Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
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moqmoq Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61737 10branches/experimental/composer-revamp/
[FIX] Use workdir for all composer commands (so it never tries to read the one in the root folder if exists)
03rjsmelo r61738 10branches/experimental/composer-revamp/ 10vendor_bundled/composer.json 03lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendorAfterVendorBundledMigration.php
[ENH] Clean up vendor folder in the root of the project, after the migration to vendor_bundled amette__: wodwod Telesight: joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: dowdow
broke it
joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61739 10branches/experimental/composer-revamp/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendorAfterVendorBundledMigration.php
[FIX] Links in the bin folder, that were broken as part of the clean process, could not be recreated by composer Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61740 10branches/experimental/composer-revamp/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendorAfterVendorBundledMigration.php
[FIX] Cleaning template cache since after migrating a live site to vendor_bundled, it might be broken until the template cache is cleaned. Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki amette__: left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki luciash: polom jonnyb: polom luciash luciash: heya bloke :) Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61741 10trunk/templates/plugin/edit.tpl * [FIX] plugins: Taller content textarea nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r61742 10trunk/lib/tikiaccesslib.php * [REF] add check property and ticketMatch function to ease use
03lindonb r61743 10trunk/ 10(9 files in 3 dirs) * [REF] use access ticketMatch method and check property
03lindonb r61744 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
[REF] convert remaining calendar preferences to standard ones using the smarty preference function and remove the include_calendar file that is no longer necessary Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r61745 10trunk/lib/core/ 10Services/Access/Controller.php 10Services/Utilities.php
[REF] confirm popups: confirm parameter only needs to be set within the access controller
03rjsmelo r61746 10branches/ 10(19 files in 11 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 61732 to 61745
03rjsmelo r61747 10(307 files in 143 dirs)
[ENH] Composer Usage Revamp, allow to manage without colisions dependencies bundled into tiki and user managed dependencies
Reference: Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61748 04branches/experimental/composer-revamp * [KIL] Composer Dependencies Revamp was meged to trunk Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61749 10trunk/ 10(10 files in 6 dirs) * [NEW] Add 2 new task types to the Scheduler, HTTPGet and Shell
03rjsmelo r61750 03branches/experimental/expose-ids * [NEW] POC Integration Expose IDS into tiki
03rjsmelo r61751 10branches/ 10(9 files in 7 dirs) * [NEW] Initial integrations of expose IDS with tiki arild: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r61752 10branches/experimental/expose-ids/lib/ 10core/IDS/log.php 10setup/ids.php 10core/IDS/index.php * [ENH] Update file headers jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -