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Galaxis: Ok, now I have a somewhat strange question (it is late and I might be seeing ghosts): The HTML code that my Tiki generates seems to contain links to tracking pixels that may be connected to things I linked to on my blog...
Like so:
<style type="text/css">img[src=""],
{display:none !important;}</style></head>
<body class=" tiki layout_classic">
...and that block seems to disappear when I disable css/js minify.
Any idea what's up there?
(going to get some sleep now though)
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Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61561 10trunk/tiki-check.php
[ENH] SEF check in tiki-check, forward basic auth if present, to allot test in password protected websites.
Also improve the message to include the http code returned as part of the test, if not 200.
03chibaguy r61562 10trunk/themes/business/ 03less/newsletter.less 03css/newsletter.css * [NEW] Business theme newsletter.less and compiled newsletter.css.
03chibaguy r61563 10trunk/themes/cerulean/ 03less/newsletter.less 03css/newsletter.css * [NEW] Cerulean theme newsletter.less and compiled newsletter.css.
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61564 10trunk/ 10tiki-check.php 10templates/tiki-check.tpl
[ENH] Check for temporary copies of configuration files, that might expose sensitive information
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61565 10trunk/ 10(67 files in 66 dirs)
[NEW] Default and theme newsletter.css files compiled from respective Less files (to do: add selectors as needed for other elements likely to be in newsletters) .
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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luciash: bolow
fabricius: moloq
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Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61566 10trunk/themes/cosmo/ 10(5 files in 2 dirs) * [FIX] Cosmo theme stylesheet and newsletter.css font and panel border radius.
chibaguy: Is Transifex working smoothly, does anyone know?
Caarrie: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: polom polom
Bsfez: hello
Gary, Gezza is the one who knows about transifex
chibaguy: Hi Bsfez, ok, I'll check with him.
Bsfez, have you been translating by editing the language file?
Bsfez: not long ago (while discussing the custon.php import issue) he told me it should be improved soon
well yes, all the time :)
chibaguy: Maybe that's the safest for now.
Bsfez: This is/was my standard. Lately I tested using the "Admin" interface and it worked ok.
Transifex would have been great BUT, it is not yet a simple process. (because our language.php include much more than just strings.
chibaguy: right
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: pom pom all, lunch time here, bbl
jonnyb: chibaguy: thanks for all the newsletter.css work! :)
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61567 10trunk/themes/business/ 10less/newsletter.less 10css/newsletter.css * [ENH] Business theme stylesheet and newsletter.css panel styles.
03chibaguy r61568 10trunk/themes/cerulean/css/newsletter.css * [ENH] Cerulean theme newsletter.css panel styles.
chibaguy: jonnyb, you're welcome. I'm not sure exactly how much CSS to put in newsletter.css beyond the font and link colors and font family. I'm adding panel styles and will probably add basic table colors, but not sure what else.
It's about 12KB in size now.
Do newsletters need button styles?
(I guess they are interactive in HTML form.)
jonnyb: good question, i would have thought not to put too much in, just basic text colours etc and people can add more if they need it? (but it would be harder to remove stuff)
chibaguy: Probably so.
Bsfez: Thanks for your work on newsletter !
chibaguy: I guess the main thing is to have a legible newsletter that has the basic appearance of the site's theme.
No problem, Bsfez.
fabricius: JBTW (just by the way): any ideas or knowledge about personalised newsletters in Tiki (ex: Dear {$f_salutation} {$f_firstname} {$f_lastname}, bla bla ?
(just by the way) :
not ):
mor like :)
chibaguy: fabricius, do you mean like mail merge where the same content gets personalized and sent to multiple people?
jonnyb: chibaguy: just saw the panel css arrive, there's quite a lot of it, isn't there - will make the newsletter quite heavy, even minified... but better than what ee've had for the past few tikis ;)
Bsfez: Hi fabricus
jonnyb: fabricius: (hi!) i think there is but can't remember how it works, i think Xavi of Geoff worked out how to do that
fabricius: I do not know 'mail merge', but I think so, yes ...
(chibaguy )
Bsfez: I think also it is possible....
fabricius: Hi jonnyb
If possible we should create a doc about it, cause it would be a great asset, especially in context to chibaguy's work on newsletter.css
jonnyb, yes, I imported the entire Bootstrap panels.less file, so is probably overkill. I can take the main parts out and put them in tiki_base/less/newsletter.less instead.
