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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r62494 10trunk/messu-broadcast.php
[REF] Arrange code more logically to better place feedback; use Feedback class for errors; sort users for feedback.
rim_: ...
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r62495 10branches/17.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-modules.less
[FIX] Add right top and bottom border radius to "Find" input when input group wraps in side columns (previous fix wasn't right).
rim_: When using the BOX plugin, how do I change the size of the border?
The default size is 1px. I would like to changee it to 0px
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Bsfez: pompom
jonnyb: hi Bsfez
looks like the spammers are back today :(
Bsfez: ... look like I was disconnected without knowing it on Doc... :(
jonnyb: Could be Monday then?
Bsfez: well not for me :D :D :D
Find another good one : https://doc.tiki.org/LIST+-+FORMAT+command?no_bl=y#Display_an_Item_Link_tracker_item_linked_to_another_item_within_a_template_page
jonnyb: nice :)
have you used the list gui yet Bsfez ?
Bsfez: not yet I worked only in 16 so far
I should move very soon most of my own to 17 (time...)
I found something very annoying... when a page is used as template/alias it always show the page name (title) even if it is set to OFF on the page:
I was on my way to fill a bug report :)
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r62496 10branches/17.x/ 10(56 files in 56 dirs)
[FIX] Correct spelling and grammar errors in interface text and comments; no code changes.
jonnyb: you know you can user pagetitle=y on a display plug and so have the page title be a tracker field?
Jyhem: polom
jonnyb: moqmoq Jyhem
Bsfez: ha ha ! :)
Salut Jyhem
now I know, but still, I consider this is a bug worth to be fixed.
jonnyb: glad the election sort of worked out ok in the end, i had a really nasty feeling (3rd in a row etc)
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r62497 10(57 files in 57 dirs)
[MRG][FIX] Correct spelling and grammar errors in interface text and comments; no code changes. [from revision 62496, branch 17]
Jyhem: I came back too late. Only saw the "Release test failed here on PHP 7.1" messages and assumed the release was postponed.
Congrats and thanks
jonnyb: no, i thought i'd keep going :)
Jyhem: bad news: the demo error message is not the HSTS thing I was thinking about. It's something totaly new and unknows about which I have no clue :-(
This failed for me: http://techworldzone.com/2017/01/24/fix-chromes-err_spdy_protocol_error/
Bsfez: jonny this parameter (pagetitle) should be in the format right : {FORMAT(name="title")}{display name="tracker_field_successfulName" default="" pagetitle="y"}{FORMAT} ?
Jyhem: I have to leave for a long-planned barbecue (it's a holiday today here), planned before one knew it would be rainy :-/
jonnyb: yup, actually inside a display, which can be in a format
Jyhem: will test later, after meeting
Bsfez: well it doesn't work on a tiki15...
jonnyb: it always rains here if it's a holiday monday and some one says barbeque
Bsfez: should be in 15 i thought
if the page title position and stuff are set to "normal" settings
Bsfez: yes I think also... In fact my code was already set like this... oh... let's try something
by default (admin->wiki) "Display page name as page title" is enable.
on the page I tried properties -> Show page title default (with pagetitle="y") = real page name displayed
I also tried with properties -> Show page title off = same
jonnyb: hmmm, odd Bsfez - let me check
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r62498 10branches/17.x/tiki-user_preferences.php * [FIX] users prefs: Fix test for viewing other users
Bsfez: The browser title page name changed for the tracker item title (good) but the page name at the top of the page still stay the real name
jonnyb: http://addresssuccess.com/record-9-Marie%20Curie looks like it works to me now
Bsfez: at the top of the page, it shows "Record" or "Marie Curie) (check the first text not the ! below)
jonnyb: oh, you mean the page title h1, not the browser title - it never did that one
Bsfez: yes
jonnyb: i would turn it off and put it in the template
Bsfez: off doesn't work...
I re re check properties -> Show page title off
but it is still displayed...
jonnyb: seems to work on 17
Bsfez: ok I tweak that if customer ask for it :)
jonnyb: do you mean where it say "Record"?
Bsfez: yes
jonnyb: and it links to the tracker item - which is odd...
