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Tiki-KGB | 03pom2ter r62077 10trunk/templates/tiki-contact.tpl * [FIX] aligned contact form fields with the antibot | [00:16] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [00:45] |
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patrickproulx | joined #tikiwiki | [01:53] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03drsassafras r62078 10branches/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
Merged from trunk [bp/r62037][REF] Removed tikilib->get_pages favour of parser_lib->get_pages | [05:44] |
03drsassafras r62079 10branches/ 10(19 files in 12 dirs) * [bp/r62039][REF] Moved $smarty out of the global scope. | [05:58] | |
chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb, when you're back, I checked the error log again and deleted trunktempcachecontainer.php (again?) and svn-upped temp, and now my trunk runs again. | [06:04] |
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Bsfez | joined #tikiwiki | [08:12] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03kroky6 r62080 10branches/17.x/lib/ 10test/core/Search/Elastic/ProtocolTest.php 10core/Search/Elastic/Index.php 10core/Search/Elastic/Connection.php
[FIX] make ElasticSearch integration work with 2.x and 5.x versions dynamically checking the server version number | [10:12] |
fabricius | polom | [10:26] |
luciash | polom | [10:28] |
Bsfez | miaou | [10:28] |
luciash | amette_ or Jyhem ? we have an emergency situation with doc, dev and themes - can you check what is going on?
(on the server logs) Bsfez: meow :) | [10:29] |
Bsfez | :)
yes... Gary and I checked it is not hebrew or japanese encoding :D Let's use IRC :) | [10:30] |
luciash | Bsfez: I had a dream you wrote a new reggae song, showing and playing it to me :-p | [10:31] |
Bsfez | ha ha ha ha (rotf).... Ah this is a first !
change your provider bro ! :D :D :D | [10:32] |
luciash | what? :D | [10:32] |
Bsfez | lol | [10:32] |
luciash | what provider? | [10:32] |
Bsfez | your vegetable... greens :D
oh my that was good ! :D | [10:32] |
luciash | lol | [10:32] |
Bsfez | I'll work a reggae son. :)
song | [10:33] |
luciash | A pity I do not remember the lyrics :-p | [10:33] |
Bsfez | ha ha ha
may be it was : | [10:34] |
luciash | But it was classic reggae :D | [10:34] |
Bsfez | in the meantime, on gallery files tracker field, I want to limit usage to jpeg and png. What to set in MIME Type Filter ?
hi hi hi | [10:34] |
luciash | lol, nope, that wasn't it! it rhymed better ;) | [10:35] |
RadoS | joined #tikiwiki | [10:35] |
Bsfez | (I really want to cover : so much trouble in the world or pimpers paradise or exodus | [10:35] |
luciash | :)
I know Exodus not sure about the other two, sorry :-p | [10:36] |
Bsfez | a powerful song !
=> youtube ! :D | [10:36] |
luciash | sure, but not now
;) BTW, I wonder if we should say something on FB about the outage like "we are hacked and we know it" or something like that ;) | [10:36] |
Bsfez | only us knows for now :D
... | [10:38] |
luciash | just kidding, we don't know yet of course | [10:38] |
Bsfez | not sure | [10:38] |
luciash | I wonder what is the cause, really
but maybe "we got some trouble and we are working on it"? | [10:39] |
padlock | joined #tikiwiki
Polom my precious :-) Y'all probably already know it, but we seem to have a tiny wee problem on doc.tiki.org :-/ | [10:40] |
luciash | yep yep
waiting for our sysadmins to wake up ;) | [10:42] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [10:45] |
padlock | Hey luciash :-) I have never seen a glitch like this one before, it's ... interesting :-p | [10:45] |
fabricius | good moooorning jonnyb luciash Bsfez padlock | [10:45] |
padlock | Good moooorning fabricius ! | [10:46] |
Bsfez | Hello fab ! | [10:46] |
jonnyb | polom fabricius, padlock and all | [10:46] |
padlock | Polom jonnyb ^^ | [10:46] |
fabricius | thx luciash for the sidebar / classic shadow hint
need to find a sidebar now maybe chibaguy can help | [10:46] |
padlock | Oh before I forget, do you guys know how to center images on wiki pages ? I inserted them in a classic way, no thumbnail, no resizing, only with a caption, but when I add :: only the caption is centered, pictures stay aligned left | [10:47] |
fabricius | padlock: something with margin auto | [10:48] |
Bsfez | you have some option on the plugin img under advanced
Hi Jonny ! | [10:48] |
fabricius | oh yeah we are talking about Tiki
plugin img ! | [10:49] |
jonnyb | hi Bsfez | [10:49] |
Bsfez | ok so i forgot again... I need to display all the categories in catId=1 in the menu on a tiki15.4
I set the menu item : {module module="categories" categId="1121" nobox="y" categParentIds="1"deep="off" hideEmpty="y" sort="name_asc"} Error Notice: invalid variable value: $_POST["url"] | [10:49] |
padlock | Silly me, I didn't scroll down low enough to see there was an advanced menu. That's embarassing. Thank you ! | [10:50] |
Bsfez | np ;) | [10:51] |
luciash | hi jonnyb and fabricius
padlock: imalign param maybe? | [10:55] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62081 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
[MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62075 to 62080 Conflict fixed manually on lib/setup/cookies.php (rather early!? editor please check...) | [10:58] |
luciash | padlock: or align param for the image block with caption | [10:58] |
padlock | It seems imalign doesn't work if desc (caption) is used. It says to use the 'stylebox' parameter but I'm trying to find to what full words parameter it corresponds
ah let me see then | [10:59] |
jonnyb | er... is https://dev.tiki.org working ok for everyone else? | [11:00] |
padlock | Nope jonnyb, same as doc.tiki.org
luciash: perfect, it works ^^ | [11:00] |
jonnyb | amette_: are you around?
