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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [00:02]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [00:16]
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Tiki-KGB03pom2ter r61792 10trunk/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php * [FIX] fixed typo in the list plugin pref description [00:52]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [00:57]
redfloleft #tikiwiki [01:06]
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I am "watching" the forums, and I get new posts emailed to me, but when I reply and check "Send me an email when someone replies", I never get an email when my post gets a reply.
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [06:21]
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TomJarvisleft #tikiwiki [06:50]
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Padlockjoined #tikiwiki
Polom, everyone
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [08:46]
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [09:13]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [10:06]
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luciashbolow, Padlock
hi all
Bsfez is drowning in a clean register process for a commercial Tiki and the hundreds ways to do it
PadlockHi luciash and Bsfez
Padlock is fidgeting with the tiki integrator to display doxygened doc and starting to resent people who ever invented doxygen :D
luciashresent people? where? huh? [10:32]
Padlockresent, as in hate them lol
Hold a grudge
luciashheh, sorry, I am not native English speaker and I never heard/red using "resent" to hate someone ;) [10:35]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [10:36]
PadlockOh I'm sorry, I would have never guessed it, from the way you write :-) so the verb is "to resent", with the "s" pronounced like a "z" ;-)
Would anyone by any chance know if it's possible to use the integrator rules to remove whole chunks of html code from the integrated html file ? I want to tell the integrator to ignore big chunks of code because it doesn't know how to process it
I tried simply entering the chunk of code in the "search" field and type anything, like an empty tag, to replace it with , but that would be too simple, wouldn't it ? :-D
luciashis the Integrator using some rules where you can do regular expressions replace? [10:40]
Padlockyes. For example, one of the basic rules for the type of documents I'm processing is search for .html" and replace it with .html
that's quite basic, but necessary ;-)
luciashwhat is the chunk you want to replace? (short example pls) [10:42]
Padlockit's actually pretty long, multiple lines between <div></div> tags that display a searchbox
If I remove that chunk myself from the html file, and then display it through the integrator, the searchbox is removed, and all the rest works fine.
luciashit would need some unique id or class on that div
or is there form inside?
Padlock<div id="MSearchBox" class="MSearchBoxInactive"> <span class="left"> <img id="MSearchSelect" src="search/mag_sel.png" onmouseover="return searchBox.OnSearchSelectShow()" onmouseout="return searchBox.OnSearchSelectHide()" alt=""/> <input type="text" id="MSearchField" value="Search" accesskey="S" onfocus="searchBox.OnSearchFieldFocus(true)"
onblur="searchBox.OnSearchFieldFocus(false)" onkeyup="searchBox.OnSearchFieldChange(event)"/> </span><span class="right"> <a id="MSearchClose" href="javascript:searchBox.CloseResultsWindow()"><img id="MSearchCloseImg" border="0" src="search/close.png" alt=""/></a> </span> </div>
If i remove that whole chunk, the html is still displayed, except without the searchbox.
luciashthis maybe could work in the rule: (<div id="MSearchBox">).*(</span>s+</div>)
try to replace it with FOO or nothing to delete it
you would need to learn some regular expressions to play with that
PadlockI will try that
what is "FOO" ?
luciashjust Foo
you can test regexps on sites like https://regex101.com or http://regexr.com
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [10:54]
Padlock*noob embarrassment* ^^' [10:55]
luciashnothing to be embarrassed of... this is extremely hard to learn for non-coders [10:56]
Padlockwell for what it's worth, the expression (?) you suggested as a rule has no effect :/ [10:57]
luciashnot sure how Integrator works, maybe fabricius would have a clue ;) maybe just try to add / and / in the start and the end of the expression before the ( and ) [10:59]
PadlockI actually asked here to take a little of the load off from Fabricius. He's been a tremendous help so far with the integrator ;-)
But I will wait for him when he has a minute for that, it's ok, I know he is busy, and he's already been so helpful
luciashI understand but he and you seems to be the only one who played with it recently so far ;)
PadlockMaybe this might help with the syntax ? here are a couple of existing rules. That one fixes HREFs : href=("|')(?!(#|(http|ftp)://)) is replaced by href=tiki-integrator.php?repID={repID}&file=
that one fixes image paths : img src=("|')(?!http://) is replaced by img src=1{path}/
amette__joined #tikiwiki [11:05]
PadlockDunno if that helps... but I do understand it's been kind of a left-out topic and Fabricius is the only one having really explored it as of recently ;-)
Maybe there's another subject you might help me with, luciash :-D
I have two questions : is it possible to keep wysiwyg mode available, but not by default ? and is there some kind of tag or bit of wiki syntax that I can include, that will display the date the page was edited (for example to insert it in a template header)? [11:16]
amette__Padlock : first question: yes, almost certainly - second question: could/should be possible to include the smarty variable for last modification date, maybe something like "{{$lastModif}}" works!? (Not sure about both though, but worth continuing exploring imho.)
