fabricius: mattmiller: there shoud be a permission to allow/disallow users to use the messaging system in general. A user has to be in a group that is allowed to use the messaging system to be able to send messages.
oh ups left to early
mattmiller: joined #tikiwiki
HI, I'm here again for the third time. :) Hoping to get to chat this time. I'm matt, in Wasilla, Alaska. Trying to see if tikiwiki will work for us.
Last time here the connection timed out. We have set-up tikiwiki and been configuring it to suit our needs but having trouble with the messaging.
If this is not an appropriate place to seek help with setup/configuration questions, we do not want to be rude, please let us know.
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: ah hello mattmiller
mattmiller: Hello
fabricius: mattmiller: I have reolied a while ago, but you did leave while I was posting
00:22:34 - fabricius: mattmiller: there shoud be a permission to allow/disallow users to use the messaging system in general. A user has to be in a group that is allowed to use the messaging system to be able to send messages.
00:22:43 - fabricius: oh ups left to early
please mind, that we are not sitting in front of the screen IRC open waiting for questions ... we might find questions delayed.
it would be appropriate to also register to tiki.org ad post questions to the forum or to try at the userlist with optionally link to an existing descriptive forum posts
and many of us are in Europe: 1am UTC / 2am CET now
mattmiller: fabricius: Cool, we're not quite sure how this works yet. Thanks for the information. :)
fabricius: The community is quite active and helpful, although sometimes it is helpful to be some kind of patient
no worries, welcome to the community mattmiller
mattmiller: go here: /tiki-objectpermissions.php and check messages -> apply "Can use the messaging system" (tiki_p_messages) to registered and try messages again.
given you have the feature "user messages" activated
/tiki-admin.php -> user settings -> messages and notifications
actually: /tiki-admin.php?page=user#contentadmin_user_setting-4
mattmiller: fabricius: Thankyou and glad to be part of the community. Hope to have a symbiotic relationship! :)
fabricius: please mind to set "advanced view" for the admin panels if you would not find it (top left button in tiki-admin.php / control panels)
mattmiller: Already the permissions were checked for "registered" (tiki_p_messages)
fabricius: sure. new users and especially helping hands are always welcome ... users, translators, doc editors, coders, designers ... all nice people are welcome with nice chat and what they can contribute
hmm still no joy?
mattmiller: When in messages - compose and type in the username, after sending we get an error: "Error: No valid users to send the message. " and the message is not received by the recepient. If we open user profile and press the button "Send me a message" the message makes it to the recepient. but the sender receives this message: "An error occured, please check your mail settings and try again." If we press reply to a message whe
the messages do make it if we do the special "work-around" of selecting the profile first and using the Button
fabricius: is your site acessible publicly?
which version exactly?
mattmiller: We are still in early stages of configuring. I'll have to go find the version, 15.4 or 15.7 something... I'll look in a sec. Part of our site is public like the homepage/ register, but most content will be shared privately to registered and upgraded users.
fabricius: Do you want me to quickly have a look, going through the admin interface? Not promising anything, but I never had problems like that and worked with all versions since 2.2
mattmiller: That would be nice. We think tikiwiki can do what we need, but have to get past some of these technical stops. Not sure how to go about sending you login to admin to check it out.
fabricius: either query or torsten@tiki.org
mattmiller: you should have email. I added you to admin group.
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mattmiller: hold on setting permissions
fabricius: checking
needs some time to get in ... we wait a few minutes for the mail
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fabricius: => found a bug ;-)
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mattmiller: fabricius: Thanks for welcoming us into the tiki community. We will strive to be as helpful and friendly as you have shared with us.
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61318 10trunk/installer/tiki-installer.php * [FIX] install: Set up RTL languages in the installer - thanks Bsfez
RadoS: Moin. Is there a way to export the wiki-pages of a structure/ category as html/pdf files from the command-line? We're looking for an automated export/backup for emergencies in case of wiki-server down.
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61319 10trunk/lib/webmail/net_pop3.php * [FIX] php7: New style constructor
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ok, so I want to use an imagemap to navigate to some other pages
and pluginimg has parameter called image map, in which I neter the "name of the image map to use for the image"
but where do I create this imagemap?
luciash: hello
lincolna: I suppose you need to enter it in HTML plugin
lincolna: something like {HTML()}<map name="planetmap">...</map>{HTML}
See https://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tag_map.asp
-: luciash wonders anybody is still using HTML map tag nowadays :)
lincolna: I'm open to better solutions
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r61320 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * [ENH] use plotly.js new packagist repo
03kroky6 r61321 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * [FIX] add missing package to satis
03kroky6 r61322 10trunk/ 10templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.tpl 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.php 10composer.json 10composer.lock * [ENH] make pivottable use specific plotly.js version from new packagist repo
03kroky6 r61323 10branches/ 10(6 files in 4 dirs)
[bp/r61322] [ENH] make pivottable use specific plotly.js version from new packagist repo
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lincolna: maybe Cartograf?
luciash: fabricius: it is not about geographic maps
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r61324 10trunk/ 10lib/core/Services/Search/CustomSearchController.php 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php * [FIX] make tablesorter option work for LIST OUTPUT format in plugin customsearch
03kroky6 r61325 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/core/Services/Search/CustomSearchController.php 1016.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php 1016.x
[bp/r61324] [FIX] make tablesorter option work for LIST OUTPUT format in plugin customsearch
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Tiki-KGB: 03montefuscolo r61326 10branches/ 10(23 files in 16 dirs) * [MRG] Merge trunk 61324
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montefuscolo: hello people!
how can I create a webservice in tiki?
I would like to create an endpoint to retrieve some userdata, related to conversejs and xmpp
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6284
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fabricius: hi montefuscolo :no idea, but I'd like to know aswell
montefuscolo: :)
luciash: montefuscolo: see the doc
montefuscolo: luciash, I found docs telling about how to consume webservices
luciash, is there any standard to provide one in tiki?
luciash: montefuscolo: ah, you want to add something to the feature?
montefuscolo: look into lib/webservicelib.php if it helps
montefuscolo: but could not you just call the wikiplugin_webservice for what you need ?
montefuscolo: to provide webservice you just need to output some data in JSON format
montefuscolo: luciash, I have to return some sensible data, to let converse.js login user on xmpp server. So this webservice needs some security validation
luciash, but I'm looking this files you mentioned
luciash: montefuscolo: I am providing one webservice on my site... can send you a PHP script I wrote
montefuscolo: luciash, <3
luciash: montefuscolo: hmm, not sure you can use webservices with some secure way of authentication...
montefuscolo: on https://doc.tiki.org/PluginWebservice it is written that "The data must be publicly available so no authentication methods are currently available"
montefuscolo: anyway, maybe you figure out :) script sent
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montefuscolo: it helps a lot! :)
luciash: cool :)
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