[00:46] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [02:12] amette__ left #tikiwiki [02:34] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [06:10] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [07:58] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [09:49] fabricius bolow [09:56] luciash polom [09:57] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [10:07] chibaguy polom [10:09] luciash hi gary [10:23] chibaguy hi luciash. Sorry, was away. [10:26] chibaguy I saw https://themes.tiki.org/CSS%3A+tiki.org+family+headers+fix [10:50] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [10:54] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [11:06] amette__ joined #tikiwiki [11:28] Tiki-KGB 03jyhem r61837 10trunk/ 10(76 files in 9 dirs) * Indentation fixes. Tiki standardises on tab indenting [11:42] Tiki-KGB 03luciash r61838 10trunk/tiki-index_raw.php [11:42] Tiki-KGB [FIX][ENH] raw page display: for the download option when there is &css=y param set in the URL transfer the file with MIME type text/css (not text/plain) so it can be interpreted as stylesheet [11:50] Tiki-KGB 03luciash r61839 10trunk/tiki-index_raw.php [11:50] Tiki-KGB [REF][DOC] raw page display: add a comment in the source what it does and do a better conditional check so &css would work too [11:57] luciash chibaguy: yep, I am trying another trick :-p [11:57] chibaguy_ joined #tikiwiki [12:20] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r61840 10trunk/lib/core/ 10Tiki/Profile/InstallHandler/Calendar.php 10Tiki/Command/ProfileExport/Calendar.php * [FIX] add missing Id svn keyword and move function opening brace [12:21] luciash chibaguy_: http://demo.luciash.eu/tikitrunk/PageRawCSS [12:23] chibaguy_ luciash: I see. What's the use case for that? (rather than linking to a style sheet at Look & Feel admin, or using custom CSS?) [12:24] luciash chibaguy_: to put in Custom HTML
content: [12:25] luciash chibaguy_: the use case could be collaborative CSS editing in wiki page with history of edits + ability to link to one easily editable custom CSS for many sites in a family of sites linking to that [12:27] luciash the advantage is you do not need to upload file or anything complicated, you can just limit edit perms for that wiki page and quickly do a temporary fix for more than just one site at once [12:28] chibaguy_ How do the several sites get the CSS from that page? [12:28] chibaguy_ L&F custom head content? [12:29] chibaguy_ (oh, I guess so, as I read back in the discussion.) [12:32] luciash yes [12:41] luciash btw, on t.o sites it is not working yet, because the code change needed is in trunk only so far [12:42] * luciash is tempted to backport it to 16.x ;) [12:42] chibaguy_ ok [12:56] luciash lol, you do not seem to be such excited as I am! ;) it brings awesome new possibilities! no more need to copy paste custm CSS everywhere! :-p [12:56] amette__ including files from another domain sounds like an extremely good vector for attacks, I love the idea and I am excited, I'm just saying that this doesn't sound like something to backport [12:56] luciash and keeping it in sync! [12:56] luciash attacks with CSS, lol :D [12:57] luciash amette__: cmon, it is served as plain text text/css [12:57] amette__ I'm not sure, how it is being fetched by Tiki. [12:57] amette__ ah, just include it like that, I see [12:57] luciash amette__: check my latest commit and you will be sure ;) [12:57] amette__ alright, I will, need to go now though [12:58] luciash amette__: alrighty, cu l8r [12:58] amette__ but cheers for the idea, bro! That's a great (and so logical) improvement! [12:58] amette__ later [13:03] frederik_ joined #tikiwiki [13:04] amette__ left #tikiwiki [13:04] frederik_ Hi. I upgraded from 6.1 to 16.2 but I am greeted with a message Error [13:04] frederik_ You do not have permission to view this page. [13:35] chibaguy_ luciash, sorry for not sounding more excited - I just don't do much copy and paste of CSS from one site to another, except for the Tiki project sites once in a while. [13:36] chibaguy_ But if it can be useful for the tiki project sites, that'll be a good thing. [13:36] chibaguy_ And I imagine there must be some users who have similar situations. [13:40] luciash yes, tiki sites is the main reason I was playing with that [13:40] luciash chibaguy_: -^ [13:40] luciash hi frederik_ [13:42] luciash frederik_: how can we help? [13:55] chibaguy_ luciash: I see, thanks for that. It does look like a nifty thing to have. [14:04] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r61841 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs) [14:04] Tiki-KGB [REF] listgui: Rework the data structure so each plugin has params (renamed form args to be consistent) and/or plugins rather than relying on array or object data types. [14:04] Tiki-KGB Code is still to convoluted so more refactoring and corrections to come... [14:19] frederik_ luciash: how do I determine what causes this lockout? [14:20] frederik_ luciash: also, hi :) thanks for responding [14:42] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r61842 10trunk/ 10templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.tpl 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.php 10lib/jquery_tiki/wikiplugin-pivottable.js [14:42] Tiki-KGB [ENH] use available pivottable locale based on tiki site language and add missing translate function to template strings [14:48] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r61843 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pivottable.php [14:48] Tiki-KGB [ENH] use smaller plotly dist package in pivottable plugin which has all the currently used plot types but avoid the overhead of pulling the full js file [14:55] amette__ joined #tikiwiki [15:00] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r61844 