fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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Hello, does anyone have any info or estimate on how long it will take for the documentation part of the site to be up again? Thank you.
Ok, I'm glad we got THAT cleared up! :D
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fabricius: hi Galaxis
I have no idea why eval gets ev<x>al ... maybe you want to come back between tea time and late lunch time ... Guess devs are either sleeping or working on the servers to get them back up ... no idea what happened
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Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r62105 10branches/17.x/templates/modules/mod-forums_last_posts.tpl * [FIX] Prevent Time Ago when using inside attribute (breaks html)
TomJarvis: Galaxis, 'eval' gets sanitized in links because as an html function, is a dangeous xss vector.
If you go to lib/core/TikiFilter/PreventXss.php, you will find 'eval' in the $ra_as_content array, which triggers the <x>.
Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r62106 10branches/17.x/templates/tiki-page_bar.tpl
[FIX] remove duplicate id attribute (is evaluated through template right afterwards).
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Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r62107 10branches/17.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_gauge.php * [FIX] replace align attribute with css (no longer works with HTML5)
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Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r62108 10branches/17.x/ 10lib/prefs/unified.php 10templates/admin/include_search.tpl 10lib/core/Search/Elastic/Connection.php
[ENH] related to recent ElasticSearch 5 compatibility upgrade: add preference for maximum fields in an index - helpful on sites with trackers containing many fields
03kroky6 r62109 10(10 files in 9 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62098 to 62108
Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
all the birds sing tunes and the flowers croon
I'm having the hardest time using feature with no access to the doc.tiki.site... This looks bad, is it really ? :/
fabricius: yess
hi Padlock
I am not sure, who of the infrastructure team is on that and what the problems are.
Padlock: Hi Fabricius
well I hope it's too complicated to fix :/
Maybe you can help me anyway : when using SPLIT, what syntax do I use as a separator to tell wiki to go to the next section ?
luciash: Padlock: i think it was @@@ and %%% (one of them :))
fabricius: Why you want to use SPLIT on a responsive site?
SPLIT is so pre-14ish
luciash: Galaxis: yep, that <x> is annoying but they say better safe than sorry :-p I would like to kill it but apparently it is not that easy
fabricius: was a great plugin thought, but it is fixed and we use DIV with boostrap classes now
Padlock: lol
Bsfez: Hello fab, pad, luc
yes <x> is back !!!
fabricius: hi Bsfez
Padlock: yeah well, as you may remember, I'm only as good as what's written in the doc, since I have no knowledge in that domain
luciash: Bsfez: <x> was never gone :-p
fabricius: yes Bsfez, it appears frequently
Padlock: hi Bsfez Hi luciash
fabricius: hi luciash by the way
luciash: hi B, Torsten and all! :)
fabricius: for what do we need websites when we have the IRC chat?
amette__: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: hello amette_
luciash: amette__: hi bro! :)
fabricius: hello amette__
amette__: hi everyone
fabricius: tackling the servers?
-: luciash thinks everyone is eagerly waiting for good news from amette__ :)
Padlock: So I have to display on a wiki page colored squares and their meaning, and I would like to have 3 rows of [1 colored square][meaning][1colored square][meaning] not quite sure how to do it without split
amette__: yeah, sorry, fell asleep last night, but making progress, hoping to be back in the afternoon
Padlock: Ironically, I can neither do split nor splits :D
amette__: lol
luciash: Padlock: lol
fabricius: ok amette__ a well relieving information
luciash: amette__: please, be our hero! :)
amette__: I'm doing my very best ;)
fabricius: just had Frank on the phone, but he has "only" the mailserver ... so he couldn't help in this case
Padlock: amette__: you're our brave knight
fabricius: we know that amette__
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fabricius: Onl to know, that you are aware of the situation and are tackling the problem helps a lot
do you think it maes sense to set out an announcement on facebook and an article in tiki.org?
luciash: fabricius: yes
fabricius: Comunication Team supporting the Infrastructure Team thingi kind of
luciash: fabricius: i made short notice yesterday on FB page
fabricius: /s/Comunication/Communication
amette__: kewl, thanks guys - I wanted to mail the dev-list last night, but then didn't get to a point where it seemed to make sense (and then I fell asleep). But fb, etc. is probably more important anyway. I don't know how the modern youth communicates.
fabricius: if we could get any dramatic notice about rats eating all cables of the server and amette__ reviring with his shoe straps and has saved 1 of 3 servers or so ... some thing Mc Giver alike sae time humorous and informative
amette__: anyway, I'll get back to work
will update you when there is something tangible
luciash: amette__: thanks heaps and good luck again
amette__: cool, cheers!
fabricius: cross fingers amette__ the force is with you and so we are.
luciash: :)
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amette__: luciash : ping
luciash: amette__: pong
amette__: ah, kewl, got my jabber message?
or is that on another computer at yours!? *g*
jonnyb: polom
amette__: moloq jonnyb
luciash: amette__: sorry, it just does not do any sounds for some reason :)
amette__: oh, ok
jonnyb: should we pout a note on https://tiki.org about the outages? amette__ any reply from the hosting co?
