Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r61215 10trunk/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl
Rename membership expiry group from "Expiry" to "Membership expiry".
Follows 2017-01-29 discussion on tikiwiki-devel
03chealer r61216 10trunk/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl * [FIX] Labels for wrong group
olinuxx: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03yonixxx r61217 10branches/16.x/lang/he/language.php * [TRA] Improving hebrew translation.
03chealer r61218 10trunk/ 04lib/xmlrpcs.inc 04lib/xmlrpc.inc
[KIL] Remove xmlrpc.inc and xmlrpcs.inc
xmlrpc.php and tiki-xmlrpc_services.php switched from these to PEAR in a 2005-08-18 merge
Follow-up to "Autoloading in lib folder & xmlrpc" thread by Brendan Ferguson
guest6636: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
guest6636: The export=y setting of trackerlist exports all tracker data, not just the result of the current query. Is this a bug?
xavi: joined #tikiwiki
guest6636: ?
you've been askign for several days the question about export=y in plugin trackerlist.
guest6636: Polom. This is deeku, your old friend
xavi: you need to know that what you are looking for can be obtained using plugin trackerfilter, not just trackerlist
and it works indeed to match the content in the csv exported witht he filters you applied in your search
it was broken, and we got that fixed in 15.x, afair
many months ago
guest6636: That is so good to know. Thank you Xavi for this information
xavi: np, you are welcome
can you please help back by means of (after you confirm that this works for you also) adding that information in the doc pages where you might have expected to find that information?
I guess that it should be clearly stated in enduser words in: https://doc.tiki.org/PluginTrackerFilter
and according to your question about trackerlist, then also in https://doc.tiki.org/PluginTrackerList
guest6636: Yes, I will.
xavi: thanks
guest6636: Is there a method built into Tiki via which data can be imported into trackers without giving the user full admin access to all trackers?
xavi: yes. 2 methods, probably
(1) you grant local tiki tracker admin permissions on a single tracker (not globally to all) and let that user import csv data into that specific tracker
guest6636: I see. I was hoping for a method for CSV import to add / update a tracker item without giving the user admin access
xavi: (2) using https://doc.tiki.org/TrackerTabular . An admin defines the schema, and tests the whole system so that the importing works from a csv file from disk (from a folder where a non-proviledged user can ftp-upload the file as many times as needed with updated data),
Good luck
guest6636: Yes, 2 would be fine for my requirements
xavi: remember to ask these quetions in the tikiwiki-users list, for instance, if you don't get the expected feedback on irc
-: xavi back to sunday offline stuff
xavi: c u
guest6636: Cu