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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r62576 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62572 to 62574
03lindonb r62577 10branches/17.x/lib/messu/messulib.php
[FIX] user messages: array to string error in db query was causing download of all messages to fail
03lindonb r62578 10trunk 10trunk/lib/messu/messulib.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62574 to 62577
03lindonb r62579 10branches/16.x/lib/messu/messulib.php
[bp/r62577][FIX] user messages: array to string error in db query was causing download of all messages to fail
03lindonb r62580 10branches/15.x/lib/messu/messulib.php
[bp/r62577][FIX] user messages: array to string error in db query was causing download of all messages to fail
03lindonb r62581 10branches/12.x/lib/messu/messulib.php
[bp/r62577][FIX] user messages: array to string error in db query was causing download of all messages to fail
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Hey tikiwiki-community! I could not find reliable information if mediawiki import is possible right now – in my trials, i get the error "not compatible mediawiki version". Any ideas? Thanks a lot! Flo
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fabricius: Hello fleg[m]1, I have no idea, if it is working right now. usually things in Tiki work throughout many versions, so it usually makes sense to test if old stuff still works in new versions. In your case MediaWiki might have changed things, which Tiki does not know about and thus it might not work anymore.
fleg[m]1, you could write a forum post at or a new item to the wishlist/bugtracker on ... the better your description, the higher the chance that you get assistance by some coder or developer. When you have a tiki user name (being registered at it is possible to follow up and contact you
fleg[m]1: Hey fabricius, thanks! I will do that.
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
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Tiki-KGB: 03rjsmelo r62582 10trunk/.gitignore * [REF] Add vendor folder inside vendor_bundled also to gitignore
03rjsmelo r62583 10branches/ 10(207 files in 140 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 61927 to 62582