amette__: hi jonnyb, yes, that is a great idea!
jonnyb : no, nothing new from elastichosts... they offered to help, but last e-mail sounded like they didn't get, what I was explaining... I don't have time nor nerves for that now... setting up new servers at Hetzner, hoping to be done this afternoon.... found a newer version of the doc.t.o database, no promises yet, but looks good... after all that... discuss with elastichosts again.
jonnyb: ah right, that sounds like a good plan - but very weird it all just went away (virtualisation failure i guess?)
amette__: yes, they had a scheduled kernel upgrade two days ago which introduced an LVM bug
jonnyb: eek
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: chibaguy: hi Gary :)
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chibaguy: hi luciash
and all
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r62110 10branches/17.x/db/tiki.sql * [FIX] missing new field in tiki.sql?
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amette__: Alright, guys... dev.tiki.org is back online... might take five more minutes for the DNS to update, but basically it's there.
I'll have a break and take care of themes next.
luciash: amette__: yay! thanks bro!
amette__: you're welcome, mate! Please have a look around and see, if everything is ok. I am always wary of those Umlauts... but I don't think there should have been any issues with those this time. Intertiki and elastic should be fixed. Let me know, if you find anything else.
Bsfez: Here dev is still : Lost Tiki database connection
doc = We’ll be back soon!
hi guys (sorry)
amette__: yeah, doc is a bit of a lie... it'll take longer than "soon", but I figured it looks better than db-error
Bsfez: oh cool it's on its way then :) Great !
Thanks Amette
amette__: ah, dang... the dns-thingy asked once more to confirm... :P
... 10 minutes from now on! :)
Bsfez: dev is up !
amette__: kewl :)
Please expect intermittent outages as I'm restarting services for fine tuning, etc.
Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
Polom again
luciash: I think i need your CSS sorcery wizardry ^^'
woah sorcery wizardy, really ? lol
amette__: sorcery wizardry magic *g*
Padlock: lol well, you are a wizard too, amette__ , after all you're solving the evil server issue
amette__: Yeah, that's currently more like Voodoo... ;)
Padlock: I can chant stuff and rattle some seashells hanging from a stick, if that can help ?
I'm a little embarassed to ask my question because I have a feeling it's basic css knowledge, and I don't have any :(
amette__: lol, yeah, I take anything until doc.t.o is back *g*
Well, read the topic and then just ask your question. "Don't ask to ask, ask."
jonnyb: well done and thanks amette__ dev looks good now, and a nice "coming soon" on doc... good work! :)
amette__: :)
Bsfez: Hi Jonny
jonnyb: it's amazing how often i use doc i've noticed, probably several times a day, mostly for plugin list stuff but today i needed info on exporting profiles... funny how we only notice something when it's gone ;)
hi Bsfez
Jyhem_laptop_: joined #tikiwiki
Bsfez: does that ring a bell ? On a simple cart from profile on Tiki16 (and 17) just after clicking the Paypal button
Padlock: jonnyb: i use it a lot too, there are so many plugins ! I miss it :(
Bsfez: [06-Apr-2017 14:44:57 Asia/Jerusalem] PHP Deprecated: Automatically populating $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To avoid this warning set 'always_populate_raw_post_data' to '-1' in php.ini and use the php://input stream instead. in Unknown on line 0
Jyhem_laptop: polom
Bsfez: It look like a warning but = Internal Server Error
Padlock: I am going slightly mad: I was scratching my head, trying to find a way to cancel the effects of a class that seems to apply automatically on all my tables and colors them grey, but couldn't find the class in the general CSS. Turns out it was a class I had added myself to the custom CSS. So now I have to battle myself too :X
Bsfez: is it live ?
amette__: When I look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication - do we really have to use multiple IPs? To me it looks like anyone relevant should do SNI nowadays... or do we insist on supporting Symbian and old Blackberries?
I mean the table at the end of the page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication#Support
And Windows XP won't work of course. But that's EOF (in theory).
EOL even
Well, never mind, I ordered the IPs, let's use them for now.
Bsfez: If I had an answer... :)
jonnyb: good question amette__ - i would say not, even on xp you can probably install a modern browser
and if they're using such out of date stuff security can't be a priority anyway, surely?
amette__: good point!
jonnyb: sorry, gottago - bbl
amette__: alright, laters
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r62111 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/AutoIncrement.php * [FIX] AutoIncrement field exclude prepend/append HTML from CSV export
luciash: amette__: is the email to contact correct on doc.t.o ?
amette__: I hope so. Can you test?
luciash: yep
amette__: it did not return yet so probably it works :)
amette__: alright, themes.tiki.org should be back within 10 minutes <- chibaguy
luciash: amette__: great!
amette__: it works here for me, waiting for DNS
luciash: amette__: I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
amette__: put the correct e-mail there please
amette__: which one is it?
luciash: admin or sysadmins at lists.tiki.org
amette__: and we don't have an alias without that lists.?
sysadmins@lists.tiki.org there now
Jyhem_laptop: polom
amette__: in my experience, a single IP is enough. I do that on my main server and nobody ever complained.
amette__: moloq jyhem
Jyhem_laptop: It does host multiple domains and associated SSL certificates
amette__: yeah, I just decided the same, when I made the DNS entry
Jyhem_laptop: ISPConfig handles the nitty gritty details, but the imortant info is, it works.