and polom bt3
btw even
luciashhey bro :) [11:26]
ametteheya bracho! :) [11:26]
RadoSjoined #tikiwiki [11:31]
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki
jonnybpolom [11:33]
amette__moloq guys [11:33]
luciashmoq moq [11:33]
jonnybPadlock: there are prefs for the wysiwyg stuff to make it optional and on or off by default
and i think there's a "wiki arg var" for the page modification date...
chibaguyhello all [11:34]
jonnybyup, see https://doc.tiki.org/Wiki+Argument+Variables (Padlock)
chibaguy: i was having trouble compiling the base_files with the build in less:compile command because it checks the modification time of the base less file and not the included one, should i remove all that timestamp checking do you think?
amette__Right.. so that is not the smarty variable (was wondering, cause it would be weird if all of them are available), but a Wiki Argument Variable - need to try and remember that term (I'll try to think of WAV to make it easier). [11:36]
chibaguyjonnyb: I guess so. [11:37]
luciash+1 [11:37]
yGweSm1OzVHehow can i debug why the registration emails do not get sent out, while the the "test mail" from the admin interface works, and there's no output about the failing mails in the error log despite "error reporting" enabled? [11:39]
PadlockThank both of you Luci and Jonny, I'll explore that right away ! [11:40]
jonnybhi yGweSm1OzVHe - that can be a tricky one, have seeen it once in the past and had to give in and set them up using an external smtp mail server to send [11:41]
luciashyGweSm1OzVHe: try to switch to SMTP sending in the control panel (e.g. test with your GMail SMTP settings) if that works, then something is wrong with your sendmail (PHP function mail()) [11:41]
amette__yGweSm1OzVHe : hmmm, that sounds like a tricky one... first look into the mail server log to see, if anything is being sent out. Since the installer test works, chances are nothing is in the logs. Next step would be to go look at the source code. [11:41]
jonnyb:D [11:41]
amette__hehe :P [11:41]
jonnybSometimes no one answers questions here, then three turn up at once, just like London busses! :) [11:41]
luciashit must be some "help the others" day [11:42]
amette__amette__ imagines yGweSm1OzVHe trying to type on three keyboards or trying to clone himself
hrhr, yep
luciash*g* [11:42]
chibaguyamette__, I assume you're the one to thank. Thanks for https://12xthemes.tiki.org/Themes back on line. [11:43]
PadlockY'all are so efficient ! <3 <3 [11:44]
luciash<3 [11:44]
amette__chibaguy : np, you're welcome! That was a bit of a weird one, but looks solid now!
(Just FYI: open files limit on MySQL with systemd is kinda weirdness - a weirdly even more so on Debian)
chibaguyamette__, great, thanks again. [11:46]
amette__You're welcome, mate! :) [11:47]
yGweSm1OzVHehehe jonnyb+ammette :)
yeah we looked at the smtp logs of course
i'll try out your suggestions
amette__Ok, so next thing then probably would be to look up the place in the code where it happens to put some var_dumps() in there - or better yet: use a PHP-debugger, if you can? If you could live with the SMTP solution (nothing bad about it, just need to have a server you can use) then first trying that and be done in case it works would be much easier though, yep.
Jyhem : show.t.o needs a reboot. I don't want to kill your tmux again. Could you take care of it?
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [11:56]
amette__And since there seem to be only search bots running around doc/dev right now - I'll give that one a boot, too. [11:56]
luciashamette__: screen alternative? [11:56]
amette__luciash : yep
amse3 (doc/dev) reboot done
amette__ gonna have another go at debugging the backups now freshyl after the reboot, let's see how that goes
luciash(y) [12:00]
yGweSm1OzVHeof course we have an smtp server, i think it's even on the same host, let me check the guy who's running it. [12:02]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61793 10trunk/lib/tikilib.php
[FIX] notices: Prevent notices after clearing the prefs cache (calendars get listed too early now for some reason)
03jonnybradley r61794 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Command/LessCompileCommand.php
[MOD] less: Default to ignoring the modification timestamps of the LESS and CSS files before recompiling as often the top level file (e.g. tiki_base.less) has not been modified but an included one has. THis is now an option so use --check-timestamps or -t to re-enable.
Also add more shortcuts for other options, -o for --only and -a for --all
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [12:22]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61795 10trunk/vendor_bundled/composer.lock
[UPD] Ran composer update with no changes, so some automatic updates occurred, using the new -d option command:
03jonnybradley r61796 10trunk/ 10vendor_bundled/composer.lock 10vendor_bundled/composer.json * [UPD] Updating oyejorge/less.php (v1.7.0.10 => v1.7.0.13)
jonnybjonnyb is happy amette__ is debugging again :) [12:34]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61797 10trunk/themes/slate/css/newsletter.css
[FIX] less: Ran less:compile on all themes to test, only slate/newsletter.css changed (looks ok?)
luciashluciash is happy too [12:36]
amette__amette__ will be happy once he start debugging something else ;) [12:36]
jonnybso afaicr amette__ - the theory was (might be) that it breaks if people do "stuff" on the server while the backup is happening, so there are activities to notify, or queues to process or whatever after the backup's done and that's when it finds the database has "gone away" - sound right? So if you want us to go and edit and do stuff during a test backup then let us know and we can all go and comment, edit, create items etc [12:39]
amette__jonnyb : yep, that sounds like a pretty good idea *nod* [12:40]
luciash+1 [12:40]
amette__Just currently the debugger refused to connect back to my PHPStorm again. *sigh*
I'll have to take care of some other things today first, but let's test this theory one of the days this week!!
s/refused/refuses - typing is tough today for some reason
luciashnp, just let us know [12:49]
amette__Oooh, seems to work! I'll make one run for testing now, you guys can think of something to edit and I'll let you know, when I start the next run. [12:49]
luciashok [12:54]
amette__ok, that worked
second backup run underway - Gentlemen, start your edits!
this is doc.t.o btw ;)
luciashok, live, editing [12:59]
amette__it says backup complete [12:59]
luciashsaving [12:59]
amette__too late, I guess, let's see
or, hang on, I'll wait on this breakpoint
luciashyep [13:00]
amette__k [13:00]
luciashalready saved as you said backup complete
i mean, after, sorry
amette__yep, backup worked, let's try again [13:01]
luciashas you said too late [13:01]
amette__prepare your edit, then I'll start the backup and let you know, then you hit save [13:01]
luciashok [13:01]
montefuscolojoined #tikiwiki [13:02]
luciashready [13:02]
amette__backup started, you can save [13:03]
luciashsaved [13:03]
amette__ok, let's wait
last one was really quick, i was surprised
luciashthe question is if the backup is usable [13:04]
amette__nope, no errors :-/
why wouldn't it be usable?
ah, because it was so quick? Yeah, maybe... it rather think it might have cached things doing the first one.
luciashif it was broken (quick but the sql file would be cropped) [13:06]
amette__yep, got you
it's file system backup btw
then saving maybe has no effect
amette__but, so, yeah... making edits doesn't seem to effect it
luciashit would need to be file upload or new cached page or something [13:07]
amette__file upload!
that could be
since it tries to backup files
luciashshould i try to upload something? [13:07]
amette__should we try that?
hehe, yep, that'd be cool, bro :)
luciashok, let me get ready [13:08]
amette__alright, take your time [13:08]
montefuscologood morning from here :) [13:10]
amette__and if that doesn't work, then let's try on dev.t.o - I have the impression that (at least recently) it fails more often than doc.
heeeyy montefuscolo :)
luciashhi montefuscolo
amette__: i am ready
amette__ok, backup started [13:12]
luciashuploaded [13:12]
amette__waiting [13:12]
luciashluciash wonders: should it be maybe something bigger than png screenshot? [13:13]
amette__absolutely no idea, but since it happens somewhere in the notification system of tiki, I think that the size shouldn't matter [13:13]
luciashhmm, but i am not watching file uploads
for notifications to be triggered
amette__aaah, that is an even better point! [13:14]
luciashthen again it should not matter if i upload a file or edit a wiki page [13:15]
amette__as long as it triggers a notification, right [13:15]
luciashbut the two wiki edits i made i received the notification just fine while the backup was in progress [13:15]
amette__ah, damn, ok :-| [13:15]
luciashdeleting the upload tests [13:16]
amette__k [13:16]
luciashshould we try on dev?
