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Is anyons around right now?
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
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chibaguy: Great, I'm getting an error "unknown password format" when trying to log in to a localhost Tiki 15 instance. This is really frustrating. Users (inc. admin) are basically locked out of the site.
This isn't the first time this has happened in the last several months.
This site has been regularly svn-upped in branch 15. I wonder why now I'm getting this error.
So I copied the database and checked out a new branch 16. Install was fine but my password isn't accepted at the new site, even though it's using the same credentials as the copied site db.
Something about pws is borked lately in my experience.
This is on localhost where I don't have a mail server set up, so I guess no way to reset pw?
Can it be done in the db?
Not by the instructions on, as there's no longer a "password" column in the table. It'd be nice if that info could be updated.
giesen: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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I'm currently running 16.1 and just tried to upgrade to 16.2 lately
I usually browse to tiki-install.php, specify database details and select choose upgrade database
The upgrade from 16.0 to 16.1 went smooth
Now the installer doesn't seem to recognize the database and asks to specify it again and again.
The setup is simple, the database is on the same machine and the website is otherwise working using the connection the installer denies.
The installer says: "Tiki cannot find a database connection."
Several non-tiki websites are working fine as well. The database connection is OK and I can manually access the database at the mariadb prompt using tiki's credentials
All I can find in the logs is: "apache2: PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 5 bytes in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/tikiwiki/lib/setup/prefs.php on line 377"
It was a long time before I did manual upgrade. I followed a link shown by the installer (php console.php database:install).
But it reports correctly, that the database already exists. I have a feeling this is for recreating the database.
Any of you run into some problems trying to upgrade tiki?
How I can manually apply database realted changes?
sent a mail to the list, thx!
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki