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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [00:41]
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Bsfezpolom [09:24]
luciashpom [09:31]
BsfezI'm "stuck" on perspective 5 on avan.tech... I think I like it :D [09:34]
.... (idle for 16mn)
luciashi have no idea what you are talking about :D [09:50]
Bsfezon avan.tech "Full screen and language switch overlap" there is a perspective in the description, I started to use it and I like it [09:51]
Padlockjoined #tikiwiki
Polom everyone
fabricius: hi ! Just as I suspected, my company actually force-closes sessions at night, so I lost all you may have written to me :/
olinuxxjoined #tikiwiki [10:05]
RadoSjoined #tikiwiki [10:14]
luciashPadlock: hi
Padlock: see http://irc.tiki.org
Padlockdoes it have pvt msg ? [10:19]
luciashPadlock: ah, of course not [10:19]
Padlockerf :-/ sorry [10:20]
luciashit would not be private at all then ;) [10:20]
PadlockHa ha good point, luciash [10:30]
Bsfezlol [10:30]
Lu ? [10:36]
luciashju? [10:39]
BsfezI'm proud
PadlockSo fabricius have you had a chance to test anything regarding my adorable document ? ;-) [10:40]
luciashproud? [10:43]
BsfezYes did you check the maintenance page ? (site is closed)
Site is closed and it display the tiki closed page
luciashBsfez: ah, cool!
Bsfez: your site
Bsfezno a customer website
From now on, when I'll work on a customer website I'll place this while work is under going
luciashis not finished yet, right? [10:47]
Bsfezyes but what do you see :) [10:47]
luciashI see the specialist too close to the other text
and the login form is ugly
no bootstrap classes
Bsfezboostrap classes and ugly login form are on my list already.
"I see the specialist too close to the other text" on mobile ?
luciashon laptop [10:55]
BsfezMmm ok (think about smaller screen... than my Mac :D) [10:56]
luciashyes, on larger screen it is ok
it jumps right below the "thank you for your patience." on smaller resolution
on tablet/mobile it is even over
gtg, bbl
Bsfez(y) [11:00]
fabriciusPadlock, hi [11:11]
PadlockHi fabricius ! [11:11]
fabriciusCan you positively confirm, that your files are representing a Doxygen repository?
I am quite sure, because I saw a doxygen.css in the screenshot
PadlockYes. the whole folder and all it contains were generated by doxygen, as is.
and there will be more of those, also generated by doxygen
fabriciusSo the I have solved your problem yesterday at 23:57:20
no problem with more of those
PadlockOh God did you spend the evening on this ? [11:14]
and thus likely reactivated an old feature
olinuxxjoined #tikiwiki
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PadlockOh my oh my i feel both guilty and immensely grateful [11:14]
fabriciuswill write an article on it
how can I send you a screenshot?
Padlockwould you like my email adress ? [11:15]
fabriciusok [11:15]
PadlockI geve to it you privately
not that it's a secret, really lol
fabriciusI had to make some css, but I found an example Doxygen project in the internet, which was provided as a template / example [11:16]
PadlockSomeone's calling me, brb [11:16]
Padlock|awayI'll try to be quick ;-) [11:16]
Padlockfabricius: so, tell me everything about your breakthrough :-) [11:26]
fabriciussee email [11:30]
PadlockI just replied to you :-) [11:38]
Bsfeza propos mail, I wonder if this will work : info@צימראדמהושמים.com [11:38]
fabriciusjust tried
Bsfez: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Bsfez: you want the error report?
Bsfezoh thanks Torsten, the email is not set I was just wondering how mail servers will react :D
very kind of you to jump on the occasion to help !
...... (idle for 29mn)
amette__joined #tikiwiki
torsten1joined #tikiwiki [12:27]
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BsfezHi Gary (I just entered in zukatheme to check one of your themes :)) [12:29]
........ (idle for 35mn)
Reminder, the fix session start in 30mn.
The Roundtable in 1h.
luciashthanks for the reminder
though it should be 15:00 CET (16 UTC) by the vote
eh, 14 UTC
I mean
Bsfezby vote it is 15h utc [13:11]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [13:11]
Bsfezbug session start at 14h30 [13:12]
luciashyes, and that is 16 CET
so not in half an hour
Bsfez was living utc for 5 minutes
luciash:D [13:13]
Bsfezhey ! I just win 2hours on my day !!!! [13:13]
luciashno, just one ;) [13:13]
BsfezI take it ! [13:14]
luciashBsfez: added a link to the wiki page about the time [13:21]
..... (idle for 22mn)
Padlocklol you guys are funny :-) [13:43]
BsfezLuciash, why did you change the time in the Roundtable ? [13:47]
luciashBsfez: because it was voted for 15:00 CET it says here which is not the same as 15:00 UTC [13:48]
Bsfezno [13:48]
luciashBsfez: or is the Convene plugin showing wrong times for each of us? [13:48]
Bsfezvote ended yesterday, I set time to 15UTC and people (Gary I think) voted after [13:49]
luciashI see most votes were made on 15_00 CET
really, sorry then
Bsfeznp, [13:49]
luciashplease rollback [13:49]
Bsfezdid that [13:49]
luciashbut then we have 2 hours indeed [13:50]
Bsfez:) [13:50]
luciash:) [13:50]
BsfezI wonder if there is a way to lock the convene plugin. [13:50]
luciashgood for me ;)
I do not think so... only whole page
BsfezTo avoid being confused my self I entered an event : https://tiki.org/calendar [13:51]
luciashunless we add new param ;) [13:51]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [13:51]
BsfezI'll add this one ! [13:51]
luciashcan you also correct my msg on dev list?
that it is not in one hour but two?
BsfezAhhhhh no I don't do revert for the other !!!! :D :D :D :D :D [13:52]
BsfezI'm doing this already [13:52]
luciashit was jonny who voted 2 hrs ago [13:59]
BsfezJonny's previous vote was changed by someone else (I won't say Gary because I didn't really check but I think he is the only one that touch the page between time decision and jonny vote correction) [14:00]
luciashBsfez: but anyway, even before his vote it was 15 CET, which is 14 UTC
luciash is absolutely confused
Bsfezno it was 15UTC and announced at 15UTC (which was ok with my 17IST) [14:01]
luciashBsfez: ah, I see version 19 of the page, right? [14:01]
Bsfezat this time I checked also on worldclock
around 10 in the morning ?
luciashlet me fix that on the page to prevent any further confusion ;)
Bsfezok, I got covered by Jonny LOL (we discussed this and I'm sure we start the fix session at 14h30 his time)
his time is always UTC :D :D :D
luciashreally? UK does not have summer time?
BsfezLOL [14:06]
chibaguyhi guys, I was away. Just noticed the conversation about the meeting time. [14:07]
Bsfezhe he he [14:09]
chibaguyI voted before I saw any "official announcement" of the time. [14:09]
Bsfezguys... I'll be glad to continue the investigation but a little later, changing window here
quickly from my emails : The page "Roundtable Meeting 2017 03" was changed by Gary Cunningham-Lee at Wed 15 Mar 2017 20:33 JST
but I may be wrong of course
luciashchibaguy: sorry gary, if you check version 21 of the page it was already written there by Bernard that "After vote it will be at 15:00UTC."
chibaguy: so your vote did not count
chibaguy: too late :)
Strange that the convene plugin was still available/editable, if voting had stopped already.
I see that it's removed now. It was still there when I voted, of course.
