [16:23] RadoS But better than before. [16:24] jonnyb ah right, you need nobox=y on header modules (it's supposed to set that when you drag a new module into the top or bottom) [16:25] fabricius RadoS: see here for a starter: https://doc.tiki.org/Tutorial+-+Display+Tracker+Data+with+Plugin+List [16:25] RadoS Ahhh, _MUCH_ better now! Thanks!!! :) [16:25] jonnyb :) [16:26] RadoS fabricius, sorry, but getting the search module to work as requested by users is enough for me for now. [16:28] RadoS fabricius, but thanks for the pointer, might help for future cases. [16:33] fabricius RadoS: was intended mainly for future cases. Not a five minutes thingi. [16:35] RadoS How can I position the search form elements in the "top" pane? [16:35] RadoS I added style "text-align: right", but is that the right way? [16:39] RadoS Funny thing: with search module placed as desired, the log out button fails to trigger/ work now. :-/ [16:52] lhtseng joined #tikiwiki [17:19] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Fwd: User Registration - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61815 [17:22] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [17:23] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6165 [17:23] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6166 [17:33] Jyhem polom [17:33] jonnyb pompom Jyhem [17:35] Jyhem hi jonnyb. I've been trying to replace the search module with custom search as you suggested, but I must be missing the point (I only get the opportunity to display title, description or contents). Is there a working example somewhere ? [17:36] * Jyhem feels unified serch needs a "display exceprt" field separate from "contents" [17:38] jonnyb hi Jyhem - yes, lots of them, try https://dev.tiki.org/Wishlist+Search+Page for instance [17:38] jonnyb the output block is the same as the list plugin [17:39] jonnyb so the fields you can display depends on the type of object found except for the global ones like title and description etc [17:39] jonnyb you can use the snippet formatter to truncate long fields [17:40] fabricius bolow Jyhem [17:40] * Jyhem looks at https://dev.tiki.org/Wishlist+Search+Page [17:42] Jyhem That does not replace search. It only returns tracker items from one single tracker. I know how to do that. [17:43] Jyhem The point of the search module is, I can get wiki pages, blog posts, articles, comments, files, forum posts [17:44] fabricius Jyhem: you can filter for every object in Tiki [17:45] Jyhem fabricius: the issue is not filtering. It's displaying the excerpt. [17:46] fabricius so how to format, Jyhem? [17:46] Jyhem for example, blog post results display the comments before the blog data. Since it's truncated, it shows only the coments [17:46] fabricius that is bad [17:47] fabricius where is that configured / templated? [17:48] Jyhem when it's a wiki page, it is preceded by the title of the page, which appears twice [17:49] * Jyhem is surprised to be the first to find out this issue [17:52] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60188 10branches/16.x/lib/captcha/Captcha_ReCaptcha20.php [17:52] Tiki-KGB [FIX] recaptcha: Sometimes the hidden textarea with codes in gets display:inline-block so override with an important display:none [18:12] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60189 10branches/16.x/ 10templates/tiki-view_tracker.tpl 10lib/registration/registrationlib.php [18:12] Tiki-KGB [FIX] registration: Missing return on call to process_submit (which is now working again in 16+), so was preventing standard registration for from submitting. [18:12] Tiki-KGB Also found another one in tiki-view_tracker.tpl. [18:12] Tiki-KGB Should fix wish6165 (thanks nkoth and drsassafras) [18:13] jonnyb Jyhem: ok, i see what you mean - let me try and find where the contents field is generated and maybe we can get it to put the pieces together in a more logical order? [18:14] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60190 10(8 files in 7 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60180 to 60189 [18:17] Jyhem jonnyb: Yes, I guess that would be a good workaround. [18:19] Jyhem right now there is also the matter of tags being before the blog post or wiki page content. [18:22] * Jyhem wonders if "Default content fields" in tiki-admin.php?page=search#contentadmin_search-1 actually is used anywhere. That would be the perfect place to decide which content should be shown [18:23] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6167 [18:23] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6168 [18:24] Jyhem ah no, bad idea: the tooltip says it's for another purpose [18:28] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60191 10branches/16.x/lib/userslib.php [18:28] Tiki-KGB [FIX] login: No more password column in Tiki 16 (actually all the other columns aren't needed here, just count(*) would do it but don't have time for that now...) [18:28] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60192 10trunk/lib/userslib.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60189 to 60191 [18:35] jonnyb ok Jyhem - i think the order comes from here: \UnifiedSearchLib::addSources in the addGlobalSource calls (but not sure, i think some experimentation in trunk would be advisable...) [18:37] jonnyb but that actually looks like the main object contents should always come before comments etc anyway, so must me something else that sets that... [18:40] jonnyb it doesn't look like the unified_default_content pref can change what's actually insode "contents" but it does fix the weighting for freetags issue i was having the other day, thanks Jyhem! :) [18:41] Jyhem :) [18:41] Jyhem what file is \UnifiedSearchLib::addSources ? [18:42] jonnyb um, not sure - 1 mo (i'll jiust ask phpstorm ;) ) [18:42] jonnyb lib/search/searchlib-unified.php [18:45] Jyhem oh, thanks [18:46] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [19:04] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60193 10branches/16.x/templates/filter.tpl [19:04] Tiki-KGB [FIX] search: Limit the height of the tags picker to less than the window height and change the category one to be the same [19:06] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r60194 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/templates/filter.tpl 1015.x/templates [19:06] Tiki-KGB [bp/r60193][FIX] search: Limit the height of the tags picker to less than the window height and change the category one to be the same [19:06] jonnyb ok, i'm off, more tiki fun tomorrow! :) [19:19] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Tiki.org Unable to Login - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=61821 [20:26] Tiki-KGB 03smartingarcia r60195 10trunk/ 10(9 files in 6 dirs) * Add SAML support to Tiki using php-saml [21:14] Tiki-KGB 03smartingarcia r60196 10trunk/composer.json * Undo accidental change to jQuery file upload [21:22] torsten1 joined #tikiwiki [22:46] Tiki-KGB 03pjollans r60197 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tag.php [22:46] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Change filter for tag parameter from alpha to text, so that it handles header tags like h2. [22:46] Tiki-KGB 03pjollans r60198 10branches/16.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tag.php [22:46] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Change filter for tag parameter from alpha to text, so that it handles header tags like h2. [23:58] Tiki-KGB 03pjollans r60199 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fade.php [23:58] Tiki-KGB [ENH] New parameter bootstrap ('y' or 'n') added, to generate bootstrap collapsible box instead of the previous html code. [23:58] Tiki-KGB New parameter class to specify a custom class name.