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Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r62320 10branches/17.x/lib/ 10core/Search/ContentSource/WebserviceSource.php 10core/Tracker/Field/WebService.php
[FIX] webservices: Store and index tracker webservice fields properly when using an "index" type of service (as set up on tiki-admin_webservices) which allows formatting and filtering of data from the response object. 03jonnybradley r62321 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/WebService.php 10trunk/lib/pdflib.php 10trunk/lib/core/Search/ContentSource/WebserviceSource.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62316 to 62320 03luciash r62322 10branches/17.x/lib/prefs/feature.php [ENH] User messages: add missing description to the feature checkbox with a hint to admins that tiki_p_messages permission is required for new Registered users (thanks marclaporte) 03montefuscolo r62323 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 5 dirs) * [ENH] Use tablesorter plugin from maintained repository on packagist. 03patrick-proulx r62324 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php * [ENH] Added functionality to the IMG wikiplugin to allow for responsive images 03montefuscolo r62325 10branches/17.x/templates/comment-header.tpl * [fp/r62044][ENH] forum: Add anchor links to forum headings. | [00:00] | |
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03rjsmelo r62326 10branches/17.x/tiki-check.php * [FIX] Fix warning when tiki-check is run as standalone | [01:02] | ||
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03rjsmelo r62327 10branches/16.x/tiki-check.php * [ENH] Backport tiki-check.php to all supported versions
03rjsmelo r62328 10branches/15.x/tiki-check.php * [ENH] Backport tiki-check.php to all supported versions 03rjsmelo r62329 10branches/12.x/tiki-check.php * [ENH] Backport tiki-check.php to all supported versions | [01:26] | ||
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ironwarning | joined #tikiwiki
Hey all is MyISAM or innoDB better to use | [10:23] | |
Padlock | joined #tikiwiki
Polom everyone ! | [10:27] | |
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jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [10:48] | |
Padlock | So, one of my colleagues produces documentation in word that uses the "math equations" tool in word. So his docs are chockful of math stuff. Is there a way to transfer that into the tiki as is ? or will i have to screenshoot all these equations ? | [10:50] | |
RadoS | joined #tikiwiki | [10:59] | |
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jonnyb | polom polom | [11:17] | |
Padlock | polom jonnyb ! | [11:25] | |
jonnyb | hi Padlock
re the maths stuff, someone once added latex to tiki, i never got it to work and no idea if it still works but tht's does mathematical things i think | [11:25] | |
luciash | polom pom pom pom | [11:27] | |
jonnyb | hi luciash | [11:27] | |
luciash | hi jonnyb and Padlock
hi ironwarning | [11:27] | |
ironwarning | hello | [11:28] | |
luciash | ironwarning: i prefer innodb as it never crashes my tables | [11:28] | |
ironwarning | just having some many issues upgrading | [11:28] | |
luciash | i had lot of trouble with myisam in the past | [11:28] | |
Padlock | hi luciash | [11:28] | |
Caarrie | joined #tikiwiki | [11:29] | |
luciash | innodb is heavier on resources (disk usage) though afaik | [11:29] | |
ironwarning | I just get it moaning it cand find stguff in indexs etc | [11:29] | |
Padlock | I'm just reading that jonnyb... So i just need to install Latex ? lol
there's not much info on this. Doc.tiki.com points to a "mods formula" and the link doesn't seem to work is the mods.tiki.org site still up ? | [11:30] | |
jonnyb | as i said Padlock, it's pretty old | [11:31] | |
Padlock | I don't mind old, as long as it still kinda works lol | [11:32] | |
luciash | hmm, marc wanted to take it down... is it down already? | [11:32] | |
Padlock | it looks down | [11:32] | |
Caarrie | joined #tikiwiki | [11:32] | |
Padlock | Or there's mathjax ? i'll try that | [11:36] | |
luciash | Padlock: yep, there might be some JS solution too | [11:47] | |
Padlock | luciash: thanks. I trie everything that's described here https://doc.tiki.org/MathJax. So i pasted the mathjax script bit in the custom head content
I can actually see the script's called in the header of my page now and I copy-pasted bits of equation from the doc.tiki.com page into my own wiki page to check if script works, but it doesn't seem to :/ Did i do something wrong ? could someone try that in one of their own wiki pages ? | [11:58] | |
Oh i found the reason ! the script snippet was not up to date, I got a new one from the mathjax website and it works :-) | [12:07] | ||
jonnyb | looks like we've had another spam flood on tiki.org - did someone clean it up already? (400+ forum posts) | [12:08] | |
amette__ | joined #tikiwiki | [12:09] | |
jonnyb | hi amette_ | [12:16] | |
Bsfez | joined #tikiwiki | [12:21] | |
ironwarning | guys im at a massive road block in upgrading the ysstem i
When searching i get Parsing search query failed: "Field wiki_content does not exist in the current index. If this is a tracker field, the proper syntax is tracker_field_wiki_content." when i go to control panel IndexMissingException[[tiki_pref_en] missing] for index /tiki_pref_en | [12:31] | |
jonnyb | hi ironwarning - have you rebuilt your admin index? | [12:32] | |
ironwarning | index:rebuild ? | [12:32] | |
jonnyb | which version are you on? in the old days you eneded to do it separately
on the little filter menu on the admin pages | [12:33] | |
ironwarning | anything yo to and including 15.3 is fine
just get errors in control panel IndexMissingException[[tiki_pref_en] missing] for index /tiki_pref_en 15.4 and above i get "Field wiki_content does not exist in the current index. If this is a tracker field, the proper syntax is tracker_field_wiki_content." | [12:33] | |
jonnyb | yes, that's an annoying new feature added to try and help people work out how to use the list plugin, was a bad iadea imho | [12:35] | |
ironwarning | it stops the search running | [12:35] | |
jonnyb | so did you do "Rebuild Admin IOndex"? | [12:35] | |
ironwarning | php console.php database:update and php console.php index:rebuild | [12:36] | |
jonnyb | it will take you to?: tiki-admin.php?prefrebuild
no on the little filter menu on the admin pages | [12:36] | |
ironwarning | page wont load | [12:38] | |
jonnyb | how do you mean ironwarning? A white page, or an error? Or just taking a long time? | [12:42] | |
ironwarning | page cannot be displayed
This is in the test enviorment however the live just returns me to the admin panel | [12:42] | |
jonnyb | which search index type are you using? | [12:42] | |
ironwarning | elastic | [12:43] | |
jonnyb | and the other index works ok (usually called tiki_main)
? | [12:44] | |
ironwarning | ok im gonna sound stupid
do you mean what search engine? | [12:46] | |
jonnyb | yes, i mean "unified search engine" pref, elastic, mysql or lucene
tiki uses two indexes, one for the prefs called tiki_pref_en (or whatever other language) and a tiki_main one for all the wiki pages etc it sounds like you need to rebuild the prefs one | [12:47] | |
ironwarning | The main was set to eleastic i will just set it to another and find out | [12:48] | |
jonnyb | thewy will both use the same engine | [12:49] | |
ironwarning | i have rebuilt it no change | [12:51] | |
chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki
polom | [12:52] | |
jonnyb | polom chibaguy | [12:53] | |
ironwarning | Im completly lost | [12:54] | |
jonnyb | ironwarning: what is your "Elasticsearch index prefix" pref set to, i presume it's the default tiki_ ? | [12:54] | |
chibaguy | Hi jonnyb and all | [12:54] | |
ironwarning | yep | [12:54] | |
jonnyb | can you get to your elastic search in a browser?
oh, what version elastic search are you on? it will say at http://localhost:9200/ if you can see that | [12:54] | |
ironwarning | {
"status" : 200, "name" : "Heimdall", "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch", "version" : { "number" : "1.7.2", "build_hash" : "e43676b1385b8125d647f593f7202acbd816e8ec", "build_timestamp" : "2015-09-14T09:49:53Z", "build_snapshot" : false, "lucene_version" : "4.10.4" }, "tagline" : "You Know, for Search" | [12:55] | |
jonnyb | ok, quite old but should still be supported (we're having trouble with es v5) | [12:56] | |
ironwarning | i did try to upgrade to latest but had to roll back | [12:56] | |
jonnyb | what does this say? (a summary will do, or pastebin etc) http://localhost:9200/_alias/?pretty
for me i have tiki17_pref_en and tiki17_pref_en-uk as well as a few _main ones | [12:57] | |
ironwarning | gives loads of lines
should that be in the list? its in there | [12:57] | |
jonnyb | but it still says "IndexMissingException[[tiki_pref_en] missing]"
weird, if it's not missing... | [12:59] | |
ironwarning | yep in the controlpanel and the other errors while searching
the pref error doesnt really stop it working its the Field wiki_content does not exist in the current index. If this is a tracker field, the proper syntax is tracker_field_wiki_content. that is stoppign the search working is the show stopper | [13:00] | |
jonnyb | hmm, do you have any wiki pages?
and where exactly does the "Field wiki_content does not exist" error appear? | [13:02] | |
ironwarning | over 1200
tiki-searchindex.php - If you just press search it shows all pages but when you enter test in the search field its shows the error above in red box - 'Parsing search query failed: "Field wiki_content does not exist in the current index. If this is a tracker field, the proper syntax is tracker_field_wiki_content."' -- this is using elastic search | [13:03] | |
jonnyb | can you upgrade to elastic search v2.x? (2.4 i think was tha last) | [13:05] | |
ironwarning | I can give it a go | [13:05] | |
jonnyb | the only thing i can think of i'm afraid, i don't have any es 1.x installs around to test on anymore | [13:05] | |
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ironwarning | ok willsort the upgrade and come back to you | [13:08] | |
jonnyb | sorry about that, it should "just work" :) | [13:08] | |
Padlock | joined #tikiwiki
guys, there's something wrong with my tiki :( When I try to display a structure it says : Invalid compiled template for '/var/www/html/tiki/templates/structures_toc-startul.tpl' Oh. Clearing cache solved it. Sorry wrong alert ! | [13:15] | |
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Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6328 | [13:28] | |
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polom | [13:50] | ||
jonnyb | pompom amette__ | [13:50] | |
amette__ | heyho jonnyb | [13:51] | |
jonnyb | been meaning to do a mail to devs about nextdoc (and check if those dev pages were gone) but still wading through bugs (and spam) - you had a look yet? | [13:51] | |
amette__ | more harddisk fun last night at elastichosts. and of course we were again affected. no data loss though as it seems.
I start to wonder, if that happens more often at theirs and we just had bad luck to have been affected that hard and twice. *sigh* | [13:52] | |
jonnyb | really, that sounds really bad | [13:53] | |
amette__ | Yeah, I haven't yet... I first realised that the encoding issue happens before the elastic-resuce, so your script seems to be fine in this respect.
Then I did the import, but that took quite long and then I forgot about it last night. But yes, it was only fivehundredsomething. | [13:53] | |
jonnyb | once doc is back online again we need to do some sort of investigation, i can't believe they are that unreliable (and still in business)
504 is good :) | [13:54] | |
amette__ | yeah, I guess we just were unlucky. We had the rotting file system and then the virtualised hardware fail, that's a bad combo. | [13:55] | |
jonnyb | ah, the encoding thing you mean the modules that aren't happy? | [13:55] | |
amette__ | yep, that one | [13:55] | |
jonnyb | good (but also bad ;) ) | [13:56] | |
amette__ | but I really was a bit in disbelief, when I received the e-mail about having had hdd problems again - first I thought they wanted to inquire about how our disaster went, but no, it was another one.
this time they said something about malicious intent though, well, never mind, waste of time, let's focus on getting this straightened out again! | [13:56] | |
luciash | :-o | [14:00] | |
amette__ | heya bro! | [14:00] | |
nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [14:05] | |
jonnyb | polom nelsonko | [14:09] | |
luciash | wow, did you know page/with/slashes is possible in Tiki? | [14:09] | |
jonnyb | :O | [14:10] | |
luciash | https://demo.luciash.eu/tikitrunk/page/with/slashes | [14:10] | |
amette__ | luciash : yes, I noticed that two weeks ago when discussing with a client... but she said she doesn't always manage to create a page with slashes... haven't figured out yet, when it fails and when not.
I'm actually wondering, if that is a bug or a feature. | [14:11] | |
luciash | see my link ;)
I would say a feature ;) there is just notice while creating the page it might not be good idea but it works! | [14:11] | |
amette__ | yeah, I can't really see any disadvantage to it... but somehow it feels weird, because a slash has a special meaning in a URL... so who knows how this will come back in the future to bite you ;)
ah, see... the dude implementing it thought the same :P LOL : wiki_badchar_prevent <- says all! *GG* | [14:12] | |
jonnyb | i've been using rewite ruiles with slashes in for a while now on some sites, i guess you cold restrict page names to not have slashes in if you wanted to?
you need the base href pref enabled too, right? | [14:13] | |
amette__ | feature_html_head_base_tag according to luciash demo page | [14:14] | |
luciash | yes, as i wrote on the page | [14:14] | |
amette__ | luciash : can you have a look at nextdoc.tiki.org please, if the dev.t.o pages you found there are gone now? | [14:16] | |
luciash | amette__: sure | [14:17] | |
amette__ | cool, thanks | [14:17] | |
Jyhem | polom
luciash: nice! Jyhem can't figure out if it's good or bad, but definitely interesting :) | [14:19] | |
jonnyb | hi Jyhem | [14:19] | |
Jyhem | hi jonnyb, hi amette__ | [14:20] | |
amette__ | heya Jyhem | [14:20] | |
luciash | amette__: looks good to me
Jyhem: even the wiki links seem to work correctly | [14:21] | |
amette__ | Well, there is nothing preventing it from working... | [14:22] | |
luciash | i would maybe limit it to the slash character (new pref) | [14:22] | |
amette__ | ... but create a wiki page named /templates_c/myPage | [14:22] | |
luciash | yes, i will test
if it prefers the real path or links to the wiki page | [14:22] | |
amette__ | one is totally broken and the other will save new wiki pages into oblivion | [14:23] | |
luciash | but one needs to count with that while creating the wiki pages names that some paths are Tiki reserved so they will not work probably - can rename the page if that happens anyway | [14:23] | |
kotten | joined #tikiwiki | [14:24] | |
amette__ | so there should be a test, if the wiki page name clashes with a directory... but then again people can add directories after the wiki page... so either way it is dangerous
sounds like something that should be optional depending on being admin or not ;) | [14:24] | |
luciash | yup yup, but... it is already optional :D
nobody knows about it! :D amette__: heheh, it still works just fine! :-p | [14:25] | |
amette__ | luciash : ok, then do it with some proper static content, like img/ | [14:27] | |
luciash | https://demo.luciash.eu/tikitrunk/templates_c/this_should_fail
amette__: that shows the image, right :) | [14:27] | |
amette__ | well, yes, use a full image path | [14:29] | |
luciash | well, enough testing for me, try it yourself :D | [14:30] | |
amette__ | as soon as I have a finger free | [14:31] | |
chibaguy_ | chibaguy_ thinks page names with slashes is somehow unnatural, if not evil ;-)
www.example.com/unnatural and/or evil | [14:31] | |
amette__ | *g*
hi chibaguy_ :) | [14:33] | |
chibaguy_ | hi amette__ (and all) | [14:33] | |
luciash | *g*
the purpose is to address same feature urls Wordpress or Drupal has https://dev.tiki.org/wish4947 and simmilar hi chibaguy :) | [14:33] | |
amette__ | There surely was a reason why we didn't use slash as a workspace seperator..!? | [14:36] | |
chibaguy_ | hi luciash | [14:36] | |
luciash | yes, but that could work too i think when the base tag is enabled
amette__: ^ amette__: as you can define your own one or namespace rather? | [14:42] | |
amette__ | default one, I mean | [14:43] | |
luciash | yup
i bet the reason was that the base tag preference is not enabled by default | [14:44] | |
amette__ | hmmm... what would be so bad about enabling it by default? | [14:46] | |
montefuscolo | joined #tikiwiki | [14:46] | |
amette__ | hi montefuscolo :)
Nope, haven't found time for Docker yet. How's Rancher? Giving new possibilities? | [14:47] | |
luciash | amette__: yep, i think it should not hurt... hmm | [14:48] | |
tchiwam_ | joined #tikiwiki | [14:48] | |
amette__ | I wasn't really involved in that namespace-seperator discussion, but I gathered that it was pure comedy gold. And the result proves it, a totally butt-ugly design-by-committee weirdness in the middle of a URL. Anyway... there was lots of discussion on the devel-list, why different things don't work. And I'm sure someone brought up, why a slash can't work... and I guess that this will be the best reason for why a slash is a bad idea in a page name. The
e was lots of brainpower on that discussion... would be a pity, if it is all lost in the deepness of the devel-list.. a wiki page with the reasoning would be good. Would help us in this situation right now, too. | [14:52] | |
luciash | Agreed, there must be reason... I am just guessing. | [14:57] | |
jonnyb | bbl | [15:01] | |
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luciash | amette__: btw, namespaces work with the / here too when defined | [15:49] | |
amette__ | yes, I know
that wasn't the point | [15:53] | |
luciash | ok | [15:53] | |
ironwarning | getting issues woth eleastic now | [16:05] | |
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kotten | PluginSQL --on my tikis db -- would give me the syntax to manually populate the tiki?