RadoS: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61569 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
[REF] plugins: Move the js code from the generic js files to a new tiki-pluginedit.js
No functional change intended so far, part one of the plugin edit revamp, next step: remove dependence on jquery-ui
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: hi Bsfez :D
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61570 10trunk/ 10(26 files in 26 dirs) * [ENH] [UI] Theme newsletter.less and newsletter.css improvements.
03marclaporte r61571 10trunk/tiki-check.php * fix typo
03marclaporte r61572 10trunk/tiki-check.php * A bit more context about this additional security check
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Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61573 10trunk/themes/darkshine/ 10css/newsletter.css 10less/newsletter.less
[FIX] [UI] Darkshine newsletter.less and newsletter.css wrong body background color (this theme needs a rule to override website body bg color because it has a dark body background and light content divs background).
chibaguy: tiki-send_newsletters.php loads a whole fullscreen Tiki page in an iframe to display one line "Newsletter successfully sent to 2 users." That doesn't seem very efficient.
Is the FiveAlive theme supposed to use Lato (same font as used by FiveAlive-lite)? There's an import for the webfont, but it isn't specified in the CSS.
I don't recall if this is my mistake or somebody else's, or a combination.
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61574 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-pluginedit.js * [MOD] plugins: Convert plugin edit for to use bootstrap modal
03jonnybradley r61575 10branches/ 10(83 files in 76 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 61553 to 61574
03chibaguy r61576 10trunk/themes/fivealive/ 10less/fivealive.less 10css/fivealive.css
[FIX] [UI] Lato webfont was being imported but wasn't specified by the CSS, so wasn't used. Commented out the import statement for now.
03chibaguy r61577 10trunk/themes/fivealive/ 10css/newsletter.css 10less/newsletter.less
[FIX] [UI] Lato webfont was being imported but wasn't specified by the CSS, so wasn't used. Commented out the import statement for now.
03jonnybradley r61578 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-pluginedit.js * [FIX] plugins: Close modal properly when in "editpage" mode
03chibaguy r61579 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 2 dirs)
[FIX][NEW][UI] Greenvalley was missing content background in fixed navbar 1 layout. Also newsletter less and css files updated.
chibaguy: hi amette_, are you around? has an error: 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.10.2
It's been that way for a week or more.
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
Hey everyone ! I'm about to go nuts, so I thought maybe I could ask you first before I commit myself :-D
I noticed something was odd with the permissions of two of my groups that are not supposed to be able to edit wiki pages and still could. I juggled the permissions for the "wiki" category in order to isolate what was wrong, but nothings seemed to be
So to be sure, I created a whole new group, and added one of the existing users to it, removing that user from any other group. And I only gave this group the permission tiki_p_view. It haqs absolutely nothing else. And on wiki pages that inherit root permissions, this user still can edit pages
You guys are SO efficient, you make me find the solution almost every time :-) users from that group were also in a group that was hidden and had more rights ;-)
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61580 10trunk/ 10(28 files in 28 dirs) * [ENH] [UI] Updating theme newsletter less and css files.
fabricius: Padlock come back
Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
me again
Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: ok now all my user rights are completely messed up, I don't understand. I have checked that each of my 3 users is in their rightful group, that the groups in question have the proper permissions and that categories apply specific wanted permissions, and it seems that everyone is now an admin and has all the rights.
Is it possible that something in the database just went bezerk and needs some resetting ? Is there a command to reset stuff ?
fabricius: hehe 14:21:00 - fabricius: Padlock come back
Padlock: what do you mean with: on wiki pages that inherit root permissions ??
MikaelOhlsson: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: I meant pages that have the site permissions, as opposed to pages whose permissions are defined by categories permissions
MikaelOhlsson: Hi all! I have a problem with ssl login. The site works great in http but if put on require https for login then I cant login anymore
fabricius: Padlock: are you daring to use "object permissions" on the same pages as where you use "category permissions" not being aware, that "object ermissions" overwrite "category permissions"?
Padlock: Oh my, did I do that ?
I don't know... I don't think so
fabricius: I do not kow :)
Padlock: Let me think back.
fabricius: Sure
Padlock: I set up permissions for the site. That group can do this and this, that group can do more, and so on.
fabricius: MikaelOhlsson: do you have https setup serverside for that domain?
