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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r62273 10trunk/templates/admin/ 10(13 files)
[REF] replace usage of include_ticket.tpl file with smarty ticket function. Missed these last time as they were in another change list category (thanks Victor!)
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6325
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Tiki-KGB: 03yonixxx r62274 10branches/17.x/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl
[FIX] Language dropdown was displayed even there are no option available (one language and user has no right to edit/translate the page)
03yonixxx r62275 10trunk/lib/pdflib.php 10trunk 10trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62261 to 62274
Padlock: joined #tikiwiki
Polom Polom ^^
Bsfez: hello
Padlock: I need some advice : the project I'm managing documentation for keeps feeding me .doc words they need me to wiki-ized into Tiki. They tend to insert LOADS of images with captions all around them and arrows pointing at areas on the image. Any idea of a handy way to do that in tiki ? lol
I'm thinking doing it in word and then screenshooting it with all the captions included lol
Bsfez: not sure I understand.
they have images with annotations or they want to display images and then add anotations ?
Padlock: they provide me with a doc word containing many images that have annotations to them (they draw text areas and draw arrows pointing from text areas to the image...) and I'm supposed to transcript that word document into a wiki page
Bsfez: not everything can (or worth) be turned into a wiki page...
Padlock: I'm now pretty good with pasting text and tables and styling them so they fit my wiki style, but I really don't know what to do with those annotated images, apart from screenshooting the whole picture with all the arrows etc. into one .png file and inserting it as is into the wiki.
Bsfez: 1/ screenshoting as you say
2/ extract the image only and use the plugin annotation (formally text/url over the image)
3/ extract the image and... use somekind of html5 canvas...
Padlock: Aaaah well, they want everything to be evened out into wiki pages. And i'll tell you something even crazier : they also make me store the original word document turned into a pdf in a file library, and have me insert a download link in the corresponding wiki page to download the original .pdf
Bsfez: (I hope they pay well :D)
Padlock: oh there's an annotation plugin ?
Bsfez: yes but no arrow or graphical overlay
Padlock: no they don't pay well. But it's really just useless work, not too complicated. If they don't give me that kind of stuff to do, I'm out of a job ;-)
Arrows are just stupid, they're used by people who cannot explain stuff properly. I'll check what this plugin can do ;-)
Bsfez: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buqEAbfUiJw
Padlock: Oh wow you do videos now !!
Bsfez: i did that one as test, you are lucky :D
Padlock: Yay !
i'll have to transfer the link to my iphone, because my office computer doesn't have a soundcard.... lol
it looks really neat !
Bsfez: from what country are you ?
which (arg...)
Padlock: Lol you've already forgotten that I am in france ;)
Bsfez: ahhh
Je voulais savoir si la video etait ok et le language pas trop farfelu :D
Padlock: je regarde avec le son et te dis ça
Wow ! I didn't know you could use a plugin by simply typing its name in the plugin help menu ! <3<3<3<3 lol
The website mockup use case is very clever
Bsfez: oui je trouve aussi :)
Padlock: C'est dommage qu'on puisse pas choisir de laisser les annotations affichées ou pas par défaut sur une page donnée
mais c'est très bien expliqué :)
i'll keep that plugin annotation video in my bookmarks because it's a pretty nifty feature. I don't have any use for it now, unfortunately, but I hope I get to use it someday !
i'll have to opt for the global screenshooting for now. Trouble is, if the theme is changed to something with a black background, the background of the screenshots will show BIG TIME lol
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Bsfez: polom
Padlock: polom
I assigned a "menustructure" type module in the left side of Tiki. It works fine and displays pages in the structure, but titles that are too long exceed the border of the module box. Is there a way to tweak that?
Bsfez: css ? overflow
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Bsfez: re
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Padlock: I'll try that Bsfez thanks. I thought it was some kind of parameters somewhere in the settings ;)
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Bsfez: np
I'm on live.t.o in case of... :D
Padlock: what's live.t.o ?
Bsfez: we have a roundtable today :)
Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki
Padlock: Oh so y'all be busy ;-)
Bsfez: I don't for the other... I'm always busy ! :D
Padlock: Crap, when I inspect the menu element, I can't find de overflow parameter. Can't find it either in the css
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Padlock: That's probably because i wasn't checking the right css lol
jonnyb: are we doing meeting now?
Bsfez: Hi Jonny we are at live.
look like
jonnyb: Ok, with you in a few mins...
montefuscolo: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem_laptop: ping amette_
Rounrable meeting right now. http://live.tiki.org (open t all)
Padlock: Is anyone around and not in the meeting ? :D
Jyhem_laptop: Padlock: you?
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem_laptop: nelsonko: Roundtable meeting right now. http://live.tiki.org (open to all)
Padlock: Jyhem_laptop: good thinking
montefuscolo: hello amette_
I played with rancher these days!
Did you play with dockers since fosdem?
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r62276 10branches/17.x/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * [REF] Remove strange or obvious comment on languages and structures
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r62277 10branches/ 1016.x/templates 1016.x/templates/tiki-listpages.tpl 1016.x/templates/find.tpl 1016.x
[bp/r60757] notices
(actually this fixes a bug on tiki-listpages where the old find/tpl filter input shows but doesn't work properly when tablesorter is enabled - thanks to Bernard for spotting it and Lindon for the fix originally)
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kotten_: it seems most of my documents (even using static 'return to previous page' -links) expires. How do I solve that? "the requested document is no loger in cache"
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
hi montefuscolo, what is rancher?
Tiki-KGB: 03jyhem r62278 10trunk/doc/devtools/tim/tim-common * Add 17.x, remove 14.x
montefuscolo: fabricius, it is a web tool to manage dockers (containers) across servers
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r62279 10trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * [FIX] HTML special characters escaping
03chealer r62280 10trunk/ 10lib/ckeditor_tiki/tiki-ckeditor.js 10templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * [REF] Rename disableWyiswygInlineEditing "disableWYSIWYGInlineEditing"
03chealer r62281 10trunk/lib/prefs/wiki.php * [REF] Reorder wiki_edit_plugin definition
03chealer r62282 10trunk/lib/prefs/wiki.php * [ENH] Clarify wiki_edit_section