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patrickproulxjoined #tikiwiki [00:12]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [01:36]
DekthroI'm having issues with item link/lists in Trackers. If I reference more than 1 item from one Tracker in another VIA a "Item Link" with Multiselect, it will not display in the others "Item List". http://take.ms/Xulww
shows if only one is selected - http://take.ms/DA2Ln
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62533 10trunk/doc/devtools/svnup.php
[EHN][FIX] svnup - updated to use symphony, added verbiage paramas, added --no-secdb & --no-reindex
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Dekthronor do Tracker Links with multiselect retain their links :[02:57] patrickproulx joined #tikiwiki [02:41]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62534 10trunk/doc/devtools/svnup.php
[REF] svnup.php - reduced reliance on system calls, eliminated redundant admin index rebuild
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03drsassafras r62535 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Command/IndexRebuildCommand.php * [ENH] Rebuild Index Command - create tiki log upon failure.
03drsassafras r62536 10trunk/ 10lib/tikilib.php 10db/config/tiki.xml * [REF] Adding tiki versions to autoload
03drsassafras r62537 10trunk/ 10(7 files in 7 dirs) * [FIX] Adding missing keyword ids
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03drsassafras r62538 10trunk/doc/devtools/svnup.php * [FIX] svnup.php - can call from tikiroot or doc/devtools now [09:40]
Padlockjoined #tikiwiki
Polom everyone !
I am looking for a way of displaying on a wiki page part or all the history of a document. That is, when printed out, the page will contain sort of a table that says : Version X - author X - Date X, for every history points. Do you think that is possible ?
Actually, what I am trying to do is to add some text at the beginning of a page, as a brief sumarry of the document history (for example one line per major release) and make a link pointing to only significant history points (since the history keeps track of every time the document is saved, making a hell of a lot of history points) [09:53]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki
Padlock: Description?
PadlockHi fabricius, what do you mean ?
For example, I have created a wiki page, and it took me many hours to create it. I kept saving every once in a while, so by the time I finished completing the page in its final state, the page history already lists about 35 history points, when the actual version 1.0 of the document is #35.
Then, if the document needs to be changed, because a new chapter needs to be added, It will again take me several edition sessions to finish adding new stuff. every save will create a new history point and by the time I'm finished vith version 1.1, history will display about 65 entries.
What I would like to do is add in the page itself a box or a table where I can say version 1.0 is this one (link), it was created on (date) by (author)
The simplest thing would be to be able to "clean" the wiki history and only leave history points for each actual release, but 1/ the numbering doesn't update, even if I delete 30 history points, 2/ I cannot update the "what's the modification in this version" field for a previously saved version
Does that make any sense ?
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki
Padlock: the wiki feaure has a description and you can display certain elements like description, Id etc. = tiki-admin.php?page=wiki
sorry leaving the house
if activated, the discrition input field should be in tiki-editpage.php?page=XYZ in the properties tab
PadlockThank you ! i will check that out [10:48]
doc.tiki.org doesn't let me search anything :( [10:54]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [11:28]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [11:38]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r62539 10branches/17.x/templates/register-login.tpl * [FIX] registration: Missing "s" (tested properly this time, thanks Chealer)
03jonnybradley r62540 10branches/17.x/templates/password_help.tpl
[FIX] registration: Don't show potential password error messages if jquery_validation is enabled (thanks Bsfez)
03jonnybradley r62541 10trunk/templates/register-login.tpl 10trunk/templates/password_help.tpl 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62530 to 62540
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PadlockI don't really know what I can put in the "description" field in the wiki page properties :( [14:37]
redflojoined #tikiwiki [14:42]
patrickproulxjoined #tikiwiki [14:45]
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nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [15:20]
Tiki-KGB03chealer r62542 10trunk/lib/prefs/unified.php * Clear definition for unified_search_textarea_admin [15:28]
Jyhem_laptop_joined #tikiwiki [15:31]
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Jyhem_joined #tikiwiki [16:13]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [16:23]
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patrickproulxjoined #tikiwiki [16:58]
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Dekthrois there a way to use a field variable "{$f_1}", or wiki variable ({{page}} specifically) within a {FILTER} for {LIST}? [17:30]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [17:43]
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patrickproulxjoined #tikiwiki [17:50]
Jyhem_polom [18:00]
JyhemIf Dekthro comes back, I believe he would be interested in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMgf1GcWzOs
Is there a way of detecting devices lacking a mouse?