or Jyhem? same problem on https://themes.tiki.org (same server i think) had anyone emailed sysadmins? | [11:00] |
Bsfez | I did earlier | [11:02] |
luciash | jonnyb: yup and yup | [11:03] |
jonnyb | thanks :) | [11:04] |
luciash | gotta leave now (lunch time)
bbl | [11:06] |
Bsfez | Jonny, may be a hint on "why I got an error when I add this in tiki15.4 menu" ? => {module module="categories" deep="off" categId="1" nobox="y"}
Notice: invalid variable value: $_POST["url"] it used to work | [11:07] |
chibaguy | polom again | [11:08] |
jonnyb | would have to check the parameters of that module - is there a mandatory one called url by any chance?
repolom chibaguy | [11:08] |
Bsfez | the module is working fine in a wiki page | [11:08] |
chibaguy | hi jonnyb | [11:08] |
Bsfez | re chibaguy | [11:09] |
chibaguy | hi Bsfez and all | [11:09] |
jonnyb | chibaguy: here's a little css thing that i've noticed for a while, in most of the bootstrap themes in the .btn-group on the compact search module the input is a different height to the button, have to seen that? (also other input/button groups) | [11:10] |
chibaguy | jonnyb, I'll take a look. | [11:11] |
jonnyb | thanks :) | [11:11] |
chibaguy | On other topic, try this google search: "!$g����k6bm.jX#��" (a bit of gibberish from our sites).
Funny that several other pages are returned as results. Or maybe not interesting. :-| | [11:12] |
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fabricius | oh chibaguy, this search finds for example "Horny Frat Boys Self-Pics" ... I do not comment on that ... now
But why you are recommending us this search, when you do not find it interesting? :D | [11:49] |
chibaguy | I didn't notice that search result.
At first I thought the results were interesting but then changed my mind. | [11:53] |
fabricius | hehe looool
rofl still laughing | [12:08] |
chibaguy | https://themes.tiki.org/changelog.txt displays ok.
as does favicon.png. | [12:11] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [12:15] |
chibaguy | tiki-editpage.php?page=Theme_page_TPL produces a 502 bad gateway error rather than garbage characters. | [12:16] |
Bsfez | joined #tikiwiki | [12:29] |
Jyhem_ | joined #tikiwiki | [12:30] |
Tiki-KGB | 03kroky6 r62082 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Search/ 10Elastic/Index.php 10Elastic/Connection.php * [FIX] update ElasticSearch percolator functionality to work with 2.x and 5.x | [12:44] |
olinuxx | joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki | [12:51] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [12:56] |
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joined #tikiwiki | [13:11] | |
Bsfez | joined #tikiwiki | [13:15] |
Arf... There is def something annoying with the permissions related to the plugin list !
User can see the tracker and tracker item but plugin list = No results for query. ({LIST()}{filter content="1" field="tracker_id"}{LIST}) | [13:25] | |
luciash | re
Bsfez: index rebuild? | [13:36] |
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jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [13:55] |
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Bsfez | yes of course, but the user frustration is already here... it look like an extra step that should be automatised | [14:23] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [14:25] |
luciash | Bsfez: it is user protection, tm ;) | [14:37] |
fabricius | luciash / Bsfez: Tiki rotect fro user or user protect from Tiki?