Padlock: then I defined as many categories as there are groups, and actually defined the same permissions as site permissions in each category, but for only one group each time. This way, if I apply no category, site permissions apply to an object, but if I apply a category, only this category will apply, and so only this group will get permissions on this object
MikaelOhlsson: Yes.. it runs fine in https I just cant login
fabricius: MikaelOhlsson: very first you must have a certificate (preferably one of the new trusted "Let'sEncrypt" certificates) installed on your server, active for the specific domain (or as wildcard, depending on your server settings)
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61581 10trunk/ 10(12 files in 12 dirs) * [ENH] [UI] Updating theme newsletter less and css files.
fabricius: hummm MikaelOhlsson *thinking*
Padlock: I really don't think i have set up permissions directly on a specific object, that doesn't sound like something I would do
fabricius: Padlock: your message just did sound that way: "on wiki pages that inherit root permissions"
Padlock: I meant site permissions. Is that the right phrasing ? lol
MikaelOhlsson: fabricius: *crossing fingers*
fabricius: MikaelOhlsson: there are more than one setting for https use and login
MikaelOhlsson: I assume that you either missed one or have one two much, causing a conflict with the setting t "required"
MikaelOhlsson: fabricius: Can you point me to what other settings might be?
fabricius: you could go to the db, search for https in the preferences table, delete the setting and then login and look further
Padlock: fabricius: I just double checked and in "object permissions" it says : object permissions (0). Phew !
MikaelOhlsson: fabricius: Ill do that..
fabricius: MikaelOhlsson: give me a second, I login to a Tiki and have a look, if I find
MikaelOhlsson: fabricius: thanks
fabricius: I guess I have a fresh Tiki with required htts running
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
fabricius: MikaelOhlsson: use HTTPS login (required) is the second https setting in tiki-admin.php?page=login
MikaelOhlsson: then you need to tick the first, choose rquired in the second, set to "only SSL" at the third and untick the rest, where the last one (use HTTPS, if user specific links are created) optionally can be ticked (I have ticked)
olinuxx: joined #tikiwiki
MikaelOhlsson: fabricius: ok ill try that
fabricius: MikaelOhlsson: by the way: I have 'HTTPS forced' serverside for that site
Padlock: now thinking back to you ... a user that has not tiki_p_edit and not tiki_p_admin anywhere should in no circumstance be able to edit a wikipage ... clear caches please, then setup a new testuser and compare both users. If the testuser cannot edit, but the other user still can, there must be something different with the user. otherwise there is some permission problem ...
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: Oh I found what was wrong a while back (that's when I said you guys have helped me in a blitz finding the solution myself. It was because all users are also in the built-in "registered" group which I chose not to use, but still had permissions attached
but clearing out the permissions for this group apparently made a mess everywhere else. I'm still trying to figure this out ;-)
MikaelOhlsson: fabricius: Protect all sessions with HTTPS checked, Use HTTPS login required, HTTP Basic Authentication SSL- only... all other unchecked or default... Cant login :(
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Padlock: Oh boy, I was this close to turning nuts. Finally sorted things out, I'm fine now :-)
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
MikaelOhlsson: fabricius: Consider always in https but do not check.. Solved it :)
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: Padlock: phew, glad to hear that :)
Padlock: lol thanks luciash . I was almost about to faint. I'm supposed to perform a show and tell of tiki next friday for my client, and I really couldn't have handled the user rights mayhem. But all's fine now.
Good afternoon everyone, I'm off to my second job ! :D
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bing bong
Bsfez: PAM...pam...p
luciash: we have lost ability to submit new bug reports?
jonnyb: have you seen that when trying to create new wish on there is no form just the submit button?
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: jonnyb: oh! it is being hidden by some JS!
jonnyb: no, not seen that - i saw someone tried to make a show instance and it failed and the field seems to have disappeared...
luciash: try go to !
-: jonnyb goes
luciash: in my chrome it shows the form for few moments but then it gets hidden and only the submit button is there
last update from svn yesterday REV 61549
if that makes a click
jonnyb: didn't geof commit something to do with tracker field classes?
Geoff ;)
the jq plugin does $(".tracker_field56").parent().hide(); which now hides the form
luciash: heh, maybe, but this looks like some JS is inserting style="display: none" so maybe some jQuery hide() ?
nice :-p
i will unhide now in my code inspect just to be able to submit the bug report
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r61582 10trunk/ 10tiki-check.php 10templates/tiki-check.tpl
[REF] check_for_remote_readable_files(): Clarify documentation
[FIX] Related message
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r61583 10trunk/lib/parser/parserlib.php
[REF] Remove comment no longer relevant
[REF] FIXME on separators
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r61584 10trunk/lib/parser/parserlib.php * [REF] replace_hotwords(): Clarify
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