So I can replace the drag and drop section of a page with an apologetic message for them
Dekthrojoined #tikiwiki [18:14]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [18:16]
torsten1joined #tikiwiki [18:26]
amette__joined #tikiwiki
poloms all around
jonnybpompom amette__ [18:27]
amette__heyho jonnyb [18:27]
ironwarningjoined #tikiwiki [18:31]
Dekthro@jyhem thanks ill look at the video :) [18:31]
need your help so much
as some of you may know i have bene having isseus with the tiki and elastic search
On a suggestion i beuilt a new server and installed latest tiki and elastic search user apt to get elastic and i still get
jonnybhi ironwarning [18:34]
ironwarningIndexMissingException[[tiki_pref_en] missing] for index /tiki_pref_en [18:35]
jonnyboh right - oh dear, you had that a while back didn't you... what version tiki and elastic? and what server os? (sorry to repeat) [18:36]
ironwarningdeb latest version
fressh download
16.4 tiki
and which ever apt-get downloads
for elastic
jonnybhmm, if it's es 5.x then you'd need tiki 17.x (alpha was just out)
but es 2.x will work ok with earlier (current) tikis
the other thing - is your tiki in english?
ironwarninganyway to tell es version [18:38]
jonnybyes on the search control panel
tehre should eb a block about version info and index names and size etc
ironwarningClient Node: Machinesmith
Elasticsearch Version: 1.0.3
Lucene Version: 4.6
Cluster Name: elasticsearch
Cluster Status: green
Cluster Node Count: 1
Node Machinesmith: Using 33,065,904 bytes, since 2017-05-11 16:39:56
jonnybwow, version 1.x - that's really old, try version 2 if you can? [18:40]
ironwarningany one wanna build me a blank ova lol
with latest tiki and elastic installed lol
jonnybi did one the other day and it didn't seem too hard, but i think i had to use the instructions on elastic.co and not apt-get
ironwarningyeah having a go noe
jonnybyou'll need to update javba to 1.8 too, which i seem to remember was a bit of a pain [18:43]
ironwarningjava is on 8 i think [18:43]
jonnybgood luck! :) [18:43]
ironwarningits upgrading now fingers crossed [18:44]
DekthroJyhem I think this is exactly what I need, thank you!! [18:51]
ironwarningnow on 2.4 the pref errio hass gone now getting
error : no such index
torsten1joined #tikiwiki [18:57]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [19:26]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [19:33]
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torsten1joined #tikiwiki [19:54]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [20:07]
foobar_joined #tikiwiki [20:11]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r62543 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Services/Comment/Controller.php * [FIX] comments: Don't try to get get perms for non-existent tracker items [20:12]
03jonnybradley r62544 10branches/17.x/lib/freetag/freetaglib.php
[FIX] freetags: Partial fix for mysql 5.7 ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY issue, which was killing the freetagged plugin.
Other statements in this lib need similar treatment but i don't fully understand them and have no test data handy
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [20:21]
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torsten1joined #tikiwiki [21:37]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62545 10trunk/doc/devtools/ 10release.php 10tikirelease.sh * [FIX] release process - now works on OSX [22:56]
Caarriejoined #tikiwiki [23:09]
Jyhemyou are welcome Dekthro. That's the video which got me started. I recognised your question as one I was wondering about :) [23:12]
On Tiki17, one has to replace 5 favicons?
for customisation?
fabriciushi Jyhem
joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB03rjsmelo r62546 10trunk/ 10tiki-admin_ids.php 10templates/tiki-admin_ids.tpl * [FIX] Fix missing CSRF token [23:30]
Jyhemhi fabricius
testing Tiki17 by upgrading a Tiki12 site
I see the Favicon icon file name vanished to the benefit of a folder which contains 5 files now
Jyhem in gimp

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