/s/rotect/protect | [14:45] |
Tiki-KGB | 03drsassafras r62083 10branches/17.x/console.php * [DOC] console - Changed error message from white to red. | [14:46] |
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patrickproulx | joined #tikiwiki | [15:09] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03drsassafras r62084 10branches/17.x/lib/core/TikiFilter/PreventXss.php * [SEC] XSS Bypass - prevents bypassing of the xss filter by padding zeros | [15:32] |
nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [15:34] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62085 10branches/17.x/ 03themes/css/index.php 03themes/js 03themes/js/index.php 03themes/css
[FIX] themes: Add css and js dirs in themes for sitr specific custom.css and custom.js files and so on | [15:44] |
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amette__ | joined #tikiwiki
polom so there is a file system repair happening now... fingers crossed! | [16:09] |
jonnyb | moqmoq amette__ and amette_ | [16:11] |
amette__ | heya jonnyb | [16:11] |
jonnyb | super, thanks
any idea what went wrong? i checked recent commits to 16.x and couldn't see anything that looked dangerous | [16:11] |
amette__ | not at all. The server was rebooted recently on another hardware, but that's all.
no, I don't think it has anything to do with Tiki I suppose it was hardware failure | [16:12] |
jonnyb | never seen that before, weirdy encoding nonsense coming out instead of html (or nothing) due to hardware, i exepect we'll never know... | [16:14] |
amette__ | yeah, that was really strange... it actually started last night.. the machine had high load, I restarted php-fpm and everything was ok... then it got worse over night | [16:15] |
luciash | amette__: hi bro, thanks for the update about the situation! | [16:16] |
amette__ | yw, now let's hope that the file system can be repaired, otherwise it's a full reinstall - luckily backups were working until yesterday! | [16:17] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03kroky6 r62086 10branches/ 10(7 files in 6 dirs)
[bp/r60715] [bp/r60730] [ENH] allow searching for ranges of data in trackerfilter [FIX] tracker filter range fix for DateTime fields entered by selecting year/month/day individually | [16:32] |
03jonnybradley r62087 10branches/17.x/lib/prefs/feature.php * [FIX] prefs: Add shortcut keywords for feature_wiki_argvariable | [16:42] | |
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Bsfez | luciash, user don't want to be protected or to be safe (he never read "errors" or "warning") he want things to work like he think they should. :)
I see some progress on dev.t.o : Lost Tiki database connection ! :) | [17:00] |
amette__ | hmmm, yeah... kinda... machine booted, but /var/lib/mysql is gone :O | [17:12] |
Bsfez | hiiiii :/
(hi Amette) | [17:13] |
amette__ | hi Bsfez | [17:13] |
I'm still in contact with elastichosts to see, if we can recover the database. But I'm starting a clean server install in parallel and plan to reinstall from yesterday's backup. :-| | [17:21] | |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62088 10branches/17.x/lib/ 10(9 files in 9 dirs)
[FIX] JitFilter: There's no such TikiFilter as "array", although it falls through to asArray eventually, many "Filter not found" warnings were being triggered | [17:26] |
Bsfez | ... | [17:32] |
amette__ | nextdoc was working in the last days, right? | [17:35] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62089 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Search/ContentSource/WebserviceSource.php * [FIX] webservices: Various notices | [17:36] |
jonnyb | amette__: i believe so, yup (not sure when i really last checked though, sorry) | [17:36] |
amette__ | it was working last week.
I'm not touching anything right now. Getting the backups and waiting for elastichosts support. | [17:42] |
Tiki-KGB | 03drsassafras r62090 10branches/ 1017.x/lib/userslib.php 1017.x * [bp/62041][REF] Moved $logslib out of the global scope.
03jonnybradley r62091 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Search/ContentSource/WebserviceSource.php * [FIX] webservices: One more notice | [17:44] |
amette__ | elastichosts answered that they are looking into it... o.O | [17:50] |
Tiki-KGB | 03drsassafras r62092 10branches/ 1017.x/lib/modules/modlib.php 1017.x/lib/setup/cookies.php 1017.x * [bp/r62042][REF] Moved $headerlib out of the global scope.