Like wiki pages and trackers "manually" parse info and throw it in to the tiki. I guess files and stuff would work differently but this should work or is it "a big no-no"? for just pure data, text and items | [17:25] | |
Jyhem | kotten: Not quite sure about what you are attempting, but I guess you could start creating a page, then you dump the database with option --skip-extended-insert
then you save the page and you dump again with option --skip-extended-insert and you can do a diff of both dumps to get an idea of how to populate a page | [17:32] | |
amette__ | joined #tikiwiki | [17:32] | |
Jyhem | Just ignore everything in the index table: this one is rebuilt with php console.php index:rebuild
example dump command: | [17:33] | |
kotten | Jyhem some convenient way to autopopulate the wiki and trackers with data. F.e. "found new item -> push it into the wiki" and also possibly to manually do some kind of ugly import of a mediawiki | [17:34] | |
Jyhem | mysqldump -u "dbusername" --password="dbpassword" -Qqf --skip-extended-insert "dbname" > dump01.sql | [17:35] | |
kotten | Jyhem yeah but I was hoping to use this plugin...
https://doc.tiki.org/PluginSQL#Plugin_SQL but well.. no.. I don't really need that one There are some place/setting I should be able to set to see all the sql queries the tiki does | [17:35] | |
Jyhem | I don't know about this plugin. I prefer command line :) | [17:36] | |
kotten | Jyhem amen on that :)
I know about dump But I want to find out what INSERT statements are done by tiki when it creates a tracker item or a wiki page So that I can do that myself using automated tool when something show up *shows up Jyhem you get what I am after? | [17:37] | |
Jyhem | Yes. I feel the diff from both dumps will give you the syntax
option --skip-extended-insert is for having one INSERT per line. This way you get the new inserts | [17:38] | |
kotten | Jyhem yeah very true but I am fairly sure there are some debug option to store queries and insert statements. It will probably clarify more to me if I am messing around
<Jyhem> Havn't done a mysqldump in a long time (atleast looking at the content) but so --skip-extended-insert will more make it 'one insert statement per thingy' instead of like some unreadable bulk of data per table?
"like Log SQL" parameter But I am unable to locate(just doing search in control panel view - and rebuilding it's index) neither "Log SQL" or "Programmer" aha now it's called Include Smarty notices | [17:39] | |
Jyhem | sorry, need to leave | [17:49] | |
kotten | Jyhem nice talking to you take care | [17:49] | |
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Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [19:17] | |
kotten | Okay so I have gotten all the data that I was currently looking for but there is just one field I am worried about in the tiki_pages: page_size | [19:17] | |
ironwarning | joined #tikiwiki | [19:17] | |
kotten | Data of the wiki is "wc" to 69 charachters and the page_size = 68
What really is it? and does it matter if it is wrong I've been trying to compare to my other tiki_pages but it is d*mn hard to mark and compare | [19:18] | |
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kotten | The pagesize doesn't seem to matter(it goes well with clearly wrong values in it
Thanks Jyhem for before btw | [21:03] | |
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