Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r61880 10trunk/ 10lib/setup/prefs.php 10lib/prefs/feature.php 10templates/admin/include_user.tpl 03lib/prefs/uf.php
[REF] admin user: create missing preference definitions; conform template formatting
03lindonb r61881 10trunk/ 10lib/prefs/w.php 10templates/admin/include_wiki.tpl
[REF] admin wiki: update shouw/hide logic for some preferences; conform template formatting
03lindonb r61882 10trunk/templates/admin/ 10(6 files) * [REF] admin templates: conform template formatting
03lindonb r61883 10trunk/ 10admin/include_workspace.php 10admin/include_wikiatt.php 10admin/include_wiki.php * [REF] admin includes: replace deprecated ticket system and add feedback
03lindonb r61884 10trunk/ 10templates/admin/include_trackers.tpl 10lib/setup/prefs.php 03lib/prefs/t.php * [REF] admin trackers: add missing storage prefs and update display
03lindonb r61885 10trunk/admin/include_wikiatt.php * [FIX] admin wikiatt: incorrect test for setting variables
03montefuscolo r61886 10branches/experimental/conversejs/ 10lib/xmpp/xmpplib.php 03lib/xmpp/TikiXmppPrebind.php
[ENH] Add TIKITOKEN SASL mechanism to candy-chat/xmpp-prebind-php when using Tiki with Openfire, thanks Guus
fabricius: .
joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
Polom everyone !
fabricius: wolod Padlock
Padlock: Good news : even if I had to bow out of the presentation last friday, it seems that the platform I set up eventually convinced the dev team to adopt it :-)
fabricius: coool
why you had to bow out?
I just have an idea, why they have delegated that to the secretary rather than to a developer
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: I had to bow out because those meetings are so boring for me :-)
They just discuss development stuff and all, and we have to drive all the way across town to attend, and I have to wait hours until it's finally my turn to speak, so I created a "what's new" blog on the Tiki and cloned the VM running it on a USB drive that I gave to a colleague who was attending
And I took a day off :-D
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: polom jonnyb
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61887 10trunk/templates/activity/tiki.wiki.update.tpl
[FIX] notifications: Remove hard coded page name (oops, it was the one i was testing with!) and add the new version number to diff url
03jonnybradley r61888 10branches/ 1016.x/templates 1016.x/templates/activity/tiki.wiki.update.tpl 1016.x
[bp/r61887][FIX] notifications: Remove hard coded page name (oops, it was the one i was testing with!) and add the new version number to diff url
03jonnybradley r61889 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/tikilib.php 1016.x
[bp/r61829][FIX] make avatar source urls absolute when sending notification emails (thanks Victor)
03jonnybradley r61890 10trunk/lib/core/ 10Services/Edit/PluginController.php 10Services/Utilities.php
[FIX] tickets: Fix references to functions moved into TikiAccessLib (not sure why we're still going via Services_Utilities for these and not TikiAccessLib directly?)
03jonnybradley r61891 10trunk/ 10vendor_bundled/composer.lock 10lib/ckeditor_tiki/wysiwyglib.php 10vendor_bundled/composer.json
[UPD] ckeditor: 4.5.x to 4.6 (removed separate references to divarea and kama as they are included in ckeditor full now)
luciash: pooh-lom
Padlock: awesome, good work and great news! Congrats :)
Padlock: Now I really have no idea on what kind of server they will install it and I pray they're going to copy the platform I already made on their own server, because I'd hate to have to redo it completely
But I'm happy I found a new home for my Tiki puppy
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
amette__: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: moloq amette__
amette__: heya jonnyb
jonnyb: just broken my localhost by adding php71 :P
amette__: Cool! Good work! ;)
How do you do it on Mac? Ports or something?
jonnyb: the fixes for MemoryLimit didn't do it, more needed but we need this for 17.x
yup, macports
amette__: ok, got no idea about those, but somehow PHP 7.1 packages look a bit rough everywhere still.
ah, nice!
jonnyb: it's just like apt-get sort of, but for mac os (there's homebrew too which casued me a load of issues last time it tried it for a production server ;) )
amette__: right, reading the project page and wikipedia, etc., it sounds like a way of bringing freedom to Macs
jonnyb: it's pretty good really, certainly for server/cli stuff
amette__: Nice, good to hear that! :)
redflo: left #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61892 10branches/ 10(73 files in 22 dirs)
[MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 61845 to 61891
Conflicts fixed in
03jonnybradley r61893 10branches/experimental/h5p/db/tiki.sql * [MOD] h5p: Add the new h5p tables to tiki.sql for new installs
patrickproulx: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r61894 10trunk/lib/parser/parserlib.php
[FIX] php71: $hdr_structure seems always to be a single depth array and this unset fatally breaks on php7.1 - hopefully was a typo from long ago, everything to do with headings still seems to work but this code is hard to follow...
03jonnybradley r61895 10trunk/lib/score/scorelib.php
[FIX] php71: Calls to functions without a required parameter break in 7.1 - this once never uses either of the parameters so i made them both optional (could do with some more tidying up imho)
03jonnybradley r61896 10trunk/lib/ckeditor_tiki/plugins/autosave/plugin.js * [FIX] ckeditor: Image was moved in r60325
03jonnybradley r61897 10trunk/ 10lib/ckeditor_tiki/plugins/tikiplugin/plugin.js 10lib/parser/parserlib.php * [FIX] ckeditor: Plugin icons had moved
03jonnybradley r61898 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit.js
[FIX] ckeditor: Plugin editing in wysiwyg mode was failing due to recent input name changes
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Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r61899 10trunk/ 10(222 files in 84 dirs) * [ENH] Lossless image compression of themes folder 14.5kb saved
giesen: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r61900 10trunk/img/icons/ 10(539 files in 5 dirs) * [ENH] Lossless image compression - Icons, 16kb saved
03drsassafras r61901 10trunk/ 10(82 files in 10 dirs) * [ENH] Lossless image compression - 19kb saved
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Hey guys. I'm running 16x and can't configure LDAP. How do I fix this?
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
giesen_: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6306