luciash: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
devin_: joined #tikiwiki
Small Organization Web Presence (apply profile now) can't user
Profile repository can't connect
have new Profile repository
joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r60899 10branches/16.x/ 03img/h_trenner.gif 03img/edge.gif * [FIX] Re-adding missing images specified in tiki_base CSS
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
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Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r60900 10branches/16.x/themes/ 10(11 files in 5 dirs)
[FIX] A number of CSS Fixes-Optomizations, including the addition of prefexes for browsers in popular use of over .5% (according to
xavi: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60901 10branches/experimental/ 10(77 files in 37 dirs)
[MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 60792 to 60898
Composer conflict resovled "mc" then composer updated
03chealer r60902 10trunk/lib/theme/themelib.php * [REF] get_theme_path(): Consistency question for theming gurus
chibaguy__: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03amnabilal r60903 10branches/16.x/lib/pdflib.php * [fix]split function giving error in php7.0, replaced with explode.
03amnabilal r60904 10(15 files in 8 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60896 to 60903
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Tiki-KGB: 03montefuscolo r60905 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_shorten.php * [FIX] respect line breaks and use jquery instead css3 to animate show/hide
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Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r60906 10trunk/lib/setup/theme.php * [ENH] Favicon code optomization part II, reduced reliance on system calls.
montefuscolo: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r60907 10trunk/lib/theme/themelib.php * [ENH] Added directory guessing for SVG files to get_theme_path()
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Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r60908 10trunk/lib/headerlib.php * [KIL] Removed unused vars, improved DocBlocks a little.
arildb: joined #tikiwiki
Hu, I am looking into creating a Tiki based web site which must function well in a low-bandwidth environment (say 128 kbps). In the current versions of Tiki 2 files fail to be cached and thus is always loaded. 1) tiki-jsplugin.php 136.5 KB and 2) tiki-jsmodule.php 28 KB. In order to limit loading these files should either be cachable or not loaded at all
Any thoughts
Why aren't these files cached?
Is it a thought to add a Tiki option e.g. "Minimize bandwidth" which leave these fies out (with the consequence of not having plugins or modules loaded, I assume)
montefuscolo: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60909 10branches/16.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Icon.php
[ENH] trackers: Add new option to update icons when indexing to allow changes of the default icon to be seen in all icon-less items at once (thanks xavi and marclaporte)
03jonnybradley r60910 10branches/16.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Icon.php
[FIX] trackers: Make icon url attributes relative if possible to make upgrades and site moves cleaner
Leu: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r60911 10branches/16.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/StaticText.php
[ENH] trackers: Add new option to allow "pretty tracker" syntax in static text fields to enable values from other fields in that tracker to be displayed per item.
Works with fieldId (e.g. {$f_42}) or permName (e.g. {$f_exampleField} and works in plugin args, (e.g. {img fileId="{$f_42}"}).
Currently only gets id's for Categories and ItemLink fields etc but could be extended later (thanks xavi and marclaporte)
03jonnybradley r60912 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Icon.php 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/StaticText.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60903 to 60911
Leu: I just have a problem, I want to create/set a link to a web-page. Normally I use [http...|Description] but the link I want have [ and ] characters in!
How to link to pages with [ and ] characters inside the link????
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r60913 10branches/16.x/ 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.php 10lib/core/Search/Formatter/Plugin/ArrayTemplate.php
[ENH] add creation_date, modification_date and tracker_status fields from search index to pivottable
03kroky6 r60914 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.php 10trunk/lib/core/Search/Formatter/Plugin/ArrayTemplate.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/16.x 60911 to 60913
fabricius: Hello Leu, are you referring to Typo3 generated files? I have no solution, but have had the same issue ever so often.
Leu: I dont know, what´s the target :-( I have tried some methods without success., the trick in my case seems to be
fabricius: ...
Leu: The tricks seems to be to put the link in the "remember-me-box", open the remarks-box and voilá, there was a "correct" link... I have just found this workaround...
fabricius: what is the "remember-me-box"?
Leu: there was a "Merkzettel"/notes button on the website...
fabricius: aha ... on which one Leu?
Leu: :-)
fabricius: Found it (will send Leu by email): it is typo3 and [ shall be replaced by %5B and ] by %5D