jonnyb: u here?
amette__yes, let's try at least once [13:17]
jonnybyup - sorry, window got buried... [13:17]
luciashso we edit something watched? [13:17]
amette__sounds logical to me - jonnyb, what do you think? [13:18]
jonnybsorry, got distracted - are you debugging dev? oyu need me to edit stuff (i have watches on everything there) [13:19]
amette__we now switched from doc to dev, since we don't get it triggered on doc
now we are wondering what might be the right condition to trigger the issue
jonnybok, i'll go and stamp about on dev... when you;re ready? [13:20]
amette__it seems to happen in the notification part of shutdown or some such, right!? So we figured to edit something with a watch on it..!?
yep, go ahead, backup is running
jonnybok, i'm editing [13:20]
luciashshould we let you know when ready again? [13:21]
amette__just go ahead, if you can
I'm backing up already
I triggered the backup to see, if the debugger works with the profile created for doc.t.o, but it worked immediately, so I kept it running.
jonnybseems slow... [13:22]
luciashtrying comment [13:22]
amette__cool [13:22]
a bit slow but that is usual for me
luciash got used to it :-p
watch notification received just fine
amette__well, yeah, the file backup uses bzip2, which is cpu intensive, maybe not a good idea for a highly frequented site, should have option to put gzip or freely [13:24]
luciashgzip is faster, yup
but i mean in general it did not feel much slower than usual :-p
amette__yeah, I can imagine, eight CPU cores and they were not fully used at all [13:25]
jonnybok, edited a page, added a comment and added a wish https://dev.tiki.org/item6304 all of which i should gert notifs for... [13:25]
amette__but the load is at an amazing 3 for a virtually unused tiki :P
cores, I tell you, Tiki needs Cores!!
jonnybthey all arrived already i think :( [13:26]
amette__backup still underway
I think them arriving is not a bad sign...
... I think it should be the other way around!?
luciashjonnyb: I get them only if someone else is commenting or editing except for wiki pages I get my own edits notif too [13:26]
amette__The backup fails at the end, if notifications were sent out meanwhile!? [13:26]
jonnybright, thanks luciash - that seems to be what i get [13:27]
amette__so, thanks for editing guys, I'll let you know once the backup is done [13:27]
jonnybbut i aslo usually get a summary in the new style html emails - i wonder if we need to use those too? [13:27]
luciashTiki needs cores? But you just said "eight CPU cores and they were not fully used at all" ? [13:28]
amette__yes, that's why Tiki needs cores and not MHz [13:28]
luciashjonnyb: you must have subscribed to it somewhere [13:28]
jonnybok, i added "Page modified in Anywhere -> Critical" for me on dev now [13:29]
luciashamette__: backup still running? [13:29]
amette__luciash : yep [13:30]
luciashamette__: weird, the doc one was much faster
amette__: must be the trackers data
amette__dev takes much longer, that's why I was using doc for debugging [13:30]
luciashok, _now_ it feeeeeels reeeeealy sloooow [13:31]
amette__and now the backup failed
and load of the machine at 8
luciashwow [13:32]
jonnybok, did you hit a breakpoint? [13:32]
amette__load goes down rather quickly now (backup!?) [13:32]
luciashnice, so the question is could it be caused by the notifications of our edits again? [13:32]
amette__no, of course I didn't hit a breakpoint :( [13:32]
luciashnow it is back to "normal" again [13:34]
amette__Hang on... I'll have to debug the debugging.
yep, load 1.75
jonnybmeh [13:34]
amette__Seems like we have some major bodies in the cellar. (as we say in germany) [13:34]
luciashlol [13:35]
jonnyb:D [13:35]
RadoS"bodies" -> corpses? [13:35]
amette__yep [13:35]
RadoSAre you still discussing stuff? [13:36]
luciashcan you try again without us editing anthing if it fails too? maybe you can lock access to the site while doing it? (if that helps - it will not prevent admins from logging in or stay logged in but at least something)
amette__: -^
amette__luciash : yep, I'm trying to verify now first that the debugger works as intended on dev.t.o - will let you know asap [13:37]
luciashfine [13:37]
amette__ok, breakpoints work now, so apparently had to create another debug config after all - now doing a backup to see if it works or not [13:41]
luciashok, we wait :) [13:42]
amette__luciash : exactly :D [13:42]
jonnybluciash or chibaguy - what's going on with the top molues on dev? I'm trying to add the notification module but it's all really weird, mix of dirffferent (wrong) bs grid classes and it's all limited to the right 30% of the top zone... any ideas?
