nelsonko: left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r61342 10trunk/lib/tikihelplib.php * [FIX] Show missing help icons
03drsassafras r61343 03trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.numStyle.php * [NEW] Smarty modifier to change the style (flavour) of a positive integer.
03drsassafras r61344 10trunk/templates/admin/include_login.tpl * [DOC] Password Blacklist documentation cleanup
03drsassafras r61345 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_prefdoc.php * [DOC] PrefDoc Plugin documentation clarification.
03drsassafras r61346 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 5 dirs) * [REF] Password Blacklist - Moved class into autoload lib. (tidy-up) redflo: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
Hello there :-)
i'm having trouble uploading files to my tiki ... Is there a default upload size limit ? the file I can't upload is 3.3 Mb. It simply says : upload failed. I tried with much smaller files and it works
Silly me. Tiki tells me everything, it's right there and I don't even see it. I had one of my colleagues tweak the max file upload limit thingy in php.ini, it should work now :-) Bsfez: hello Padlock Padlock: Hi Bsfez ! Bsfez: Good you sorted it out, IMPORTANT notice, if you are going to store files, check that your storage (admin => file gallery) is in a directory and not in the database.
(it inflate the db size) Padlock: is it complicated to set up a directory in Ubuntu ? Will I be able to move both the platform, database and directory to anoth OS later, if needed ? Bsfez: not at all:
1/ shell => create a dir (outside your www directory is safer)
2/ in the control panel admin => file gallery, set to use directory and give the path Padlock: (taking notes) Bsfez: 3/ move your actual files from db to directory (same place)
lol I guess there is a doc for it :0 Padlock: Well I've seen a doc for it but it mentionned command lines that I did not really understand. Like something to add to prevent user from being able to list the directory or something
Wait would you happen to know where my files currently are now ? How to i access files in my db to move them to my directory ? Bsfez: tiki-admin.php?page=fgal
Storage : (should say it) Padlock: oh there's a button :-) Bsfez: should be a dropdown saying : "Store in database" or "Store in directory" so the one selected (visible) is the setting Padlock: Wow. Tiki doesn't cease to impress me
Can my directory be anywhere Bsfez: yes, but I recommend outside the www directory (safer) Padlock: I will do exactly that. However, my coleague just pointed out that the doc actually says : If you decide to store files in a directory, you must indicate the path to a directory where you will store files. The directory can be absolute or relative to the Tiki directory for example: files/ /www/tiki/files/ Bsfez: yes both work
also :) Padlock: I suppose there's a very good reason for you to advise me against it, and to be honest, I'm so incompetent I would probably not understand, so I'll go with your advice :-) Bsfez: check google about storing file outside www (or web root) this to avoid hacker or spam Padlock: His (and my) apologies : he had not read the whole article.
I'm sorry, I should no better than to ask questions to colleagues lol
know Bsfez: lol no problem Padlock: I set the directory path in tiki
when I click the "move files from database to directory" it brought up an error message saying something like "cannot write to this file : ~/documents/tiki files/someverylongalphanumericchain
and n umber of files transferred is 0 :(
we did use chmod 777 on the directory
so it shouldn't be an issue with access rights? Bsfez: 755 and the same owner than Tiki should be fine Padlock: Hey guess what !
I entered the path as home/.../.../tiki_files no one even noticed I had forgotten the first "/" in the path :-D
it worked perfectly, thank you !
you guys are so helpful, I wish I could bake you cookies or something Bsfez: happy to read
you can donate to wiki ! :0
private message Padlock: Since I have absolutely no money, I decided to contribute to the project by helping with the translation Bsfez: nice, from where are you ? Padlock: but I meant I wish I could gratify you guys, the ones who help me here on irc :-)
I'm from France Bsfez: Ahhhh ben alors, il fallait le dire :D Padlock: it may not be obvious from my recurrent typos here, but I'm an actual translator lol
oh tu es français ? Bsfez: oui je suis ne en France Padlock: ha !
Comme tu peux voir, je ne suis pas très doué... Habituellement je ne suis qu'utilisateur de plateformes comme tiki, pas administrateur, c'est compliqué pour moi Bsfez: Tu vois mon message privee ou pas ? Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61347 10branches/ 10experimental/h5p/lib/filegals/h5plib.php 10experimental/h5p/lib/core/H5P/H5PTiki.php * [MOD] h5p: Some minor fixes, still can't get iframe embeded content to work...
03jonnybradley r61348 10branches/ 10(11 files in 10 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 61338 to 61346 chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
polom Bsfez: Hello Gary jonnyb: pompom all Bsfez: Hi Jonny chibaguy: hello everybody Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61349 10trunk/lib/ointegratelib.php * [FIX] webservices: Update OIntegrate_Engine_Smarty for recent Smarty changes
03jonnybradley r61350 10trunk/templates/admin/include_webservices.tpl * [FIX] webservices: Some more bootstrapification for the webservice admin panel Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61351 10trunk/admin/include_webservices.php
[FIX] webservices: Display errors from the response and refill template inputs when previewing redflo: left #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Jyhem_laptop: polom jonnyb: moloq Jyhem_laptop Jyhem_laptop: I upgraded a Tiki 16 into trunk and I hit "resolved" when it complained about vendors
big mistake
Now I never get vendor/.htaccess jonnyb: yes, it's a fun one isn't it! :) Bsfez: (some fun I stay away from!) :D Jyhem_laptop: even after removing vendor and doing svn up jonnyb: does it show as an addition in svn status? if so, revert Jyhem_laptop: is there a way of "unresolving" this? jonnyb: sometimes svn -R revert ./ will do the trick Jyhem_laptop: It shows as D in svn status jonnyb: then do svn revert and rm vendor, then svn up
then run of course ;) Jyhem_laptop: I had already removed vendor, but YES! It's fixed. Thanks was planned, as it's the Tiki16 version of vendor still -: Jyhem_laptop getting the "svn tips" page updated some more jonnyb: thanks, i'll add a link from doc/tiki17 page (as i had forgotten where i put that! ;) ) Jyhem_laptop: there's already an "Important note for switching to 17.x" there
which I should have followed, BTW jonnyb: :D
I've also added a link here:
joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61352 10trunk/ 10lib/encoding/lib-encoding.php 10lib/sheet/ole.php * [FIX] php7: New style constructors Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem_laptop: strange:we can't file a bug agains trunk? I guess 17.x it is, then Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki RadoS: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r61353 10trim/src/appinfo/tiki.php
[FIX] removeTemporaryFiles(): backup hang when templates_c/ contains write-protected files
[FIX] removeTemporaryFiles(): backup warning when templates_c/ is empty
03montefuscolo r61354 10branches/experimental/conversejs/ 10(10 files in 7 dirs) * [ENH] Add prebind to login Tiki user in XMPP server jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki