Tiki-KGB: [FIX] change the styles for the caption in plugincode to be more like it was in 12.x
nelsonko: left #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03pom2ter r61420 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_sheet.php 1015.x/lib/sheet/grid.php 1015.x/tiki-view_sheets.php
[bp/r61090] [FIX] fixed bugs related to the display of svg charts in spreadsheets
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luciash: polom pom pom
lincolna: joined #tikiwiki
ok. It worked for a while, but now registering doesn't work on my site with any kind of captcha enabled
luciash: check logs, browser console for errors? try different browser?
what has changed on your server recently?
lincolna: on the server? routine ubuntu updates I guess
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: check server logs for errors - maybe php version changed?
lincolna: when you click the "register" button it says "saving" for a bit, but then just gives you the page back again
if you disable all captcha (both Reptcha and site) it works
just tried in FF as well as Chrome, same result
luciash: saving? hmm... can you submit a bug report and specify version please?
lincolna: when it works (without a captcha) it says "saving" for longer, then takes you to a page saying reg uscessful
luciash: and provide all the details...
Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
Hi everyone !
Guys, I'm pretty bad at using tikiwiki wiki page editing tools and I'm struggling with the use of tables/blocks/splits. Would someone be willing to try and advise me ?
luciash: Padlock: hi, yes
Padlock: Let's do this in a separate window ;-)
Or maybe not :)
I have a couple quick (hoepfully) questions. first of all, I was happy to find a wysiwyg editor in tiki wiki, however, the tool bar has the most peculiar behavior. tools that I do select and move to the toolbar no longer appear once I save the bar configuration
luciash: :)
Padlock: For example, if I switch to toolbar admin, the indent/outdent button are clearly there, but once I save, they're nowhere in the wysiwyg bar.
luciash: some toolbars are wiki syntax only and some are for wysiwyg only... so the icons appear only in one mode or the other... but what is your question?
(did not see the question mark :)
Padlock: I don't know how to use some of the tools that do appear in the wysiwyg bar. I actually don't know for starters if I should continue using the wysiwyg editor or if it's preferable that I get used to the wiki editor.
I'm supposed to sprad the knowledge about our new tiki platform to developers, and I don't know if teaching them creating documentation using the wysiwyg editor is a wise idea. As a, experienced user, which mode do you use, and do you think the wysiwyg mode is complete/efficient enough to completely replace the wiki editor ?
luciash: I would say it is preferable if you get used to the wiki editor
I use wiki editor only (if I do not have to) - it is faster and more efficient
RadoS: wysiwyg editor broke our big tables, so we disabled it altogether.
luciash: wysiwyg mode is imho only for occassional users (users who do not edit the content every day) edits - not completely ready to replace the wiki editor
Padlock: Perfect simple answer to a very twisted question
luciash: Padlock: you can enable the syntax highlighter (switchable on/off) if that helps the users to learn and use the wiki syntax
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: Padlock: but keep in mind every wrapper over the basic wiki syntax editing slows down the work with the textarea - so the syntax highlighter and even worse with the wysiwyg
Padlock: Syntax highlighter sounds cool. Is it something like in MS excel, when you type a formula and they show you in colors separate parts based on brackets ?
luciash: yep
Padlock: Ok those were my geenral questions about how apropriate it would be to use wysiwyg or not.
luciash: https://doc.tiki.org/Syntax%20Highlighter
Padlock: Now, about the creation of tables/blocks/splitting.... i kind of understand how to make a simple table. columns, rows, labels... those are fine. But I need to make more complex stuff. Can I show you ?Maybe there's a specific tool I should use ?
luciash: Can you link?
Padlock: I'm afraid I don't have an online rep
Hold on I'll set something up
torsten1: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: There you go : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xnfgh834h0uqbh7/AAAv4Bv_dHp1tqzJrqkRSJ3fa?dl=0
so basically, I though that you might point me to the most apropriate tool to do something that looks like those two items and maybe provide some guidance
I don't really know if it's possible to "imbricate" tables into a table cell, or if there is a way to define some sort of blocks/areas
luciash: ok, lemme see
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: Take all the time you need, luciash, I'm already very grateful you would consider taking a look :-)
I have to go eat my lunch but I'll be back in a tick !
luciash: Padlock: putting them there as images is no option i suppose? you could use {HTML()}...{HTML} for more complex tables or try PluginSplit - also there is PluginWysiwyg to make only some part of page wysiwyg-enabled
jonnyb: polom
montefuscolo: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: jonnyb: bolow
jonnyb: hi luciash
anf montefuscolo and everyone! :)
Tiki-KGB: 03luciash r61421 10users/ 03cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/less 03cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/less/CartoGraf.less 10cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/css/CartoGraf.css
[ENH] CartoGraf: introduce the less file to "do it right" and take the advantage of re-using some variables in the future
Padlock: sorry took longer than I though
luciash: nope. Maybe the colored one could be inserted as an image, as it only shows generic stuiff, and there are several of them, some including large arrows going from one cell to another, and that is just not possible in tikiwiki. But the other one, with small imbricated sections needs to be created directly in the page.
Pluginwysiwyg may not be of any help for me, as I really wouldn't know how to create such a table, even in wysiwig mode. Would you ?
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: Hi jonnyb
jonnyb: hi Padlock
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r61422 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php
[FIX] trackerlist user owned items updated to work with multiple ownership fields
Padlock: I think I'll try to keep it simple.
