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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60703 10branches/experimental/h5p/installer/schema/ 0320161220_add_h5p_tables_tiki.sql 0420160412_add_h5p_tables_tiki.sql * [FIX] h5p: Installer patch committed with incorrect date - apologies
03jonnybradley r60704 10branches/experimental/h5p/installer/schema/20161220_add_h5p_tables_tiki.sql * [FIX] h5p: Installer patch timestamps need null and no default 0 for mysql 5.7+
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ironwarning: @jonnyb notepad is fixed :-)
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Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r60705 10branches/experimental/h5p/installer/schema/20161220_add_h5p_tables_tiki.sql
[MOD]Comment out some tables which might be not needed in the first implementation of a basic working h5p feature in Tiki. Other tables are kept as commented out as reference, with comments to keep in mind what we discussed on how we could implement those needed tables in Tiki (whoch mysql tables or tiki feautres to reuse instead in each case, etc)
amette: polom
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60706 10branches/experimental/h5p/installer/schema/20161220_add_h5p_tables_tiki.sql
[ENH] h5p: Add file_id field for h5p content entities (reference to fileId in in tiki_files)
jonnyb: ironwarning: yay woo, thanks!
polom chibaguy and amette
amette: looked like the sync2git didn't work? :(
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amette: jonnyb: just writing you an e-mail... it's looking good... still running... ;)
at r57600 right now
jonnyb: :O
amette: should be done in an hour or two
jonnyb: been running since yesterday? heavens!
amette: yep, that's what makes its debugging so annoying *g*
frodepetterson: Hello!
I need commit access :-)
amette: but let's not talk about it now and jinx it... let's just wait and see... ;P
Hi frodepetterson :)
jonnyb: polom frodepetterson
thomasmars: Hi, I also need commit access!
jonnyb: and thomasmars
amette: and thomasmars
Sooo... you guys know about the hoops you need to jump through to get commit access!?
jonnyb: frodepetterson and thomasmars are working with me and xavi on integrating h5p into tiki for v17
xavi: polom
amette: oh, ok, then they most likely know ;)
xavi: hi amette and thomasmars and frodepetterson and jonnyb (and all)
-: amette goes to be silent in his corner
amette: hi xavi :)
chibaguy: hi everyone
amette: hi chibaguy :)
chibaguy: hi amette
jonnyb: ok, so frodepetterson and thomasmars, have you read and understood the 3 rules as descirbed
frodepetterson: Yes, I've created a SF account and read the rules
thomasmars: indeed
xavi: great. can you confirm your sourceforge usernames?
thomasmars: thomasmars
frodepetterson: Yes, my username is: icc0rz
xavi: great, welcome to the Tiki Community! (you are in)
frodepetterson: Hurray!
xavi: with commit access already :-)
jonnyb: yay woo! welcome aboard!
xavi: that was a quicky-quick ceremony (I forget to add my ceremony hat, oups ;-) )
amette: Welcome frodepetterson and thomasmars ! :)
thomasmars: sweet :)
frodepetterson: btw. we are from Norway
chibaguy: (the crowd erupts with cheers and passes drinks around)
xavi: s/forget/forgot
Garryyyyy! :-)
chibaguy: yes?
xavi: he he, I missed your environment effects in a tiki ceremony (kind-of)
but they came at the end , wohooo! :-)
chibaguy: yeah, the ceremony has many forms - all are good ;-).
xavi: :-)
amette: :)
Jyhem: Welcome frodepetterson and thomasmars !
and hi generally :)
amette: yo, hi Jyhem :)
thomasmars: Thanks, looking forward to working with tiki
Jyhem: Are you going to meet jonnyb in Norway?
jonnyb: sadly there's not going to be time and ii'll be several hours drive away (or a flight), but next time probably
xavi: he he, and looking forward here in Tiki (a few of us) to play around with h5p objects in Tiki in the future ;-)
jonnyb: also i have to get back for fosdem
Jyhem: Well, then, frodepetterson and thomasmars can come over for Fosdem :-D There is still time for telling Nelson we want more room in the airBnB :-D
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Jyhem: hi fabricius (or his ghost)
jonnyb: bbl
Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r60707 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/lib/banners/bannerlib.php 1015.x/display_banner.php
[bp/r60308][FIX] Resolves issue with ‘Use Image from URL’ option in banners not displaying properly.
03xavidp r60708 10branches/ 1012.x 1012.x/lib/banners/bannerlib.php 1012.x/display_banner.php
[bp/r60308][FIX] Resolves issue with ‘Use Image from URL’ option in banners not displaying properly.
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r60709 10trunk/lib/core/Search/MySql/Index.php
[MOD] treat tracker numeric fields as FLOATs in mysql search index - this allows searching for ranges using BETWEEN clause and feels like the natural way to store numeric data
03kroky6 r60710 10branches/16.x/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.tpl
[FIX] pivottable fix date sorting for invalid dates (e.g. default values as dashes) and unreliable sorting of NaN values
03kroky6 r60711 10(5 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60697 to 60710
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Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r60712 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/setup/javascript.php 1015.x
[bp/r59440][FIX] json encode username and real name in jqueryTiki javascript setup. Thanks luciash, kroky6 and marclaporte. This should allow to close
-: amette should have booked his brussel flights yesterday, today they cost five times as much
amette: jonnyb, Jyhem : you guys arrive on 3rd and leave on 8th ? or leave on 9th?
-: jonnyb is very glad he did book his flights yesterday, phew!
amette: I'm now wondering, if I should wait until next week and look again or if there will be no flights left then at all any more... :-S
jonnyb: amette: i leave on the 9th, about 4pm i think so time for lunch before going off to the airport
i ended up on Brussels Airlines, seemed cheapest (cheaper than last year even)
amette: yesterday prices were same as last year, but I meant to just plan a bit more to make sure everything works out... and now this... *sigh*
I could arrive a day later... on 4th... then prices would be ok again.
I think I'll just gamble and check again tomorrow.
jonnyb: :)
It might be an idea to add yourself as a possible on the accomodation bit on as nelsonko is researching airbnb's at the moment (aren't you! :D )
amette: yup, I meant to book first, add myself then... but I'll go ahead and add myself now - good point, cheers!
hmmm.... consensus on the interweb is that prices are only going up at ryanair... hrmpf
jonnyb: didn't you geet a bus last year? or was that somewhere else?
amette: Bus was to Prague.
jonnyb: oh yes, no busses to Bru?
coo, it's quite a lot further, isn't it :)
amette: yup, I think that would be quite some torture... I can take the ryanair seat spacing for a while... but bus for eight hours is too much.
jonnyb: yup yup, looks like a minimum of three busses or trains as well, lots to go wrong
amette: yep, and flight prices haven't risen above bus prices (yet)
jonnyb: it's a strange world...
amette: Last time I booked in January... damn, I'm tempted to gamble after all... :P
jonnyb: i imagine the TikiHouse will need confirming before that though... but you're probably right it's possibly better after xmas
amette: Yep, no worries about the TikiHouse... but yeah, I'll have to have a look at it every day now... and hope that yesterday's prices will come back... (wouldn't be too surprised)...
... and for the price it's currently at... there are flights from other airlines, too - so it's unlikely I'll end up with no flight at all.
Gambling it is! *g*
jonnyb: did you try in a different browser? or in incognito mode? allegedly they bump prices up if you go back the next day to look at the same flights again
amette: oh, ok... sounds reasonable... I'll try!
I'll reconnect my internet before that, too. *g*
nope, didn't change a thing... I'll keep checking over the coming days.
jonnyb: ok, that could be a myth then :)
amette: I just booked the cheap return flight to make sure I get that one for the price... only have to hunt down a good price for going there...
-: amette feels really smart right now
amette: Let's see how that one will come back to bite me... ;P
jonnyb: :D
by the way amette - did you do (or anyone else) anything clever with the doc.t.o server? it seems much quicker these past few days :)
amette: nope, haven't touched it and haven't heard of anything
And that svn2git is still running... throwing lots of interesting warnings recently....
everything similar to this: "W:svn cherry-pick ignored (/branches/10.x:43596-44410,44444-44836,44907) - missing 13 commit(s) (eg 0be6b825d32f51264d9b435be40208b875755995)"
jonnyb: xavi kindly installed the sqlite3 extension there the other day (ta!) so we can see what revision they are on, but i can't imagine that would speed things up? would it maybe? :P
amette: hmmmm.... it shouldn't... at least not noticeably, I'd think.
