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RobertIT: joined #tikiwiki
morning :)
I have a problem with setting in tiki search via attached pdf files... i have installed poppler-utils and by command pdftotext /home/tiki/Downloads/test.pdf - i see whole pdf in terminal, but when i set MIME application/pdf and pdftotext %1 - and after click reindex and attach new pdf i cant see any resoult after searching words from this pdf file, where i have mistake? hepl please :)
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
RobertIT: IT WORKS, but only for files attached by main menu->file galleries->add file; My company have many structures and they attach pdfs to those pages, i need to set searching for attached pdfs to the Wiki->structures->view icon->click on interesting structure _> attach file. for this procedure i have a clear tree and i dont have all files in 1 place, and i need to add searching words from those files.
luciash: polomorning
RobertIT: hi, do you have set store attachments in file galleries?
RobertIT: luciash: when i attach in file galerries then is ok
problem is when eployees attach to
attach the file from below the page direct from wiki structures. And the perfect way to set searching words from attached pdf files this way.
The easiest way is copy those files to the file gallery where searching works fine, but like 20 persons can attach the files this way. It is easy to get mistakje and not attach to file gallery the pdf file and for this way searching can give wrong resoult.
or resoult fro previous version of procedure
luciash: RobertIT: I think there is setting "to store wiki page attachments in File Gallery"
RobertIT: or something along these words
RobertIT: instead of storing them the old way in wiki attachments directory
RobertIT: you might try to enable that and see if the files get indexed then
RobertIT: i cant find nothing even simillar to store wiki attachments... its only store in database or store in directory :(
do u mean listings and set it from list to page? but, I guess, its not this
luciash: RobertIT: lemme try to find it
RobertIT: "Use file galleries for wiki attachments"
RobertIT: on
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
RobertIT: OMG Preference Filters need to be checked not only BASSIC !!! :D
whoaaa now i see a lot of new options :D
luciash: :)
Bsfez: Someone is happy (I can feel the force!) ?
RobertIT: ok after check Use file galleries for wiki attachments is it works to the files already attached?
or i need to reindex them or maybe again attach?
nvm i checi ti :)
YEAH IT WORKS :D:D:D:D:D:D but all attachments dissapears, when i uncheck it then attachments are back xD
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
RobertIT: so its not working correctly :(
luciash: RobertIT: I fear you need to reattach them if you change the storage to file gals... not sure if there is any tool to move the existing attachments to file galery
hi chibaguy :)
chibaguy: hi luciash
luciash: and hi Bsfez :)
Bsfez: Hi Chibaguy, Luciash
luciash: RobertIT: if it is not near this preference checkbox, probably not
chibaguy: and hi Bsfez and all
Bsfez: (chibaguy don't forget me please I'm need the info I asked by email)
chibaguy: Bsfez, yep, working on it as we speak.
Bsfez: thanks :)
RobertIT: i cant reattach because it is a few thousands of files....
maybe i dont have some permissions checked for show the files
luciash: RobertIT: nope, it is not about permissions
RobertIT: must be something that i can search by attached files not in file gallery... btw
is my file gallery
if i change id to 2 or 3 or 4 then it shows my oter "file galleries" with attached files
and i needt to search to those fiiles... id depends on which site i enter
it is local so it cant be opened from outside
this is srtucture with attached file
with pdf inside
i cant move it to file gallery... company dont give me a permission because structures are alerady exist and procedures must be attached there
luciash: RobertIT: make a wish to add "move existing attachments to file gallery" feature
RobertIT: on
RobertIT: too much time for registering and making a wish :/
btw i wont move it to file gallery, i want to serch via files attached in structures :) thats it
maybe i neet just update tiki from 12 to version 16.x ?
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: RobertIT: the process of attaching of the files would be exactly the same - they will just be stored in file galleries and indexed their content
RobertIT: otherwise I fear you will not get them indexed (searchable)
RobertIT: what if atm clik on "move files from database to directory" ? they will dissapear from tables in structures?
and what about structures tree? if they dont have attachments (only description) it wolud not have a sense
fx someone search information about vindication process, he walk over the tree... found a description but whole process is in pdf file with shema so now he must go to or searching or clickin in file gallery?
luciash: everyone: Reminder! We have a meeting in 50 minutes ;)
RobertIT: they will be still there but also found via File galleries
no other difference
RobertIT: how i can find Wiki Attachment File Galleries? because i can not find it in file galery
only when i search some word i can click below resoult on it and i open it...
luciash: should be somewhere in File Galleries - did not you have to specify file gallery where to save the attachments when you enabled it?
chibaguy_: joined #tikiwiki
RobertIT: i have it... but im loosing view of attachments in structures
amette__: left #tikiwiki
RobertIT: Use file galleries for wiki attachments - hides attachments in structures
unchecking file galleries for wiki attachments restores attachments in structures but hides in file galleries ... meh
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
round table poloms
luciash: heya jonnyb
will ya join me? :)
jonnyb: omw
luciash: Bsfez: ping!
chibaguy_: pong!
nelsonko: you there?
joining us?
nelsonko: yes internet issue
will be joining asap
I can't connect, will have to reboot
joined #tikiwiki
let me restart my router and see if it helps
nelsonko_: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r62641 10branches/17.x/vendor_extra/pear/Net/LDAP2.php
[FIX] Workaround fatal error in checkLDAPExtension() when the LDAP extension is missing and the SAPI does not provide dl() by patching our Net_LDAP2
This fatal error would yield a blank page due to the @ operator.
Really old bug, reported in upstream bug #21212
03patrick-proulx r62642 10trunk/ 10templates/trackerinput/files.tpl 10lib/core/Tracker/Field/Files.php
[FIX] Added consistency to the tracker file upload and link viewing to show a preview when the files are images.
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Tiki-KGB: 03patrick-proulx r62643 10trunk/lib/setup/tracker_force_fill.php
[FIX] Added a pref check to tracker_force_fill prefs to ensure that dependent prefs are filled out as well (crashes if dependent prefs are empty)
03patrick-proulx r62644 10trunk/lib/setup/tracker_force_fill.php * [FIX] Fix accidental buggy commit (r62643)
03patrick-proulx r62645 10branches/16.x/lib/setup/tracker_force_fill.php
[bp/r62643][bp/62644][FIX] Added a pref check to tracker_force_fill prefs to ensure that dependent prefs are filled out as well (crashes if dependent prefs are empty)
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r62646 10trunk/lang/fr/language.php * [FIX] Apply profile confirmation strings
patrickproulx: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03patrick-proulx r62647 10trunk/lib/prefslib.php
[FIX] Fixed issue with pref multiselector returning an array of size 1 (empty string), rather than an empty array if nothing was selected.
03patrick-proulx r62648 10branches/16.x/lib/prefslib.php
[bp/r62647][FIX] Fixed issue with pref multiselector returning an array of size 1 (empty string), rather than an empty array if nothing was selected.
03chealer r62649 10trunk/lang/fr/language.php * [FIX] "User information": s/Confidentialité/Information utilisateur/
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Tiki-KGB: 03sokoloski r62650 10trim/ 10src/instancelib.php 10src/appinfo/wordpress.php 10src/appinfo/tiki.php * [ENH] Preliminary external file support for backup/restore/clone operations.
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki