Tiki-KGB: [FIX] Under some conditions, for example while listing all items on a tracker, the tracker fields dont receive the full context needed, eg. the itemId for that field
03rjsmelo r60363 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_archivebuilder.php
[FIX] Replace using a form with using a link, and adding information about item, tracker and field that is being processed.
For example, while used in the List Plugin (that has a form wrapping multiple items), the second form generated by the plugin
is invalid HTML, and depending on the browser, end up submited the outer form (in this case from the List Plugin) instead of
The Download Files
03luciash r60364 10trunk/themes/base_files/ 10css/tiki_base.css 10less/tiki-bootstrap_overrides.less
[FIX] layout: Part 2 of a better approach to show / hide left and right module zones - the CSS logic to hide the columns and adjust the col1 accordingly (TODO: compute the percentage values from less variables?)
03rjsmelo r60365 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_archivebuilder.php
[FIX] Fix the case where the item is displayed as a linked Item on anotehr tracker
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Tiki-KGB: 03amnabilal r60366 10trunk/lib/pdflib.php
[Fix]Page orientation was not working as independent parameter, passed it along page size to fix.
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r60367 10trunk/lib/ 10tikilib.php 10comments/commentslib.php 10trackers/trackerlib.php
[FIX] remove tracker_item_modified/thread_comment_replied user/group watches when removing tracker items or comments
03kroky6 r60368 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php
[NEW] GroupSelector tracker field notification setting - allow selected group to automatically be kept in sync with tracker item watching groups
03kroky6 r60369 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php * [FIX] GroupSelector tracker field list only groups user is member of
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-: xavi wondering how can we use nextprofiles.t.o as profile repository for testing, since the httpd auth might be interfering right noqw
xavi: Jyhem and/or jonnyb : any clue on how to allow basic next:next http auth from the profiles UI in Tiki?
other than that, I can imagine only disabling the httpd auth next:next for nextprofiles.t.o
jonnyb: polom xavi
xavi: hi jonnyb
thanks for releasing the beta yesterday, and sorry for the conflicts between 16.x and trunk
jonnyb: no idea how to get round http auth otehr than removing it
no worries :)
xavi: http auth: I temporarily removed it, but I can't still use the new repo
I get it as "closed" still
I tried also with https, but no change
ok, thanks for tips jonny elsehwere. for the record, nextprofiles.t.o can be used as a profile reposotory for testing. The pending bit has to enable the line in htaccess to allow converting a site into a profiles repository
jonnyb: thanks for looking after that xavi - it's about time profiles was updated! :)
xavi: :-)
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jonnyb: pompom chibaguy
chibaguy: hello jonnyb
NoteOn: hi
chiba pm to you now
Tiki-KGB: 03amnabilal r60370 10trunk/lib/ 10prefs/print.php 10pdflib.php * [ENH]Added North American paper sizes support, letter is default for size.
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Jyhem: polom
jonnyb: polom Jyhem
Jyhem: is there a way of disabling a user account without deleting it?
jonnyb: hmmm, that old chestnut :) always fun
change the email and password?
or use the banning feature
Jyhem: ouch, then you can't reenable it afterwards :-(
I see i can't unassign from Registered either
jonnyb: not sure about the banning thing, i think users can be unbanned
no, users are always in registered
need to go now, sorry bbl (maybe xavi can help?)
Tiki-KGB: 03luciash r60371 10trunk/themes/base_files/less/tiki-bootstrap_overrides.less
[FIX] always show the columns on small screens, hide the toggle zone icons and do not change the width of main col1 there
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Tiki-KGB: 03luciash r60372 10trunk/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css
[FIX] always show the columns on small screens, hide the toggle zone icons and do not change the width of main col1 there (oops, it did not compile the CSS first time)
-: Jyhem still waiting for FOSDEM stands answer :-(
Tiki-KGB: 03luciash r60373 10trunk/themes/base_files/ 10css/tiki_base.css 10less/tiki-bootstrap_overrides.less * [FIX] layout: one more thing ;)
amette: polom
Since upgrade to 16.x 'console.php index:rebuild' throws the following error on doc.t.o: "PHP Notice: Undefined index: showLastModifBy in /var/local/doc.tiki.org/www/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php on line 1428" - ideas, opinions, suggestions?
jonnyb: pompom amette
amette: hey ho jonnyb :)
jonnyb: migrate to plugin list? ;)
amette: how about a fix instead of a workaround? ;)
jonnyb: of set the error thingy to ignore notices
amette: yep, I was thinking the latter, too
just wondered, if this is something fixworthy
but I think this can't really be fixed, right?
line 1428 reads: "if (!isset($showlastmodifby)) {"
jonnyb: trackerlist is generally messy, i don't use it any more
amette: It's just curious that this appeared after the upgrade.