jonnyb: coo, looks like mangled svn-merge info, shouldn't be a problem, especially not for tiki 10 :)
amette: ok, cool... there are warnings for trunk though, too
-: jonnyb must remember to clear out the old obsolete merge info when we're not merging from 16.x any more
amette: for example: "W:svn cherry-pick ignored (/trunk:57426,57453,57455,57478,57579,57761,57816,57840,57868,57911-57912,57981,57986,58000,58005,58062-58063,58503,58953,58984-58987,58995,59008,59010,59012,59044,59047-59048,59064,59071,59075,59086,59088-59089,59121,59125,59162,59178,59180,59189,59197,59200-59201,59212,59217,59254,59258,59261,59263-59265,59267,59270,59273,59278-59279,59281-59282,59288-59289,59291,
59580,59589,59593,59603,59605-59606,59610,59614,59616,59623,59627,59630,59657,59659,59676,59686,59688-59690,59698,59707,59721,59762,59769) - missing 712 commit(s) (eg b97d6b14bd7bbf0a5f9ad1578a53c7988f833d87)"
oops, sorry, didn't think it's that long
ok, yeah, merges make sense... so that's also why it's a warning and not an error...
... well, let's keep waiting... should be done tomorrow... ;)
jonnyb: how exciting! :O
amette: hehe
jonnyb: thanks for that!
amette: np, yw
jonnyb: bbl
amette: k
jonnyb: oh (sorry, not gone yet ;) ) - amette, on the git sync thing, did you find a way round it failing when a new committer arrives in sourceforge? that always used to need a manual fix of some sort in the past
amette: hmmm, I've never heard of or seen that problem...
... it tries to do the authors.txt automagically, I think.
we'll see
jonnyb: hopefully that was fixed ages ago then, it was a problem a couple of years ago but i haven't really used it since
indeed, we shall see :) (definitely going now!)
amette: ok, then it's probably not a problem... if we added new committers this year before August... then it's not a problem, because it was working and I hadn't have to touch it
alright... I'll go to the grocery store, too - cya later
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so, literally today I downloaded the "latest stable" version of tikiwiki, according to
which was 15.2 (LTS)
and now that I've installed it, it says Version 15.2 is no longer supported. A minor upgrade to 15.3 is strongly recommended.
Version 15.3 LTS is still supported. However, an upgrade to 16.1 is available."
err what?
jonnyb: hi lincolna
lincolna: hi
jonnyb: yes, needs updating
sorry, needs updating
lincolna: but when I go to the docs page about updating
it bounces me back to the download poage to get the latest version...
jonnyb: that doesn't sound right
do you have a login to :)
lincolna: nope
actually, correc thtat
the upgrade page doesn't say where to get the upgrades from
(if you're not using SVN)
jonnyb: :D
amette: re
jonnyb: ra
Jyhem: Back
amette: jonnyb: it finished... went through everything there apparently was and then ended with:
error: refname refs/heads/trunk not found
fatal: Branch rename failed
jonnyb: ew, no idea what that means - trunk not found?
amette: yep, no idea either... I'll dig into it tomorrow... will take a backup of the working directory and hope that it doesn't have to do all the 28 hours of work again
Jyhem: yes amette: my flights are from the 3rd (arrival 12:55) to the 9th (dep: 13:40)
amette: ok, cool, I have a return flight for the 9th late in the evening at 21:xy just as the last time - need a flight to get there still
Jyhem: Brussels Airlines directly. Cheaper than last year, but last Year I went through a comparator and I booked them 15 days before
amette: I set up a price alert on a price comparison site... let's hope that prices will fall again one of these days *fingerscrossed*
Jyhem: Long time no news from our favorite bannerman :-/
amette: yeah, I thought about him earlier... he hasn't noted his name in the accomodation list, only in the banner bring list
Jyhem: That's more typical than disquieting :-D
amette: indeed
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60713 10branches/16.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php * [FIX] search: Special handling for distance inputs id attributes
03jonnybradley r60714 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60710 to 60713
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r60715 10branches/16.x/ 10templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.tpl 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php 10lib/core/Tracker/Field/JsCalendar.php 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php * [ENH] allow searching for ranges of data in trackerfilter
03kroky6 r60716 10(6 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60713 to 60715