amette__luciash : Do we actually ever lock any tiki site? I have sometimes been wondering that it would be nice to have some static HTML-maintenance page in Tiki CI, but we don't or have we? [13:43]
chibaguyjonnyb, actually it looks basically ok to me (using Windows/Firefox). [13:45]
jonnybuse themes/base_files/other/site_closed_local.html for that site closed customisation [13:45]
amette__amette__ goes have a look [13:45]
jonnybok, coolio, thanks chibaguy - for me the main quick admin menu has disappeared (but i need to get back to other stuff) [13:46]
luciashjonnyb: no idea, i was not the last one to play with that
amette__: it would need to be handled by the backup script to enable the preference and then disable it again after backup finishes or fails
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6304 [13:48]
amette__ok, backup finished and not failed - I think this time it was faster, so the caching might be for real
which also could be why this is such a Heisenbug... usually it was possible to look at it three, four times in the morning and then it went away
luciash : I'd prefer not to close dev.t.o for half an hour every day - it worked before Tiki 16, it should work now!
Should we have another go at the backup with editing/notifications?
luciashyep - but it could be faster with gzip ;) [13:51]
amette__Yep, that should be changed indeed. [13:51]
luciashyes, i think so, to be sure it is affecting it or not [13:51]
amette__But not now. Ceteris Paribus is important here now. [13:51]
luciashthe editing/notifs
yes, we can do it later - jonny is not available anymore either and I also have some work to do ;)
amette__Oh, I meant now!
Just not the gzip now!
I started the backup, tarball is being created. Can you do one edit of which you know, that it will trigger a notification?
amette__:) [13:53]
jonnybok, doing edits :) [13:53]
amette__Cool, thanks! :) [13:53]
luciashme too [13:54]
amette__hehe, this time you guys found all the places that I get notified! :D [13:55]
i suspect it is the new activity stream stuff, but i see notifications here already https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-monitor-stream?from=-30+days&to=now&critical=1&high=1&low=1
so the querue must still be being processed somehow (LP magic)
I have to go now, bbl
amette__alright, laters mate!
and backup did not fail :-|
That's it for today, thanks for participating everyone!
luciashdarn, thanks [13:59]
amette__I get "No notification. (404)" when I try jonny's link --^ [14:01]
luciashamette__: maybe you have none there and jonny has some? [14:14]
amette__ah, maybe... but i got e-mails for the "Tiki community server backups not working" tracker item..!? [14:14]
luciashamette__: that is something else
amette__: different notification system
amette__luciash : oh, ok... so what is tiki-monitor-stream then?
ah, we have two!? o.O
luciashstream is activity stream feature [14:18]
amette__and why doesn't it show all activities? [14:18]
luciashhttps://doc.tiki.org/Activity Stream
amette__aha, thx [14:21]
Padlockjoined #tikiwiki [14:30]
torsten1joined #tikiwiki [14:32]
PadlockI am getting a bit lost in the parametres for the search in my tiki. I set up a searchbox and it can easily find results in page titles and tags, but how do I make it search within the actual text of pages ? [14:38]
amette__Hmmm, it does that out-of-the-box for me. [14:49]
luciashPadlock: did you rebuilt your search index? (hint: in quickadmin module there is little icon for it) [14:49]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [14:57]
PadlockYes, I did rebuild the index
i thought it was maybe an option... but not for amette__ apparently lol
luciashPadlock: still no results? [15:00]
amette__Padlock : yeah, never had any issues, getting results just as on doc.t.o for example. Are you using the correct search box? For using unified search? And which unified search backend do you use? [15:00]
luciashPadlock: is the search term longer than 3 characters? [15:00]
amette__Yeah, that's a classic: Search for "The Who" - "The" is generic and too short, will be ignored. "Who" is generic and too short, will be ignored. No results found. :P [15:01]
luciashyep, one needs to modify my.cnf to get results for longer words than 3 chars which is default :-/ [15:02]
jonnybrepolom [15:02]
luciashs/longer than/shorter or equal
jonnyb: wb!
jonnyb:) [15:02]
amette__yep, wb :) [15:04]
Padlockha ha ! I'm reading just now in the search module I added that it clearly says : "deprecated, use the search module instead"... *embarrassed, again*
now, let's look for this search module...
