Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r62199 10trunk/doc/devtools/fixsvnkeyids.php
[FIX][ENH] Fix SVN keyword id's - Will no longer overwrite previous keywords & is much faster.
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Well, Polom there !
I didn't have a chance to tell y'all how sorry I was about the data loss on the server :(
fabricius: nice from you
montefuscolo: I will check later, but when creating new module on trunk version, I got this error `( ! ) Fatal error: Class 'convertToTiki9' not found in /var/www/html/lib/modules/modlib.php on line 76`
Padlock: Oh before I forget : is there a way to collapse some sections of a page in the wiki, like have a little arrow or "+" sign to toggle on/off the display of a given section ?
Jyhem_laptop: polom
hi Padlock, yes, sad story about doc.tiki.org I hope you did not lose editions you did on pages
You can collapse sections at the title level with the following Tiki syntax
!!+This is collapsible title which starts open
!!-This is collapsible title which starts collapsed
Padlock: Oh ! easy !! and fun :-)
No, I did not add anything to doc.tiki.org, i'm not that advanced, but I felt so sorry for all of thoe who did
Jyhem_laptop: https://demo.tiki.org/17x is up and running
chealer: joined #tikiwiki
is there a known upgrade issue with plugin approval when going from 12 to 15?
I'm asked to re-approve a plugin.
Tiki-KGB: 03montefuscolo r62200 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 5 dirs) * [ENH] conversejs: replace wikiplugin_xmpp by mod-xmpp
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luciash: I tried as suggested though I'm still not getting any results to display, using {filter content="$f_1" }
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Tiki-KGB: 03montefuscolo r62201 10trunk/ 10templates/xmpp-client.tpl 10modules/mod-func-xmpp.php 10templates/modules/mod-xmpp.tpl 04modules/mod-xmpp.php * [FIX] conversejs: change module title and description and also fix svn poperty
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Tiki-KGB: 03montefuscolo r62202 10trunk/modules/mod-func-xmpp.php * [FIX] conversejs: make module description more understandable, thanks chealer
03chealer r62203 10trunk/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php * [FIX] xmpp plugin was removed in r62200
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