amette__: joined #tikiwiki
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luciash: heya all
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amette_: polom
jonnyb: moqmoq amette_
amette__: heyho jonnyb
jonnyb: so any feedback on nextdoc.t.o? you think we should push the rescued still live yet?
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: pompo fabricius
amette__: yeah, well, I need to try and figure out
... well, I need to figure out how to fix the character encoding.
And we had some other problem...!?
jonnyb: just sneding anorther plea for people to test the ew edits
-: jonnyb is really not getting on weell with his new keyboard ;)
amette_: hehe, yeah, they need some getting used to... I trained more than a year on an external keyboard before I bought a new laptop with the same keyboard model.
luciash: lol
amette__: I'm serious, I cherish my computer usage efficiency a _lot_.
and the keyboard is absolutely central to it
jonnyb: it was because the keybopard on the old one became unreliable that i had to get a new one, most annoying... need to get that old one fixed and maybe will sell this new thing ;)
Aynway, i just sent a stronly worded reminder to the dev list askling for confirmation that the data on nextdoc is good enough to use, so hopefully we'll get some feedback
Jyhem_laptop: polom
jonnyb: pompom Jyhem_laptop
fabricius: bynnoj woloq polom jonnyb
-: Jyhem_laptop fails to remember editing doc, tries looking at the tiki logs
fabricius: ah typo
Jyhem_laptop: hi jonnyb, fabricius
jonnyb: Jyhem_laptop: try looking at nextdoc?
fabricius: hi Jyhem_laptop
-: Jyhem_laptop spends day at coworking space. meet other people, get embroiled in discussions about the election, all that :)
Jyhem_laptop: jonnyb: yes, exactly, tiki logs on nextdoc
jonnyb: your user there is jyhem right? I can't find anything by you in the search index (via kibana)
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: let's not mention elections! :O
polom nelsonko
nelsonko: hi jonnyb
Jyhem_laptop: yes, user is jyhem
jonnyb: left #tikiwiki
Jyhem_laptop: I remember editin, not lately
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem_laptop: do you have any edit from ines?
I'm pretty sure I have no recent edits on I mostly contribute on dev and community
ahem. I just tried to log into as admin and it tells me:
Account requires administrator approval.
jonnyb: sorry, no idea about that (amette_?) - forgot to have lunch, bbl...
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yes, the admin account is disabled on all the Tiki sites, I think...
... I don't remember how we added the notice on top of the site... luciash did it... logged in when InterTiki was working, perhapsß
jonnyb: repolom
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hi Jyhem_laptop ... maybe Intertiki not active or so?
Jyhem_laptop: mind Jonny's eMail from 14:49 .. to do with that?
luciash: amette__: yes, was in when it was working still
amette__: k, thanks!
fabricius: List registration seems to work now.
Have to go to work
c ya later
amette__: left #tikiwiki
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Bsfez: tuut, If I found missing image on doc I can upload at nextdoc ?
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jonnyb: hi Bsfez - didn't i suggest that (not) in the emails?
can you log in there?
so what to do /
jonnyb: read my emails to the dev list? :P
Bsfez: gna gna :)
jonnyb: :D
Bsfez: Jonny says: "sound ok to everyone to re-upload them?"
jonnyb: ok, i'll go and check...
Bsfez: on the 23/04/
jonnyb: On 27 Apr 2017, at 13:26, Jonny Bradley <> wrote:
but please wait until we re-enable login on the rescued version of doc.tiki.orgto do this to save extra work (for Amette ;)
Bsfez: okido I kept them
luciash: jonnyb: save your time with auto-merging
jonnyb: i am on it
(as i had it already open)
jonnyb: hi luciash - that's nice, thanks :)
Jyhem_: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: hmm, no commits logged here today?
Tiki-KGB: are you there?
Tiki-KGB: jonnyb: My master told me to not respond.
jonnyb: :D
luciash: :D
jonnyb: luciash: casn you remember how that works?
I'm getting the notif emails ok (thanks for the merging ;) )
luciash: yes, i get them too... no idea who runs that bot
Tiki-KGB: who is your master?
Tiki-KGB: luciash: My master told me to not respond.
luciash: okay
jonnyb: ah well, maybe it'll just come back on it's own
luciash: yep, hopefully maybe
jonnyb: i have a feeling it's on the old ovh server Jyhem_laptop looks after (but may be wrong on that)
luciash: last time it reported was 00.01 two days ago
00:01 CEST
-: luciash goes back to wash dishes
Jyhem_laptop: hmmm, thanks for the notice
/var full :-(
luciash: :(
Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r62343 10trunk/ 10(12 files in 10 dirs)
[NEW] Intrusion Detection System: Enable set custom rules from admin interface, enable block request based on impact
03jonnybradley r62344 10trunk
[MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62332 to 62338
Conflict fixed in templates/plugin/edit.tpl
*** ***
03kroky6 r62345 10trunk/lib/core/Math/Formula/Function/StrToTime.php * [FIX] code style conventions
03jonnybradley r62346 10branches/17.x/ 10templates/plugin/edit.tpl 10lib/core/Services/Edit/PluginController.php 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php
[rb/62330][FIX] plugin edit: Undo renaming "parent" to "parentval" for plugin parameters (to restore compatibility with prefs and trackers etc, thanks Victor)
03jonnybradley r62347 10branches/17.x/ 10(13 files in 4 dirs)
[FIX] plugin edit: Part two of renaming "parent" to "parentparam" for plugin parameters (to restore compatibility with prefs and trackers etc, thanks Victor)
Most plugins checked, please report any anomalies
03jonnybradley r62348 10(15 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62338 to 62347
03chealer r62349 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js
[FIX] Explain what the "Close" button does since both buttons close the modal
Avoid pleasing the user and clarify explanation
03kroky6 r62350 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ 10Math.php 10ItemsList.php
[ENH] expose ItemsList linked item fields and values to Math calculation tracker field; combined with ForEach formula allows usage of aggregation formula with remote tracker item's fields
03jonnybradley r62351 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Services/Edit/PluginController.php
[FIX] list gui: Cope with other plugins in output and format plugins, like divs etc which can contain other list sub-plugins (harder than it sounds! ;)
03jonnybradley r62352 10branches/17.x/lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit_list.js
[FIX] list gui: Preserve and display params that aren't found in the list plugin definition, for instance extra params for display when format=wikiplugin which can use all the params the plugin uses
03luciash r62353 10branches/17.x/templates/modules/mod-calendar_new.tpl
[UX][UI] Module Calendar New: remove unnecessary inline style attribute from the "Add Event" link where in some languages it was not wide enough and causing the text to wrap on two lines + use Bootstrap class instead (thanks chealer, marclaporte)
03luciash r62354 10branches/ 10(10 files in 7 dirs)
[bp/r62353][UX][UI] Module Calendar New: remove unnecessary inline style attribute from the "Add Event" link where in some languages it was not wide enough and causing the text to wrap on two lines + use Bootstrap class instead (thanks chealer, marclaporte)
03luciash r62355 10branches/ 1016.x/templates 1016.x/templates/modules/mod-calendar_new.tpl 1016.x
[bp/r62353][UX][UI] Module Calendar New: remove unnecessary inline style attribute from the "Add Event" link where in some languages it was not wide enough and causing the text to wrap on two lines + use Bootstrap class instead (thanks chealer, marclaporte)
03luciash r62356 10trunk/templates/modules/mod-calendar_new.tpl 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit_list.js 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Edit/PluginController.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62347 to 62353
03jonnybradley r62357 10branches/17.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js
[FIX] depends: Connect the classes and data for "depends" to some js code. This has been broken (actually missing) for many tikis and is used (only so far i think) in templates/tracker/replace.tpl to show/hide form elements depending on the state of others. Should be used everywhere eventually, hence adding it to tiki-jquery.js not just for trackers.
03jonnybradley r62358 10branches/17.x/templates/tracker/replace.tpl * [FIX] depends: Add a missing depends class
03jonnybradley r62359 10branches/17.x/templates/tiki-tracker_view_history.tpl * [FIX] trackers: Missing underscore on button _class param
03luciash r62360 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js 10trunk/templates/tracker/replace.tpl 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62353 to 62358
03luciash r62361 10trunk/templates/tiki-tracker_view_history.tpl 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62358 to 62359
03jonnybradley r62362 10branches/17.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[FIX] trackers: Don't log changes to the results of webservice field requests as they tend to pollute the item history with unintelligible external data that hasn't been changed in the tracker itself
03jonnybradley r62363 10branches/17.x/db/tiki.sql
[FIX] trackers: Default tracker item action log events to be recorded on new installs to avoid disappointment and missing data when the tracker history feature is later enabled (it will do nothing if trackers themselves are not enabled)
03luciash r62364 10trunk/db/tiki.sql 10trunk 10trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62359 to 62363
Jyhem_laptop: Ohhh, I fixed it already?
-: Jyhem_laptop did not realise
Jyhem_laptop pats himself on the back
Jyhem_laptop: I just deleted stuff, I thought i'd have to restart some processes, but apparently, not necessary :)
-: Jyhem_laptop gets back home for eating
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r62365 10trunk/lang/fr/language.php * [FIX] "Utiliser ce nom en tout cas" => "Utiliser ce nom quand même"
03chealer r62366 10trunk/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl
Replace awkward colon with italics
Link to page rather than to self
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r62367 10branches/17.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_convene.php
[FIX] convene: A few fixes for the convene plugin - mainly changed icon for save button, also added phpdoc @lang so found and fixed a couple of js code warnings
03patrick-proulx r62368 10trunk/ 10(13 files in 6 dirs)
[ENH] Worked on fleshing out accounting feature. Added bootstrap forms, fixed date fields, and made some fixes to journal entries
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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