Bsfez: yes ha ha ha
so something was corrected on the way it is displayed between 15 and 17
jonnyb: how bizarre
Bsfez: (I like this song :) )
jonnyb: must be a prefix alias thing i think
just switch it off? (globally)
Bsfez: Mmm
jonnyb: by the way, on your mac does mysql keep failing? Mine does and it's quite annoying...
Bsfez: no ok here (but I removed mac port after last episode :))
Is there an alias switch off globally ?
jonnyb: apparently it'll be fixed in the next release which they're calling 8 instead of 5.8... but was wondering about trying mariadb
yes, i always switch off page title in wiki admin
Bsfez: (those issues sucks)
turning it off solve this page problem, but then... It is off where I need it :)
(I mean no title is displayed)
jonnyb: does the per page thing work ok on a normal page? (it's ok in 17) cos it must be a prefix alias effect i think
Bsfez: yes it work for regular page
jonnyb: brb
Bsfez: jonnnnyyyyyy... We need a real random mode for the plugin list !!!
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Bsfez: :D
jonnyb: looks like it's in elastic search...
http://stackoverflow.com/a/20791296 Bsfez
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jonnyb: pompom polom amette__
Bsfez: heeee.... this is too technical for me :D
Hi Amette
amette__: heya jonnyb and Bsfez
jonnyb: Bsfez: just saying it looks possible in elastic, but would need a bit of development time
Bsfez: Mmm... It will be nice to have a solution for any engine. But ES is good for me... The "bit of development time" is the issue.
jonnyb: might not be much actually - i'll try and take a look later
Bsfez: You got all my support on this ! (and it is a community project => Consultants page) :D
jonnyb: :P
Bsfez: hi hi hi :D
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Andrain: Hey there short question about the search function: I run a multilingual site and when I search using the search module it keeps highlighting not only the searched word but the languagecode as well. for example if I search for test and have the page set to English it also highlights "EN" in my search results. (Tiki Version 16.2, search query: /cms/tiki-searchindex.php?filter%7Econtent=portal&sort_mode=score_ndesc&filter%7Etype%5B%5D
Here is a screenshot for visualization: http://imgur.com/a/Gckqe
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r62499 10branches/17.x/lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit_list.js * [FIX] list gui: Initialise fields array if empty
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jonnyb: hi Andrain - sorry, missed you
r question (oops)
i suppose that's a bug, or at least a "feature disappointment" - i guess we need to tweak the highlighter to ignore hits on language - sometimes it highlights 'y' or 'n' too which isn't very useful...
do you code? :)
need to feed now, but will be back later - meanwhile, welcome to Tiki!
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Andrain: Hello jonnyb thanks for the warm welcome, yeah I do some coding. But mostly on web stuff (JavaScript and some PHP). Would you recommend opening a Bug report for the search issue?
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amette__: heya chibaguy
chibaguy: hi amette__
jonnyb: re-hi all
Andrain: Hello jonnyb thanks for the warm welcome, yeah I do some coding. But mostly on web stuff (JavaScript and some PHP). Would you recommend opening a Bug report for the search issue?
jonnyb: hi Andrain - there might be an easy fix but i can't look at it now, so yes, file a bug report and i'll see what i can do
amette__: sorry, dev/doc down for a while
jonnyb: thanks amette__ (hadn't noticed, it was ok this morning)
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ok, it's back
amette: yeah, I was doing some bigger maintenance on the hypervisor, basically all ok
jonnyb: thanks amette and amette__
Bsfez: Amette ?
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amette__: heya Bsfez
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r62500 10branches/17.x/ 10themes/base_files/less/tiki-modules.less 10themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css
[FIX] search: Improvement on r62454 - make compact mode search box input the same height as the button next to it for all themes (was wrong on https://next.tiki.org)
p.s. Not sure why a couple of [name="find"] were removed but that's how the less file is, chibaguy?
chibaguy: hi jonnyb, I removed them because they seemed to be unnecessary. That is the state of the latest less file, yes.
jonnyb: did i not svn up properly then? or did the css file not get committed?
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JMJimmy: hey all, I'm looking around at wikis to do some fantasy world building but one thing I'm having trouble finding is one that does both mind maps and timelines - does tiki have these as plugins?
jonnyb: Hi JMJimmy
sort of, i think is the answer
JMJimmy: sort of might work at this point ;)
jonnyb: someone did integrate a 3rd party mind map of some sort, and we have simile timeline that just about still works, but is very old
and https://tiki.org/TikiFest+Timeline
JMJimmy: awesome thanks I'll check them out
jonnyb: but we also now (soon) have an intergration with h5p, that does everything! :)
JMJimmy: it's actually really surprising there isn't a niche wiki for writers... seems a natural fit
jonnyb: indeed, but neither are trivial to do well, so not an easy add-on
also i think most existing mind map apps aren't compatible with tiki's license
JMJimmy: ahh
Bsfez: miaou
jonnyb: woof
Bsfez: Interesting idea about the calculation field
"How about a maths calc field outputs a word if the item is new and you use that as a class on a div"
chibaguy: jonnyb, sorry, was away. I'll check on the less files again.
jonnyb: :)
Bsfez: Chibaguy, I feedbacked the new group/permission interface. I you have questions... :)
chibaguy: Ok, Bsfez, thanks.
I see your feedback and will work on those issues.
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Bsfez: (y)
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Jyhem: repolom
anyone has experience into creating an offline version of a Tiki site and keeping it up to date? Tricky part (I'm told) being to keep track of wiki pages attachments
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JMJimmy: jonnyb I spent some time investigating what you mentioned and H5P is... yikes. What isn't gimmicky is reinventing the wheel rather poorly. I'll likely still use tiki but develop my own tools if I can't find anything better
jonnyb: sounds good JMJimmy - look forward to seeing what you develop, and answering a few questions along the way :) welcome to tiki! :)
not sure what you mean about h5p reinventing the wheel poorly, i'm not aware of anything else like it, apart from flash which is unusable these days (surely)
anyway, there's plenty of other stuff in tiki that may help, you should almost certainly look into Trackers and PluginList - in fact you can probably use them as a basis for a "native" tiki mind map...
JMJimmy: some of the code uses jQuery while other parts duplicate's jQuery's functionality, timelines only does gregorian calendar, acordion menus that don't submenu easily (or at all?), that sort of thing
jonnyb: fair enough points i guess - i think they're fairly open to suggestions and feedback...
fabricius: hi JMJimmy: with Tiki it is quite easy to upstream enhancements or new features ... once they are made good nd maintainable. Our development culture is rather enhance features, add missing functionality and add new features when missing, than external extensions or plugins like other systems work.
polm everybody by the way
my keybord and I ... PEBCAK
jonnyb: pompom fabricius
fabricius: wodwod jonnyb
JMJimmy: good to know
-: Bsfez pissed off because school literally force me to setup a windows machine for my 10 year old daughter :(
fabricius: the Tiki community is different. Kind of an anarchic group of friends and family where everybody works together on one eye level, independant wether you are translator, documentator, coder, community manager ... a team where everybody can particiate the monthly round table meeting and live meet the guys at the frequent TikiFests at different plces in the world
Bsfez: set her up a Linux mashine with a VM or so for those apps which only run on Windows and they would not accept alternatives.
Bsfez: if I could !
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fabricius: you cannot?
why a school insists on Windows?
Bsfez: all education is done on win/word/excel (hebrew)
fabricius: Sad
Why not LibreOffice or OpenOffice?
does the school pay the licences?
Bsfez: If I install something else she will suffer... and they even didn't understand why I ask questions about giving internet access to a 10 y old girl.
fabricius: if not sue them at court
younger kids should firt learn handwriting to near perfection and reading physical books
Bsfez: I can do what I want... it won't change that they will learn the kid that way and I don't want my daughter to be aside
fabricius: sure, I understand ... the masseffect
anyway this will make our societies dumber ... similar problems in Germany
Bsfez: clearly... so I'm setting a win and closing access... so she can get only the school websote and wikipedia
fabricius: (y)
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JMJimmy: is CSS the only way to get rid of the header?
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Jyhem: JMJimmy: which header?
JMJimmy: the main header
I did what the doc said but that just generates a module error on every page
Jyhem: The layout is mostly all in smarty templates. You can fork any of them in your chosen theme and edit them
Or edit modules and make them invisible, that also works
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