I can provide apache conf files if you need examples (no nginx, sorry)
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r62112 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/AutoIncrement.php
[FIX] AutoIncrement field expose prepend/append value besides the numeric one for unified index to use it
Galaxis: luciash: thanks for the info about the <x> thing with "eval" and other texts...
chibaguy: Yay, themes is back. Thanks amette__
amette__: You're welcome, Gary!
Galaxis: ...is mostly works too - in normal text, Tiki adds the <x> in the editor, and removes it when the text is displayed
chibaguy: Strange breakdown, eh, amette__ ? :-)
Jyhem_laptop: And thanks for handling this. I did the same for a lost customer server on sunday+monday and it's not fun.
amette__: Totally! I'm still absolutely stumped.
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r62113 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/AutoIncrement.php 1016.x
[bp/r62111] [bp/r62112] [FIX] AutoIncrement field exclude prepend/append HTML from CSV export
[FIX] AutoIncrement field expose prepend/append value besides the numeric one for unified index to use it
-: Jyhem_laptop back to customer priorities. Ping me if needed.
chibaguy: I suspect gamma rays. ;-)
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r62114 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/AutoIncrement.php
[bp/r62111] [bp/r62112] [FIX] AutoIncrement field exclude prepend/append HTML from CSV export
[FIX] AutoIncrement field expose prepend/append value besides the numeric one for unified index to use it
03kroky6 r62115 10trunk/db/tiki.sql 10trunk 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/AutoIncrement.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62108 to 62112
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amette__: hehe, yep, must have been some kind of alien weapon gone off by accident or something like that *g*
luciash: chibaguy: you mean solar winds? :)
Galaxis: ...but when I I have a link like [http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Eval|eval docs|nocache], the URL will not be de-sanitized, and turns out as http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Ev<x>al in the generated page
chibaguy: yeah, luciash, or a combination of the two. :-)
luciash: Galaxis: the problem is it shuld not do that unless HTML in wiki pages is enabled...
Galaxis: luciash: ah ok, I'll check that
luciash: Yeah, I had "allow HTML" enabled, but disabling doesn't make a difference. Currently, I've just urlencoded the word in the URL :)
I'll look to put in a bug report tonight
amette__: Alright, security.t.o back, too.
I'll have another break and then I'll see how I can scavenge the latest version of doc.t.o database from the disks.
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re re
luciash: Galaxis: yes, bug report is the best way
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Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r62116 10branches/17.x/ 10tiki-error_simple.php 10lib/userslib.php 10lib/structures/structlib.php 10lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.tasklink.php * [FIX] replace align attribute with css (no longer works with HTML5)
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Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r62117 10branches/17.x/ 10(14 files in 3 dirs) * [FIX] timeago - remove markup from attributes
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6313
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r62118 10trunk/lib/language/WriteFile.php * [REF] fileHeader(): Reformat big note in header
03chealer r62119 10trunk/lib/language/WriteFile.php * [REF] fileHeader(): Specify that English strings are case-sensitive
03chealer r62120 10branches/17.x/lang/fr/language.php * [FIX] "Sur la la liste des forums"
03nkoth r62121 10branches/17.x/lib/socialnetworkslib.php
[FIX] Facebook login broken due to something Facebook changed on their end (this fix retains previous behavior just in case)
03nkoth r62122 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/socialnetworkslib.php 1016.x
[bp/r62121][FIX] Facebook login broken due to something Facebook changed on their end (this fix retains previous behavior just in case)
03nkoth r62123 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/socialnetworkslib.php 1015.x
[bp/r62121][FIX] Facebook login broken due to something Facebook changed on their end (this fix retains previous behavior just in case)
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
back from work
wow sites are back up
amette_ amette__ good job, thx for that. Nice notifications ou have made by the way
Greetings from Lukas by the way
amette__: cheers, greets back
doc is an old db dump from November 2016
I'm trying to get something newer, but it doesn't look good
do you have admin on doc.t.o and could put up a module explaining the situation?
amette_: fabricius: --^ ?
amette__: if not, never mind, but let me know
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fabricius: hey amette_ chatting with Lukas on the phone ... wait ... reading
ah a module with informtion ... a Post It?
That is 5 month data loss?
what happened? the providers server burned down physically? no backup by the provider
and any more infor for that the noice could be any informative for the people
and .. shall we tel them to not add more text, but wait for a likely to come newer version?
DEV is current DB?
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luciash: fabricius: dev is rather current, yep
fabricius: edit is not possible because login is disabled by intertiki off
fabricius: i have put a custom module with remarksbox there with a notice
Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r62124 10trunk/setup.sh * [ENH] setup.sh, New -a option. Use defaults for all.
luciash: fabricius: with text provided by amette
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