03drsassafras r62093 10branches/ 1017.x/lib/rating/ratinglib.php 1017.x * [bp/r62043][REF] Moved $attributelib out of the global scope. | [17:52] |
amette__ | Bsfez : you are using next-sites daily, right? When did you see doc last working? | [17:54] |
Bsfez | nextdev... wait I wrote an email | [17:54] |
amette__ | never mind, dev is fine | [17:55] |
Bsfez | I checked nextdoc on the 30/03/17
[Tiki-devel] Plugin execution pending approval show details to anonymous (at doc ?) | [17:55] |
Tiki-KGB | 03drsassafras r62094 10branches/ 1017.x/db/tiki.sql 1017.x * [bp/r62046][REF] sql - removed redundant sql | [17:56] |
Bsfez | 19h00 here kidos time... cu after | [17:57] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62095 10branches/17.x/lib/prefs/webcron.php * [FIX] prefs: Missing default (is "both" best?) | [17:58] |
amette__ | cya | [17:58] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62096 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Table/Code/MainOptions.php * [FIX] php71: [] operator not supported for strings | [18:12] |
Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [18:12] |
nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [18:16] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62097 10branches/17.x/ 10(13 files in 12 dirs)
[FIX] JitFilter: More on asArray - also triggering errors as it was following r62088 because asArray is a method of the JitFilter class and not a TikiFilter that can be applied to an offset. (Also added some phpdocs for code hints and a missing param on a smart function call) | [18:30] |
jonnyb | thanks amette__ for battling with this, sounds bad...
polom nelsonko | [18:30] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62098 10branches/17.x * [SVN] Add .well-known to svn:ignore (used by Let's Encrypt)
03jonnybradley r62099 10(25 files in 20 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62080 to 62098 | [18:42] |
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03jonnybradley r62100 10branches/17.x/lib/prefslib.php
[FIX] prefs: Prefs defined in the global.php file weren't getting indexed properly and causing notices | [19:22] | |
03jonnybradley r62101 10branches/17.x/lib/tikilib.php
[FIX] php71: Fix invalid numeric values (same as was done eventually in Tiki_MemoryLimit::toBytes, thanks Chealer) | [19:28] | |
charan | joined #tikiwiki
Hi need help to know difference between release number 2.6 and 12.9 ? | [19:32] |
amette__ | charan : 10.3 ?
2.6 is definitely not supported any more, so stay clear of that one | [19:37] |
charan | yes,, we have migrated to 2.6 to 12.9 but we want to what are changes from 2.6 to 12.9
we want to know features are added under 12.9 compared to 2.6 I am not able to find release notes for previous versions and getting error database on tikiwiki.org | [19:39] |
amette__ | yes, we are currently recovering from a slightly bigger disaster at our hoster, sorry for that
changelog.txt in the release tarball should have everything though, I think..!? | [19:41] |
charan | if you have release information all for all the versions from 2.6 to 12.9 then it will great help | [19:42] |
amette__ | check changelog.txt | [19:42] |
charan | where i can find .. it | [19:42] |
amette__ | either in the tarball download or from SVN | [19:43] |
charan | No.. I tried every where in the site.. but i did not get it | [19:43] |
amette__ | If it's not here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/latest/download I don't know. | [19:43] |
charan | trying to donwload | [19:46] |
fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [19:50] |
luciash | charan: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/tags/12.11/changelog.txt
(beware it is 5.3 MB) | [19:52] |
charan | ok | [19:54] |
Tiki-KGB | 03chealer r62102 10branches/17.x/lib/prefslib.php * [REF] rebuildIndex(): Clarify (not sure what $info['tags'] contains if empty) | [19:54] |
charan | Thank You very much.. I will try to read changelog ..:) | [19:58] |
luciash | 12.11 is recommended for latest security fixes | [20:04] |
charan | ok
I want the same major differences from 2.6 until 12.9 So, that we will lknow what exactly it was changed from directly moving from 2.6 to 12.9 version | [20:10] |
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patrickproulx | joined #tikiwiki | [20:27] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [20:39] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62103 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/WebService.php
[FIX] webservices: Double check that $response got initialised before rendering the output | [21:00] |
03jonnybradley r62104 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/WebService.php
[FIX] webservices: Protect against returned data from a webservice being too long for a TEXT field in the database (tiki_tracker_item_fields.value) | [21:08] | |
Bsfez | joined #tikiwiki | [21:18] |
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amette__ | left #tikiwiki
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nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [22:25] |
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Galaxis | joined #tikiwiki
good evening Uhm. Is there a particular reason why, when I try to write "eval" into a blog post on my tiki installation, it is being replaced by "ev<x>al" ? Even in a link? Ah. Searching the 15.4 source for "<x>" points to the XSS sanitizer... Well, that doesn't quite work out then... | [23:17] |
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