I'll change php-cli log level.
jonnyb: does seem odd, ah, that line says $showlastmodifby = $tracker_info['showLastModifBy']; for me in 16.x which isn't a new tracker property...
anyway, not critical - does that tracker have a showLastModifBy option (in the database)
amette: hmm, I have no idea which tracker it is...
trackerId 9 has showLastModifBy set to 'y', all others to 'n'
aah, there is a tracker 7, that hasn't showLastModifBy set
jonnyb: maybe nobody modified anything?
amette: shouldn't affect it, I think...!?
it's a tracker option
jonnyb: is it a very old tiki? maybe it hadsn't been updated since that option arrived
amette: so... should I add it in the database directly or not risk anything and be content with not logging E_NOTICE?
yep, that sounds reasonable
jonnyb: no, i would edit the tracker and resave it
amette: k
hmmm, saving the tracker doesn't work *sigh*
The jquery dialog just stays open when I click "Save".
Doesn't work for me in Chromium as well as FF. Nothing to be seen in js-console or such.
Can anyone else try to reproduce, please?
Go to https://doc.tiki.org/tracker7 - click "Properties" - change something (preferrably: Display->Show last modification date when listing items) and click "Save".
jonnyb: ok, on my way amette
hmmm, we had this the other day, trying to remember what the fix was...
NoteOn: hi
amette: ho
NoteOn: is there way to show new wiki page as new article in wiki page?
I started own php code to plugin
amette: have you had a look at some of the existing plugins? nothing in there that does what you want? something like last_modif_pages or such?
NoteOn: I will post dev ml laster...
amette: k
NoteOn: what I like to do is {articles max="10"}
same from wiki page, and pickuped wiki page.. not new from all wiki page.
jonnyb: guess what... plugin list will list just about anything
NoteOn: there is no option at wiki page this is to newwikipage on/off
or tracker does this job?
jonnyb: sorry NoteOn - what do you want to list? wiki pages?
NoteOn: yes
like {articles max="10"}
{wikipage max="10"}
wikipage that I markd when editing.
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jonnyb: try https://doc.tiki.org/PluginListpages for a start maybe?
but ultimately it's worth learning https://doc.tiki.org/PluginList as it's so much more flexible
NoteOn: ic
I need to find how to mark ... where to set
jonnyb: maybe use a category?
NoteOn: thanks I try
as restarted dev?, Im doogfooding 15.2 only. check all functions tiki now.
soon 16x and svn.
jonnyb: sounds good NoteOn :)
re editing tracker7 on doc amette it's very odd, i managed to save it with showLastModifBy checked (by opening it in another tab, not the modal dialog) but it still doesn't save in the modal... grrrr
all the others are fine :(
amette: hmm, ok, interesting
oh!? :O
all other trackers? So it's something to do with the tracker data!? Probably the modification fails server side and never returns anything..?! But why would it then work in a dedicated tab..!? hmmm...
jonnyb: hmm, fixed it - somehow... i resaved it with showLastModifBy unchecked, but also spotted a leading comma in the notification email field - maybe that was it?
aha, yes - there was a validation error but it wasn't showing us the panel with the problem in (fixable but not now, need to get back to my other stuff)
amette: alright, cool, cheers mate! :)
xavi: back
hi amette
Jyhem: no idea about banning and unbanning. I guess users can be unbanned (even if I never tried). it seems the easiest solution for me (you can provide custom message for that user banning, etc)
jonnyb: repolom xavi
amette: hi xavi :)
xavi: hi jonnyb
Jyhem: repolom
they seem happy with the option of making user data "invisible" as an alternative to disabling them :)
xavi: ok :-)
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Tiki-KGB: 03fvtorres r60374 10branches/16.x/lib/jquery_tiki/autoToc.js
[FIX] Fix when opening page in the middle of the page, autoToc didn’t have the proper width. Fired a resize event to fix that.
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Tiki-KGB: 03fvtorres r60375 10branches/15.x/lib/jquery_tiki/autoToc.js
[bp/r60374][FIX] Fix when opening page in the middle of the page, autoToc didn’t have the proper width. Fired a resize event to fix that.
03rjsmelo r60376 10trunk/lib/ 10filegals/filegallib.php 10core/Search/Action/FileGalleryRename.php
[FIX] FileGalleryRename was renaming the name (title) but not the filename of the file
03rjsmelo r60377 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_archivebuilder.php * [FIX] Make sure that Plugin ArchiveBuilder will work even without SEF