[01:36] Tiki-KGB 03rjsmelo r61431 10trunk/ 10(24 files in 15 dirs) [01:36] Tiki-KGB [NEW] Add support for schedule tasks (cron) to tiki [01:36] Tiki-KGB - New command avalable in the console to trigger the schedule: scheduler:run [01:36] Tiki-KGB - One task provided (ConsoleCommandTask) that allow to run other console commands [01:36] Tiki-KGB - Managed using tiki-admin_schedulers.php [01:42] Tiki-KGB 03rjsmelo r61432 04branches/experimental/schedulers * [KIL] Support for schedule tasks added to trunk already [03:14] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [05:02] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [08:31] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [08:34] luciash polomornin [08:39] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [09:42] Tiki-KGB 03yonixxx r61433 10trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl [09:42] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Using class instead of inline style + same style - center - for all button displayed on the page. [10:02] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [10:27] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [10:47] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [10:54] Padlock joined #tikiwiki [10:54] Padlock Hi everyone ! [10:56] Padlock I'm still trying to figure out how to best use all kinds of tables-related feature in wiki pages and I need you guidance on spreadsheet : I thought it could be a good idea to test those out too, however the drop down menus (edit, view, style) don't seem to have any effet on anything [10:57] Padlock For example I'm trying to merge two cells together and the menu has no effect, nor has any of the other menus. Have you had a similar issue ? [10:57] Padlock Also, I don't seem to be able to make multiple cell-selections :-/ [11:42] Padlock I have tried on the online demo version of wiki 15.0 and the same thing happens : none of the drop down menus in the spreadsheet (edit/view/style) and their submenus have any effect. Is this a bug or am I using it wrong ? [12:00] fabricius Hello Padlock, long ago that I used Spreadsheets in Tiki. Do you have a link to the relevant page on demo.tiki.org? [12:28] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [13:00] Padlock Sorry, was out to lunch [13:00] Padlock Hi fabricius ! :-) here's the link to the spreadsheet I created : https://demo.tiki.org/15x/tiki-view_sheets.php?sheetId=1 [13:02] Padlock so the contextual menu appears when you right-click anywhere, but the drop down options that appear when you click any of the 3 buttons in the upper-left corner don't seem to respond at all [13:11] fabricius yes, seems to be broken, but when you right click at the row number/column character the options seem to work. Additionally there seem to be CSS glitches, as for ex you cannot see rows or columns highlighted etc. [13:11] fabricius more like an alpha / demo state of implementation [13:13] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [13:13] Bsfez polom [13:13] fabricius moloq [13:14] Bsfez Hey Torsten long time :) [13:14] Bsfez All good ? [13:19] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [13:20] Padlock Nah, problem is exactly the same on my own tiki platform actually. And the display issue can be solved by selecting a different jquery theme [13:20] Padlock What I really need to be able to do is to at least be able to merge cells, and since that option is only available in the edit menu, i'm kinda stumped :-/ [13:20] Padlock Hi Bsfez ! :-) [13:20] Bsfez Hello [13:21] Padlock I'm having spreadsheet issues ... everyday a different topic :D [13:21] Bsfez :) I have Composer issue (mcrypt with ClearOS) [13:24] Padlock I can try to help :-) do you have a million years ? [13:26] Bsfez nope and girly is coming back home soon [13:31] Padlock and I have to find an alternative to spreadsheets, which is not a little thing, as spreadsheets were a big part of my arguments to convince my project to adopt tikiwiki :-/ [14:27] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6290 [14:28] montefuscolo joined #tikiwiki [14:28] montefuscolo Good morning! :) [14:29] Padlock Morning montefuscolo ! [14:29] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [14:29] montefuscolo Does someone know if there is a Tiki profile that gives me a table like this http://nicolas.kruchten.com/pivottable/examples/montreal_2014.html ? [14:29] Padlock oh wow, my bug is displayed here as soon as I open it. this is so high tech :-) [14:29] montefuscolo Look at the end of page. [14:32] Padlock montefuscolo: probably not spreadsheets, for now lol have you taken a look at fancy tables ? Maybe you could find a way to report your info with them ? [14:38] montefuscolo Yep [14:39] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [14:39] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [14:42] luciash montefuscolo: maybe xavi did some for pivot table with heatmap for Bug Tracker profile? [14:43] Padlock Hey luciash ;-) [14:44] luciash https://profiles.tiki.org/Bug_Tracker_16 [14:44] luciash Padlock: hi [14:46] Padlock Oh wow "profiles" ? what are those ? There is so much to learn, I get a little panicky [14:46] luciash Padlock: profiles are preconfigured setups for Tiki [14:51] Padlock so for example a profile will enable some features and disable some others, set up user groups, homepages, general layout...stuff like that ? Or do they go more into details and can they add actual data, preconfigured pages, etc. ? [14:52] luciash yes, that, plus these details too [14:57] Padlock can I use tikiwiki without ever needing those ? [14:57] Padlock :-D [14:58] luciash sure [14:58] luciash and you can use Tiki for short ;) [14:59] Padlock oops sorry about that [14:59] luciash np, we try to promote just "Tiki" for many years as it evolved to much more than a wiki ;) [15:01] Padlock Yes, I find myself often mentionning "the wiki part of the tiki platform". that's a lot of -ki ;) [15:03] montefuscolo luciash, Thanks!, but I a tracker and tracker items with same data from example ... [15:03] montefuscolo I imported a csv file [15:03] montefuscolo Man, it just works [15:03] montefuscolo Awesome! [15:04] montefuscolo Loving trackers :) [15:04] luciash :D [15:04] Padlock I need to teach myself about trackers, it sounds really handy ... scares me a lil bit [15:05] luciash montefuscolo: i don't think you will find profile with the data you mentioned unless you create it ;) [15:06] luciash Padlock: nah, trackers are fine ;) just to store and track some data using forms and list them or do some other tricks ;) [15:07] luciash Padlock: quite handy actually ;) [15:08] luciash Padlock: you can create many custom forms and even simulate existing features like articles/blog posts/calendar etc. [15:08] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r61434 10trunk/ 03themes/base_files/css/newsletter.css 10lib/newsletters/nllib.php [15:08] Tiki-KGB [FIX] newsletters: Replace current default newsletter css with a basic file, instead of incuding all the css present in the current theme, which causes failures on some servers due to line length limits and didn't look very good anyway. [15:08] Tiki-KGB TODO properly with a LESS file and deploy to more themes [15:08] Padlock the thing is, I really need to remember I'm not expert in anything computer-related. I love discovering new features, and imagining stuff I could do with them, but there's so much I can do and learn [15:09] luciash Padlock: remember? you have a wiki for that to document and save! [15:09] luciash Padlock: then if you forgot you can always find it in your Tiki ;) [15:10] Padlock What I learn these days (mostly thanks to you I must add), i take notes of it. But what about the immensity of what's left to lear about tiki ? ;) [15:17] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [15:17] jonnyb polom [15:18] * jonnyb is pleased montefuscolo has found trackers :) [15:18] luciash hey bloke :) [15:19] jonnyb :) [16:17] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [16:28] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r61435 10trunk/ 10templates/admin/include_webservices.tpl 10lib/ointegratelib.php 10lib/core/Search/ContentSource/WebserviceSource.php [16:28] Tiki-KGB [ENH] webservices: Take two at multi-document webservice indexing - now indexes each "item" separately as templatename:nn when reindexing. [16:28] Tiki-KGB TODO make incremental indexing work when the template is re-saved [16:52] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [17:10] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [17:19] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [18:18] nelsonko joined #tikiwiki [18:38] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [18:58] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r61436 10trunk/ 10lib/webservicelib.php 10templates/admin/include_webservices.tpl 10lib/ointegratelib.php 10admin/include_webservices.php [18:58] Tiki-KGB [FIX] webservices: Repair delete function and add a checkbox to bypass the cache when testing (REST services only so far). [18:58] Tiki-KGB Also use the same key to store the cache as when retrieving it. [18:58] Tiki-KGB Plus various cosmetic improvements. [19:02] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r61437 10trunk/lib/ointegratelib.php [19:02] Tiki-KGB [FIX] webservices: Use the pref webservice_consume_defaultcache cache expriy time unless told not to [19:14] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r61438 10trunk/templates/admin/include_webservices.tpl * [FIX] webservices: Display "postbody" params if set on the service [19:24] Tiki-KGB 03eromneg r61439 10trunk/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl [19:24] Tiki-KGB [FIX] only show the auto_toc settings in the Properties tab if the feature is 'on' - still don't understand why the wiki_page_hide_title pref is also checked but logic changed from OR to AND since OR didn't make any sense [20:13] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [21:14] Tiki-KGB 03montefuscolo r61440 10branches/ 10(193 files in 84 dirs) * [MRG] Merge from trunk since r61324 [21:20] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r61441 10trunk/ 10lib/trackers/trackerlib.php 10lib/core/Tracker/Item.php * [FIX] multiple item owners notice fix [21:34] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r61442 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemLink.php [21:34] Tiki-KGB [FIX] ignore ItemLink multiple values option when using table display with checkboxes to select multiple items [21:38] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r61443 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemLink.php 1016.x [21:38] Tiki-KGB [bp/r61442] [FIX] ignore ItemLink multiple values option when using table display with checkboxes to select multiple items [21:50] Tiki-KGB 03montefuscolo r61444 10branches/experimental/conversejs/ 10(5 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Merge trunk 61441 [22:01] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [22:24] dj-amel joined #tikiwiki [22:44] Tiki-KGB 03montefuscolo r61445 10branches/experimental/conversejs/ 10(7 files in 6 dirs) [22:44] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Use Services to prebind user in XMPP and remove custom tiki-json.php, thanks jonny. [23:34] nelsonko joined #tikiwiki [23:49] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki