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Tiki-KGB03lindonb r62394 10branches/12.x/ 03lib/core/TikiFilter/PregFilter.php 03lib/core/TikiFilter/Lang.php 10lib/core/TikiFilter.php * [bp/r62386 and r62389][FIX] filters: improve language and imgsize filters [01:02]
03lindonb r62395 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.escape.php * add attr smarty escape option, which applies zend's escapeHtmlAttr() method [01:14]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [01:21]
Tiki-KGB03lindonb r62396 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.escape.php * also escape forward slash in smarty escape options html and htmlall [01:32]
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chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki
In branch 17, I'm trying to create a new group. I get an error: Unknown column 'groupColor' in 'field list'. Site is up to date; I ran sh.setup.sh and updated the db.
Any ideas?
There's no input for "group color" visible in the new-group form, btw.
chibaguy_joined #tikiwiki [05:38]
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qwertjoined #tikiwiki [08:25]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6330 [09:10]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [10:43]
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chibaguy_Here's a problem: in my localhost branch 17, when I edit custom CSS in L&F page and submit, the page refreshes with no change made.
Kind of a new behavior.
I wonder why that would happen.
So I made a custom.css file instead, but can't delete the content of the custom CSS textarea.
But also in branch 17, I'm trying to create a new group. I get an error: Unknown column 'groupColor' in 'field list'. Site is up to date; I ran sh.setup.sh and updated the db.
Well, ok, after waiting a while, I submitted the L&F change and this time it took effect. [11:18]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [12:35]
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jonnybpompom [13:21]
chibaguy_hi jonnyb [13:22]
jonnybchibaguy_: did you work out your L&F issie?
hi :)
groupColor is a new database field for groups i think, updating the database should fix that
chibaguy_Hm, I did the database:update but still get the error. [13:24]
jonnybinstaller/schema/20170329_add_color_to_groups_tiki.sql is the schema update script
looks innocent enough to me, no funny business
is tehre an entry in the tiki_schema table for it?
chibaguy_Something related is that I used to be able to run composer update in a shell but now I get an error "can't find composor.json". So maybe I don't have the latest files.
(er, composer.json)
jonnybyes, it got moved into vendor_bundled/vendor [13:27]
chibaguy_oh, ok, I'll try there. [13:27]
jonnybi tihnk the page on dev got updated with the additional param [13:27]
chibaguy_ah, it's in vendor_bundled. [13:28]
jonnybhmm, looks like https://dev.tiki.org/composer still has very mixed up info - you need to add the param "-d vendor_bundled" for 17+
but setup.sh should do it all for you
chibaguy_well, I tried setup.sh first and still get the database error when trying to create a group. [13:29]
jonnybsetup.sh doesn't do the database update
you need to do php console.php d:u
chibaguy_yep, did that also.
anyway now, in vendor_bundled, I'm running composer update and then will try the database update again.
jonnybso it must think that script ran - it it in your tiki_schema table? (i have it in mine here) [13:31]
chibaguy_I'll check.
Yes, 20170329_add_color_to_groups_tiki is in the schema table.
But still, " Error
Unknown column 'groupColor' in 'field list'"
composer is still updating, if that could have any effect.
jonnybso it ran but didn't make the new field - weird
was this a fresh install?
chibaguy_It was a fresh install when 17 was branched.
So has only been 17.
jonnybaha, i have a feeling that it was missing from tiki.sql (i think i added it later)
yup, http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/62110
chibaguy_I see. [13:39]
jonnybon the 6th april, so if you installed before that you'll need ot add it manually
ALTER TABLE `users_groups` ADD `groupColor` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `groupTheme`;
chibaguy_Ok, great. Thanks very much. :-) [13:44]
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jonnyblunch etc, bbl [13:59]
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montefuscoloIf I have two server running a Tiki site using the same data, which folders this servers should share?? uploads, cache, is there something more? [15:48]
nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [15:50]
fabriciusmontefuscolo: that sounds interesting
what you mean montefuscolo: one Tiki on two servers the same time? or two synced Tikis?
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montefuscolofabricius, two servers running tiki, using the same database
and answering the same web address
that sounds adventurous montefuscolo - i would be careful about sharing caches i think
generally i would move the database to a separate machine for performance, and then the (elastic) search to another i think before trying to have two tikis pretending to be one
the other option is to make one of them be a CDN just serving the static files - some of the tiki sites used to work like this a while ago so the code is in there (somewhere)
Jyhempolom [17:45]
jonnybpompom Jyhem [17:45]
JyhemI see Fabio montefuscolo wants load balancing? [17:45]
jonnyb:) [17:46]
Tiki-KGB03montefuscolo r62397 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js * [FIX] Fix string concat in javascript. [17:48]
JyhemIt's strange that we don't seem to have a page on that
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [17:50]
patrickproulxjoined #tikiwiki [17:52]
Jyhemmontefuscolo: you would also need to share PHP sessions [17:56]
slyskawajoined #tikiwiki [18:06]
montefuscoloJyhem, share sessions is very easy with memcached :)
thank jonnyb
jonnyb:) [18:07]
montefuscoloJyhem, I'm thinking in a high availability structure using small servers
DigitalOcean offers USD 5 dollars servers ... and extra volumes. If I can share volumes using NFS and manage servers using OpenNebula, I could sell a service of Tiki hosting
Jyhemthe volume sharing would be for the file galleries storage? You might consider storing file gals in the database. [18:12]
montefuscoloIf in sometime a I get a lot of Tikis, I can duplicate a server [18:12]
JyhemI see no problem with caches on their own server. [18:13]
Tiki-KGB03chealer r62398 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.escape.php * [REF] Clarify html and htmlall [18:14]
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kottenjoined #tikiwiki [18:50]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [18:59]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r62399 10branches/17.x/lib/core/H5P/H5PTiki.php
[FIX] h5p: On upload the title is missing now from the h5p content array, so get it from the file gallery info
03jonnybradley r62400 10branches/17.x/ 10(53 files in 53 dirs) * [REL] update language files with get_strings.php [19:19]
patrickproulxjoined #tikiwiki [19:21]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r62401 10(58 files in 58 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62389 to 62400 [19:23]
03jonnybradley r62402 10branches/17.x/lang/en-uk/language.php
[TRA] en-uk: Comment out all untranslated strings - not sure why or when these got uncommented and i expect many other langs may also need this fix
I used this regex to search: ^"(.*)" => "1",
and this as the replacement: // "$1" => "$1",
Seems to have worked ok and should save some memory!
Durgeoblejoined #tikiwiki
jonnybhi Durgeoble [19:28]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r62403 10branches/17.x/templates/tiki-edit_perspective.tpl * [FIX] perspectives: Show the contents of array prefs in the perspectives list [20:06]
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03jonnybradley r62404 10branches/17.x/templates/layouts/basic/layout_view.tpl
[FIX] modules: Respect feature_right_column=n pref properly (the left one seemed to work already, curiously)
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03jonnybradley r62405 10trunk/templates/tiki-edit_perspective.tpl 10trunk/lang/en-uk/language.php 10trunk/templates/layouts/basic/layout_view.tpl 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62400 to 62404 [20:48]
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Durgeoblei see the tikiwiki is a powerful tool
but, menus and procedures, are like labirinth
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patrickproulxjoined #tikiwiki [22:05]
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DurgeobleDurgeoble se va a dormir [23:03]

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