10branches/ 10(5 files in 5 dirs) [15:00] Tiki-KGB [bp/r61842] [bp/r61843] [ENH] use available pivottable locale based on tiki site language and add missing translate function to template strings [15:00] Tiki-KGB [ENH] use smaller plotly dist package in pivottable plugin which has all the currently used plot types but avoid the overhead of pulling the full js file [15:01] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [15:22] Tiki-KGB 03chealer r61845 10trunk/lib/tikiticketlib.php * [REF] A better protection than ticketlib[1] was found a long time ago [15:51] amette__ left #tikiwiki [15:51] amette__ joined #tikiwiki [16:58] giesen joined #tikiwiki [17:04] amette__ pölöm [17:05] amette__ luciash : yeah, got you! I thought earlier, that you changed something on the side how css gets included [17:05] luciash amette__: np, thanks for checking :) [17:06] luciash eek, frederik left [17:06] amette__ so? [17:07] luciash so we cannot help :) [17:07] amette__ ah, right, had no backlog here [17:07] amette but found it here [17:09] luciash so ok to backport? [17:11] luciash seems to work in Opera, Chrome, Firefox so far nicely [17:13] amette__ Well, I don't see anthing tricky about it, except that it is a feature and I think backporting those is not allowed or some such!? I don't feel competent enough to judge this. I think technically it should be ok, but politically I have to look away. [17:14] luciash lol, you politically correct bastard! :D [17:14] amette__ ;) [17:14] luciash just kidding, you know, bro [17:15] amette__ of course :) [17:15] luciash well, technically it is not a feature, just a new param to existing feature so it works now with CSS and not just plain text ;) [17:16] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [17:16] luciash so it can be classified as a FIX/ENH [17:16] luciash (works just fine in Edge / IE too - just tested) [17:17] luciash wb jonnyb [17:17] amette__ well, those are philosophical loopholes you have to figure out with yourself... ;) [17:17] amette__ I'll be in the kitchen, so bbl [17:17] jonnyb pompom [17:17] luciash yup yup [17:17] luciash amette__: cya [17:17] * jonnyb waves [17:18] amette__ laters luciash, heya jonnyb [17:20] luciash jonnyb: what do you think about https://demo.luciash.eu/tikitrunk/PageRawCSS (if you can check for feedback - np if busy) [17:21] luciash jonnyb: re commit http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/61838 and 61839 [17:25] luciash (btw, I have limited it to css type so far only on purpose - to prevent any unwanted surprises) [17:25] jonnyb sorry, here now [17:26] Jyhem_laptop joined #tikiwiki [17:27] jonnyb i get an error on https://demo.luciash.eu/tikitrunk/tiki-index_raw.php?page=PageRawCSS&clean&textonly&download&css [17:27] jonnyb "cssFailed to load resource: Frame load interrupted" [17:28] luciash jonnyb: ah, Safari? (could not test) [17:28] jonnyb yup [17:29] luciash thanks for the report [17:30] luciash but I suppose it wouldn't work even without &css [17:30] luciash then [17:30] jonnyb seemed ok in Chrome - but why do you want this i wonder? [17:30] luciash see the backlog on https://irc.tiki.org where I have explained to Gary [17:32] luciash (Re the Safari error: it should offer you OS download dialog actually) [17:32] luciash (even without &css) [17:34] luciash tl;dr: collaborative Custom CSS editing with history, loading via on multiple sites [17:34] luciash jonnyb: -^ [17:35] luciash will leave for an hour now... cu later guys [17:35] jonnyb Isn't git or svn better for that? ;) Not somerthing i'd use i'm afraid [17:35] jonnyb see you later luciash [17:39] chibaguy_ hi jonnyb. I think luciash intends this as an alternative to pasting custom CSS in L&F at each of the Tiki project sites. [17:40] chibaguy_ Each site can load the CSS from one site's wiki page. [17:42] chibaguy_ So it's site-specific, not something to be a permanent part of the theme CSS. [17:42] chibaguy_ Anyway, that's my understanding. [17:43] jonnyb hi chibaguy_, thanks, that sort of makes sense i guess [19:30] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r61846 10branches/ 10(7 files in 7 dirs) [19:30] Tiki-KGB [ENH] h5p: Add user results and state tracking. testers will need to add table tiki_h5p_results [19:30] Tiki-KGB More fine tuning to come... [19:45] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [20:59] arildb joined #tikiwiki [21:05] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [21:12] luciash re [21:13] amette__ ditto [21:44] arildb I get an error in trunk: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'phpseclib\Crypt\Random' not found ..... Is anybody else getting this? [21:55] arildb I fixed it, by running composer [22:12] Tiki-KGB 03chealer r61847 10trim/ 10scripts/clone.php 10Makefile [22:12] Tiki-KGB Remove commands mirror, cloneandupdate and cloneandupgrade, leaving only clone from the earlier set [22:12] Tiki-KGB cloneandupgrade and mirror were not implemented, and cloneandupdate was visibly broken (identical to clone). We do not see a use case for cloneandupgrade and cloneupdate not covered by a full clone (including code). [22:12] Tiki-KGB UNTESTED. Thanks Marc Laporte [22:14] Tiki-KGB 03chealer r61848 10trim * [REF] Ignore files automatically created by Eclipse IDE [22:15] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [22:16] giesen joined #tikiwiki [22:30] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [22:53] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [23:00] arildb joined #tikiwiki [23:11] luciash jonnyb: can you try https://developer.apple.com/safari/download ? [23:18] Jyhem_laptop joined #tikiwiki [23:20] luciash jonnyb: strange it works just fine in Safari 5 (Win) for me [23:20] luciash (must have been some temporary issue)