nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r60267 10trunk/lib/core/Search/ 10Action/FileGalleryRename.php 10Action/FileGalleryImageOverlay.php
[EHN][FIX] Add error_if_missing to FileGalleryImageOverlay, fix some edge cases on image processing and file rename nelsonko: left #tikiwiki leagris: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem_: joined #tikiwiki NoteOn: joined #tikiwiki RadoS: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r60268 10branches/16.x/lib/tikiaccesslib.php
[FIX] redirect to homepage when tiki-index.php is requested, preference is set and no page is selected chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
polom Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r60269 10branches/16.x/lib/setup/wiki.php
[FIX] don't create default homepage if page name is empty (e.g. when homepage is not a wiki page and userslib->get_user_default_homepage returns blank string) thanks xavi
03kroky6 r60270 10(18 files in 15 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60255 to 60269
03jonnybradley r60271 10branches/16.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_convene.php
[FIX] convene: Replace deprecated toggle event handler (removed in jquery 1.9) with click to restore basic functionality... and while there fix a few other annoyances: (don't allow adding empty users called "Add user", use a placeholder for the placeholder, make the username button group more compact and move the add date button to a better place)
03jonnybradley r60272 10branches/16.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_convene.php
[FIX] convene: Fix missing close tag on add to calendar button, also removed unnecessary surrounding button on the button and made the header buttons xs instead of sm size olinuxx: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
polom torsten1: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60273 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_convene.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60269 to 60272 nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60274 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 6 dirs)
[FIX] layout: Restore show hide left and right module zones lost in bootstrappification, part 1 (thanks marclaporte)
Only done on the default basic layout so far, the show/hide icons' positioning needs improving and hiding needs to also be done server-side to prevent the page twitching as it loads (plus the logic should be simplified) Telesight: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki bchauchat: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - bchauchat: is it th right place to put this question : newsletter sent displays plain text before formated text. How to avoid that ?
i'm using 15.2 version Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r60275 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_convene.php
[bp/r60271][FIX] convene: Replace deprecated toggle event handler (removed in jquery 1.9) with click to restore basic functionality... and while there fix a few other annoyances: (don't allow adding empty users called "Add user", use a placeholder for the placeholder, make the username button group more compact and move the add date button to a better place). thanks jonnyb
[bp/r60272][FIX] convene: Fix missing close tag on add to calendar button, also removed unnecessary surrounding button on the button and made the header buttons xs instead of sm size. thanks jonnyb
03drsassafras r60276 10branches/16.x/lib/core/TikiFilter/PreventXss.php * [ENH] added 22 new event handlers Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: HTTP 404's or Redirects - bchauchat_: joined #tikiwiki