Oh, it was just one line above. And it does work perfectly. Thank you for saving me for myself again :-)
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [15:10]
maybe we should remove that deprecated one already ;)
PadlockWell, it depends on how many admins forget to actually read stuff like I do ;)
If I can call myself an admin... lol
Now I have a little free time, I'll go translate some tiki stuff !
luciash+1 :)
via Transifex or Tiki?
PadlockTransifex :-) [15:16]
luciashwhat language do you translate btw? [15:17]
Padlockfrench into english
english into french lol
You actually signed me up, luciash ;-) lol
luciashah! :)
I have low memory ;)
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61798 10trunk/ 10lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit_list.js 10lib/core/Services/Edit/ListPluginHelper.php
[ENH] listgui: More progress, most plugins and field types functioning properly now, but still no save routine (TODO next)
PadlockIt's ok luciash, you have lots of knowledge ;)
Ok, my day of tiki-ing is over, have a nice rest of the day, everyone !
amette__left #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61799 10trunk/ 10lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit_list.js 10lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit.js
[ENH] listgui: Now saving data but still fragile - possibly worth testing?
Still TODO: GUI for adding arguments dependent on others (like adding field after a contents filter arg)
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [19:35]
yGweSm1OzVHejonnyb, luciash, amette__ : the solution in the end for the missing registration emails was to disable "Use a tracker to collect more user information" [19:44]
amette__yGweSm1OzVHe : oh, ok, interesting one. Thanks for reporting back! Gonna have to try and remember that for the future. [19:45]
jonnybah, ok, thanks yGweSm1OzVHe - i thought it was a problem with all notification emails [19:45]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61800 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit_list.js
[FIX] listgui: Correct plugin syntax for nested plugins and reset "Add" selects after use
amette__I suppose the idea here is to let the tracker handle the notification mails, since they are more powerful anyway. [19:46]
yGweSm1OzVHeit failed with the tracker somehow, and then didn't neither send registration mail, nor did it redirect to the "succesfully registerd" page. [19:50]
amette__ah, ok, so the whole registration process failed, probably due to missing configuration of the needed user tracker [19:56]
yGweSm1OzVHeyeah, i guess
not the whole one actually, the user was created in the db
amette__right, so created the user, stumbled upon the tracker, didn't reach the mailing [20:03]
yGweSm1OzVHeyeah something like this [20:08]
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fabriciusIs there a way to send emails to create a tracker item ?
send email to tickets@example.com
item created in specific tracker on example.com
sender = content of field A
topic = content of field B
content = content of field C
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amettefabricius: I don't think so. [21:09]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61801 10trunk/ 10lib/core/Services/Edit/PluginController.php 10lib/prefslib.php
[FIX] prefs: Show all plugins on textarea admin when doing an empty search and sort by plugin name (object_id in this case)
Thanks Chealer
luciashfabricius: it works with forums and maybe wiki pages afaik but not with trackers yet [21:19]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61802 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Edit/PluginController.php * [FIX] prefs: Obey filters for basic, advanced etc on plugins list
03chealer r61803 10trunk/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php
[FIX] Notice "Undefined index: wikiplugin_snarf_cache" when the SNARF plugin is used without a cache parameter
r33845 regression
fabriciusluciash: wouldnt that be an interesting feature/functionality for many of us?
by the way: I want to send eMails from kind of tracker or pretty tracker thingi or so ... there was something?
luciashthere is param for the tracker plugin, yes [21:37]
fabriciuscool! [21:43]
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Tiki-KGB03chealer r61804 10trunk/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php * [REF] Remove ignored defaults for non-plugins from $defaultPlugins [22:04]
03chealer r61805 10trunk/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php
Fix default status of plugins COMMENT, FAVORITE and FLASH
These plugins are now disabled by default.
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03chealer r61806 10trunk/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php
[REF] Simplify $defaultPlugins structure, in order to avoid more misinterpretations
Since this will surely reduce performance somewhat, leave a TODO for PHP 7.
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fabriciusis there a way to get (fetch and use) the users email in a template?
a user creates a tracker item with parameters to send an email and the email is send by default with his user eMail adress as sender?
luciashfabricius: if you use the user preference field type perhaps yes
maybe :)
fabriciushope so. thx luci [23:05]

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