No big deal about the meeting time for me, but the convene process should be improved, I suppose.
luciashyep, Bernard's fault :D actually he is asking about param to lock the Convene plugin now ;)
chibaguy: glad to hear that you can still make it!
chibaguyYeah, it's just a question of starting at 11pm or midnight here, so it's not like I have a conflicting appointment, except bed ;-). [14:22]
luciashlol :) [14:22]
..... (idle for 21mn)
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6299 [14:43]
Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r61703 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php
[FIX] trackerlist using missing wiki page template for pretty tracker handle exception more gracefully, so index rebuild does not stop in the middle
03kroky6 r61704 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php 1016.x
[bp/r61703] [FIX] trackerlist using missing wiki page template for pretty tracker handle exception more gracefully, so index rebuild does not stop in the middle
03kroky6 r61705 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php 1015.x
[bp/r61703] [FIX] trackerlist using missing wiki page template for pretty tracker handle exception more gracefully, so index rebuild does not stop in the middle
fabriciusI have an appointment now. Will come to the session when I will be back.
By the way: Integrator works for Doxygen and phpdocs
chibaguyok, see you later. [14:52]
fabriciusbubu chibaguy [14:52]
luciashfabricius: wow, and it is on the list of endangered features! [14:56]
PadlockPlease save it ! lol [14:59]
luciashPadlock: yeah, it is almost extinct... as nobody is using that feature ;) If you want it to survive please take care of it! [15:00]
BsfezI'm back [15:01]
luciashTerminator? [15:01]
BsfezNo.... Terminator = "I'll be back"
I'm back = "Back to the future"
luciashOK, but he is never back :D [15:02]
PadlockWell I do need to use it ! [15:02]
luciashPadlock: see https://dev.tiki.org/Endangered%20features
Padlock: write your ideas/comments there on the wikipage and put {sign} next to it
Bsfez: aah, BTTF
PadlockTorsten is going to tell me how to use it in my tiki with my doxygen stuff. When I know how to use it, I'll defend it like my life depends on it ! [15:04]
you will need good arguments to persuade some developers ;)
Padlockfunny, cause it's because of developers I'm left with doxygen projects to integrate lol
Anyway, I have to go now. Thanks everyone for your help and for being so nice to me ! :-)
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [15:22]
live.tiki.org is open [15:29]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
polom pom pom - round table time?
chibaguyhmm, taking forever to do the BBB download
jonnybyup, seemed slow today [15:35]
....... (idle for 33mn)
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61706 10trunk/lib/structures/structlib.php
[FIX] strictures: Use case insensistive sort when sorting by alpha (thanks Bsfez)
chibaguySorry, getting logged out of BBB continuously so I gave up. I wish I knew what the problem is. In general my Internet connection seems fast and robust.
speedtest.net: 58Mbps download speed, 89Mbps upload speed.
fabriciusnew feature Jonny? [16:13]
jonnyb:P typo [16:14]
fabriciusahhhh :D [16:14]
chibaguybut latency and jitter are bad, according to this test: http://freeola.com/line-test/ [16:16]
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amette__wb [17:09]
jonnybpompom amette_
and amette__
amette__yeah, got my jabber transport fixed again... so I can use a better client, but have a Doppelgnger, too [17:11]
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luciashpom pom, sad to hear chibaguy had connectivity problems [17:38]
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jonnybamette__: memory limit numeric thing should be fixed in r61707 [18:18]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61707 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/MemoryLimit.php
[FIX] php71: PHP 7.1 now triggers a "non well formed numeric value encountered" notice when using a string containing non-numeric chars as a number, so cast it to an int before trying to multiply it (thanks amette__)
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [18:44]
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Tiki-KGB03luciash r61708 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php
[FIX] PluginImg: Image with Description Loses Constraints (https://dev.tiki.org/item5990 - thanks jmorris)
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [19:32]
Tiki-KGB03luciash r61709 10branches/ 1016.x/templates 1016.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php 1016.x
[bp/r61708][FIX] PluginImg: Image with Description Loses Constraints (https://dev.tiki.org/item5990 - thanks jmorris)
03luciash r61710 10branches/ 10(10 files in 7 dirs)
[bp/r61708][FIX] PluginImg: Image with Description Loses Constraints (https://dev.tiki.org/item5990 - thanks jmorris)
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