Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r62306 10trunk 10trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62274 to 62304
03lindonb r62307 10branches/17.x/ 10tiki-view_forum.php 10lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php
[FIX] forum watches: wrong method call resulted in no watches being returned for notifications; additionally, the new $threadId posted was being used instead of the parentId also causing a watch notification to not be sent. (thanks Tommy on stackoverflow for reporting)
03lindonb r62308 10trunk/lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php 10trunk 10trunk/tiki-view_forum.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62304 to 62307
03lindonb r62309 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php 1016.x/tiki-view_forum.php
[bp/r62307][FIX] forum watches: wrong method call resulted in no watches being returned for notifications; additionally, the new $threadId posted was being used instead of the parentId also causing a watch notification to not be sent. (thanks Tommy on stackoverflow for reporting)
03lindonb r62310 10branches/ 1015.x/lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php 1015.x/tiki-view_forum.php
[bp/r62307][FIX] forum watches: wrong method call resulted in no watches being returned for notifications; additionally, the new $threadId posted was being used instead of the parentId also causing a watch notification to not be sent. (thanks Tommy on stackoverflow for reporting)
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Tiki-KGB: 03amnabilal r62311 10branches/17.x/lib/pdflib.php * [Fix]Checked page title settings for wikipage, before adding with content in pdf
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Hey all
When i upgrade from 14.2 to 14.3 i get the follwoing error above all pages
for index /tiki_pref_en
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ironwarning: Jonnyb
need you help mate
[10:19:28] <ironwarning> Hey all
[10:19:44] <ironwarning> When i upgrade from 14.2 to 14.3 i get the follwoing error above all pages
[10:19:44] <ironwarning> for index /tiki_pref_en
Bsfez: oula... why 14 ?
jonnyb: later maybe, sorry - busy day...
Bsfez: hi j, bye j ;)
jonnyb: hi Bsfez - good question ;)
ironwarning: is that a sql table erorr
Bsfez: IW, Tiki lts = 15 and last stable 16. If you should upgrade you should go at least on 15.
ironwarning: i get more of teh above errors when upgrading to anything past 14.2
so any ideas?
Bsfez: I don't see the error message so I can't tell you. (still you better use 15)
ironwarning: I get in a big red banner for index /tiki_pref_en
Bsfez: and it says nothing else ? only "index /tiki_pref_en"
ironwarning: nope
just that
Bsfez: how did you update ? (ftp ?)
ironwarning: yep
Bsfez: do you have ssh access ?
ironwarning: yes
thats wht i follow
Bsfez: use sh setup.php, option f eventually c to upgrade composer
ironwarning: ok wil try now one moemnet
Bsfez: then : php console.php d:u (update database)
php console.php i:r (rebuild index)
php console.php c:c --all (flush all cache)
that's the sequence I do
ironwarning: ok will try mate
Bsfez: good luck... and upgrade to 15 ! :)
ironwarning: Failed to clone https://github.com/components/jquery.git, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r62312 10trunk/lib/pdflib.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62307 to 62311
03jonnybradley r62313 10branches/17.x/lib/user/monitormaillib.php
[FIX] notifications: The CssToInlineStyles lib had changed it's behaviour at some point from using the params in the constructor to requiring them in the convert function (was causing php7.1 to die at this point)
03jonnybradley r62314 10branches/17.x/lib/user/monitormaillib.php
[FIX] notifications: Missing $language var, presumably the pref should be used here?
03jonnybradley r62315 10branches/17.x/lib/user/monitormaillib.php
[FIX] notifications: Filter out some of the huge css files being included in emails now that CssToInlineStyles is working again (all the codemirror modes in temp/public, extra copies of bootstrap etc)
03jonnybradley r62316 10branches/17.x/ 10templates/monitor/notification_email_subject.tpl 10lib/user/monitormaillib.php
[FIX] notifications: Use some of the event info in the email subject instead of it just reading "Notification".
e.g. 'Notification: Wiki Page "HomePage" update by User Name'
03jonnybradley r62317 10trunk/templates/monitor/notification_email_subject.tpl 10trunk/lib/user/monitormaillib.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62311 to 62316
Jyhem: pom pom pom
ping amette_
Tiki-KGB: 03amnabilal r62318 10branches/17.x/lib/pdflib.php * [Fix]Dynamic variables update form removed from pdf.
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6326
amette__: pong
jonnyb: polom amette_
amette__: heya jonnyb
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montefuscolo: Bsfez, do you want to do the short recap, or the mas meeting answer you question??
Bsfez: well short recap cause we have other things (not related to packagist) :)
montefuscolo: Bsfez, tell me when you available ... I will take a tea
back in a minut
Bsfez: 30mn
jonnyb: repolom
are you about amette__ or amette_ ?
amette__: moloqer
jonnyb : yup
jonnyb: did you see the email from Marc earlier that some dev pages were now on nextdoc? (due to the rescue script yesterday)
amette__: yes, I did. Right, I meant to check the command I used, hang on...
php doc/devtools/rescue_wiki_changes_from_elastic.php rescue -u http://amse-es1.tiki.org:9200 -i docto_main -e 2017-04-05 --confirm
jonnyb: i've been digging in kibana again and those pages are definitely only in the dev_to_main index, not the doc one...
looks like the param is there -i docto_main
amette__: yep, just not using a start date
I'll have to test that.
jonnyb: i'll double check the scfript but i'm sure that was working properly
you said there were 641 edits? but i only was seeing 504 so i wonder what changed...
hmm, the other difference is the ony in kibana is different to the one the script can use, could be also involved
amette__: It's 614 edits (I remembered wrong last time) and adding a start date doesn't change that. Just tested.
jonnyb: weird, it''s defenitely only 504 i get here
amette__: weird indeed
Bsfez: Hi
Fabio ?
montefuscolo: hell Bsfez
Bsfez: lol
montefuscolo: ow ...
Bsfez: jitsi ?
montefuscolo: yes!
jonnyb: amette__: fixed the script, by the way
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r62319 10trunk/doc/devtools/rescue_wiki_changes_from_elastic.php * [FIX] rescue script: Ensure url has a trailing slash (sorry amette ;)
amette__: cool, thanks! I'm just refreshing nextdoc, that should give me the lastest version then.
jonnyb: smashin'
amette_: :)
jonnyb: better get back to work then, let me know what happens though!
amette__: yep, this will take some time. I'll get to other things too and will let you know then! cheers, mate
for making continuos progress I mean, well you got that, I guess ;)
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any good fairly easy to use API to use for tikiwiki? I am thinking like perl/php to autopopulate wikis or trackers?
amette__: kotten : none that I know of. Either use HTTP requests, look in tiki-editpage.php how it needs to look. Or hack something in console.php (which sounds most reasonable for some kind of import script imho).
kotten: amette__ thanks. Been getting headache with trying to get the mediawiki importer to work =[23:07] kotten maybe something like this exists: http://search.cpan.org/~diberri/HTML-WikiConverter-TikiWiki-0.50/lib/HTML/WikiConverter/TikiWiki.pm
amette__: hmmm, never used it, but it worked once. If it has bitrot, it would make sense to fix it instead of coding something new
oh, nice, didn't know of that perl one
kotten: amette__ Yeah we use something like that on work but for mediawiki to autopopulate new hosts into mediawiki.