Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61643 10trunk/vendor_extra/pear/PEAR.php * [FIX] Keep PEAR constructor compatibility (issue introduced in r60748)
03rjsmelo r61644 10branches/16.x/vendor_extra/pear/PEAR.php * [bp/61643][FIX] Keep PEAR constructor compatibility (issue introduced in r60748)
03rjsmelo r61645 10branches/15.x/vendor_extra/pear/PEAR.php * [bp/61643][FIX] Keep PEAR constructor compatibility (issue introduced in r60748)
03rjsmelo r61646 10branches/12.x/vendor_extra/pear/PEAR.php * [bp/61643][FIX] Keep PEAR constructor compatibility (issue introduced in r60748)
03lindonb r61647 10trunk/admin/include_articles.php
[FIX] admin article: redirect the same way when and action is performed as when a preference is changed so that the ticket is checked properly.
03rjsmelo r61648 10branches/ 10(47 files in 11 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 61618 to 61647
03rjsmelo r61649 10trunk/vendor_extra/pear/ 10Net/LDAP2/RootDSE.php 10Net/LDAP2/Entry.php 10Net/LDAP2/Schema.php
[FIX] Keep PEAR constructor compatibility, adjust constructor visibility on child classes (issue introduced in r60748)
03rjsmelo r61650 10branches/ 10experimental/conversejs/vendor_extra/pear/Net/LDAP2/RootDSE.php 10experimental/conversejs/vendor_extra/pear/Net/LDAP2/Schema.php 10experimental/conversejs 10experimental/conversejs/vendor_extra/pear/Net/LDAP2/Entry.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 61647 to 61649
03rjsmelo r61651 10branches/16.x/vendor_extra/pear/Net/LDAP2/ 10Entry.php 10Schema.php 10RootDSE.php
[bp/61649][FIX] Keep PEAR constructor compatibility, adjust constructor visibility on child classes (issue introduced in r60748)
03rjsmelo r61652 10branches/15.x/vendor_extra/pear/Net/ 10LDAP2/RootDSE.php 10LDAP2/Entry.php 10LDAP2/Schema.php
[bp/61649][FIX] Keep PEAR constructor compatibility, adjust constructor visibility on child classes (issue introduced in r60748)
03rjsmelo r61653 10branches/12.x/ 10vendor_extra/pear/Net/LDAP2/RootDSE.php 10vendor_extra/pear/Net/LDAP2/Schema.php 10vendor_extra/pear/Net/LDAP2/Entry.php
[bp/61649][FIX] Keep PEAR constructor compatibility, adjust constructor visibility on child classes (issue introduced in r60748)
03lindonb r61654 10trunk/admin/include_category.php
[FIX] admin category: redirect the same way when and action is performed as when a preference is changed so that the ticket is checked properly. (although this action is currently broken)
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Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61655 10branches/ 1016.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-sheets.less 1016.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css
[FIX] [UI] Removed CSS rule that made all text on tiki-view_sheets.php 14px (including headings, etc.) ironically except for in the spreadsheet itself. (Different CSS in trunk so no problem there.)
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Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r61656 10branches/ 1015.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css 1015.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-sheets.less
[FIX][UI] Removed CSS rule that made all text on tiki-view_sheets.php 14px (including headings, etc.) ironically except for in the spreadsheet itself.
03lindonb r61657 10trunk/ 10(10 files) * [KIL] remove unnecessary admin include files
03lindonb r61658 10trunk/ 10(10 files in 2 dirs)
[REF] admin includes: minor cleanup to improve feedback, remove deprecated ticket system, fix formatting.
03lindonb r61659 10trunk/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php * [DOC] image gallery lib - note that code falsely indicates Imagick is missing
03lindonb r61660 10trunk/tiki-admin.php
[REF] avoid redirection and re-assign ticket to smarty variable instead if $check === true.