I found out I can imbricate some {CODE()}{CODE} inside a {BOX()}{BOX} inside a cell of a basic table, sounds about as simple as I could make it.
However does anyone know how to have the table column separations actually show ?
As in "display the grid" ?
olinuxx: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: Padlock: use Custom CSS
Padlock: right. I do not know how to do that, so i'll just insist on how beautiful it looks without all these useless lines ;-)
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r61423 10trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[FIX] tracker filtering by not(value) was improperly excluding items where fields had no values, i.e. NULL ones
montefuscolo: Hello!!
Padlock: Is it also a CSS thing if I want to have some cells of a basic table in a certain color ?
Hi montefuscolo !
luciash: Padlock: yes
montefuscolo: hi
Padlock: Put .lines table td {border: solid 1px #ccc !important} in your custom CSS and then wrap each table where you want the lines with {DIV(class=lines)}...{DIV}
Padlock: Ah nice ! I was actually looking up how to syntax that lol
Jyhem: polom
luciash: I'm on it
luciash: Jyhem: hi, thx
jonnyb: pompom Jyhem
Jyhem: It's not a TIM issue, it's someone making a mistake on Septembre, 26th (most probably myself) on mass-upgrading all show instances as root and not setting the ownerships back
I guess it was while rushing to upgrade all the tikies everywhere due to some security issue
Padlock: luciash: thank you so much. I know I come a long way, not knowing html and stuff, but I'll use what you just showed me to find other stuff myself, so be sure you haven't wasted your time on me :-D
thank you so much for your help, I managed to have a nice looking table that actually looks better than the original (which was created in Confluence. Ew.)
luciash: Jyhem: ah, thx, that kinda explains it
Padlock: you are welcome
Jyhem: 143 instances had the same issue :-(
luciash: Jyhem: thanks for fixing them :)
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r61424 10trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[FIX] trackerlist filter by user fields fixes for not clause and filtered fields array
03jonnybradley r61425 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock
[UPD] recaptcha: Seems zend-captcha had updated itself to v2.7 and this was no longer compatible with zendservice-recaptcha which is stuck on v2.0, so the only option seems to be to update that to version 3.x (seems to work, but is odd)
Jyhem: luciash: np. yours is fixed and updated. The rest are being fixed (command launched, it just takes a lot of time)
luciash: lincolna: jonny just commited maybe something related to your registration issue
lincolna: hmmm, could be
Padlock: luciash: just so I get the pattern and know what to look for, for now on, can you just give me another example css class, like one that would define the background color of a table cell ? I'm trying to make one up but probably have something wrong
lincolna: I've switched to using a passcode for now
its hard to know with this sort of thing if it's a tiki bug or something weird with my setup always
SEF doesn't work for me for example, not sure what I am doing wrong
I did find somewhere where it kicked you out to a SEF URL, even if disabled
should have reported it at the time, don't remember where it was now
luciash: Padlock: it is a bit more complicated as you would need for the specific table cell a specific class
Padlock: e.g. if you had <tr><td class="redbg">... you could use .redbg {background-color: red}
Padlock: but since the table cells do not have any classes you need to count and use e.g. td:nth-child(2) {...} or something like that
lincolna: SEFURLs?
lincolna: yeah
luciash: lincolna: can be in your .htaccess
lincolna: just get lots of 404s if I turn them on
nah, htaccess is sorted
according to the instructions
luciash: hmm, should work out-of-the-box as soon as you enable .htaccess
i mean you should get no 404s
lincolna: I figure I've done something wrong in setting up the server
so, what I should need to do is copy _htaccess to .htaccess, right?
at the root of the tiki install
Padlock: Thanks, luciash ! thanks to you and my colleague, who knows a wee bit more than me, i think I've got it ;-)
luciash: lincolna: yes
lincolna: yeah, done that (even forced it by deleting .htaccess as the shel insists they are the same
no luck
luciash: sorry to hear that :(
gtg now, bbl
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: lincolna: maybe the server configuration does not take .htaccess into account?
You can test that by editing .htaccess and starting with a line with crap, like "gfhvjgjf". If your site breaks with displaying "Error 500", the .htaccess is taken into account. If not, you need to look for the value of "AllowOverride" in the server config
of course, whatever the result, rmeove the crap line afterwards ! :)
It used to be that the apache default was "AllowOverride All" but the latest servers I installed all had "AllowOverride None" by default
Tiki-KGB: 03luciash r61426 10users/ 10cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/less/CartoGraf.less 10cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/css/CartoGraf.css
[FIX] define some variables and use them to override some tiki specific selectors like the jQuery-UI modals colors + some clarification in the comment about the theme
03jonnybradley r61427 10branches/ 10(9 files in 8 dirs)
[ENH][REF] h5p: Move the display code from the plugin into a service so it can be access from elsewhere (and via AJAX), add a stub fn for action_edit TODO
Also add missing fileId to loadContent()
lincolna: Jyhem - yep, that was it
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61428 10branches/experimental/h5p/lib/core/H5P/H5PTiki.php * [FIX] h5p: Snake vs camel (snake this time ;)
03jonnybradley r61429 10branches/experimental/h5p/templates/fgal_context_menu.tpl * [ENH] h5p: Add the display item to the file context menus for h5p files
lincolna: I think the change to the default probably makes sense
I've had a site compromised before in a way that involved injecting a .htaccess file
Tiki-KGB: 03luciash r61430 10users/ 10cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/less/CartoGraf.less 10cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/css/CartoGraf.css * [FIX] close button color on hover and focus in jQuery-UI modals
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