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guest6636joined #tikiwiki
In a wiki page which has permission to be used as a template, I want to use smarty to parse just the last 5 characters of {$f_1} - is this possible in a wiki template?
If not possible in a wiki template, can this be done in a template file?
I was hoping something like {{$f_1}|substr:-4} would work [00:33]
hellojoined #tikiwiki [00:42]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r60885 10branches/16.x/temp/.htaccess * [FIX] only match .png at end of line [01:00]
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03drsassafras r60886 10trunk/ 10lib/setup/theme.php 10themes/base_files/favicons/readme.txt 10templates/modules/mod-assistant.tpl 10themes/base_files/favicons/manifest.json * [ENH][FIX] Custom favicons now take half the system resources to work. [01:36]
fabriciushello guest6636 [01:37]
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Hello fabrics
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [02:17]
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Tiki-KGB03sokoloski r60887 10trim/src/appinfo/tiki.php * [FIX] Modernized database schema update for upgrades. [04:42]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [05:53]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r60888 10trunk/_htaccess
[REF] Grouped identical logic, indented code for easier reading, moved Rewrite code into Rewrite IF
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TomJarvisjoined #tikiwiki [07:30]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [07:41]
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jj_joined #tikiwiki [08:31]
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xavijoined #tikiwiki [10:57]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [11:24]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [11:43]
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luciashpom pom [12:08]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [12:51]
Tiki-KGB03amnabilal r60889 10branches/16.x/ 10(15 files in 8 dirs) [12:58]
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03montefuscolo r60890 10trunk/lib/wiki/wikilib.php
[FIX] wiki_duplicate_page: use correct permission to add an object to a category, thanks chealer
montefuscolojoined #tikiwiki [13:28]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [13:40]
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jj_joined #tikiwiki
is anyone available?
luciashhi jj_
jj_: what's up?
jj_I'm trying to setup tikiwiki and for some reason I can't connect to it [14:16]
luciashhmm [14:20]
fabriciuswod wod [14:20]
luciashfabricius: hi :) [14:20]
fabriciushi luciash [14:20]
luciashfabricius: just replied your mail
jj_: what does it say?
fabriciusthx luciash, just opened and got the links [14:22]
luciashjj_: did you try tiki-check.php first to check if your server is Tiki ready? [14:22]
jj_I ran 'php tiki-check.php and it doesn't seem to do anything, just prints the code [14:26]
luciashjj_: you are missing php support then
jj_: you need to install php properly first at your server
jj_php is installed on my server (apache), I already have mediawiki working on it [14:32]
luciashjj_: create test/ dir on your server, copy the file there, then go to localhost/test/tiki-check.php and see if that works [14:34]
jj_how would I create a new directory for apache? [14:36]
luciashjj_: i mean using browser. not cammand line php. then maybe in the tiki dir you should check if you have basedir path in .htaccess set up correctly
jj_: just as a subdirectory of your server; mkdir test
jj_: i dunno what you have there
jj_: usually it is in /var/www/...
jj_tikiwiki and mediawiki are in /usr/share/webapps/. [14:38]
luciashjj_: how do you connect to your mediawiki? [14:39]
jj_I just start apache, apache is configured already with mediawiki [14:42]
luciashdo you use internet browser at all? [14:43]
jj_yes, I use firefox [14:43]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [14:44]
luciashso how do you go there?
jj_: sorry I need to ask more questions than you provide information - without information it is hard to help, really
jj_yeah it's fine
for mediawiki I use localhost/mediawiki
for tikiwiki I'm expecting to use localhost/tikiwiki
luciashjj_: k, so create /usr/share/webapps/test/tiki-check.php and try to go to localhost/test/tiki-check.php if that works
jj_: presumably you tried localhost/tikiwiki and it returned blank screen?
jj_it returns 'object not found: error 404'
I copied tiki-check.php to /usr/share/webapps/test but I get the same error
luciashthen those dirs are not linked to the apache web server for some reason
do you see any symlinks in /var/www/... ?
i have no idea how you install the webapp on your server btw
jj_no, /var/www is empty
I'm running arch linux, for some reason it installed the files there
luciashi am no witch with a crystall ball, sorry :)
so how did you install tiki there and what version?
jj_well I just moved it there because I had mediawiki installed there already, assuming that apache would 'recognize' that it was there [14:58]
luciashdownloaded from sf.net, extracted tarball there? [14:59]
mediawiki was installed using the package manager
luciashjj_: i think you need to find out how archlinux handles apache virtual dirs first (might be something in /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd but that is out of scope of our help here, sorry [15:01]
Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r60891 10branches/16.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemLink.php * [FIX] profile exporter replace trackerlist options field IDs in ItemLink field [15:02]
jj_okay, maybe I just got lucky but... [15:02]
luciashjj_: you might also simply try moving it there (from /usr/share/webapps/tikiwiki to /var/www/tikiwiki) [15:02]
jj_I typed localhost/modules into the browser and it redirected to the tiki-install.php
I went to /etc/httpd and tried enter the directories into the browser
fabriciusahh jj_tiki-install.php seems perfect. you got near by. this is the default 'tikiroot' prior to final installation [15:09]
nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [15:14]
jj_okay, when trying to install tikiwiki from tiki-install.php, I ran into this error: http://pastebin.com/ctRAsUBa [15:19]
any ideas? [15:27]
luciashcan u try what i suggested?
move to /var/www and do the tiki-check.php first
also i still do not know what version of tiki you try to install and what is your php version btw
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6241
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6242
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6243
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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [16:28]
Leujoined #tikiwiki [16:33]
jj_Hi Luciash, it seems to be working right now, I do have another question though
can you change the initial site configurations later on?
It's the site profiles that I am worried about
luciashjj_: no, there is no uninstall/rollback for profiles [16:45]
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jj_joined #tikiwiki
which profile would you recommend?
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montefuscolojoined #tikiwiki [19:29]
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jj_joined #tikiwiki [19:53]
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fabriciusI did freshly install a Tiki 16 from svn with mandatory 'https' .
The site loads the index.php (HomePage) all right, but never stops loading and does not allows to login (dropdown not opening)
a popup opens after a while with the following error message:
* A problem occurred while detecting JavaScript on this page, click ok to retry. *
Anybody an idea?
fabricius: sorry, nope
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Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r60892 10branches/16.x/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
[ENH] make tiki calendar aware of configured server timezone and store times in server timezone much like JsCalendar tracker field
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montefuscolojoined #tikiwiki [21:48]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [21:56]

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