03lindonb r61661 10trunk/tiki-admin.php * [REF] clean up commented out code
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Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
Polom everyone
jonnyb: hi Padlock
Padlock: I have an html document, in the form of a folder containing the .html file and lots of other items that the .html page points to (images and stuff like that). Can you think of a way I could integrate this on a tiki, so when you click on something on the html page, it still points to the outside element ?
Or should I just keep that folder somewhere on my server and just create a wiki page with a link that points to it ?
fabricius: moloq
hi Padlock and jonnyb
Padlock: whaaat? sorry, just thinking but not 100% understanding. 5% missing for a valuable answer ;-)
jonnyb: hi fabricius (same here ;) )
Padlock: ah ah !!
fabricius: :D
jonnyb: you could link to it using an iframe plugin on a wiki page, is that what you mean?
have to go out now, see you later...
fabricius: Padlock: what is a .html document in the form of a folder?
bye jonnyb
Padlock: Ok, I have this html folder exported from some application. it contains a .htm file that you can open, and it's a page with many pictures and links to other pages, and embedded excel files, etc... And all these elements that are supposed to be displayed in the page are in the same folder. So wherever the folder is saved, you can open the .htm page and it nows where to point
fabricius: embedded Excel files? Or links to Excel files?
Excel files embedded into the .htm file?
ahh a folder. plus an .htm file like an index file that provides access to the containing files.
Padlock: Oh my, you're much more specific than I expected *embarrassed*.... Why don't I just go and check again and I'll come back with more accurate info ? :-D
Yes fabricius ! that exactly !
fabricius: I imagine, that you could put this folder into the Tiki root and then adapt the .ht page to a wiki page
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Padlock: In the folder there are many other .html pages as well as .png images. there's a main "index" html page, but you have to open it from that folder so all the rest can be displayed, and you can browse through it
fabricius: in the Tiki root there is a folder "files"
is there a reason, why all that has to be as is and not in the CMS?
Padlock: the dev team gave this to me and told me : "see how you can include that in the CMS"
It would be too much work to take the contents of all the interconnected html pages and make them wiki pages, and re-create all the links between them
and they couldn't write all this directly in tiki, because the whole package of pages is exported from an application (i think it's called doxygen)
So basically, if there is a way to insert the index page as is somewhere in the CMS and store the other files somewhere that the index still finds a path to them, that would be nice, otherwise I'll just store the whole thing somewhere else and just insert a link to this external resource. See what I mean ?
Iframe sounds like something I could use, i'll look into that suggestion :)
fabricius: please try to put the folder as is in the tiki root and put a link to the main .htm file on a wiki page
the index page should contain relative links (I imagine) and thus likely works just under the domain
please tell me, if the stuff is in an intranet or pubic and if the content of th ehtl folder shall be public or non-public
Padlock: The stuff is retricted information
so it should only be accessible through the tiki and I'll restrict access to only one user group
maybe it has to be in the same place as the repository for the files uploaded to the tiki library ? I was told it had to be out of the www folder so that it wouldn't be listed and accessible by curious users
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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r61662 10trunk/tiki-admin.php * [FIX] Avoid empty ticket after changing a pref in search results.
Padlock: Hey ! I'm trying to opt for an i frame. So I moved my folder to the root of tiki, so basically its adress is now: localhost/tiki/foldername/index.html. However, I don't know what adress to enter for the iFrame
Oh I had the right adress, but I had removed one curly bracket from the tag by accident :-) So iFrame works fine apparently. Is there any reservation about using it ?
fabricius: Padlock: I think this way the content wold still be accessible by everybody who has access to the domain and who knows the folder name ... security by obscurity is not the deal.
what amount of files we are talking about?
maybe we find anoher solution
is it manly files the people shall have access to?
how many subfolders about and how many groups?
just a figure
Padlock: in case, it is mainly files to provide, batch upload would do the job. I tell you how to setup, in case this would be the use case.
Padlock: the folder contains index.html and many other .htm and png files on the same level + 1 subfolder
Most of the documents that people are supposed to access will be wiki pages. there's only one sort of doc that will be in this form of a folder with html files in it.
can I not make an iframe point to another location than the tiki root ?
regarding access rights, there are 4 types of users (anonymous, readers, devs, admin). I grant access by using categories on pages(=no category selected grants access to all, devs category applied gives only access to devs)
only devs and admins should have access to that package
fabricius: moment on the telephone bbl
Padlock: take all the time your need, I'm just grateful you guys help me, I know it's not easy cause i'm a beginner. So yes, take your time :)
Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r61663 10trunk/admin/include_category.php * [REF] Fix comment typo
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Padlock: I have another question in parallel :-)
Hi bfsez !
Bsfez: Hi Padlock (food in mouth ;))
Padlock: I have to include pieces of XML code in pages, as in have it displayed for others to copy (not having actual xml running). I can use the {CODE} tags and it works pretty fine, but there's no indentation... is it possible to ass indentation ?
Bon appetit Bsfez
Bsfez: tks
Padlock: Or actually how do you indent text at all ?
fabricius: Padlock: sorry, no time now ... will come back later during the day
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Padlock: It's ok, I may have to leave soon. Can we maybe discuss again tomorrow or another day ?Those are my two main topics for now : 1-displaying an index.html page that points to other pages (iFrame works fine but not secured since in the root folder)
And 2- how to make XML code auto-indent in {CODE} tags (lol)
this is absolutely not urgent, so we can discuss anytime
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Nio: joined #tikiwiki
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Nio: I'm looking for a reliable Corporate Wiki, possibly free of charge
can you suggest me something?
is TikiWiki suitable?
for a medium scale enterprise (about 300 users)
Bsfez: Hi Nio
You should define "Corporate Wiki", but I would very confident with a Tiki and 300 users
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Bsfez: Hi fab
fabricius: hi Bsfez
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6295
Nio: Thanks!
I would like to start with a test bed to make sure that the majority of business requirements are fulfilled
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61664 10trunk/ 10lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-pluginedit.js 10tiki-wikiplugin_edit.php 10lib/core/Services/Edit/PluginController.php 03templates/plugin/edit.tpl
[MOD] plugins: Move plugin edit form processing to a serverside AJAX service.
TODO Switch over remaining usages of tiki-wikiplugin_edit.php to service plugin replace and remove that and tiki*js.php files
Probably further tidying up and fixes to do too, please advice of any breakages (thanks marcalporte)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61665 10trunk/ 10(7 files in 5 dirs)
[KIL] plugins: Remove tiki-jsmodule.php and tiki-jsplugin.php, no longer needs due to the new AJAX plugin edit service
03jonnybradley r61666 10branches/ 10(32 files in 10 dirs)
[MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 61649 to 61665
Conflicts occurred on
* admin/include_fgal.php
* admin/include_freetags.php
* admin/include_gal.php
* templates/admin/include_category.tpl
* tiki-admin.php
Resolved by hand and re-synced to trunk content mostly
03kroky6 r61667 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.php
[ENH] allow users without view_tracker access but with view own items access to see items data in pivottable plugin
03kroky6 r61668 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.php 1016.x
[bp/r61667] [ENH] allow users without view_tracker access but with view own items access to see items data in pivottable plugin
03jonnybradley r61669 10branches/ 10(49 files in 15 dirs)
[MRG] Manual merge to re-sync with trunk - there were a lot of differences so i suspect that svnbranchupdate.php may need some attention?
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61670 10trunk/templates/plugin/edit.tpl
[FIX] plugins: When switching modules in the module plugin load the new form into the modal directly
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Tiki-KGB: 03pom2ter r61671 10trunk/templates/tiki-view_tracker.tpl
[ENH] Added a link in the tracker actions section to set permissions for trackers
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Tiki-KGB: 03pom2ter r61672 10trunk/themes/base_files/ 10less/tiki-bootstrap-chosen.less 10css/tiki_base.css
[FIX] Fixed ugly background/foreground color combo when using the theme switcher module with jquery ui chosen enabled
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